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Guardian, or Sentinel?


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Basically, exactly what the title says. What are the pros and cons of both advanced classes? Which one gets the coolest gear, etc.


I am a body-type 1 female zabrak, and since I'm mainly interested in looking real cool :D, I wonder which advanced class I should go for. :jawa_angel:

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So here it is. If you go sentinel you have the medium armor which includes all the smuggler gear along with the jedi gear. Smugg has some pretty cool gear. On the other hand gaurdian can wear the trooper gear which is why I have a gaurdian. I like the commando look on my jedi. Those are your options both classes dps wise are fun and about equal in damage output. Hope this is what you wanted
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Since Guardian's are allowed to wear heavy, medium, and light no armor would be restricted to you. If you're a sentinel and you just happen to like the look of a certain piece of armor and it turns out to be Heavy you're out of luck unless you can find a medium or adaptive armor look-a-like. I'd recommend Guardian for that reason if it's all about looks.


For me, I like the heavier armor types (I main a sentinel but have a guardian too). Make both :)

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As far as looks go, both have some kick a88 options. But looking at it from a gameplay standpoint, the 2 advanced classes are totally different. Sentinel - Pure Unadulterated DPS. Guardian - Amazing Tank & a DPS spec (if you so choose). If you have no desire to tank go sentinel. If you do not care about DPS, go guardian. They are both really good classes that are worlds different from each other.
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For me...as soon as I found that only Guardian can get Force Push...the choice was Guardian, no contest.


I simply could not play a Jedi without Force Push.


never thought about that, i guess its just not practical with the 2 lightsabers.


I like the DPS on the sent

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