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Good Ideas For This Game


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So to get some pessimism out, I have decided to make a thread about some good things they can do for SWTOR so we can all feel better about ourselves and focus on the positives instead of the negatives :)


Please remember to stay on topic and not get into silly arguments and be positive if you can.


Give those ideas guys ;)

Edited by Basreia
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Get rid of this massively bloated "talent" system, and go with the new WoW way of selecting a spec for your class, and then gaining core abilities from the old talent trees passively as you level up.


I mean, they clearly copied WoW's original talent trees. When they saw that the devs decided to scrap that and go with a new vastly improved system, why didn't the TOR team do the same?

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Bioware, stop the laziness and greed. Put the Subscriber first. Lose the dependency of the cash shop. Hire exceptional talent. Lose the dead weight no talent hacks.


Without the "cash shop" this game would be dead.


Without the "cash shop" millions of F2P accounts wouldn't have been created, leading to a surge in subscribers.


What you describe as "laziness and greed" put this game back on its feet.


Also, subscribers are put first, due to the fact that if you were to play the game as F2P, it would cost thousands upon thousands of dollars through cartel market purchases to even match what the subscriber gets a month. (Authorizations, unlocks, XP gains, rep gains, unlimited WZ/FP/OP access, etc)

Edited by Epixxxx
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Get rid of this massively bloated "talent" system, and go with the new WoW way of selecting a spec for your class, and then gaining core abilities from the old talent trees passively as you level up.


I mean, they clearly copied WoW's original talent trees. When they saw that the devs decided to scrap that and go with a new vastly improved system, why didn't the TOR team do the same?


I would actually like for them to scrap the AC concept and go with a more KoTOR style talent system, based on the old D20 system. Which is where I think they were going in the first place given the parent classes.


Make Space Missions more like doing a mission in X-Wing/Tie Fighter games. They can still be limited in scope, and have evolving objectives and parameters, but this on rails thing kills literally the best thing this game had going for it in terms of novelty.


Guild capital ships. With Guild Space missions.

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Get rid of this massively bloated "talent" system, and go with the new WoW way of selecting a spec for your class, and then gaining core abilities from the old talent trees passively as you level up.


I mean, they clearly copied WoW's original talent trees. When they saw that the devs decided to scrap that and go with a new vastly improved system, why didn't the TOR team do the same?


Please no, never. The The new talent system in WoW is horrid and even more simplifies the game and is a big reason for many I know who left.


Overhaul the talent system with some sort of replacement? Sure. But copy WoW, hell no!

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1) I believe more advanced character customization is key, and will bring players MUCH closer to their characters. For example, perhaps sliders to determine Body Size/Type, and many more customization options. Personally, I like the idea of Left/Right Handed Lightsabers/Weapons, as well as the option to wield a Backhand Lightsaber, similar to that in The Force Unleashed.


2) Capture/Defend open world PvP objectives (Factions/Guilds perhaps)


3) MORE CLASSES/RACES. Who wouldn't love more classes? As well as Cathar why did we not get Nautolan, Kaleesh, Mon Cal, etc?


4) Free-Flight/Open World Space Missions/PvP.. awesome!


5) "More world exclusive interactable games/events. (Gambling on Nar Shadda, Speeder races on Tatooine, Rakghoul hunts on Taris etc.)"



Edited by Red_Eye_Jedi_
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This thread has turned out to be a pie-in-the-sky wishlist. And OP has not contributed one idea, which makes me suspect he might just be trolling.

Calling out a forum member like that is harassment and inappropriate. Although I doubt you wouldn't be slapped with any sanction since you're always defending this game.



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Please no, never. The The new talent system in WoW is horrid and even more simplifies the game and is a big reason for many I know who left.


Overhaul the talent system with some sort of replacement? Sure. But copy WoW, hell no!


How is the WoW system horrid? The current skill tree implementation in swtor is based on how WoW used to do it, and the WoW devs recognized that it didn't create interesting choices.


