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Please add #5 to your "DPS" section. It should read... "KILL WRECKS"


Thanks :)


Wrecks is a softie...plus sanitize just focus his tender spots and you should be fine :D


I may add the rule, no more than 5 consecutive matches with the same premade (not mentioning any names) because more than that it is just rude :p


I run in a premade of 3 people, me, myself and I.

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Voidstar - depending on group comp, decide ahead of tiem what you want to do. Just a pug, pure overload is best, send all 8 to one side. Maybe have a some feint a side to get people to drop down, then zerg.


- if you're going for a stealth cap strat, don't feint people to one side as it's counter productive to what you want to do. Sell the side you're open attacking


- 2ndary stealth strat, zerg one side, but stay back, works esp well for over agressive defenders, and pulling them away from the node while your stealth caps in the 1st 10 secs.


- when you cap the door, let your speed demons run free. Sages/sorcs are faster than you, let them be. Play some defense, knockbacks, slows, stuns. Let them reach the bridge and cap.


Huttball - it really is all about passing. Get ahead of the ball carrier and get open. You can get around obstacles faster by passing. Killing is not the point of this game, controlling the ball and scoring is. Typically the team with the least amount of kills is the one that wins because they are focusing on passing and scoring. As thus, it's also easy to take advantage of the kill squads. One person can sometimes draw 4 defenders away from the ball carrier by becomign a target. Use obstacles to get out of line of sight and draw people away if you're 50% health or below and hopefully draw people away as an easy target. Leaving the ball carrier with a lot less traffic to go thru.


Hypergate - can't be stressed enough, controlling a pylon is the only way you get points. Pylons > kills > orbs. It really is that simple. If you don't control a pylon, you don't get points for your kills. Realistically, there are only 8 orbs per cycle, kills are much more important because you cant get so many more points kills.


- stealth cappers - 2 notions. Capping the 1st round is great, however, it makes it more difficult in the higher point rounds after that. I've seen it many times where the team that double caps the 1st round loses due to a few extra defenders on their pylon after taht, and the stealth cappers become cannon fodder for easy kills. Best strat, wait til the 2nd round, and always, always, always, try and avoid capping early. However, in the case that this happens, then other team members need to run balls out to help defend that pylon.


Arenas - focus target, focus target focus target. Granted, group comp plays a major role in this, but this is the simple basic strat. 4 dps vs tank/heal/2dps, it actually isn't a bad option to zerg a dps. 4 dps can focus a toon down extremely quickly, where one heal can't keep up. Use the terrain to your advantage. IE Makeb, knock the healer off, focus a dps before the healer can get back up top. Reason for this type of strat, healer will be guarded by the tank typically, so focus on the unguarded.


- read the board ahead of time. Meaning when possible, look at the classes, hps, etc... before hand, and decide what your soft targets are and which will be difficult to take down. Communication is key to any victory in any arena or wz.



As just suggested, communication is key. Call outs are one of hte most fundamental and keys to a victory. They don't need to be long, 1 letter and 1 number will suffice. IE s2 = 2 incoming to snow, if you are in civil war.


- other simple forms of communication, mark heals 1st, next mark stealths, thus if the terrain is open, you'll have a really good idea what the stealthies are doing. If you can't seem them, chances are they are going after a pylon or a turret.


Good thread, thought i'd contribute, that's all I got right now.

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Voidstar - depending on group comp, decide ahead of tiem what you want to do. Just a pug, pure overload is best, send all 8 to one side. Maybe have a some feint a side to get people to drop down, then zerg.


- if you're going for a stealth cap strat, don't feint people to one side as it's counter productive to what you want to do. Sell the side you're open attacking


- 2ndary stealth strat, zerg one side, but stay back, works esp well for over agressive defenders, and pulling them away from the node while your stealth caps in the 1st 10 secs.


- when you cap the door, let your speed demons run free. Sages/sorcs are faster than you, let them be. Play some defense, knockbacks, slows, stuns. Let them reach the bridge and cap.


Huttball - it really is all about passing. Get ahead of the ball carrier and get open. You can get around obstacles faster by passing. Killing is not the point of this game, controlling the ball and scoring is. Typically the team with the least amount of kills is the one that wins because they are focusing on passing and scoring. As thus, it's also easy to take advantage of the kill squads. One person can sometimes draw 4 defenders away from the ball carrier by becomign a target. Use obstacles to get out of line of sight and draw people away if you're 50% health or below and hopefully draw people away as an easy target. Leaving the ball carrier with a lot less traffic to go thru.


