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The behaviour of some players in swtor and mmos in general.


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Someone on the Internet hurt my feels.


I'm all for idealism guys, but.......



Get real.


And for you this isnt an issue that should be adressed?


I dont care anymore what people call me on internet. There was a time I cared, but not anymore.


This kind of behaviour makes the game unplayable for some people, so ofc it should be talked about. But what? I am getting real...

Edited by HakkaP
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And for you this isnt an issue that should be adressed?


I dont care anymore what people call me on internet. There was a time I cared, but not anymore.


This kind of behaviour makes the game unplayable for some people, so ofc it should be talked about. But what? I am getting real...


If you garner your enjoyment of a game and its playability based on some validation you are seeking from other random anonymous people on the Internet....well I don't quite know what to say sir.


Do you quit life when people call you names or exclude you?


Until bioware starts paying people to be nice and rewarding them for showing others the ropes, there will ALWAYS be the kid who gets picked last for dodgeball. Sorry.

Edited by Spatology
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Great post OP. couldn't agree more.

I've never understood why some people feel the need to prop up their own self worth at another persons expense.


new players are a boon to the game. helping them to learn their class and improve their game play benefits everyone.

plenty of times I have said 'never run this one before'... and have had positive responses (no prob, just do what I do, we'll be fine... ect) and I always offer the same to others.


as my first mmo I quickly learned that /ignore can be a persons best friend. have a problem with jerks? /ignore frees you from their nonsense forever and improves your quality of game and life.

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Not gunna lie, most of the PUGs that I try to nicely give advice to explode.


For example: this guy broke every CC as soon as we pulled a group. I mean he'd jump to them right away.


It was in a lowbie FP. He was a DPS. It wiped us quite a few times because of a new tank and healer learning how to play their class.


Everyone asked him to stop, but he didn't. So I asked if he knew what CCs where, and if he didn't I could explain them to him.


His reply was, "Leave me alone O.K!!!!!!! Can we just do this....god...sigh...". I tried to explain that I was only trying to be helpful but he just got more and more mad. :/


Of course he ended up being kicked.

Edited by Radzkie
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Not gunna lie, most of the PUGs that I try to nicely give advice to explode.


For example: this guy broke every CC as soon as we pulled a group. I mean he'd jump to them right away.


It was in a lowbie FP. He was a DPS. It wiped us quite a few times because of a new tank and healer learning how to play their class.


Everyone asked him to stop, but he didn't. So I asked if he knew what CCs where, and if he didn't I could explain them to him.


His reply was, "Leave me alone O.K!!!!!!! Can we just do this....god...sigh...". I tried to explain that I was only trying to be helpful but he just got more and more mad. :/


Of course he ended up being kicked.

Precisely, there is a fine line between being an honest newb, and being a flaming noob...:rolleyes:

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Not gunna lie, most of the PUGs that I try to nicely give advice to explode.


For example: this guy broke every CC as soon as we pulled a group. I mean he'd jump to them right away.


It was in a lowbie FP. He was a DPS. It wiped us quite a few times because of a new tank and healer learning how to play their class.


Everyone asked him to stop, but he didn't. So I asked if he knew what CCs where, and if he didn't I could explain them to him.


His reply was, "Leave me alone O.K!!!!!!! Can we just do this....god...sigh...". I tried to explain that I was only trying to be helpful but he just got more and more mad. :/


Of course he ended up being kicked.


And this is why you punish them. The majority of these people who are mad that they were booted etc...are people like that. It's true in life, it's true in a game. I think most in this thread would say you shouldn't have kicked them.


There is a fine line in being willing to help, and putting up with idiots.

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If you garner your enjoyment of a game and its playability based on some validation you are seeking from other random anonymous people on the Internet....well I don't quite know what to say sir.


Do you quit life when people call you names or exclude you?


Until bioware starts paying people to be nice and rewarding them for showing others the ropes, there will ALWAYS be the kid who gets picked last for dodgeball. Sorry.


Thats a bad comparison. Better would be, if you were a bit fat, and thought to yourself, I want to do something to get more fit. Then go to gym and there is some body builder yelling you all the time, how you suck in life. Would you want to go to gym again after that?