In swtor there is no choice involved when moving up the tree, you need to get your capstone skill (and devs have acknowledged that hybrids are not intended design). Its funny how people think the WoW talent system removed choice, when it actually improved it by making choices meaningful and balanced and removing the illusion of choice with the talent trees. How is choosing to get guardian strike / crushing blow as a tank even a choice? its not a choice, skill trees are bad design.


I would like to see the skill system get a revamp, but I would like the devs to take a system that works like WoW's current talent system, and make it their own in some way. WoW's system works, because with the addition of glyphs, there is quite a diversity even within the same character specialization. In swtor all Immortal Juggernauts are the same, all Infiltration Shadows are the same.

Edited by Marb
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I have just waited for those to give some good ideas first before I give mine. I don't want this thread to be all about me :) Anyway here mine are.


Perhaps they should put in more things for the roleplayers. I roleplay a lot and agree chat bubbles should be an option that is able to toggle on and off. Even though I have adapted to reading the regular chat say and have actually put a separate chat window on top of my character's head that in invisible until you go over it with your mouse and only has "say" in it. I believe that chat bubbles would be a very good way to strengthen an already good roleplaying game :)


Sitting in chairs is another option. They could take some same chairs they have in our ships and put those around the galaxy in the cantinas, space docks, halls, etc and let us just sit down and chill out sometimes. It would be very good for roleplaying. More immersion is the key with every game, especially mmos and I feel that sitting in chairs would be ideal to make it more "complete" in a way not just for roleplayers but for the game in general ;)


Day/Night cycles would be a great thing. Like I said, more immersion is key! Just imagine sitting down on Tatooine and watching the dual suns set. Or seeing the sunrise on Coruscant or Balmorra. I know that BioWare wanted a static time of day to show off their art, but you have to realize that some people might take notice that at night on a lot of planets it might look even better. Just imagine Quesh or Coruscant at night. It would be just amazing looking. I will always be dreaming that one day I might be able to sit down on a planet and watch a full sunrise sunset cycle :) Maybe some harder mobs could come out at night with some special loot to encourage more gameplay at that time


Customizable ship interiors. This is really where the whole "player housing" thing for SWTOR could take off. You can sell "ship customization packs" in the Cartel Market along with having things you can pick up in game whether you loot them or buy them from merchants. I think if they did this they should take the route rift did. Everything you pick up you can use to customize your ship with. This way our "homes" will feel like actual homes where we can display our stuff and achievement trophies maybe and put different pictures up on the wall. The possibilities are endless! :)


Mentor system is something that will be very good for this game. Imagine being a "Master" and having your very own "Padawan" or "Apprentice". Or being a Trooper and having your own "recruit" and something similar with the Bounty Hunter and Smuggler. This will be perfect for Star Wars since you see stuff like this all the time in books and especially movies. Just imagine asking somebody via chat if they want to learn under you and then you go and talk about it and then there can be shared legacy panels, and there could be special "bond abilities" that only you and your master could have when you are in this mentor system.


Guild capital ships. These could really be a great place for guilds to hang out. Of course they would cost A TON of credits and you would know which guild was very rich and good if they had there very own ship. Of course the customizations would go into effect here and you could customize the ship on the inside. It would also have the stuff the fleet has so guilds don't have to always come to the fleet. You could also tie guild vs guild battles to these ships to.


Free roam space/open pvp space. This is what would make SWTOR stand out from the crowd even more so than now. You could even have the guild ships incorporate into this with epic battles in open space. It would be like a battlefront 2 space assault. Guild vs Guild is space. The guild ships would have the players' fighters spread out from there and it would play out like battlefront 2. So many possibilities :) Also, it doesn't have to be guild ships only. It can be you traveling in your starship randomly going from planet to planet then you see somebody else from the other faction and you can engage when you want based on decisions. Lots of endless possibilities there.


