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BH Story: Is Gault the most fitting companion?


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Taking combat out of the equation, who would you consider to be the most fitting companion for a bounty hunter?


Mako is great and all, but to be honest she's a bit too soft to be trecking around the galaxy with one of the galaxies elite mercenaries. Even if you're light-side.


I view Torian and Skadge as simply more firepower, which is always nice to have. That being said, their commentary is very narrow as far as goals and ambitions and i find myself not seeing much personality in them.


Of course, everyone loves Blizz. But from a lore perspective, Blizz is nothing more than the furry mechanic who sits in your ship's engine room, and never leaves.



Over the course of my hunter's legacy, I've really found to like Gault a lot. His swindling skills as well as his thuggish morals i find fit nicely with my hunter. Being somewhat of an exile in seek of a redemption, he doesn't come across as someone like Skadge (who's commentary makes you want to lock him in the ship's airlock). But Still speaks his mind.



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I see Gault as the least-fitting companion, because he's your freaking target. You're supposed to kill him, not fake his death and take him on as a crew member. How any bounty hunter with even a shred of professionalism could recruit him is beyond me.
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I think there's only one that doesn't really fit. But even he could prove helpful, depending on how you RP the story-line, actually.


(1) Torian is a perfect guide to a better appreciation and understanding of Mandalorian custom, language, and tradition. Given that he's also an excellent damage-providing fighter, he fits well with my Bodyguard Merc in combat, too. That they're so bonded, up to being married, is pretty much icing on that cake.


(2) Mako is the little sister of a character who ends up fitting pretty well in the day-to-day running of the "business" of being a Merc. She handles the job offers, the communications, and the final transfer of funds. Not real big on getting off the ship and running around with my Merc, but she's still a good companion from an RP standpoint. I kinda figure Braden had her real value set at the start of the story, to be honest.


(3) Blizz is the little surprise in a robe. Our enemies think he's weak and defenseless and he just zooms in and darts around basically wreaking havoc. That he takes care of the ship, upgrades to the shields and weapons we all depend on, just makes him even more awesome.


(4) Gault is the fast-talker, the negotiator. He's the one who keeps an ear to the ground when it comes to all the goings-on in the Underworld, being as experienced as he is in running from hunters looking for him. He's perfect when it comes to keeping an eye on the competition, basically. That he deals an impressive level of ranged damage is pretty great, too.


(5) Skadge ... what can I say? He props up the wall of the ship near the holoterminal pretty well. He's not even very good for decoration. And Blizz is a better tank, imo. I kinda think of him as a big scary dude we use to intimidate the enemies we confront that REALLY deserve something big, smelly, and nasty to deal with, shrug.


(6) HK-51 is sort of on the ship cause ... well, why not? He's attached to my Legacy so I purchased him. RP-wise, he's better suited to my Agent, though.

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My merc was never a fan of Mandalorians (so Torians mostly stayed on the ship), and she was also a healer, which means that Mako never went out, too. Skadge is just Skadge, to hell with this freak :) And Blizz is a really nice fella and a good tank , but my character tends to do some... ruthless and ugly things at times, and she doesn't want to upset the jawa.

So Gault it is. His "recruitment" wasn't the best part of the story, it's just so forced. I killed every single target I was suppoused to kill before Tatooine. But when I got past that point, I found out that his personality is so similar to my mercenary's, like they are long lost brother and sister. He approved of almost everything I did. I wouldn't call him "the most fitting companion" for everyone, but he surely was for me.

Edited by Yria
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I see Gault as the least-fitting companion, because he's your freaking target. You're supposed to kill him, not fake his death and take him on as a crew member. How any bounty hunter with even a shred of professionalism could recruit him is beyond me.

Yeah, that was my issue. Having played my character as a 'always get the job done' professional mercenary, I was... less than pleased to be railroaded into a decision that made no sense whatsoever.


And even if I wasn't? Word gets out that he's alive, you lose the Great Hunt. I fail to see what he contributes that makes him worth taking that risk.

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I see Gault as the least-fitting companion, because he's your freaking target. You're supposed to kill him, not fake his death and take him on as a crew member. How any bounty hunter with even a shred of professionalism could recruit him is beyond me.


Was my one problem too.


I love Gault's personality, but how he got ont he crew was terrible. Skadge was just as bad imo tho.

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I see Gault as the least-fitting companion, because he's your freaking target. You're supposed to kill him, not fake his death and take him on as a crew member. How any bounty hunter with even a shred of professionalism could recruit him is beyond me.


THANK YOU. Some companions in this game are just confusing. I have no idea why my BH would let Gault on my crew. He basically jerked his way in and my character just rolled over and let it happen. Which is extremely contradictory to how my character handled the entire situation up to that point.


Another I have a problem with is Sith Inquisitor's Ashara. The opposite problem with her, but that is for another thread.

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I see Gault as the least-fitting companion, because he's your freaking target. You're supposed to kill him, not fake his death and take him on as a crew member. How any bounty hunter with even a shred of professionalism could recruit him is beyond me.


Agreed. However, I do like Gualt and the tension he creates with my BH, I just disagree with how he comes to be part of the crew. I remember when I started my BH, I knew I'd be getting Gault at some point, but I was floored by the way he's acquired. It simply doesn't feel right, but it got worse when we were forced with a gun to our skulls to roll over and take on Skadge.


If you ask me all of them but Skadge have a place on the crew. But on the flip side while Gault fits... the way he gets there doesn't fit.

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Agreed. However, I do like Gualt and the tension he creates with my BH, I just disagree with how he comes to be part of the crew. I remember when I started my BH, I knew I'd be getting Gault at some point, but I was floored by the way he's acquired. It simply doesn't feel right, but it got worse when we were forced with a gun to our skulls to roll over and take on Skadge.


If you ask me all of them but Skadge have a place on the crew. But on the flip side while Gault fits... the way he gets there doesn't fit.


This is because in Beta, you had the option to kill Gault at the end of the planet when you aquire him. That was before they took killing companions out of the game. Smh.

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