Hypergate - can't be stressed enough, controlling a pylon is the only way you get points. Pylons > kills > orbs. It really is that simple. If you don't control a pylon, you don't get points for your kills. Realistically, there are only 8 orbs per cycle, kills are much more important because you cant get so many more points kills.


- stealth cappers - 2 notions. Capping the 1st round is great, however, it makes it more difficult in the higher point rounds after that. I've seen it many times where the team that double caps the 1st round loses due to a few extra defenders on their pylon after taht, and the stealth cappers become cannon fodder for easy kills. Best strat, wait til the 2nd round, and always, always, always, try and avoid capping early. However, in the case that this happens, then other team members need to run balls out to help defend that pylon.


Arenas - focus target, focus target focus target. Granted, group comp plays a major role in this, but this is the simple basic strat. 4 dps vs tank/heal/2dps, it actually isn't a bad option to zerg a dps. 4 dps can focus a toon down extremely quickly, where one heal can't keep up. Use the terrain to your advantage. IE Makeb, knock the healer off, focus a dps before the healer can get back up top. Reason for this type of strat, healer will be guarded by the tank typically, so focus on the unguarded.


- read the board ahead of time. Meaning when possible, look at the classes, hps, etc... before hand, and decide what your soft targets are and which will be difficult to take down. Communication is key to any victory in any arena or wz.



As just suggested, communication is key. Call outs are one of hte most fundamental and keys to a victory. They don't need to be long, 1 letter and 1 number will suffice. IE s2 = 2 incoming to snow, if you are in civil war.


- other simple forms of communication, mark heals 1st, next mark stealths, thus if the terrain is open, you'll have a really good idea what the stealthies are doing. If you can't seem them, chances are they are going after a pylon or a turret.


Good thread, thought i'd contribute, that's all I got right now.


Good post, but a few critiques I'd like to add:


-Every strat for the WZs you listed can be put in a situation where it can potentially cause failure and lose a WZ. Directing your forces to multiple areas such as Voidstar, Civil War, Hypergate, or Novare is a matter of understanding the value of pressuring the enemy team. The game is directing an enemy's focus to where you want them to be. Forcing them to commit a majority to a location such as zerging a node while one defends, giving a small stealth gank squad the ability to potentially steal a node out from under their noses. Or even forcing them to commit a minority, such as stealth CCing a lone defender at a node to force enemy reinforcements to respond and hunt for someone that has either returned to the opposing node to defend or has come back to fight at the main focus objective. Because there is no strat that is guaranteed to work everytime such as "zerg a node, stealthers try to steal the weaker one", it is better to embrace the concept of pressure on objectives rather than detailing strats that many have come up with. Where you provide a good example of universal PvP advice with the "one can direct 4 away from the carrier" comment.


-"Speed demons" as you put, don't always have to be the cappers, as again, situational happenings will prevent solid strats from working every time. It is better for players to recognize which person is going to reach a target first and play defense by stalling through slows, knockbacks, stuns, or even turning an enemy's attention away from the capper/ball handler (it's amazing how easily you can dupe enemy leapers with two teammates to pass to on the goal line).


-In addition to reading a board for targets, read buff bars, character animations, and understand procs. Not only will this help you understand how to manage your CDs and what your enemy's damage functions like (IE, "oh, he just got purple lightning clouds on his hands, he's about to drop his Force burst damage"), but it'll tell you the most important aspect of focus fire in WZs: who is guarded and who isn't. Directing focus fire is one thing, but the most important aspect of WZs aside from managing the enemy team's stuns is where the tank's guard is at.


-In PUGs and ranked team, the unspoken coordination is better than direct communication. IE, a better type of defense in CW rather than relying on the defender to call "inc" is to know which members of your team are defending and have one eye on their action bar. If you see it fluctuating at all, spiking in manners that indicate combat, you have a faster inc call there than the fastest typer in the world responding with "inc 1". Same falls for ranked arenas, recognizing an enemy team's focus before hand enables you to better respond than "they're gonna gank me", and coordination is better to enact when you are reading teammates' and working off of what they do, rather than having commands and orders being issued by someone.


Overall, adaptability and reflex speed is king in PvP. If you have those two qualities, you will be a good player.

Edited by ZooMzy
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Overall, adaptability and reflex speed is king in PvP. If you have those two qualities, you will be a good player.


Damn that is why I have been bad all these years. I knew there was a secret to playing well in PVP.

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