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Currently 30 and Watchman (Mericless Strike and Combat question)


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Hi all, unlike a few other people here, I absolutely love my class and feel we are doing just fine. I have no problems leveling or in pvp so im not sure where all the complaints are coming from. Question though, I'm considering speccing into combat to give it a test run as opposed to my current watchman spec, but all I keep reading about is how much burstier combat is (which I like). Question is, looking at the watchman spec, merciless strike seems to be the highest burst the class has to offer and it's located at the top of the watchman spec. Am I missing something?
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Presumably? It's the 1 GCD 1 focus Blade Rush spam from Zen combined with autocrit 2 focus Blade Storms.



Edit: You don't get to play with Combat's really shiny toys until 40+ though. =(

Edited by Kyromoo
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Merc slash hits hard yes, but it takes alot more focus and is harder to get off on demand for that reason. Its also not auto crit. Combat has slightly more reliable burst and doesnt have a "ramp up" time for its damage output like watchman.
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i say go for it, i just decided to stop playing as watchman (i hate watchman with a passion) and 30-ish is when the spec actually starts being able to actually compete 100% crit bladestorm is very nice 43+ is when in my opinion it becomes the best pvp spec, but at 30 it really does become viable for both pvp and leveling, watchman is still a bit ahead i think and focus probably pulls ahead a bit to but it really doesn't matter since the difference is pretty miniscule at this point in the game.
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Is the damage numbers on Torhead wrong or does it do that damage two times? Merciless slash doesn't look to do much damage at all when I read 500 - 800. If the hits with two light sabers means it does the full damage twice then it would be alright.
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Is the damage numbers on Torhead wrong or does it do that damage two times? Merciless slash doesn't look to do much damage at all when I read 500 - 800. If the hits with two light sabers means it does the full damage twice then it would be alright.


torhead is very inconsistent.

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50 Combat Sentinel here.


I've definitely got some burst, and I have fun bringing people down from range in PvP. Obviously I get rooted a lot as people try to escape, Blade Storm crits for about 2k, then Crippling Throw is another good hit (around 700, I think) and then there's Dispatch. Oh how I love Dispatch. Hits for 1k easy, crits in the 2k range for me.


Blade Rush is great for racking damage up quickly, and one Zealous Strike will carry me pretty far since I get Focus refunds.

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