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Nerf Alert: Seeker Droid getting much lower results in recent patches


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The quest for the GSI speeders has been a side quest I would return to once events and new quest have been completed. I'm finding the frequency of filler and semi valuable items has been reduced to nothing even while using the blue GSI Triangulation Enhancer. You can do 30 drops with a seeker and pull up nothing other than a bone fragment. Has the frequency been altered in some way?


Concurrently I've noticed no other seeker droid enthusiasts sifting through the sand. A couple of weeks ago you were sure to find others with their robotic metal detectors looking for speeder parts.


Note to Developers: Please look at the frequency ratio of drops for this side quest because right now it's practically zero.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I submitted an in-game ticket as a bug, since there was nothing in the patch notes that there was going to be any changes.


There are a few things that have happened:

1. The GSI Enhancement MK-II does not give very much help. Either you are very far away, or you are very close. The size of the green bar doesn't seem to be dynamic based on your relative distance anymore.

2. Unless you actually find the item that the seeker droid is bearing in on, ALL results are red, with noting found. There is no more "general stuff", grey or otherwise found anymore.

3. In relation to #2, MANY times the "Seeker Droid has found something", This turns out to be a grey item "Bioware's lost dentures" or something to that effect

4. When the "Seeker Droid found something INTERESTING", while better than grey items, it's pretty pathetic.


My ticket response was from Customer Service as follows:

"I realize that this has been a frustrating experience for you and I can only apologize......

It is random as to what loot the Seeker Droid will find, so a player can be unlucky and not find the items they want for some time. I wish you good luck and hopefully your fortunes will change soon"

and then a link for feedback..... no : puke: emote found, using :mad:


Completely ignored my information and didn't even bother to offer any explanation as to why the change, or send my feedback to anyone. NOT what I pay a subscription for.


I admit that it might have been a little to easy to get some of he special gear, but by nerfing this altogether, i have completely lost interest in this side interest and can't be bothered anymore.


And to think I was considering to retire and become a treasure seeker...


Bottom line, it got nerfed, no indication if this was meant to be done, and no indication that it is going to change.


Good job screwing up another fun feature.

Edited by marginal_error
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Yup same here. In the first few weeks of having my seeker droid I was digging all over the place and finding item mods, armour and all sorts of useful stuff. A recent patch nerfed it and now I get useles trash and that's it. I've stopped digging, I just can't be bothered any more. :(
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1. The GSI Enhancement MK-II does not give very much help. Either you are very far away, or you are very close. The size of the green bar doesn't seem to be dynamic based on your relative distance anymore.


As far as I can tell those enhancements increase the precision of the marker, i.e., you get a better clue about the direction, not the distance.

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As far as I can tell those enhancements increase the precision of the marker, i.e., you get a better clue about the direction, not the distance.


The green bar also provided a "range" of how far away you were to the target item . The closer you were, the smaller the green bar, the further you were, the larger the green bar was. This is more relevant to the MK-II, the MK-I didn't have this effect, it was more directional than anything else, which is why it could be bought at a vendor, while the MK-II were craft-able by a cybertech.

Edited by marginal_error
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I have not only stopped doing any "Your Seeker Droid Detects Something in the Area" side searches for items, but have dropped all seeker droid quests including the Chaos Seeds Quests because of the bug that messed up the seeker droids.

I have run circles and circles, and only after the second or third, complete return to start to get either a red cicle or finally the item. Again, back at where I had started in the first place. A complete waste of time and a pain when you have to keep killing the mobs that re-spawn in the area.


I will do a couple quests that require the seeker droids on occasion, the Ship Parts on Hoth and the fossilized eggs on Tatooine, as you find the item and just set the seeker droid over said item to pick it up.


There have been other threads in this, Bug Report, Forum that discuss this problem. Not only of the seeker droids malfunction, but of any and all (blue / superior) Enhancements not even working in helping the search along in any way whatsoever.

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2.2.3 patch notes.



Macrobinoculars and Seeker Droid

When a buried treasure is found with the Seeker Droid, there is now a higher chance to find deployment boosts, reputation trophies, secure crates, or speeder parts.

The Seeker Droid no longer has a random chance to dig up items when the player is not near

a buried treasure.

Junk items dug up by the Seeker Droid are now level 10 or below.

Gear can no longer be dug up by the Seeker Droid, with the exception of Dreadseed and Star Forager armor.

Special buried treasure (one per Seeker Droid digsite) now has a greater chance of being a rare speeder part.

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2.2.3 patch notes.



Macrobinoculars and Seeker Droid

When a buried treasure is found with the Seeker Droid, there is now a higher chance to find deployment boosts, reputation trophies, secure crates, or speeder parts.

The Seeker Droid no longer has a random chance to dig up items when the player is not near

a buried treasure.

Junk items dug up by the Seeker Droid are now level 10 or below.

Gear can no longer be dug up by the Seeker Droid, with the exception of Dreadseed and Star Forager armor.

Special buried treasure (one per Seeker Droid digsite) now has a greater chance of being a rare speeder part.


No mention of the seeker droid running around in circles and then after the third time or so finding a Seed of Rage at the very position you started your "epic" quest or just getting that red circle of "nothing here" [in area]?


No mention on the nerf to the MK-II enhancements so that they no longer are working as they once did?


So I have to believe the tweak in the update created a bug in the ability of the seeker droids to tell up from down and left from right when the spastic path it traverses is all over it's own trail.

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