Open world pvp moons. As I stated in my "pvp suggestions" thread, open world pvp moons with brackets would be a tremendous thing for this game to do. Every 10 levels would be a different bracket and a different moon with different landscapes. You could get commendations for killing the other person also and use these for new gear/equipment ;) Think of the possibilities!


Anyway. I hope those ideas for SWTOR made the thread come more alive because a lot of your guys and gals ideas are VERY nice. I am hopeful and always optimistic and put positivity into things :) It is nice to see so many come up with great things! Let's keep giving the developers support and ideas for the great future of this game. :)

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Some ideas for ya Bioware.

1. Make some new WZ for the PvP players or at least some arena tyep of things that 4 players battle againts eachother vs a horde of aliens attack us whiel we battle. Like the arena on Geonosis.

2. Make more sith armor for at least the CM or make all orange gear light as heavy to wear but can change light to heavey with a little payment.

3. US to EU server transfer

4. New planets with a new race and classes for each faction.

5. a new story arc for the player not class quest but a story arc for everyone to enjoy a long lasting sith vs jedi battle with Darth Malgus return to power and the Sith pure blood race gets to be teh true sith rulers.

6. Make a planet earth as a funny side quest where sith attack and counqer earth and has to battle against SUper man or Batman.

7. Fix some bugs that has been here since launch.

8. Free space battles and free roming

Instead of having this rail road thing in space why not make it as star wars Galaxys or Battlefronts space battles and make the ship more then just a transport to planets i want to feel liek i can go there and have a home with my companions like Normandy in mass effect or Eben howlk in KoToR.

9. guild ship

Guild ships has been request since lanuch of the game and i think instead of stayong at the boring stations on both factions then if we have a guild we shoudl have a ship where we can go and relax with heads of all the bosses we beaten, statue of the strongest in the guild, Pazzak in the guild ships bar i dont know but it woudl make a better way and fun to be in a guild and raid or PVP.

10. Pod racing

I hate the prequals outside of Darth Maul, space battles, Jango Fett, Lightsaber battles and pod racing.

We need pod racing it would be so much fun and competetive to play against other players and make it a PvP or battle against computers or soemthing but i mean to fight against eachother in pod racings woudl be intens and fun.


I hope we get some real cool stuff before i unsub from this game but only time will tell.

Edited by relilimex
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Good Idea for this game:

Make a subforum of general, dedicated to suggestions, so that people can post their ideas with one idea per discussion thread instead of mangling them all into one thread.


Oh wait... they already did that :rolleyes:

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"Getting the pessimism out" ??? I think someone is new to the "internets" :)


OK, """Good""" Ideas...........


1. A more realistic combat system at higher levels. When you first start out you are one shotting week mobs. Its fun and realistic. But by the time you get to level 30+ you are just wacking at hit points. Very Boring. Less Hit pioints and more mobs would be great.


2. Let them live! One of the best parts of GTA 4 was that you didn't have to kill enemies in order to defeat and loot them. They would stay at 1hp moving on the ground and de-spawn unless you finished them off. For Playing as a Jedi or any light sided character that would be great. And there is no reason you can't search (loot) someone who is unconscious.


3. Quick Flying. best part of Mekeb..... No long taxi rides. I would love to see this implemented on the other worlds. It gives a more realistic scope of size of a planet to a world too.


4. I know KOTOR 2 wasn't a Bioware game, but it still ties in with the lore for this area. The Jedi we are playing are descended from the Lost Jedi from that game. I was really surprised to not see any "aged" Holo-portrates of them in any Jedi Stronghold? Lets see a great big holo-bust of Master Atton Rand!....No, ok then Master Mical?


5. Different First Light Saber Designs. For the "First Blade", "The Knights Lightsaber" and the "The Ancient Lightsaber" to have the same model is kind of a cheat. Thats a big deal for new players and it kind of sucks when you realize its all the same. Lets have something more original. This is a big moment of Star Wars fans and each class blade should be special.


6. I would really love it to the the appearance of any modifiable weapon. You guys won't need to add more designs if if we cam make out own. Remember Hans blaster was not only unique but well loved by fans.


