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2.0 PVE DPS Competition v2


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Very true ^^^, I know they don't allow it in world DPS comp though, I just went back and checked to make sure. How many parses did you do, like did you fully test it, cause it could have been just some lucky crits or something unless you were getting consistently better numbers from it ? If it does indeed work better I am def gonna use it in raids aswell. Based on your gear you should be averaging around that more in the 3220 range without the double SA, so I mean it maybe slightly better or it could have just been some RNG which is why Im asking



Yeah I did quite abit of parsing yesterday. Im putting the full log links below so you can check it out. In the earliest testing I did yesterday I was originally taking 3/3 in the mainstat skill in the sab/engi tree and not taking the talent in the df tree that gives VS a 12.5% chance to tick twice. Later on a whim I decided to only take 2/3 in the main stat skill and put it in the VS talent and thats when I started seeing the mid 3200 parses. I mean it could be RNG but I never really see any crazy crit percentages. Usually AS and XS are in the low 20% range or mid teens.






You will need to cut to 300s since I just let it runoff until im out of combat.


edit- Also you will have to go into log view and ctrl-f for gains power surge to see which parses are with the double SA. I think only the first parse in the first log was with SA and BA but I could be wrong.

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Not sure if stacking the two relics should count considering it is frowned opon in the world Competition. Up to Yolo though if he wants to.. I knew they stacked just didn't bother trying them yet.


I will allow double SA relics on this forums for everyone to know. Its in the game, its avaliable, so you can use it in my eyes. I am aware it won't matter come 2.4 most likely anyway (dear god please bring back the static relics!)


And also to let everyone know, this page will be updated on or around every Friday (so once per week). Thanks for understanding in advance as school is cracking down on me now :confused:

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Bluebérry - Gunslinger - Sharpshooter - 36/3/7 - 3243.29

Log Link - http://www.torparse.com/a/440941/time/1380337813/1380338113/0/Damage+Dealt

AMR - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/edcf00f9-0e94-4b31-9414-c36e9be4979a


Spec is different than the standard SS/MM spec to incorporate the heal in cover talent in the sab tree to make "clever use of game mechanics" wrt two SA relics. Im pretty sure if I could get AS and XS to crit over 30% of the time I would break 3300 rather easily.


By the way I looked once more at the world DPS competition and they are now allowing the Double SA, I checked a few AMR's and saw that 90% of the top parses were all using them from all the different classes. Blue that parse right there puts you at 3rd or 2nd if you have that or anything higher you should post it before it changes with 2.4 ! Grats, gonna switch tonight and parse out a few and see what I get then take it to our NiM Title run right after.

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By the way I looked once more at the world DPS competition and they are now allowing the Double SA, I checked a few AMR's and saw that 90% of the top parses were all using them from all the different classes. Blue that parse right there puts you at 3rd or 2nd if you have that or anything higher you should post it before it changes with 2.4 ! Grats, gonna switch tonight and parse out a few and see what I get then take it to our NiM Title run right after.


Yeah you totally should use the double sa for your title run. Myself and Rousseau were using it last night on styrak and we saw a rather large dps jump.

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Decided to update this now as well. Next update will be on/or around Friday evening


Good luck to everyone tomorrow for 2.4 as well!


http://www.torparse.com/a/442293/time/1380448494/1380448794/0/Overview 2939.49

Manaquinstratt (Watchman)


http://www.torparse.com/a/442155/time/1380437284/1380437584/0/Damage+Dealt 3016.47

Hanstratton (SS)


http://www.torparse.com/a/441155/time/1380358755/1380359055/0/Overview 2750.23

Bstratt (Gunnery)


You missed these, I guess they can wait till Friday if your busy (they were on the previous Pages)

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http://www.torparse.com/a/442293/time/1380448494/1380448794/0/Overview 2939.49

Manaquinstratt (Watchman)


http://www.torparse.com/a/442155/time/1380437284/1380437584/0/Damage+Dealt 3016.47

Hanstratton (SS)


http://www.torparse.com/a/441155/time/1380358755/1380359055/0/Overview 2750.23

Bstratt (Gunnery)


You missed these, I guess they can wait till Friday if your busy (they were on the previous Pages)


Guess I've been getting lazy. Sorry will update this now :(

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Uoiae <House Stark>





Update for the watchman/annihilation leaderboard.


The link for this still works. Do you really need me to reupload it? It's the right length, and if you need confirmation that the start time is the actual start time, just look at the log (also still available), which starts at exactly that time.


Doesn't matter too much now that 2.4 is out, of course, as we'll all soon have much better gear, but it'd be nice if my previous parse weren't still listed.

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M-knightrider - Shadow - Balance - 8/2/36 - 3004.19

Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/444640/time/1380747354/1380747654/0/Overview

AMR hasn't updated to the 2.4 gear yet, but I got the Obroan SA Relic and replaced the UW one I had with it, got 78 belt and bracers, and 78 armoring and mod in my OH. Also moved a few 75 mods around too since I still had some 72.

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Character Name: Stellan <Ascension>

Character Class: Guardian

Character Spec: Vigilance 4/36/4

Torparse Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/445171/time/1380781320/1380781620/0/Overview


Character Name: Lind <Ascension>

Character Class: Vanguard

Character Spec: Assault 5/5/36

Torparse Link: http://www.torparse.com/a/445634/time/1380829920/1380830220/0/Overview

Edited by izmirtheastarach
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