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Anyone else peeved that the next Cartel Pack will have a new rep?


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I did some analysis of the Enforcer packs, you can see some of my conclusions here. I estimate you needed to open 120 packs for max rep, which is 5 hypercrates. This analysis was done before BioWare increased the drop rate of the certificates, which means the rep items must have gone down in drop rate. I will probably try to survey people again for the next packs.
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I hear you, all I'm saying is that I have no problem paying real money for something I want to buy directly from the CM. Yes I can buy the rare items on the GTN for crazy credits but I'd rather have the option to buy direct with real money. I don't want to gamble and I don't want to buy crates just to sell them on the GTN. Call me crazy I guess.


So don't do either. And you're set.


You don't get to have everything in the world your way. You have two options:


1.) Hope to get RNG-items, and/or blow lots of money on packs

2.) Buy the items straight-out on the GTN


Seems more than good enough for me. Same with the rep -- ALL of the rep is unnecessary to play the game. Just like crafting is unnecessary, and space missions are unnecessary, and PvP, OPs, FPs, etc. Just choose the pieces of the game you like, and play them. Ignore the pieces you don't like or don't enjoy. But, especially when you have a choice, don't complain that everything in-game isn't exactly the way you want it to be.

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So don't do either. And you're set.


You don't get to have everything in the world your way. You have two options:


1.) Hope to get RNG-items, and/or blow lots of money on packs

2.) Buy the items straight-out on the GTN


Seems more than good enough for me. Same with the rep -- ALL of the rep is unnecessary to play the game. Just like crafting is unnecessary, and space missions are unnecessary, and PvP, OPs, FPs, etc. Just choose the pieces of the game you like, and play them. Ignore the pieces you don't like or don't enjoy. But, especially when you have a choice, don't complain that everything in-game isn't exactly the way you want it to be.


K. Spend a couple hundred dollars on hypercrates only to not get what you want then see if you ever buy another one. Makes great business sense right? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been burnt on those crates and packs enough times to not want to continue buying them. Yes I know, don't buy them then, don't participate if you don't want to etc. Well I was gonna drop another couple hundred dollars on some hypercrates cause I really like some of the stuff this time around but do I really want to gamble and get burnt again and end up with a ton of junk I don't want and have to try and sell all that stuff? There is a better way to do this and you don't have to agree with me but the fact remains that many of us are done buying packs and crates. I want this game to succeed but I will no longer support gambling.

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K. Spend a couple hundred dollars on hypercrates only to not get what you want then see if you ever buy another one. Makes great business sense right? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been burnt on those crates and packs enough times to not want to continue buying them. Yes I know, don't buy them then, don't participate if you don't want to etc. Well I was gonna drop another couple hundred dollars on some hypercrates cause I really like some of the stuff this time around but do I really want to gamble and get burnt again and end up with a ton of junk I don't want and have to try and sell all that stuff? There is a better way to do this and you don't have to agree with me but the fact remains that many of us are done buying packs and crates. I want this game to succeed but I will no longer support gambling.


Then don't! Just stop acting like such a martyr. They're random packs in-game. BW will continue to have them as long as people continue to buy them. The rep was added as a way to give people rewards even if they don't get lucky with RNG (don't have a bunch of CM Certs? Oh well, your rep is high enough to buy X for credits).


I really don't care what you spend your money on. But to complain about spending it?! Be an adult -- spend money if you want to, don't spend it if you don't. Honestly, spending hundreds of dollars on a video game is moronic IMO, but it's your money and you are absolutely entitled to spend it however you'd like.

Edited by Kilora
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Then don't! Just stop acting like such a martyr. They're random packs in-game. BW will continue to have them as long as people continue to buy them. The rep was added as a way to give people rewards even if they don't get lucky with RNG (don't have a bunch of CM Certs? Oh well, your rep is high enough to buy X for credits).


I really don't care what you spend your money on. But to complain about spending it?! Be an adult -- spend money if you want to, don't spend it if you don't. Honestly, spending hundreds of dollars on a video game is moronic IMO, but it's your money and you are absolutely entitled to spend it however you'd like.


If it wasn't for people like me spending money on the game then where would the game be? If people want to continue to get burnt gambling then so be it, I won't be spending anymore real money or credits on packs or crates is all, don't hate on me just cause I think something is wrong with how they are selling things. I totally get your point and that's cool.

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Nope. You don't have to pay real money. *only* 60 million credits which is an abstraction to majority of the players. ^^


Good luck getting that in 5 months before the new reputation track haha. I don't think the speeder is worth it... I got pissed when I got that translucent aratach and maxed out cartel rep just to see almost identical reskin of it (also translucent) as a cheap item in the pack. I am probably passing this time, because everything apart from the speeder is uber lame.


With 2 hypercrates, you'll get enough for at least champion if not damn near legend (that's what it took for me). On my server, hypercrates go from 4 million to 6 million. Figure 12 million credits total.


Out of reach of many players? Yeah, probably. Not even close to impossible in 5 months though, if you really wanted to save yourself cartel coins.


When you get down to it, even when you do nightmare raids and burn 15 - 20 adrenals a night (and I do), there's just not a whole lot to spend credits on in this game. A guildy of mine has been buying sets to complete the cartel collection. I've been augmenting companion gear and getting at least 1 decked out companion for each of my 55s.


If you're a subscriber and participate in the different events and daily areas in the game, it's not difficult at all to get up to where you can learn some valuable schematics from the elite and underworld vendors and stop doing dailies all together. Then a measly 12 million for some hypercrates will be a drop in the bucket.


I digress.


