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Lowbie PvP vs my 55


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I'm not gonna go into much here. Just to say that I've been grinding for gear on my lvl 55 Marauder since I reached lvl cap the other day and man....I had to take a break from gettin my butt whipped so much. Yeah some of that's from lack of skill. I didn't play as consistently as I should have as I leveled up but I used to win some and I've gotten a few mvp's. However, all that's changed since I reached 55. lol What a grind.


So tonight I decide to take my little lvl 10 in for sh**ts and giggles and man was it fun again! It's going to be hard to go back and get demolished on my lvl55 when I can have fun on my lowbie toons in pvp.


I dunno but..maybe Bioware should take a look at the fun factor for new level capped players. With that said I applaud those that have done their weeks of grinding to get that gear. I don't know if I want to go through it though. I can't play all day. lol


Anyway, just a suggestion from a subscriber and a casual pvp'er. Thanks for reading.

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Gear isnt the problem, the problem is that you are playing players with full talent trees, better players and more premades at 55.


While I wouldn't say it is the problem, it would be disingenuous to say it wasn't a problem.

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It's fun because time-to-kill is quick. Tanks don't have all their CCs, def CDs and Healers don't have their capstone healing abilities. 55 PvP can be fun in close games but most of the time your team is either crushed or crushing. And if both teams have good compositions and are equally skilled it becomes a bore fest where you smash buttons the entire duration of the wz and nobody on either team dies. Edited by Gren-Aluren
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It's fun because time-to-kill is quick. Tanks don't have all their CCs, def CDs and Healers don't have their capstone healing abilities.

Carebears have been QQing that the warzone TTK is too short for a long time.


Too short? In Unreal Tournament, a fully loaded rocket launcher - in MMO terms, 6-second mobile target cast - is an instant gib. So is a shock pulse, an interruptible pre-targeted AOE 2-3 second stationary cast. That's the time to kill, and UT's objective matches are quite similar to TOR's warzones. Mind you, Unreal is considered very slow-paced and deliberate by action game standards.


MMO are even slower paced - but after catching R, T, Y, sR, sV, B from a pure DPS class you should be clicking "return to medcenter", not still running around with half your health. You could have cleansed, you could have broken the LOS, you could have popped your cooldowns, you could have grabbed a heal. If you decided that what you were doing was more important than staying alive, respawning is a fair price to pay.


Now they've "fixed" it. First the healing debuff was compensated for by expertise, now in 2.0 everyone has a million hitpoints and every healer does a million heals or two if they don't afk, DPS or cap.



So what should you do if you're focused by a top DPS unloading their best cooldowns on you? Whatever it is you were doing. It will take a long time for you to die, and in that time a healer rolling by will casually throw a HoT on you and make it like this damage never happened.

That's how you raid, so that's how you should PvP. Or wait, hardmode raids actually require you to evade, LoS, kite, cleanse... Well, they're called hard for a reason; PvP shouldn't be, should it?

Edited by B-Dick
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Yeah i feel your pain, I did the same on me sent first time around got to 50 with no gear or wz comms to speak of , then got him sorted and bw moved the cap to 55.. so still working on gearing him up. What i do now is tend to pvp from 40 until i max out all me comms then i crack on with anything thing else i need to do like class and flashpoints etc.

Truth be told tho on my lowbie alts im pvping from lvl 10 and it is a lot more fun for me to level that way. I find that having a few lowbies to smack people around on tends to sooth the butt-hurt of an ungeared 55.

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While I wouldn't say it is the problem, it would be disingenuous to say it wasn't a problem.
I've never considered it to be a problem but I'm also aware that the classes I like to play don't rely as much on gear as others (one can argue that those "others" are benefiting a tad too much from gear) . Having augments is IMO more important than having top PvP gear and this was the main problem with recruit, no one ever auged it due to the fact that it was blue gear. Had recruit been moddable and people had been able to pull the mods it wouldnt have been a big deal.
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If you are getting killed a lot as a mara/sent in 55s is probably because


1) You are not using your Defensive CDs correctly

2) You are overextending / tunneling

3) Your team is getting destroyed


Number 3 can't really be helped but if you focus on improving 1 and 2 it will go a long way. You can eat a ton of damage as a mara/sent if you play it correctly. The class forums have good info, and watching streams/youtube vids can help a lot as well.

