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Not so advanced PVP


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Since the transfers and 2.0 have happened I have noticed more and more people doing PVP.


Here is a few guidelines I have picked up from my time playing PVP:



  1. Sorcs - bubble often, always bubble friendly healers->tanks->dpsers in that order
  2. Operatives - HOTs on self->healers->tanks->dpsers
  3. Mercs (if anyone still uses these) - Kolto Shell on tank or self, concentrate on keeping yourself and the tank (if no tank substitute for friendly healer)



  1. Guard healers first
  2. Stay within 15m of your guard as they will be moving around a lot (esp if you guarded an Operative)
  3. Your job is to interrupt their healers and taunt their main DPS, use your stuns on their healers when you see the main channeled ability



  1. Know the objectives for the Warzone, none of the WZs are deathmatches
  2. Peel the main opposing DPS from the healers
  3. Target priority is: Healers-.>Main DPS->Tank->Other DPS
  4. Mark healers, kill order should be saber, flame, shield, target



  1. Grenades are your friends if you have cybertech craft re-usable grenades, if not ask a friendly crafter (me), a guildie or buy them from the GTN. The damage of the grenade is irrelevant it is the effect you want, hitting someone with a grenade when trying to take the Huttball or capping a node can be very frustrating for the other player.
  2. Stims are also your friends, if you have biotech you should be using the re-usable one at the very least, if not buy the prototyped nano-<insert class skill> stim. The stims give a significant boost to your power for DPS and Heals, and provide a nice boost to mitigation stats for tanks
  3. Get all your class datacrons and endurance datacrons, you should be around 28-30k health for DPS and 30-35k health for tanks at level 55 WZs
  4. People with "cures" can cleanse a friendly player who is CC'd to break the CC
  5. Do not overcommit to defend a capped point as stressed by Neymar




  1. Pass the ball if a player is in a better position, this includes leapers and rollers
  2. Apply slows/roots to the ball carrier
  3. Do not waste your stuns unless you have the ball carrier in the middle as they should be used when the ball carrier goes over the fire
  4. Tanks can pull enemy players, use the pulls to prevent scores or put people in acid/fire
  5. Friendly pulls should be saved for the ball carrier to take them to the upper ledge or past traps
  6. Rollers get to a high ledge to perform a double roll for an almost guaranteed score
  7. Tanks guard the ball carrier if you are not the carrier
  8. Healers heal the ball carrier, then tank, then highest dps
  9. Dps'ers try to pull the opposing players away from the ball carrier, concentrate fire on their highest bursty DPSers




  1. When attacking overload one side to start, be ready to switch en masse if needed
  2. Target healers then tanks, if possible separate the tank from it's guard and stun it.
  3. 1 person caps, while they are capping, stun the opposing team
  4. On defense, 1 healer per side and a balance split, get ready to switch sides in case of zerg
  5. Target priority: Cappers->Healers->Tanks->DPS
  6. Engineer snipers can drop a plasma probe and keep the door safe for 18s (unless killed) so if you drop it move away
  7. Orbital Strikes can keep the door uncappable for 9s
  8. Fight close to the door but spread out enough to nullify AOE damage from Smashbombers and AOE dots


Civil War


  1. Standard strategy is a 2-6-0 split, turtle strat (requires 2 healers and 2 tanks) is a 2-4-2 strat (the 2 on the right is a tank/healer combo to stop them capping their natural node)
  2. Stealthers dont go solo capping unless you know you can burst the guy down within 5-10s as otherwise you leave the main group a man short
  3. Same as Voidstar for target priorities, cappers->healers->tanks->dps
  4. When capping stun the opposing players
  5. Healers you line of sight to get away from snipers/mercs/sorc dps, a healer who stands still too long is a dead healer
  6. Once you have doubled the opposition score they will need a 3 cap, you can turtle for the win or depending on their composition blow them out


Novare Coast


  1. Very similar to Civil War, below are the only differences
  2. When capping a node do not stand on top of the node as it prevents friendly cappers
  3. If you have the node a tank should be sat on top of the cap point to prevent cappers from clicking
  4. Use pushbacks and AOEs to prevent cappers
  5. When capping cap try to cap at max distance to prevent AOEs from hitting multiple people
  6. Spam cap (i.e. everyone cap) if the capping point needs less than a third to go.
  7. Call incoming when you see players not when you engage them, use terms like 2e (2 east) or 4s (4 south) to denote how many attackers
  8. Do not overcommit to defend a capped point
  9. Stealthers do not try to cap their node unless the teams are mismatched skill wise or one of our nodes is a lost cause


Ancient Hypergates


  1. Either 1-7-0 or 1-5-2 strategy (the 2 should be a healer, preferably an operative and a tank, their job is to prevent the cap.
  2. Stealthers only go to their node to cap if our node is secure and we have 2 healers in mid
  3. Once mid is cleared grab an orb and run it back
  4. If you have a 100pt lead going into the last round ignore orbs and turtle at our node


Obviously I am not the best PVP player around these are just some insights I have and if you want to share more go ahead.


