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Better for DPS: Jedi Sage or Shadow?


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I don't know about pve or for 55's, but i'm lvl 30 right now been out dpsing shadows consistently in warzones.


I'm pretty in the top 3 dps after each warzone i play.


ran into a couple shadows that kept ignoring the objectives and tried to focus me down and i still out dps'd them

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Given equal skill and equipment, I would say the Sage. TK really can put out some hurt. Balance seems much better on Sages than Shadows, although I've played the Sage version much, much more than the Shadow one. Infiltration for Shadows is very good but I don't think it can put up the numbers that a TK Sage can.


My basis for the above opinion is that I have a Sage, Sorcerer, Shadow and Assassin all at 52-55. I like both classes very much and I don't think you will really go wrong with either. Hell, do like I did LEVEL BOTH! :D

Edited by Master-Nala
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  • 2 months later...
I currently play Sith Warrior, and am very interested in rolling either a Jedi Sage or Shadow. I'm wondering which is better for DPS, and whether that will be Force Powers or Melee? :confused:


Thanks in advance!


They both have DPS trees and can both theoretically give good DPS.


I'd still say the Sage is better. No needing to close to an enemy, good AOE attacks, no needing to position yourself behind something to do Shadow Strike, and energy is much easier to manage.


Sage is all force powers. I think their only melee attack is the basic strike. Shadow has some force powers, but their bread and butter is melee, and even their force powers are close range.


But you use willpower for both 'melee' and force attacks.

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If you are talking about sustained damage sage is superior to shadow.


The real difference comes down to quality of life in both of the classes. Shadows are a lot more independent than sages; the real limiting factor of playing a sage is that your capabilities are completely based on your allies. As a sage in more competitive pvp you need a quality team to even reach your potential. Interrupts and low survivability (particularly for dps) limits your functionality and ability to pressure the enemy team. This is not to say you can not have success as a sage but rather you will be putting forth more effort for sub standard results. Don't play this class if you hate being focused.


Shadows have better CC and better defenses overall (with the exception to madness) and don't have to worry about interrupts. Overall the shadow gameplay is much more suited for solo gameplay and is probably one of the best solo arena que classes in game. The main problem is your lack of sustained damage in longer fights. Shadows are also the best 1v1 class in the game.



Madness- Balance for both shadow and sage is simply bad, balance is still better for sages than shadow but its worthless regardless.


Infiltration- Insane burst and decent survivability. Limited sustained output.


Telekinetics- Strong burst but easily shut down from interrupts and CC, low survivability


Seer- Decent healer but also prone to interrupted constantly, limited defenses and lack of self peels make it a sub par arena healer.


Kinetic combat- Decent tank, although jugg and pt hybrid are superior. There are a few options for hybrid tanks with good burst however.



Honestly you will probably enjoy either class, just don't expect people to desire you for arenas.

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Umm. Yeah. For arenas is doesn't matter which one you choose. Both are useless. In war zones they are both excellent in their roles on the team. In PVE DPS build sage is perfect as is the healer depending if you're doing it solo or not. AoE sage/sorc are superior healers than any other class. DPS wise in sustained fighting they produce higher DPS than shadow/assassin. I've have 8 different shadows and assassins over time. As DPS specs. There aren't nearly enough interrupt abilities to really have as much of an effect as people are dramatizing on. Unless you have 5 or 6 players on you at once. Which in that class any class will be slaughtered.


As far as area control and protecting objectives outside of huttball. Sorcs have no issues at all in keeping points hammered down and under control. Shadows Re horrible defenders. Play style better suits going in. Taking on weakened near dead players. Going out. Recloak. Go ahead of the team to catch that huttball pass and so fourth. They simply cannot survive sustained fighting.


What you really need to think about is how you want to play the rest of the game. The SI on korriban gave you a taste between both classes. Do you want to be more of hit and run. Or do you want to be more in your face I'll **** your **** up and make your time miserable?



But overall. Any SI and JC advanced class. Literally is useless for any arena battles.

Edited by benovide
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Shadows and assassins are nothing more than red headed stop gaps between marauders/sentinals and guardian/juggernauts. They cant do nearly as much DPS or survive as well as marauders in sustained fights. And they can't take nearly even close to as much punishment as juggernaus in sustained or immediate fights. and are heavily detrimental to the team. In HMs and high ranked arenas. It gets more and more beyond apparent.
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