Edited by Domatron
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My guildies and I refer to the 10-29 Bracket as the Dirty Lowbies. That bracket is absolutely the worst form of PvP in any MMO anywhere whatsoever. Absolute terrible garbage play by the majority of players (a lot of F2Pers and such), and the lack of basic skills, like an interrupt for many, just make the combat encounters that much worse.


The only good thing about combat in the Dirty Lowbies is that there is less CC, but that's mainly because a lot of the classes, well...don't have any yet. lol


Lowbies 30-54 is much better and more competitive although horridly imbalanced itself. But at least in that bracket there is strat beyond straight drooling. Both are only good as a nice alternative to the dull and bland planetary questing in this game while leveling. From a PvP standpoint, they are an abomination.

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My guildies and I refer to the 10-29 Bracket as the Dirty Lowbies. That bracket is absolutely the worst form of PvP in any MMO anywhere whatsoever. Absolute terrible garbage play by the majority of players (a lot of F2Pers and such), and the lack of basic skills, like an interrupt for many, just make the combat encounters that much worse.


The only good thing about combat in the Dirty Lowbies is that there is less CC, but that's mainly because a lot of the classes, well...don't have any yet. lol


Lowbies 30-54 is much better and more competitive although horridly imbalanced itself. But at least in that bracket there is strat beyond straight drooling. Both are only good as a nice alternative to the dull and bland planetary questing in this game while leveling. From a PvP standpoint, they are an abomination.


This is true in a manner of speaking, but by the same token:


It makes 10-29 more fun, cuz you know that giving any ****s at all is simply not necessary.


Go play the objectives, guard, call INCs, throw out some off-heals on someone who needs them (if Merc), troll people at nodes and ninja-cap if possible (if stealth-class), and the chips will fall where they will.


It's all good as long as I know I've done my part as best I can.

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My guildies and I refer to the 10-29 Bracket as the Dirty Lowbies. That bracket is absolutely the worst form of PvP in any MMO anywhere whatsoever. Absolute terrible garbage play by the majority of players (a lot of F2Pers and such), and the lack of basic skills, like an interrupt for many, just make the combat encounters that much worse.


The only good thing about combat in the Dirty Lowbies is that there is less CC, but that's mainly because a lot of the classes, well...don't have any yet. lol


Lowbies 30-54 is much better and more competitive although horridly imbalanced itself. But at least in that bracket there is strat beyond straight drooling. Both are only good as a nice alternative to the dull and bland planetary questing in this game while leveling. From a PvP standpoint, they are an abomination.


Pretty much. I detist lowbie PvP, particularly 10-29. Half the team has damage below what would you get spamming your normal attack, and no one plays objectives. The 30-54 is much better, and in lvl 50 going upwards you gain a huge advantage in skill and damage output comparably and can sway the WZ outcome very easily. 55 is were its at, but you need to know what you are doing. And unfortunately there are still way too many bads in 55 WZs, which is literally a death sentence if you are running against a good team or a premade, which sometimes makes 55 WZs much more annoying.


If you can't avg 500 dps / 600 hps /150 pps (depending on your role) in 30-54 WZs and 55 WZs, generally, you are the problem, not the bracket.

Edited by Ottoattack
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  • 2 weeks later...
My guildies and I refer to the 10-29 Bracket as the Dirty Lowbies. That bracket is absolutely the worst form of PvP in any MMO anywhere whatsoever. Absolute terrible garbage play by the majority of players (a lot of F2Pers and such), and the lack of basic skills, like an interrupt for many, just make the combat encounters that much worse.


The only good thing about combat in the Dirty Lowbies is that there is less CC, but that's mainly because a lot of the classes, well...don't have any yet. lol


Lowbies 30-54 is much better and more competitive although horridly imbalanced itself. But at least in that bracket there is strat beyond straight drooling. Both are only good as a nice alternative to the dull and bland planetary questing in this game while leveling. From a PvP standpoint, they are an abomination.



I certainly see your point. For example yesterday I'm in a pug at Voidstar (Lowbie bracket) and I mention before we start (we were on defense) that at all cost we needed to interrupt the other team at the doors. Less than a minute later and with ALL our team on just one of the doors guarding....the door was open. lol


Later during a Hutball match I passed the ball up to a sniper close to the goal line and he never moved. Just kept on firing until the other team got to him and he was dead. He never realized he had the ball. haha.


Anyway, still fun but yeah...frustrating at times.

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