I usually PVP on my sniper, followed by my operative and finally my sorc so most of the tactics I have used are from their perspectives.

Edited by bsbrad
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Stay within 15m of your guard as they will be moving around a lot (esp if you guarded an Operative)


This made me LOL. Last night I was in a match where my autorun was stuck on so I couldn't stop moving.


Mark healers, kill order should be saber, flame, shield, target


This may just be me but I have a lot of difficulty seeing the flame target marker, especially when it is in the middle of a sea of red names. I prefer the star and gun over the flame. Also, if there is a troublesome stealther that will continue coming to our pylon/node, I will throw a mark on it so we can keep track of its location.

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I stop moving occasionally! I can't cast Kolto Injection or Orbital Strike if I'm weaving in and out of people. ;)


Don't lie you can't find the Orbital Strike skill on your quickbar and you have to pull up your skills page ;)


Luckily I play whack-a-mole so I don't have to target you by clicking, "Stay still....or get in my cuddle puddle..." :p

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Indeed, I too have a hard time seeing certain target markers. And I dunno how anyone sees them at all if they have the class symbols turned on. D: I use target, star and lightning as my primary ones. After that... I cry because we can't kill that many healers. QQ.


Also, everyone that has interrupts better be using them! :mad: Nothing like tryin to kill a healer and being the only one trying to interrupt their crap. Plus it's just fun as hell to interrupt a crappy player spamming tracer missile or grav round and then seeing them panic when they can't use it any more. (Most good one's won't panic though, and then I tend to explode.)


I had to laugh about the merc comment but dang.... That is the hardest healer to kill imo.

Or at least it is for me. =(

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Yea merc/mando healers still exist: Me (Lobak), Kenji, Chex, Jaesme (dunno how to spell it but he will know who I mean), OG (dunno where he went) and yea that's about it I believe!


Now lets start on the operative/scoudrel healers: .......... Nah just messin with ya

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Grrr, I wish they did something about perma-stun. Was playing Huttball today and while being attacked I got stunned for over 10s. They need to somehow make the resolve bar so that when it goes white you are immune from all stuns/incapacitating effects. I know that's how it is supposed to work but in practice I see far too often stuns getting through the resolve bar.


On the opposite end of the spectrum I did run into a player who I will not name who was totally immune to all stuns, their resolve bar never filled yet over the course of an entire ACW I tried to stun the guy at least 5-10 times, and my fellow guildie also tried and it just kept coming back with immune. I will not cry exploit quite yet but I would like to know how they did it, they didn't use a CC breaker as they were never CC'd and the resolve bar never changed (after the 1st couple of times trying to stun them I added them as my focus target and never saw the resolve bar even twitch).

Suppose I am going to have to vid the games when I see the same player in future.

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Grrr, I wish they did something about perma-stun. Was playing Huttball today and while being attacked I got stunned for over 10s. They need to somehow make the resolve bar so that when it goes white you are immune from all stuns/incapacitating effects. I know that's how it is supposed to work but in practice I see far too often stuns getting through the resolve bar.


On the opposite end of the spectrum I did run into a player who I will not name who was totally immune to all stuns, their resolve bar never filled yet over the course of an entire ACW I tried to stun the guy at least 5-10 times, and my fellow guildie also tried and it just kept coming back with immune. I will not cry exploit quite yet but I would like to know how they did it, they didn't use a CC breaker as they were never CC'd and the resolve bar never changed (after the 1st couple of times trying to stun them I added them as my focus target and never saw the resolve bar even twitch).

Suppose I am going to have to vid the games when I see the same player in future.


Two things:


1. What class were they.

2. I noticed a lot last night, especially in voidstar, people were getting white barred but the white bar wasn't showing till the stun that white barred them wore off. Others noticed this too, as if it was server lag (the bar showed empty, then poof they started moving and it was a full white bar).


I was also white barred last night a few times, but it didn't show to others. One teammate had the same thing too. I didn't notice it on the opposition tho, as they were dying too fast or we weren't doing dumb things with stuns to come anywhere near capping resolve.


Not saying you're a noob, but there was some oddball server issues with resolve showing correctly last night for sure.


I've had a CS Rep contact me about a hacking accusation once, and I had to explain I was playing Vengeance vs a bunch of newbies who suddenly learned they have mezzes and stuns, and the rep laughed and understood. (Like seriously, who stacks 3 mezzes on top of someone already stunned by a Sorc?)

