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10 Good
  1. Wait I'm confused does this mean never used fortitude augs?
  2. Yeah I like this idea. At level 55 have an unranked and a separate solo unranked arena Q (and make it give more rewards than unranked but less than ranked). Then make ranked only group queue. That way you will have guys in unranked arena looking for guys to group with for ranked if they dont have enough friends on. It also will get guys using some strategy in unranked solo arenas instead of having the jump from unranked to ranked be like night and day
  3. Long story short is as I get more and more serious about PvP (as well as trying to get in with a ranked group) I quickly realized my leveling guild isn't right for me anymore. I have one character for each faction with full augs and Obroan, working on my Brutalizer sets (In addition to leveling other chars). I'm looking for a guild that at least takes PvP a little more serious than my last guild, and ideally one that is dedicated solely to PvP or involved in ranked.
  4. yep its true...probably my least favorite part of Knight story
  5. never thought about that, i guess its just not practical with the 2 lightsabers. I like the DPS on the sent
  6. Camvi_Canau

    WZ Heals

    i think it was sarcasm..i hope yours was too
  7. obi-wan's gotta make the list.... and anakin skywalker... didnt Qui-Gon Jinn say his midi-chlorian's were off the chart?
  8. im the same way...i wake up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and i am imagining vizualing/half dreaming warzone matches...thats how i know i play to much
  9. Agree. Maybe I just like huttball because i like sports, but this warzone is awesome. New maps for it are a great idea
  10. The great folly of the Jedi (in the movies) is there inability to see that the force was balanced too far to the good side. Anakin did bring balance to the force, but all the great Jedi Masters were unable to see how that would be so. Give credit to the emperor for being strong enough in the force to cloud the minds of some of the greatest Jedi ever
  11. they have to have a name... maybe few know what it is? Think about it if the species really didnt have a name humans and others would give it a slang name in basic to refer to people of that species
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