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Not so advanced PVP


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Zu is partially right, as a healer it is best to try to stay close to an object on the warzone that you can kite people around. Occasionally this isn't always possible (usually due to a friendly smasher jumping out of LOS and getting the **** beaten out of them) so you sometimes have to be in the open. In these cases it is wise to use your defensive cooldowns, know the hard hitting abilities of the enemy etc...


If you do start getting focused (believe me I have never not been) then having a speed burst will help to kite a couple of the DPS so you can keep out of the range of the ranged DPS. For melee DPS it is best to use your CC, pushback etc... As my operative I can usually survive a couple of DPS focusing me, more if I have a tank around. On my sorc the key is to know when to bubble people and then Force Speed out of LOS. If you get slowed, rooted etc.. by a melee DPS make sure you keep your back away from the sins/ops, and the maras/jugs can be circled (too many of them rely on keyboard turning and smashing)


Basically, healing is very situational and any boost you get from your teammates, whether speed boost, power boost or a friendly shield/bubble is a benefit to you and should be received as such.


The other thing to realize as a healer is to know when to give up healing one person, I have seen too many healers spam their heals trying to keep up one person and end up losing 3 or 4. The job of a healer is to play whack-a-mole and to kite the DPS attacking them. It is nigh on impossible to keep everyone alive against a competent team or a couple of hard-hitting DPS who know what they are doing. Your job at the end of the day is to out-heal the opposing healer and hope your DPS can put as much pressure on them as is being put on you. This will allow you to take objectives or cause an imbalance in the matchups which will lead to you taking the objectives.


As always, ignore what I say, I usually do :)

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The good healers/ranged DPS I see usually kite melee DPS/LoS ranged DPS around objects and move around, using speed boosts as more of a small part in a rotation rather than solely relying on it to save them.


I said I was done, but I like this statement. This is all anyone was saying. At least that's all I was saying. It's a part of the rotation. It helps. Not a ton, but it's an option. So there are times when transcedence is useful in being part of this rotation. So people should be aware. You don't need to pop it on every cooldown, but if you see your healer is in a bind, you can know that this might help save his butt.

Edited by gocard
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I said I was done, but I like this statement. This is all anyone was saying. At least that's all I was saying. It's a part of the rotation. It helps. Not a ton, but it's an option. So there are times when transcedence is useful in being part of this rotation. So people should be aware. You don't need to pop it on every cooldown, but if you see your healer is in a bind, you can know that this might help save his butt.


I continued to argue against Serile and (possibly, not sure if he's actually trying to make a point or insult) Jordo because of the fact that he claims speed boosts help "immensely" not that they are a minor boost. That's why my argument with you technically ended, as we both agreed it was a minor increase for moves like FS and Carnage/Sentinel equiv. spec Predation/Transcendence. But back to that point on how it relates to the original topic about popping the speed boost Predation/Transcendence, it is a waste outside of a certain spec because you are sacrificing a major buff to the role you play to give a healer a very very minor increase in speed, which we also agreed speed is a minor factor. Because you are sacrificing major for something that is technically a double minor (very small speed boost, and speed is also a minor help even at it's full usage), it is considered in almost every scenario to be a complete waste to pop Predation/Transcendence for a healer if you are not in the right spec.


That, ladies and gents, is my point. So, if you decide to continue arguing with me, please make sure you understand that this is what I am arguing for. I personally am enjoying this, so if you feel that my point is wrong, feel free to make a reply.


I only ask that you remember that when arguing, you should only do so because you believe you are right. Not that the other person is wrong :)


And sorry Nabi, if it seems like I'm ignoring you. I can't seem to make responses to things I agree with without actually feeling like I made a waste of a post xD

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Healer guide to victory:


Step 1 - Lead people focusing you to other healer

Step 2 - Vanish/Cloaking screen


That's the bear in the woods syndrome, i.e. you don't have to outrun the bear, just the guy next to you :)

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Thought I would add one more thing to the list as not everyone is aware of. If you have a friendly player who has been CC'd, you can use your "cures" to un-CC them.


I have noticed a lot of healers not realizing this....

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Since there seems to be some confusion on speed and healers I could make sense of some of what you folks were talking about .


