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My resignation as representative.


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I here by resign from vanguard representative.


I'm resigning on the grounds of i feel with the up coming changes to pvp (IE no more 8v8) and the "changes" to vanguard/powertechs in 2.4 this game just is not worth putting in the same amount of effort I once put in to it.

I feel PVP is broken have since 2.0 not just from a vanguard point of view, I feel arena's just are not fun just my opinion... don't shoot me :p but most of all for me my goal in this game was to make a solid "A" team for 8v8 rateds and with the announcement that 8v8s are going to be taken away soon there is no personal goal in this game for me anymore. I'm Just going to become a very causal player only and stick around the game only for the sake of the people in my guild and how much i enjoy spending my time with them.


That being said anyone that wants to step up and take my spot this is your shot! I'll be letting eric know I've stepped down and i'm sure he'll be on the hunt for a new vanguard rep plus i'm sure there is someone out their that can do this job MUCH better ;)

Edited by mfourcustom
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Thanks for your efforts as Vanguard rep. I can't blame you for resigning. I'm surprised more haven't already done so.


After waiting so long for PVP content to finally be added, only to have a major portion of end-game PVP to be removed, is a slap in the face to all of us who have been striving, since the inception of ranked, to assemble a competitive 8 man team. Add to that the lack of incremental class balance updates, and you have a very bleak picture of the future of PVP in SWTOR. It does make the work we do as representatives feel futile.


I hope that your resignation servers as a protest, and a reminder to the developers, that they are squandering the strengths of SWTOR.


Thanks again for your work for the Vanguard/PT community.


If I could tack on a question for the developers: "Your own class reps are abandoning the game due to poor communication, infrequent class adjustments and sweeping changes to PVP. Why are you guys shooting yourselves in the foot?"




Jerc Starr

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Best of luck to you fourcustom.


I either say that FeralPug takes over as the VG representative, or my guild leader A'jantis.


A'jantis runs a DPS VG and mentioned the other night in mumble that they would be willing to become the VG representative if need be. For the record, her close associate in guild is none other than KeyboardNinja, and they frequently engage in class structure discussions.

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For the record, I have tanked and dpsed NiM Writhing Horror successfully in Aisthesis's alt progression group, dpsing in Tactics spec. I've seen DG and we're working on it with that group, and I understand how the standard hybrid works (I enjoy Tactics waaaaay more).


Thanks Daz.

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It's sad, but totally understandable to see you go, Mfour. In fact I'm almost happy you did so, as it makes a hell of a statement, after they have totally ignored every feedback regarding the class and in Pyros case especially shown to be so out of touch with the class and the players, that I've rarely seen anything like this before. I will keep saying this, but that Ionized Ignition nerf is some of the most bewildering I've seen in a long time. If the class rep position is just to be a puppet sitting on that title for PR reasons, then it might as well be the same.


In terms of the new candidates coming forth now, I'd personally like to see much more detailed info on your thoughts on the class and your ideas of how to fix/improve it going forward. You can have super l337 experience, but if I don't agree with your views and your reasoning, I won't vote for you. It needs to be a good combination.

Edited by Gullesvupper
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In terms of the new candidates coming forth now, I'd personally like to see much more detailed info on your thoughts on the class and your ideas of how to fix/improve it going forward.

Pfft...just be happy there's someone willing to touch the class. Unless you're also running, you're asking too much.

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The removal of 8v8s is…something. I'm not really going to go there.


I think that the Vanguard changes on the PTS are very good, at at least a step in the right direction. Tactics is getting very, very buffed for PvE, and slightly buffed in PvP (graduated slow on Pulse Cannon; higher damage on Fire Pulse). The biggest outstanding issues are certainly with a full-spec Assault/Pyro build. I think the lack of sustained damage would be somewhat justifiable if Assault had serious burst, but unfortunately that burst really isn't there yet. Assault Plastique is still (functionally) a DoT. High Impact Bolt doesn't hit as hard as it used to. Overall, it's just not a very compelling spec. I don't at all agree with the people claiming that it needs to go back to the way it was pre-2.0, because that was unabashedly overpowered (some of the best burst in the game paired with the highest sustained damage). Restoring some of the burst to Assault Plastique is a decent step forward, but I doubt it will be enough to make the tree interesting again.


So I think that things still need to be fixed, but the adjustments to Tactics indicate to me that the developers are at least willing to work in the right direction.