I don't mind a new faction at all. I like seeing new items and, if you get them early enough, the small prestige they confer. I got a ton of whispers when I rolled into fleet wearing white scalene armor and riding the blue orb the first moment it was possible when the Gree event launched. That giant speeder will be no different and I expect to have it by the 2nd week.


This is the kind of carrot that motivates players like me. It's definitely not for everyone.

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K. Spend a couple hundred dollars on hypercrates only to not get what you want then see if you ever buy another one. Makes great business sense right? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been burnt on those crates and packs enough times to not want to continue buying them. Yes I know, don't buy them then, don't participate if you don't want to etc. Well I was gonna drop another couple hundred dollars on some hypercrates cause I really like some of the stuff this time around but do I really want to gamble and get burnt again and end up with a ton of junk I don't want and have to try and sell all that stuff? There is a better way to do this and you don't have to agree with me but the fact remains that many of us are done buying packs and crates. I want this game to succeed but I will no longer support gambling.


I agree (except I still don't see it as gambling). I don't want to spend more real cash on the packs, even though they are fun to open. I can spend in-game credits or just use my monthly stipend on them.


However, I would buy several of the items in the crates directly, if they were available. I'd rather do that than spend my hard earned credits and reward someone who is spending real money to make in-game money by selling the pack.

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If it wasn't for people like me spending money on the game then where would the game be? If people want to continue to get burnt gambling then so be it, I won't be spending anymore real money or credits on packs or crates is all, don't hate on me just cause I think something is wrong with how they are selling things. I totally get your point and that's cool.


I'm not "hating on you" because you think selling something is wrong. It is great that you have a moral compass that you listen to.


But, realize that they aren't doing anything shady or illegal -- they are making a profit, as businesses are made to do.


Also, realize that you aren't special. You're acting like some saviour for throwing money into the game. BW/EA is intelligent enough to know what people who blow money like that generally have a somewhat predictable behavior. Blow $100, buy nothing for a month. Blow another $80, buy nothing for a few weeks.


This is what the gambling packs are there for. People with no impulse control. When you're making a profit off of a lack of control -- you're generally smart enough to realize it can be unpredictable, and it will come in spurts.


I don't care if people get "burnt" on it. That is their own fault for blowing money like that into a video game. If BW realizes it is negatively affecting profits -- you can be they'll make a change. Otherwise, they'll keep it however they make money.

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I just found out, and I'm usually pretty on top of SWTOR news.


Yeah, but once the last block gets embargoed we can no longer get rep even if we want to. BW is basicly using it as leverage to get us to cap out now, or spend a minimum amount on each shipment..


In the original announcement, they said they would retire the rep but bring them back at another time. So if you really want to max that rep for whatever reason, you will probably have another opportunity.

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I just found out, and I'm usually pretty on top of SWTOR news.


Yeah, but once the last block gets embargoed we can no longer get rep even if we want to. BW is basicly using it as leverage to get us to cap out now, or spend a minimum amount on each shipment.

No one's gonna make you get max rep, other than you.


What? How else do you get rep tokens, buy packs off GTN? no thanks.

That's also your choice.

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Alright here's how you get Legend rank without using any of your cartel coins:


1) start with a bankroll of about 5 million credits, easily achievable with 1 level 55 character by the next shipment start date.

2) Send this bankroll to your least played alt, who we will use exclusively for our pack buying so that it will be clear this method works.

2) When the new pack drops, be online 1.5 days later

3) Buy 10 packs for the cheapest rate you see that night, this should cost no more than 3 million

4) Open said packs

5) Sell everything. Yes everything even the cool rare items you just got.

6) really, sell the rare ones

7) repeat steps 3) through 6) once you've sold those rare items

7) You should be finished reaching legend by shipment 2 or at worst 3

8) When you finish you'll have essentially the same 5 million credits you started with, depending on how well you understand GTN pricing

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Alright here's how you get Legend rank without using any of your cartel coins:


1) start with a bankroll of about 5 million credits, easily achievable with 1 level 55 character by the next shipment start date.

2) Send this bankroll to your least played alt, who we will use exclusively for our pack buying so that it will be clear this method works.

2) When the new pack drops, be online 1.5 days later

3) Buy 10 packs for the cheapest rate you see that night, this should cost no more than 3 million

4) Open said packs

5) Sell everything. Yes everything even the cool rare items you just got.

6) really, sell the rare ones

7) repeat steps 3) through 6) once you've sold those rare items

7) You should be finished reaching legend by shipment 2 or at worst 3

8) When you finish you'll have essentially the same 5 million credits you started with, depending on how well you understand GTN pricing

This is what I do. I sell off everything, however I have been using my bank toon to horde the boosts and crafting mats...not sure why, but i am.

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They should just sell the items from the packs individually and with each individual purchase you get rep. I hate buying a hypercrate and not getting what wanted. They can still make money selling cool stuff individually, how many Eradicator armor sets did they sell? If it's worth buying then sell it individually, you'll still make money and not make us feel like crap when we drop $60 on something we didn't want. I'm all for BW making money, I just don't want to throw mine away anymore on a gamble.


Exactly! I am willing to use my accrued cc tokens on things I know I will get, and I might even buy cc to get something I know I want, but I will not gamble real money on a tiny chance to get something. Anyone willing to do that has no common sense.

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Exactly! I am willing to use my accrued cc tokens on things I know I will get, and I might even buy cc to get something I know I want, but I will not gamble real money on a tiny chance to get something. Anyone willing to do that has no common sense.


I'm glad you see my point. It's cool if they want to keep selling lottery crates, I'll just hold on to my money and buy something directly when I see it. How many bought the Ewok? Put cool stuff on the CM, money rolls in. How would you have felt if you were trying to buy the Ewok and got Ja Ja instead?

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