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solo players to get beyond rating 156..?


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my issue as a mostly Solo player is.. getting enough of the items to matter, I have on most my 10 toons a main character and at least 2 companions that I use regularly. For example my sorc. healing spec has ashara and khem that I want geared equal to my main, and i'd like the other 3 to be no more than a tier or so back, thats not including adding in HK or any new companions they add to the game.

Even running a regular ops group, how does one get in enough comms, drops, etc to properly max gear within a reasonable timeframe.. say 3 months?

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moaning at someone for asking if they can get top line gear is a bit harsh, ive been and seen alot people getting riped to pieces in chat groups for being under geared and that was just in normal 50hd's. and i actully think more people would do ops if the could go in fully geared first or at least semi geared. i would say let there be a way of getting 72's without having to do ops. However it would come at a cost like a massive long quest series across all planets but main thing would not have BONUS states for whole set's. Set bonus should only be for those whom do ops.

I never grief and ever will grief for someone being under geared as i was once them :) laking gear is nothing nexted to not having a clue what your doing in them :).


and after doing probally what must be well over 80 55hms and ops i can tell you loot rolls suck so very very bad. i must have won probally a max of 4 things in all that time. :) my epic rolls would make you giggle.


ive ran the 55 hmd that drops the helm 17 times without any joy of winning.......forgot its name sorry......i will struggle on till i get it, either that or till new eq lands :))))))))))

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moaning at someone for asking if they can get top line gear is a bit harsh, ive been and seen alot people getting riped to pieces in chat groups for being under geared and that was just in normal 50hd's. and i actully think more people would do ops if the could go in fully geared first or at least semi geared. i would say let there be a way of getting 72's without having to do ops. However it would come at a cost like a massive long quest series across all planets but main thing would not have BONUS states for whole set's. Set bonus should only be for those whom do ops.

I never grief and ever will grief for someone being under geared as i was once them :) laking gear is nothing nexted to not having a clue what your doing in them :).


and after doing probally what must be well over 80 55hms and ops i can tell you loot rolls suck so very very bad. i must have won probally a max of 4 things in all that time. :) my epic rolls would make you giggle.


ive ran the 55 hmd that drops the helm 17 times without any joy of winning.......forgot its name sorry......i will struggle on till i get it, either that or till new eq lands :))))))))))


You CAN get 72 gear. It is craftable now. The 2nd highest level of gear will always be obtainable without doing Ops. You want a long chain mission to get gear, yet you don't want to do Ops. I'm confused. I guess if you absolutely don't want to do Ops, you can do lots of missions all over the galaxy (dailies) to earn credits and buy the gear from the GTN, or else find those that craft it to make it for you for credits and/or mats.

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How often, and in how many MMORPGs I seen the old argument, raid gear for the raider only, others must earn it the same way I did, given alternatives cheats me and my private community and so on...


I have said it before, and will say it again:


"We must grow up"


Let us agree, if possible, that the game is composed of players with many different tastes. Ok?

Let us agree, if possible, that no one's taste is better than the others? Ok?


Now more in depth, the game is offered by Bioware, and will remain so as long as they make money out of it, this should not be a difficult principle to grasp.


Bioware and many of the other MMORPGs acknowledge that by satisfying as many as possible from a diverse group of customers will assure as large as possible income. The more notable clusters of groups are PvE Solo, PvE Group, PvE Raid, PvP solo, PvP Group, PvP Raid and it takes them all to keep the game going, any "one" leaves and quite possibly the game comes to an end, for there are not sufficient customers to pay for it!


So all of you out there, please, please, please!


Be more "inclusive" and stop being "exclusive"... Grow up!


So the PvE Soloer wants the best gear the game makes available, they have a heart after all, so instead of childishly behaving and saying no, no, no; why not be inclusive and constructive?


It would appear to me, that those who raided for a piece of armor, for example, relatively speaking worked for it, spent hours in pursuit of it, right? Thus, it would make sense, the raiders would not want others to have it for no effort, what they got for their effort. That is only fair. But why not be constructive, and have an influence of what it would take for another player to achieve such gear in a different way, and thus also be required to put in an equivalent effort?


It would be great, if we could allow for other life-styles, and try to find ways for them to have what we have, and thus keep it just and fair. Thus being inclusive, the moral here is:


" If we bolster all playing styles, we ensure the good health of this game"


Think of it as a "United we Stand"



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You CAN get 72 gear. It is craftable now. The 2nd highest level of gear will always be obtainable without doing Ops. You want a long chain mission to get gear, yet you don't want to do Ops. I'm confused. I guess if you absolutely don't want to do Ops, you can do lots of missions all over the galaxy (dailies) to earn credits and buy the gear from the GTN, or else find those that craft it to make it for you for credits and/or mats.


The thing with long mission chains is that you can stop doing them at any point and pick them up later. If one has only an hour or so in which to play the game in an evening or has to make a trip out after two hours, it's not a problem. One cannot have real-world responsibilities and achieve the most from the game. As it presently stands, it's all-or-nothing. You either prioritise real life or you shirk responsibilities in lieu of gearing your character. What I'm saying is that there should never be a scenario in which that happens, if one has time for ops, great! Do Ops, if not, use another way.


I appreciate Ops gear is very much a status symbol for the players who wear it (Back when I was in college and had the time I was very proud of my difficult-to-get raid armour). Likewise, it should also be a status symbol for solo players -- and I cannot stress this enough -- NOT a symbol of hours sunk in to grinding. Ops armour should be as difficult to achieve through solo play as it is Ops, so one knows when one sees a character bearing a piece that they are a veteran player, and not someone without skill and too much free time.

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