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I take it you're not that much into the PvP side of things, with not mentioning the removal in Pyro with Ion Pulse not 100% proccing Plasma Cell and thus our slow, a slow that's already one of the weaker slows in the game and lasts 2 seconds...


Nope, ofcourse I'm not, and that's totally my business. You can vote blindfolded if you'd like, I wont.


Totally agree, bro. Not that that's a shocker ;)

Edited by Luxidenstore
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I take it you're not that much into the PvP side of things, with not mentioning the removal in Pyro with Ion Pulse not 100% proccing Plasma Cell and thus our slow, a slow that's already one of the weaker slows in the game and lasts 2 seconds...


Considering FeralPug is the Powertech class rep and is known primarily as a PVP player, I think it's wise to have a VG rep that is PVE oriented.

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Considering FeralPug is the Powertech class rep and is known primarily as a PVP player, I think it's wise to have a VG rep that is PVE oriented.


I was directing this at Keyboardninjas post, I'm not sure how this has got anything to do with the bias of a new class rep, unless he's suddenly nominated himself.

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Nope, ofcourse I'm not, and that's totally my business. You can vote blindfolded if you'd like, I wont.


You missed my point. We don't have enough people willing to run. Being "selective" is silly when you have a pool of maybe 2-3 players who would take the position. I don't plan to vote either - I'm pleased that anyone is stepping up to represent the class.

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You missed my point. We don't have enough people willing to run. Being "selective" is silly when you have a pool of maybe 2-3 players who would take the position. I don't plan to vote either - I'm pleased that anyone is stepping up to represent the class.


There's 2 on first page of this thread already.... Hyperbole much?

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I was directing this at Keyboardninjas post, I'm not sure how this has got anything to do with the bias of a new class rep, unless he's suddenly nominated himself.


I definitely look at lot more at the PvE side of things, and on top of that I don't have a 55 Vanguard/Powertech myself, so I'm not as familiar with the class as I could be. Regarding the slow…


Right now, you could reliably proc Plasma Cell with Ion Pulse. In 2.4, the proc curve (over number of IP required) looks something "]like this. Basically, after your third Ion Pulse, you can be essentially certain that Plasma Cell has proc'd. You're actually better off using Hammer Shot though. :-( The move to using Stockstrike isn't *that* terrible, especially since Assault can use Hold The Line to exceed the movement speed of their target, and the longer the kiting at the 10m range, the higher the odds that Plasma Cell will be applied by either Hammer Shot or Ion Pulse.


Overall, I don't see this as too much of a nerf. Plasma Cell has a very high proc chance in any case, and can (and should) be applied from range. Since Vanguards don't have a gap closer, you have probably two GCDs between 30 and 10 meters. Even if all you do is Hammer Shot, the odds of getting Plasma Cell on the target even before you are in range to Ion Pulse is 91.73%. This change just shifts which ability you rely on to get it up 100% of the time.

Edited by KeyboardNinja
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I said "2-3"...how the hell is that hyperbole?


"You missed my point. We don't have enough people willing to run"


2-3 people are willing to run, and that's not enough? And not enough to warrant a detailed post about how they see the class and what they'd like like to see done? Yeah. Right.

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I definitely look at lot more at the PvE side of things, and on top of that I don't have a 55 Vanguard/Powertech myself, so I'm not as familiar with the class as I could be. Regarding the slow…


Right now, you could reliably proc Plasma Cell with Ion Pulse. In 2.4, the proc curve (over number of IP required) looks something "]like this. Basically, after your third Ion Pulse, you can be essentially certain that Plasma Cell has proc'd. You're actually better off using Hammer Shot though. :-( The move to using Stockstrike isn't *that* terrible, especially since Assault can use Hold The Line to exceed the movement speed of their target, and the longer the kiting at the 10m range, the higher the odds that Plasma Cell will be applied by either Hammer Shot or Ion Pulse.


Overall, I don't see this as too much of a nerf. Plasma Cell has a very high proc chance in any case, and can (and should) be applied from range. Since Vanguards don't have a gap closer, you have probably two GCDs between 30 and 10 meters. Even if all you do is Hammer Shot, the odds of getting Plasma Cell on the target even before you are in range to Ion Pulse is 91.73%. This change just shifts which ability you rely on to get it up 100% of the time.

Wait, I thought Vanguards had some sort of harpoon line like the Powertechs had? Is that not a gap-closer in certain circumstances?

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Wait, I thought Vanguards had some sort of harpoon line like the Powertechs had? Is that not a gap-closer in certain circumstances?


