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Graphics are Dated. Admit it.


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The graphics look lack luster. Especially as a Sith, When you reach the second planet. You wanna leave that depressing and boring looking place quickly.


Maps that are always dark, simply suck. Proven fact.


The animations look good but the world environment is BAD

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The graphics look lack luster. Especially as a Sith, When you reach the second planet. You wanna leave that depressing and boring looking place quickly.


Maps that are always dark, simply suck. Proven fact.


The animations look good but the world environment is BAD


A Sith planet is dark? Imagine that.


Reroll Republic. The "graphics" are much better.

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The graphics look lack luster. Especially as a Sith, When you reach the second planet. You wanna leave that depressing and boring looking place quickly.


Maps that are always dark, simply suck. Proven fact.


The animations look good but the world environment is BAD


People that are always complaining, simply suck. Proven fact.

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Last night no one complained about graphics being poor.. but plenty mention that they are getting performance problem using their on-board video card..


The reality is.. you can't please everything..


(P.S.. I have everything on high.. and I thought it looked great.)

Edited by Semihages
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They can improve the graphics as soon as us unlucky people with terrible FPS and other huge problems get our issues solved on LOW graphics.


And yes, my computer is good enough to run this game at more than 10 fps.

Edited by Cameego
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The graphics look lack luster. Especially as a Sith, When you reach the second planet. You wanna leave that depressing and boring looking place quickly.

Maps that are always dark, simply suck. Proven fact.


Welcome to the Empire, evil scum. :)

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The graphics look lack luster. Especially as a Sith, When you reach the second planet. You wanna leave that depressing and boring looking place quickly.


Maps that are always dark, simply suck. Proven fact.


The animations look good but the world environment is BAD


I admit the graphics are dated, just like you told me to.

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The graphics look lack luster. Especially as a Sith, When you reach the second planet. You wanna leave that depressing and boring looking place quickly.


Maps that are always dark, simply suck. Proven fact.


The animations look good but the world environment is BAD


Dromund Kaas is looking awesome. Maybe its because of my glossy 27" iMac display, who knows.. :p


SWTOR has beautiful graphics and runs perfect on even lower systems, not like those extreme graphics in AoC...


Did i mention that i love this game 100%?... :rolleyes:

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The graphics look lack luster. Especially as a Sith, When you reach the second planet. You wanna leave that depressing and boring looking place quickly.


Maps that are always dark, simply suck. Proven fact.


The animations look good but the world environment is BAD


And if I disagree with you, your proven fact is false.


I find both the aestethics, visual style and graphics of SWTOR to be more than satisfying, animations and effects are also pleasing.


I'm one of those "people" who find this kind of look in a game better and more believable than let's say crysis close-but-not-quite-right realistic look, games that use a "realistic" look but don't get it truely lifelike just looks bad to me.

Edited by WereMops
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The graphics look lack luster. Especially as a Sith, When you reach the second planet. You wanna leave that depressing and boring looking place quickly.


Maps that are always dark, simply suck. Proven fact.


The animations look good but the world environment is BAD


don't play it then if you so unhappy with graphics wow . Like i said before i say it again if you don't like it just leave the game :o. they made the game like this so every one can play it :p

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Dromund Kaas is a planet so shrouded in the dark side of the force, causing a everlasting lightning storm engulfing the planet. that there is no natural light on the planet. If they had to stay 100% true to the lore you would only see things near Kaas City and the various outposts, where there are man made light sources. Your argument is hereby rendered invalid. Edited by Talkarr
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Dromund Kaas is a planet so shrouded in the dark side of the force, causing a everlasting lightning storm engulfing the planet. that there is no natural light on the planet. If they had to stay 100% true to the lore you would only see things near Kaas City and the various outposts, where there are man made light sources. Your argument is hereby rendered invalid.


That said, I never saw any lightning flash in the sky. They could have at least had an occasional lightning flash pop up.


Put it this way, I played a Sith Inquisitor in a Beta weekend, and got to Dromund Kaas. The I read the Revan book where it was described as being extremely stormy. And I was confused for a bit, cos the weather seemed fine to me when I was a Dromund Kaas in game.


On my current character, I looked really closely and noticed there was actually rain falling. But its a very easy thing to miss.

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The graphics look lack luster. Especially as a Sith, When you reach the second planet. You wanna leave that depressing and boring looking place quickly.


Maps that are always dark, simply suck. Proven fact.


The animations look good but the world environment is BAD


I'm not sure you know what the phrase "proven fact" actually means.

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That said, I never saw any lightning flash in the sky. They could have at least had an occasional lightning flash pop up.


Put it this way, I played a Sith Inquisitor in a Beta weekend, and got to Dromund Kaas. The I read the Revan book where it was described as being extremely stormy. And I was confused for a bit, cos the weather seemed fine to me when I was a Dromund Kaas in game.


On my current character, I looked really closely and noticed there was actually rain falling. But its a very easy thing to miss.


I've seen an uncountable amount of lightning going on. May have something to do with the graphics settings, i don't know, i'm running everything as high as the settings allow me to. It isn't dark enough for me actually, atleast not when comparing to the Revan book description, but then again, make it darker, and too many will complain about it being as described xD

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