Edited by Maelael
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Two things:


1. What class were they.

2. I noticed a lot last night, especially in voidstar, people were getting white barred but the white bar wasn't showing till the stun that white barred them wore off. Others noticed this too, as if it was server lag (the bar showed empty, then poof they started moving and it was a full white bar).


I was also white barred last night a few times, but it didn't show to others. One teammate had the same thing too. I didn't notice it on the opposition tho, as they were dying too fast or we weren't doing dumb things with stuns to come anywhere near capping resolve.


Not saying you're a noob, but there was some oddball server issues with resolve showing correctly last night for sure.


I've had a CS Rep contact me about a hacking accusation once, and I had to explain I was playing Vengeance vs a bunch of newbies who suddenly learned they have mezzes and stuns, and the rep laughed and understood. (Like seriously, who stacks 3 mezzes on top of someone already stunned by a Sorc?)


The class they were using was an operative and I think I know operatives fairly well ;)


Is it possible it was server lag, possibly, but when holding mid against them with a guildie and no one else around and couldn't stun them at all. I was playing my operative and 2 of us were guarding mid while the bloodfest on snow ensued, he couldn't kill us but it was annoying that for over 2 mins neither of us could stun him/her until he got bored and went to join the bloodfest.

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The class they were using was an operative and I think I know operatives fairly well ;)


Is it possible it was server lag, possibly, but when holding mid against them with a guildie and no one else around and couldn't stun them at all. I was playing my operative and 2 of us were guarding mid while the bloodfest on snow ensued, he couldn't kill us but it was annoying that for over 2 mins neither of us could stun him/her until he got bored and went to join the bloodfest.


Yea not what I thought then if it was an Op :( I was talking more about bugs than "DIDJA KNOW CLASS X COULD DO Y?"


Thats weird, and worth a report. But to be on topic and helpful: Add in something about grenades to your guide. The amount of people who don't know about/use them is like, insaaaaane.

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^^ Updated guide to add grenades, stims, datacrons


I will let the resolve "gimmick" slide for now but if I see continued effects by the same player I will video it and send the link to Customer Support so they can decide for themselves if it is an exploit or not. For now I will put it down to major lag, even though I wasn't experiencing any :rolleyes:


Other than Yeti's (I mean Mercs) I have a pretty good understanding of what other classes can do in PVP. To be fair my Jug skills are lacking since I got her to 55 so don't count on me on that char.

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I would also advise people to peruse their class/role forums. There are a lot of great threads that go into great detail on how to gear, spec and play PvP specific to your AC.


It is there for the taking and just a few clicks away :D

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^^ Updated guide to add grenades, stims, datacrons


I will let the resolve "gimmick" slide for now but if I see continued effects by the same player I will video it and send the link to Customer Support so they can decide for themselves if it is an exploit or not. For now I will put it down to major lag, even though I wasn't experiencing any :rolleyes:


Other than Yeti's (I mean Mercs) I have a pretty good understanding of what other classes can do in PVP. To be fair my Jug skills are lacking since I got her to 55 so don't count on me on that char.


If it was a jugg, I was gonna state about the rumored Unstoppable bug (Which I swear Ive experienced myself once), or if it was a Mara, Predation being goofy and making it look like you're on a node when you're really half way to Taris and already stopped for lunch.


I had zero lag, full FPS, etc last night, while seeing the weird resolve issues. It's like how some huttballs have goofy lag issues yet none of us have connection problems.


I've seen a lot of Yetis lately, especially on the pug Pub side. Rocketmanron is practically a celebrity (Bonus points if you know why).

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I barely play Pub side so the only Pub players I know are either those with Imp alts or dangerous PVPers.


I play both, but I've had to play with and against the Yetis on the Pub side, and fought the same Yetis with my Imp toons. It's sort of nice to play both, you get the best of both worlds (When they're not derping) and get to know your fellow pvpers behavior and personality wise.


Seen a few Yetis on the Imp side, but no where near as common as the pub ones.

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its hard to be all bout dem solo's when you hit like a wet noodle! AHHHBURRRNN!:p


Have you ever been hit by a wet noodle sir? they hurt.


I know the idea of this thread is to help people pvp, but in all honesty, the people who need the help will probably never read this thread. I feel it would be better to help people in game. Bruturu/Royalsiberian from thundercats used to hold pvp lessons for people who wanted help. I have also seen him giving lessons to people in thundercats. Bru, is from DOA, but I believe he started thundercats to promote cathars, but to also help people learn about pvp, which I see as very noble and very helpful. When I first started pvping no one really helped me in game, and I believe if people would help others in game, then the state of pvp would be better.

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