People seek validation, its a basic human behavior... But that is another subject.

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Thats a bad comparison. Better would be, if you were a bit fat, and thought to yourself, I want to do something to get more fit. Then go to gym and there is some body builder yelling you all the time, how you suck in life. Would you want to go to gym again after that?


People seek validation, its a basic human behavior... But that is another subject.


This happens. You push through it. The weak fall, the strong are left. Progress is made.

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I pay money to play this game.


Stop trying to dictate my actions.


If I'm not violating the TOS, I should be able to be as rude/vile as I imagine my character would be.


I get it. You guys wanna make this a fun and safe place for everyone....but it will never be so.


Do the best you can and restrict who you play with by modifying your ignore list.

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Normal social behavior is kept in check in RL by fear of death and fear of being ostracized. If you screw up in life, you get but one single chance. Perhaps that's what they need to have in MMO's as well, a community check program.


Give people a ranking system and if they fall far enough down the scale, out they *********** go. The issue is keeping it from being abused or exploited.

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And this is why you punish them. The majority of these people who are mad that they were booted etc...are people like that. It's true in life, it's true in a game. I think most in this thread would say you shouldn't have kicked them.

There is a fine line in being willing to help, and putting up with idiots.


I don't see the need for the whole 'punishment' thing. had the guy in the example (dps'er) been in my group I would have vote kicked him too. makes my game time more enjoyable and one less jerk to deal with. if he learns something great if not oh well. I just don't see the need to punish, or even think of it that way.


also, don't think the line between being helpful and putting up with idiots is all that thin btw.

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Take socially awkward people who don't have enough to do in real life.


Give them something they can be good at.


Give them an anonymous outlet to feel important.


And this is what you get.


Life on the Internet.

Edited by Arkerus
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Your first line is the problem, your last lines are the solution.


Anyone thinking they have the right to "punish", attack, insult, intimidate anyone has some serious internal control issues that they need to deal with LOL. As you stated, if they are willing to listen, they can make it through any flashpoint. I've dragged entire groups through dungeons and flashpoints in multiple games.


If they are not willing to listen, then they are the one instigating, kick them from the group without all the childish banter that I've seen some partake in. When this occurs, it has nothing to do with the ability of others, but a lack of intellect, social skills or ability to control one's impulses. In fact, quite often, the guy doing the dwee-brage has no idea what he is talking about. LOL


Personally, I'd be more likely to initiate a kick for the "pro" that is berating someone then an individual learning the game.....and have done just that. I have time for people learning the game, no time for nerd-ragering fools.


I suppose the fact that the vote to kick and ultimately the kick from group is a form of "punishment" and may very well be exactly what he was referring to was lost on you?

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Vote to kick is not a punishment, it's a lifeline for the rest of the group. If someone is causing your group to fail permanently, you can vote kick or disband. One of those methods let's the other 3 continue enjoying the game.


Again, this is for Hard Mode. It takes a lot to kick in story mode, but abusive language can be a start towards it.

Edited by annabethchase
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Vote to kick is not a punishment, it's a lifeline for the rest of the group. If someone is causing your group to fail permanently, you can vote kick or disband. One of those methods let's the other 3 continue enjoying the game.


Again, this is for Hard Mode. It takes a lot to kick in story mode, but abusive language can be a start towards it.


this. IMO its no difference if its a hard mode or story mode, if someone is the reason you cant proceed, then vote kick. I remember when I first tried lost island (if I remember the name right, the hardest fp anyways). I hadnt studied it, and I was too drunk to try something new like that. I told before I hadnt done it before. We tried the first boss like 4-5 times, and I was allways the main reason why we all died. Then finally they had enough and vote kicked me. I was okay with that. first 3 tries they all were supportive, and tried to tell me what to do, but I just couldnt learn from it, cause I was too drunk. :) But then ofc enough is enough.


Like I said, I am no saint. I have got angry to people, when they let adds attack me, when im healer for example. No problem for vote kicking if someone is the reason you cant proceed (like I said in my op, we were proceeding just fine), or if someone ninja loots. etc. But even then I think its pathetic to make it personal.