Speed for a sorc has a lot of different uses to get distance from a pursuing melee or to get Line of sight quicker from a ranged dps and it can be used to get across the field to get to a position in need of support quicker.


I won't go into how Io use or that it lessens your effectiveness anymore or any less if your using it. You still have a host of instants as well as your instant aoe you can sit on.


I don't use the dot snare I think it's a waste of points I just use my force slow and toss a dot on a stealthy to keep them out. I'll keep refreshing my dot it on them everytime I see them. The purpose of it is to keep them out for the juggs, mauraders to see as well as ranged. Then the stealthy gets some fans while he's trying to be mine.

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  • 2 months later...

Bumping this as while leveling I have noticed a lot of PVPers doing very silly things and hoping that we can get some semblance of quality back on this server where PVP is involved.


Biggest issue I see in the 10-29 bracket is that no one knows what an objective is, fair enough I put this down to a lot of free play players who are just trying out the game.

30-54 is where you can have either the most hard fought battles or just complete stupidity as some players still don't know how to play objectively or get too tunnel visioned on the person they are trying (emphasized as they rarely do) to kill.


Lets hope to get back to a time where it takes more than 1-2 PVPers to sway the battles.

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Wait...do stealthers stay marked if they stealth?


If so, then no wonder people are always hitting my temp-stealthed Mara.


Stealthers do stay marked but the mark is not visible until they come out of stealth. However, it is useful to mark them as typically stealthers do not stay stealthed the entire time when running between nodes (due to the speed penalty) so if you have situational awareness you can call out if a stealther is on their way to a node.


Obviously, this works in the favor of the stealther too as if they assume they are marked they can lead people away from the actual area of attack (rarely happens in un-coordinated pug groups though)

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  • 8 months later...

Bringing this thread back from the dead as after playing over the weekend I still see a lot of (lets be kind, uncoordinated) players in PVP still not knowing what to do.


Now when I created this thread eons ago, and in a former life in SW:Tor all of the suggestions on page 1 were valid. Obviously with the new meta some of these may have changed (still got some catching up to do) but in general the tactics are the same.


Seeing DPS over the weekend getting less that 50k on VS (and only dieing twice) is a little embarrassing and while I know the vast majority of the old guard have moved on there is still enough regstars and occasional premades to make life interesting.


So to allow for greater teamplay in PVP please read (or in some cases re-read) this thread.


and the first rule about Huttball is......there is no spoon......I mean there is no fight club in Huttball. Only play the objective.


On a side note: nice to see some familiar faces still around.

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There have been matches where my dps output has equaled the entire rest of the team combined... those matches I wonder how it's even possible to get less than 50k output, but while the quality is not where it was back in the old days, it's a heck of a lot better than it was during the double xp event.


When you can solo four players defending a node or hold off their entire team clearly there's a problem with player skill, but luckily that's not usually the case. One sided matches no matter which side you're on are no fun for anyone, which is why good premades really should only run a few matches before breaking up and going solo again.


I can reliably run into good players in every bracket most matches right now and best of all on this server as compared to some of the others I have played on, almost all of the good players are also good sports. Win or loose we can point out those we think performed rather well no matter which side they were on.


Now that's not to say that there's not 3-4 very green players in most matches, but with some luck they'll get better. I've been very impressed with the improvement in a couple that I almost wanted to tell them to stop playing they were so horrible. A couple of weeks and they're putting out fairly respectable dps and more importantly playing the objectives.


Great to see N'abi active.

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Bringing this thread back from the dead as after playing over the weekend I still see a lot of (lets be kind, uncoordinated) players in PVP still not knowing what to do.


Now when I created this thread eons ago, and in a former life in SW:Tor all of the suggestions on page 1 were valid. Obviously with the new meta some of these may have changed (still got some catching up to do) but in general the tactics are the same.


Seeing DPS over the weekend getting less that 50k on VS (and only dieing twice) is a little embarrassing and while I know the vast majority of the old guard have moved on there is still enough regstars and occasional premades to make life interesting.


So to allow for greater teamplay in PVP please read (or in some cases re-read) this thread.


and the first rule about Huttball is......there is no spoon......I mean there is no fight club in Huttball. Only play the objective.


On a side note: nice to see some familiar faces still around.


Please add #5 to your "DPS" section. It should read... "KILL WRECKS"


Thanks :)

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