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Anybody else realize how pitiful Kaas city is?


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Ain't Kaas CIty *supposed* to be the grand capitol of the so glorious and powerful sith empire? Well guess what....It's only the size of Grathan's Estate, The dark TEMPLE (a single temple vs a city), and many other areas in the game and in Star wars itself. I find this to be kinda funny. If you look at the edges of the city you can see the end of it where there are no more buildings.
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It's technically bigger than Coruscant, if you only look at the "capital" part.


There are ten trillion people on Coruscant. The city spans the entire planet. The edge of the Kaas City limits can be seen with the naked eye. I dunno what you are thinking lol.

Edited by corelliaisbawss
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There are ten trillion people on Coruscant. The city spans the entire planet. The edge of the Kaas City limits can be seen with the naked eye. I dunno what you are thinking lol.


I'm thinking that, from what we see in game, 90% of Coruscant is overrun by various gangs. A very small portion of the planet is actually friendly.


You've got much more room to roam around in Kaas without running into a thug.

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What we see in the game is probably just a representation of the real thing. Otherwise it is indeed pitiful. Kaas City isn't supposed to be another Coruscant or Nar Shaddaa, but I'd wager it's on par with a city like London.
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There are ten trillion people on Coruscant. The city spans the entire planet. The edge of the Kaas City limits can be seen with the naked eye. I dunno what you are thinking lol.

One trillion, not ten.

I'm thinking that, from what we see in game, 90% of Coruscant is overrun by various gangs. A very small portion of the planet is actually friendly.


You've got much more room to roam around in Kaas without running into a thug.

What're you talking about? The entire city is populated by Sith and their Imperial goons. ;)


More seriously, though, that's a silly assumption. There's no reason for there to be quest areas in parts of Galactic City that don't suffer from endemic crime or gang wars. So the only areas of Coruscant that questers would see - apart from the "base" area at the Senate building - are the ones where there are problems.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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It's very much intentional. Kaas city was literally carved out of a barren jungle a few hundred years ago, and seems to still be under construction in places ( energy pylon mission much?)


The Sith Empire's only really starting to build infrastructure, since they were roaming plunderers less than a few decades before. Compare that with the Republic, which has had literal millenia of unbroken history and time to build up.


tl;dr: Yes, Kaas City does have a certain "model city" feel to it. People live there but it's not a place where people are supposed to LIVE. Just be good little drones, stay off the streets, and do work for the Sith.

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Ain't Kaas CIty *supposed* to be the grand capitol of the so glorious and powerful sith empire? Well guess what....It's only the size of Grathan's Estate, The dark TEMPLE (a single temple vs a city), and many other areas in the game and in Star wars itself. I find this to be kinda funny. If you look at the edges of the city you can see the end of it where there are no more buildings.

See you,there is a kinda of difference beetwen empire and republic not?and u should read the codex about the planets,courascant is it self a city and its composed of shiny big buildings and different races,gangs....

Dromund Kass seams more like a planet then a planet-city+Dromund kass is a dark planet where u find everywhere the dark side of the force there are many monuments of sith lords and there is the dark temple where is the emperor too and he is making dromund kass so dark(my opinion)

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