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Desler Explorer Mount Drop ~ Ideas


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So, this Desler mount is suppose to be a 100% drop rate from a rare spawned mob called Martinique Desler. The mob that spawns in it's place is called Desler's Assistant. After about 8 hours of camping the spawn over the past 2 days, I have personally not been able to find this spawn at all and have noticed about 10-20 people camping the spawns throughout the day with me. I have seen the mount linked in chat by one person on my server, and that is about it.


Here are my suggestions:

1) Make the desler assistant a set amount of spawns before the Martinique desler rare mob spawns. Such as 5-10 desler assistants on the 5th or 10th one the rare mob spawns and the person that kills it can get their mount and leave.


2) Make the mob spawn in a location that has to be gotten to via a puzzle (jumping, macrobinocular, etc), so the mob spawns every time in that specific location, you just have to do something to get to it.


3) This is similar to the rare spawn mob during the Gree event, which by my recollection had another spawn location in the southern part of ilum (the Republic PvP side from old ilum) in some of the caves there. So, make the Martinique Desler spawn in a different location of the CZ-198 area to spice things up instead of keeping it in one place everyone knows about and camps there.


There will be people that support me and disagree with me. They are just some different ideas to make this a more fun endeavor, instead of what is currently taking place. Do what you will with these suggestions and thank you for your time.

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My personal view is that stuff like this is horrible, I don't see why there should be a reward for people having the time to sit for a sick amount of time waiting for a spawn. I don't care too much for the mount myself, especially now with the animal mounts starting to make their appearence, but I just think it's bad design and nothing but catering to people with way too much time on their hands. *Putting on flameshield*


But yes, spicing up the process of finding the rare spawn would at least make it a little engaging and not just be a contest of who doesn't have any plans for the next few days, lol!

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I like the idea of having another spawn location, like per say... In the Processing Department. I myself have camped for this for an alt. It's insane, people putting down AOE's with the hope of spawning the Boss for the mount. I've only seen her dead once.




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I agree,


The speeder is cool, but the delivery is cheap. It's the same old get in line stuff that exists in all the other MMOs. I'm down for earning the explorer, but the thought of wasting another three hours in another vain attempt to get it offends me. Isn't the point of all the work being done right now to get us new content. Isn't the goal to differentiate from other MMO's. Well, although this is technically new, it is the same old time suck that keeps us from that content because we are just sitting in line for a mount that is cool, all the while requiring no skill and all patience. Must our patience be so continually tested?


The original post's suggestions are quite good BioWare. I hope you do something about this. It's to lazy for you guys. This update was so good. Why leave it with little deficiencies like this?


Musco, what do you think?

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Thanks for the support. They could of easily just added this speeder to a different reputation vendor like they did the Praxon Trackmaster and the Tirsa Champion and I would have been fine spending the credits getting this mount. It seems the formula for the spawn of the Martinique Desler is also coded very badly. The spawn rate is so RnG based it's extremely frustrating. I have spent about 24 hours total camping since it has come out and only seen one Martinique Desler. I will say that I have seen at least 10 people on my server with the mount, so other people have been fairing quite well. :(
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Another Suggestion:

4) How about making some of these speeders Achievement quests. They released these for some of the Aratech designs pre-2.0, and decided to scratch the idea completely? I think this would be another good idea to implement for the speeders that they completely forgot to put in game. So for speeder like the Desler Explorer, Desler Nomad, and the Praxon Aether.

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I waited MAYBE 2 minutes before the boss spawned and I got the speeder. They don't need to change anything. That's the point of a RARE speeder.


If you want an easier way to get a Desler...go run NIM EV or NIM KP

Edited by Ammialis
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  • 3 months later...
I waited MAYBE 2 minutes before the boss spawned and I got the speeder. They don't need to change anything. That's the point of a RARE speeder.


If you want an easier way to get a Desler...go run NIM EV or NIM KP


Yeah, you're completely missing the point, some of us want this speeder towards the "Gearhead" title. I've spent various times camping / yawning that spawn, and to be blunt it's tedious. I'd rather solo a flashpoint 25 times to get the mount, than rely on RNG which seems to have something against me personally.


The OP has it right, it needs to be spiced up to make the hunt for it interesting. Instead of simply standing in line and hoping someone doesn't ninja. ~10 hours is a pretty poor respawn rate for Martinique as you generally have no idea when she last respawned in the first place.

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I disagree with making this mount easier to obtain.


Rare/Special/Unique stuff should remain Rare/Special/Unique whether it's a speeder (the Red Gree one) or gear (the ugly hat from the Harbinger of Fear on Oricon) or the black-green crystal from the event.


When I see someone with anything rare I'm proud of them and respect them cuz they put in the time/effort to obtain it. Am I jealous? Yes. Do I want one? Yes. But I'm not going to selfishly ask them to change the game in order to get it.


TL;DR - Don't make stuff easier to get; rare stuff needs to remain rare or it won't be rare.


PS - I've heard that the best time to get Martinique to show up is right after the weekly server reset. I'll usually kill the Assistant 3x while I'm there doing dailies and if I get it, great, but if I don't, no biggie. I've managed to get two this way.

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  • 1 month later...

I finally got the mount and wanted to post something about obtaining it so I found this thread. I tried farming the explorer for about 4-5 hours straight on my Jug, Martinique never spawned. Also tried on some other chars, not for as long but probably at least another 5 hours between the others toons. Nada.


Today I needed to farm some turadium for MK-9 kits, and we all know CZ-198 is the best place for that so decided to pick up the Czerka dailes and have at it. Went thru the supply yard, killed the Desler Assistant just for kicks. Went and did the Anti-Toxin acquisition mission. Came back up to shipyard to farm more turadium, decided to check the spawn locale again just for kicks. Looked like the assistant, was about to leave until I actually clicked on the mob and low and behold....Martinique! Mess of mobs were up in front of her so had to take those out before her, constantly peering over my shoulder for other players that might be near by. I was in pretty good shape as it was 4am EST and only 5 others on CZ-198, but you never know when a mount farmer may be lurking.


Charged at her, figured the mount was mine at this point. Then wait, why is she not dying and I am? Oh, she's a champion, not an elite!! Started blowin CDs left and right, thank god for HK's awesome deeps. It was a close one, killed her when I had about 2% health left...thank god for an emergency medpack. Really gave me a wakeup call about having to bind undying rage to a key, if I would have died and lost the spawn to another player I would never have forgiven myself! Funny part is though, that she was up for a good 10 minutes or so while I was doing the anti-toxin mission. If it were regular hours she would have been easily farmed by someone else.


Point of this is, unless you have an incredible amount of time to waste, it's really not worth trying to farm. I'd just randomly kill the assistant if you are in the area and maybe hang out for a few respawns.

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  • 4 months later...

You're not going wrong at all. That's the way it is. Some people get lucky and camp for 20 minutes. Some people get really lucky and she's already there waiting as they're walking by.


You're just having bad luck but don't tear your hair out focusing on this one thing. She'll always be there so do other stuff and check back every few days, kill 5 assistants, if you don't get it move on and come back again later.

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