Edited by HakkaP
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It's the anonymity of the internet. It gives people the 'courage' to say things and act in ways that they'd never dare in real life. It's pathetic and so are the people that participate in this kind of behavior... but it's not going to change.
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It's the anonymity of the internet. It gives people the 'courage' to say things and act in ways that they'd never dare in real life. It's pathetic and so are the people that participate in this kind of behavior... but it's not going to change.


It's not going to change because it has nothing to do with the internet and is not new. How often do you read stories about people who did something enormously stupid and then gleefully revealed their stupidity to not only others, but to the very people in the best position to deliver them the worst consequences?


  • The guy who gets his illegal drug stash stolen and enlists the police to recover it.
  • The guy who- while driving drunk- decided to pull over for a bite to eat at a drive through- and pulls into the police station instead.
  • The innumerable people who commit crimes openly- when they know they are on film.


Hell, this even happens with the aid of the internet. Can't tell you how many stories I've read that are a variation on, "guy knocks over gas station, puts pictures of himself with the loot on his Facebook".


People who are prone to this kind of stupidity are just as prone on the internet as they are 'in real life'. And no, that will never change- because people- pixellated or otherwise- don't change.

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I got booted from a 55 HM that was almost cleared just because I used 'Music Therapy Probe' - I use it instead of my class regeneration ability.


Soon as I was kicked I was thrown on ignore. Hadn't said a word to them other than question why I was being threatened with being kicked because I used it.


These kind of people are the other end of the spectrum, and quite frankly I dislike them much more than noobs. Larger percentage of noobs can be helped with advice than people claim. The "stop having fun" guys cannot be helped.

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  • 7 months later...
I wish it would go back to being a niche like in UO where you could gank anyone anytime anywhere and rob them your be amazed how it corrects attitudes as far as im concerned the mainstreaming of mmos has jurt the genre more than helped its just diluted the gameplay and reasoning behind mmos. Now its just a cash cow instead of a fun creative outlet where people are afraid to take design risks and end up with a homogenous generic crap fest




The ability/option to enact a little explicit "player-on-player justice" wouldn't hurt this community any, and would probably improve it by leaps and bounds, especially given the lack of cross-server queuing capability.


Each server is its own "village," so it's fundamentally easier to know just who that village's idiots are, logically followed by rewarding them appropriately for same.

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The power of negative reinforcement is a contradictory method of teaching, often failing in the real world due to the overall personal "face to face" aspects of human interaction.


Take for example, a big guy that's 7'3 and a little guy who's 5'4. The 7'3 guy is as ignorant as a bag of rocks, and doesn't know anything about the game as a 55 end game player. The 5'4 guy is an experienced veteran, has what many of you would describe as "little man syndrome" and openly harasses the 7'3 guy for being a bad and giving him a torrent of insultive criticism.


However, because the 7'3 guy is, in this case, thick skinned and finds useful information from the 5'4 guy's angry ranting such as using his stuns to peel for a healer from "you're a f****** tank, peel the enemy attackers instead of being a useless POS!", he improves his game and becomes a better player because he does not have the intimidation factor he can bestow onto the 5'4 guy if this was a face to face interaction. Had this been a real life encounter, the 5'4 guy would have never spewed forth the criticism and because this is a real world scenario and not "fantasy uplifting approaches to human psychology", the small tidbits of useful information that could help improve the 7'3 guy would never have come to light, as the 5'4 man would not have found a nice way to put it out of his own frustration towards not only the big guy being ignorant, but also unable to voice it without getting smashed into the ground.


Welcome to the internet, where negative reinforcement is actually the best method of teaching. Simply because of the lack of face to face and personable reactions taking away both negative aspects and positive aspects of human ego. Meaning, if you want to be right here, the strategies of talking over others, being louder than the next person, and using other muscles to make your points instead of the most important one aren't going to save you.


Get a back bone and stop taking text so harshly. Let the negative reinforcement improve you as either an individual or a player, and ignore it if it goes too far same as you learn about people giving you praise (which, actually, I think some of you need to work on this as well since a good bit of people don't know how to take a compliment and remain humble). The joys of hiding behind a keyboard and a screen are limitless, as long as you stop trying to turn it into the real, personable world.

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