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Personally I think the series died after Modern Warfare 2.


I definitely won't be buying Ghosts.



Will be buying Watchdogs, Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag, and Blacklist.


Yup. I'm a Ubisoft fan ^.-

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After MW2 the game evolved into a spray and pray fest where you didnt have to aim down sights anymore, which really sucks in my opinion. Aiming is not required = Skill is not required.

I hope they manage to fix this in Ghosts,

Open Maps like in MW1+2 (f.o Afghan, Derail)

= longer sightranges = people will start aiming again.

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IMO bf3 sucked but I loved bf bc 1 and 2


Yep, clarification: Pre-BF3


Even playing BF3 with our own servers, comp. events, etc. it got stale pretty quick. I think it was as much the community as the game.

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Battlefield 2 Modern Combat for ps2 >>>>> BF3


Blops 1 and 2 were complete garbage in terms of multiplayer. MW3 was a joke, everything was just copied over with some new maps. I'm getting Ghosts, hopefully it is as good as MW2 was. However I might change my mind on the multiplayer reveal on the 14 :p

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Hell they dont even change the graphics despite the fact the new consoles will be more powerfull :/

Ah, actually they're using a new technology where as you look closer, the more detail is revealed.


Can't remember what it's called. And I don't care. Who is going to be looking close up at the blood on some guys face when they're spraying an smg from 100m away and STILL headshotting me 2 secs after I spawn?!?!?! Most people buy COD for multiplayer nowadays. Was actually fun when a whole group of us would team up.

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