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Edit Character Appearance After Creation Screen?


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This needs to be added ASAP for one simple reason.


Miralukas. Several of their masks clip with robes. Jedi have ALOT of robes. You won't get on until around level 11-13. There for you will have no idea that your mask clips with a robe until having leveled for 6 or so hours. If I could change my appearance I'd just go change my mask, but we can't. So my options are either A. Reroll or B. Use chest pieces that have no hood (even if that piece is vastly inferior to what I have.)

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Good to know better pick a look you like :-p i am sure however that eventually they may have a edit apprence service though not sure if that will include change sex but who knows :-p it might be a thing you have to pay for :-p we'll see.


I just am glad to know that now so i will spend the time i want in making a nice looking charterer in the editor so that no regrets in the end :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...
While not a high priority, I hope Bioware does add the ability to at least alter your hairstyle. I'm not too keen on mine either. After experiencing the tailors in City of Heroes/Villains and Champions, I've become spoiled, heh.


Crap. I was hoping that I could make at least small changes. And I too have become spoiled by the above mentioned flexibility.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My problem is that I picked a full beard for my character then I wound up getting a helmet that covers the face (no problem there but) , when I took it off the game changed the facial hair style. Now its a mustache that touches the sideburns and the chin scruff is gone. :mad:


One, it shouldn't have happened and Two, I wouldn't even complain about it if I had to give up some credits to change it back.


By the way the game that is not to be named was not the first to offer the ability to change hair hair styles. It goes all the way back to the original MMORPG.


Just like real life people like to change their look every now and then. It wouldn't be too hard to code it into the game.

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Isn't it ironic that your RL character has more customizability options than your virtual toon?


It costs Bioware nothing to implement this trivial feature as it is already there in the game in the beginning. It is just a module that they need to plug-in on demand in the game. This is what Wow calls a Barber shop.


If Dragon Age 2 can have it as the "Mirror of Transformation" in the Black Emporium and that was a single player game where no one sees your toon but you, this feature definitely needs to be implemented in this game. This is just an example of EA cutting corners for an early release.

Edited by Zitori
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Yeh. EQ2 is another game that has it.


Really editing your appearance should have been in from the very first day you ever got to create an appearance in any game. For some reason though it become an rpg (tv) trope, a restriction for the point of having one.


Thankfully developers over the last few years have said to themselves, you know what, this isn't needed, why are we perpetuating this?


This is another example of how this game has missed out on the last 5 years of mmo and rpg development.


We can change our hair, piercings, tattoos in real life, very easily with the exception of the tattoo. With the tech of star wars this would be even easier.


So there is no realism cause, there is no coding/game engine cause, there is a demand for it, why can we not have it?


As a side I do agree though it isn't high priority.


Even if only to satisfy people's changing mood/preferences but then take into account valid points raised above where the appearance selection is causing issues. As another example my Twilek's head band has dissapeared.


I emphasize again, I understand this isn't high priority and it can come in the future, but it SHOULD come in the future. Do not dismiss it because of some anacrhronistic idiocy following a tradition merely for the point of following a tradition, rabbiting on something because you don't know better.


That is the thing, we DO know better, so why are we perpetuating this silly restriction?

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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I'm very suprised this isn't in the game - especially when it's one that makes you look at your character far more than other MMos (when you go into conversation).


It's difficult getting it right at the creation screen, as chars always look different ingame. And you have no idea what the various outfits are going to do re clipping.


But even more than that - the game's supposed to be a personal progression, a journey for your toon if you will. You're powers evolve as you go - why can't your look?



I want to move from young Padawan to full adult jedi. But I can't.

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Well, the most dissapointing thing about the game was the character creation...

I was expecting a highly detailed character creation like in Dragon Age or Mass Effect games, but all I can do here is basicaly chose face and hairstyle.

Bioware has already proved that we can create unique face, that could talk and show emotions, so why they decided to take a step back here?


But I guess, that won't be made in this game, so at least let us recreate our appearance and add more faces and hairstyles, because current selection is kind of gay (no offence to homosexuals, most of them are more good looking than my character and I did my best ;))

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  • 2 weeks later...

The full quote from the interview:


G: Will there be more character customization options in the future? Are there any plans to implement some sort of barber shop or plastic surgeon that will allow players to change their appearance in game? Maybe a toggle for the hoods?


C: Do you want to be able to drop your hood and put it back up?


G: Yeah I’d like to drop my hood, because I play a Guardian and basically all our armor has hoods.


C: That’s definitely stuff we talk about often. We haven’t really announced any formal plans, but it’s very important to us to allow players to fullfill their own personal Star Wars fantasy and along with that we want them to be able to customize their character the way they want, so it’s something we’re currently taking feedback on and we’re making plans on how to address in the future.

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