7. Customizable Ship designs, if not in design then at least in color. The popularly of the color packs should show how much we love sand boxing.

8. Giant Robot Camels on Hoth!!!!!




All I got for now....Great thread :)

Edited by Jrea
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Without the "cash shop" this game would be dead.


Without the "cash shop" millions of F2P accounts wouldn't have been created, leading to a surge in subscribers.


What you describe as "laziness and greed" put this game back on its feet.


Also, subscribers are put first, due to the fact that if you were to play the game as F2P, it would cost thousands upon thousands of dollars through cartel market purchases to even match what the subscriber gets a month. (Authorizations, unlocks, XP gains, rep gains, unlimited WZ/FP/OP access, etc)


*clears throat* Hahahaha!! Wow... denial much?

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Good Idea for this game:

Make a subforum of general, dedicated to suggestions, so that people can post their ideas with one idea per discussion thread instead of mangling them all into one thread.


Oh wait... they already did that :rolleyes:


*le gasp*



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Please no, never. The The new talent system in WoW is horrid and even more simplifies the game and is a big reason for many I know who left.


Overhaul the talent system with some sort of replacement? Sure. But copy WoW, hell no!


Agree I hate it as well. I don't mind SWTORs besides there are much bigger things that need addressed then ruining the talent trees. It really feels like they dumbed it down and I don't recall many people I played with liked it.

Edited by Avicii
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Get rid of this massively bloated "talent" system, and go with the new WoW way of selecting a spec for your class, and then gaining core abilities from the old talent trees passively as you level up.


God no. That mess is one of the many reasons I quit WoW.

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Of most of the ideas that have been tossed around here, the talent one is probably the only feasible one. :p


And don't believe for a second that talent changes are the primary reason (or even a contributing reason) why people quit. There are a lot of vocal complaints about it, but relatively few people list that as a reason on their unsubbing form. In general, i think games should probably take one of two approaches: streamlined like WoW or insanely complicated like Rift. SWTOR is in the WoW circa 200708 mold of kind of sort of being in a nebulous gray area. The talents are there, but the choices aren't particularly meaningful.


I still don't think they'll dedicate resources to it right now, though. The one thing you have to credit Blizzard is that they will constantly iterate on their game. That doesn't mean the changes are always positive, but at least you know that almost every system is subject to change if they don't like it. Very few other developers are willing to make those attempts.

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Battlefront 2 style PVE/PVP persistent space battleground with fighter and starship combat, capital ship combat, on foot fighting on ships.


Interior decoration mechanic for starships as powerful as SWG's housing decoration mechanic, and external colors and patterns.


Ability to craft combat droids and capture/train animal companions and sell them to players.


Pazaak that can be played against NPCs and other players PotC style, on our ships and on Nar Shadaa.


Swoop racing, PVE and PVP style.


Ability to write our own character bios.


Convert all orange armor and weapons to level 1 with no class restrictions and dye slots (weapon restrictions still apply).


Mechanic for subs to earn up to 100 CC a month engaging in in-game activities other than achievements.


Legacy mail and legacy cargo bank (shared cargo bay with shared EC bank).


Planetary heroic terminal by each starport that lists zero XP quests that direct you to NPCs and bounty boards that offer all the heroics on a planet...unlocks after finishing the planet bonus quests.


Summon tool for group leader to use to summon group members on same planet. Only for subs, cant be used in instances or in PVP areas.


Remove mods from all CM armor, reduce it all to level 1 adaptable armor and allow it to be collected.


Add top crafting RE tier for all weapons, armor and equipment that is level 1 orange adaptive with no class restrictions. So, green, blue, purple, orange.


Add single color dye slots to weapons and crystals.


Add chat bubbles for group use only with a toggle.


Add 1 point of presence for every legacy level for all legacy toons.


Allow temporary speed boosts to work on mounts for subscribers.

Edited by LordArtemis
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