  • Doesn't work in PvE
  • Affects (and is affected by) resolve
  • 45 second CD
  • Subject to defensive CDs (e.g. Resilience/Shroud)


It's not a gap closer. It's a pull. Hold The Line/Hydraulic Overrides is the closest thing VGs/PTs have to a gap closer, but it's pretty weak.

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I definitely look at lot more at the PvE side of things, and on top of that I don't have a 55 Vanguard/Powertech myself, so I'm not as familiar with the class as I could be. Regarding the slow…


Right now, you could reliably proc Plasma Cell with Ion Pulse. In 2.4, the proc curve (over number of IP required) looks something "]like this. Basically, after your third Ion Pulse, you can be essentially certain that Plasma Cell has proc'd. You're actually better off using Hammer Shot though. :-( The move to using Stockstrike isn't *that* terrible, especially since Assault can use Hold The Line to exceed the movement speed of their target, and the longer the kiting at the 10m range, the higher the odds that Plasma Cell will be applied by either Hammer Shot or Ion Pulse.


Overall, I don't see this as too much of a nerf. Plasma Cell has a very high proc chance in any case, and can (and should) be applied from range. Since Vanguards don't have a gap closer, you have probably two GCDs between 30 and 10 meters. Even if all you do is Hammer Shot, the odds of getting Plasma Cell on the target even before you are in range to Ion Pulse is 91.73%. This change just shifts which ability you rely on to get it up 100% of the time.


Fair enough, it makes more sense then. I guess sometimes an outside look on things can't hurt either, since those of us maining one will have some frustration build up (Some=A LOT ;))


But as you and I both know, probability can be a fickle ***** and I might have 2-3 IPs with no proc, Stockstrike(If I'm even in range for SS) him for a proc(which gives a 30% slow of mighty 2 seconds, which can then either run out or be cleansed, and the same could happen again. Ofcourse I could get lucky and get constant IP procs, but what I'm saying is that the slow is so important that it's very bad design have it this RNG. If they are so dead set on this change, they need to increase both slow duration and the slow effect.


Hold the line is an okay ability, a Marauder popping predation will negate it, and let's face it. Close to every Arena team will have a Marauder, Rage or Carnage. Not to mention it doesn't make you stun immune ofcourse.


I played some Arena matches on the PTS and I felt the change was noticeable to an already underperforming PvP spec. It was quite simply pointless and seemed more like a slap in the face than anything.


  • Doesn't work in PvE
  • Affects (and is affected by) resolve
  • 45 second CD
  • Subject to defensive CDs (e.g. Resilience/Shroud)


It's not a gap closer. It's a pull. Hold The Line/Hydraulic Overrides is the closest thing VGs/PTs have to a gap closer, but it's pretty weak.


This, this, this! I hate when it's brought up as a gap closer. Ugh.

Edited by Luxidenstore
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I definitely look at lot more at the PvE side of things, and on top of that I don't have a 55 Vanguard/Powertech myself, so I'm not as familiar with the class as I could be. Regarding the slow…


Right now, you could reliably proc Plasma Cell with Ion Pulse. In 2.4, the proc curve (over number of IP required) looks something "]like this. Basically, after your third Ion Pulse, you can be essentially certain that Plasma Cell has proc'd. You're actually better off using Hammer Shot though. :-( The move to using Stockstrike isn't *that* terrible, especially since Assault can use Hold The Line to exceed the movement speed of their target, and the longer the kiting at the 10m range, the higher the odds that Plasma Cell will be applied by either Hammer Shot or Ion Pulse.


Overall, I don't see this as too much of a nerf. Plasma Cell has a very high proc chance in any case, and can (and should) be applied from range. Since Vanguards don't have a gap closer, you have probably two GCDs between 30 and 10 meters. Even if all you do is Hammer Shot, the odds of getting Plasma Cell on the target even before you are in range to Ion Pulse is 91.73%. This change just shifts which ability you rely on to get it up 100% of the time.


It is a (minor) nerf in PvE though. Since we use FB/IP well more than twice as often as RP/SS, we'll get overall fewer cell procs.


I'd definitely agree that we don't need to just revert all the 2.0 changes. Pyro was hella broke. One of the easiest rotations (if not the easiest) in the game giving some of the best DPS (if not THE best) is not really a good thing.


I do think it got overnerfed, but what it needs is some substantial changes to the very top 2-3 rows to make those worth taking over a minor or major hybrid. Even with this change to TD, I don't see a "full" pyro/assault going more than 27-28 pointnts in for PvE.

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