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Marauder class representative questions/discussion thread.


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Let me know what you disagree with and why. My views don't change unless someone helps me see why I am wrong.(If I am wrong)


Mostly your damage output in Carnage comments. I posted somewhere else that the majority of people sucking damage wise in Carnage/Combat is due to making poor choices how, when, and where to unload in the spec in PvP, along with playing to its other strengths in PvP. Not to mention, combat spec really isn't about putting up big numbers as it is being able to burst people down quickly, which when its single target rarely shows anything meaningful on the scoredboard unless you look at kill shots and solo kills (Which focus/rage tends to get a lot of kill shots, but usually through some wasted damage on the sweep).


Don't get me wrong, it could use some help in comparison to snipers, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. I think it's just being utilized poorly by people (like using Focus for single target damage...it can do that, but thats not where it shines).


There is two combat sents I reg with a lot, both play ranked. I play mostly focus, and I also play ranked. In regz, they do comparative damage because they utilize the spec where it should be utilized, or they do no where near the damage I'm doing because I'm doing massive aoe damage to the main group while they're off stalling people, taking nodes, solo killing, and defending nodes. Diff style.

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Mostly your damage output in Carnage comments. I posted somewhere else that the majority of people sucking damage wise in Carnage/Combat is due to making poor choices how, when, and where to unload in the spec in PvP, along with playing to its other strengths in PvP. Not to mention, combat spec really isn't about putting up big numbers as it is being able to burst people down quickly, which when its single target rarely shows anything meaningful on the scoredboard unless you look at kill shots and solo kills (Which focus/rage tends to get a lot of kill shots, but usually through some wasted damage on the sweep).


Don't get me wrong, it could use some help in comparison to snipers, but it's not as bad as people make it out to be. I think it's just being utilized poorly by people (like using Focus for single target damage...it can do that, but thats not where it shines).


There is two combat sents I reg with a lot, both play ranked. I play mostly focus, and I also play ranked. In regz, they do comparative damage because they utilize the spec where it should be utilized, or they do no where near the damage I'm doing because I'm doing massive aoe damage to the main group while they're off stalling people, taking nodes, solo killing, and defending nodes. Diff style.


Good players can make any spec work, there are powertechs who play ranked. Ranged dps doesn't have to choose when and where to unload, they unload as soon as they spot someone within their range. All ranged dps spec have great burst as well without the downsides of carnage. Sorc is vulnerable to interrupts but has plenty of cc, cd, and range to deal with this. (as does merc and sniper). Carnage/annihilation have no effective tools to protect against cc, weak tools to deal with people putting range between you and them, and has a problem constantly applying its damage because of it being 4 meter, being ccd to death, and easily killed once its cd wear off (and many times before). You can do much better with an overpowered pocket healer and a great team but so can every class.


You say people are making it out to be bad but I see the opposite. Many marauder are saying it is fine and I completely disagree. (maybe they are really good at it or have heals/good teams to make it work)

I think carnage and annihilation need many more tools to properly play their play styles at 4meter range and I don't see many players mentioning this. (probably because of their skill/heals/or team) I feel marauder might fall behind other dps even more in non rage because of many marauder saying carnage is fine and not caring much about annihilation being buffed significantly. Other classes are trying to get their major flaws dealt with and want all their specs to be optimal I don't see the same thing in the marauder forum.


Play rage or sniper in solo que wz and then take your carnage marauder to wz and compare the numbers. I am not seeing this insane burst dmg from carnage you guys are talking about, maybe once it is within 4 meters and the stars align you do some nice burst dmg but ranged dps and stealth do this at will whenever they want.(ranged does this and gets amazing total dmg dealt as well)

Edited by MarkXXIV
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Good players can make any spec work, there are powertechs who play ranked. Ranged dps doesn't have to choose when and where to unload, they unload as soon as they spot someone within their range. All ranged dps spec have great burst as well without the downsides of carnage. Sorc is vulnerable to interrupts but has plenty of cc, cd, and range to deal with this. (as does merc and sniper). Carnage/annihilation have no effective tools to protect against cc, weak tools to deal with people putting range between you and them, and has a problem constantly applying its damage because of it being 4 meter and being ccd to death and easily killed once its cd wear off (and many times before). You can do much better with an overpowered pocket healer and a great team but so can every class.


Oh yea, and you and I agree when it comes to comparing to other classes. Just in comparison of Focus/Rage to Combat/Carnage, that is where I take issue. In terms of 4-10 cc/immob to death issues, I believe the Camo spec is supposed to be the balance to Obliterate, but yea it's not equivalent. Needs work, but I cannot agree that its complete and utter crap all around vs Focus/Rage. I see it, I play it, and just don't have the same results you do. Even on Bastion (although that server has its own set of speshul issues).


Edit to your edit on Sniper vs Carnage Mara: Always take the sniper. The class is better at it. No arguments there. Even my two buddies who love Combat/Carnage would agree with that. Rage vs Carnage: If you're the only mara there, Rage. If there is already a Rage or two, 1 in Carnage can work very well.

Edited by Maelael
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While I always appreciate advice on what skills are to be used and there benefits I couldn't agree more of the Carnage Marauders abilities in PvE. In raids my biggest problem is AOE's in which 30% reduction doesn't seem to help as much as the number would suggest.


But in PvP, keeping within 4 meters of someone is almost a full time job. Knockbacks, stuns, blinds, slows I am sure everyone knows what they are up against makes it even more difficult. On top of this defensive rolls, force speed etc just makes keeping sustained damage on someone very very difficult. Rather than any range class that can pick a target and as long as they stay in line of sight and with 30 meters can keep the damage on them. Where as with Carnage you are having to stay close to keep the damage up at least with dots you hit once and it ticks over 6 seconds. Doesn't matter if they stealth or run and jump around. I am sure anyone that's fought a shadow knows what fun it is having them run through you again and again cause they know you can't get enough hits to build rage while they are able to spam special attacks and hope it connects.


Our defensive options likewise can seem very good though a 3min cool down on saber ward, one stun break and one route break (+4 second invis) can seem less useful than perhaps self heals, cleanses or even defensive roll provided the person you are fighting has to be 4 meters and you can hit them from significantly more. But given the carnage marauders roll in PvP is to be single target dps and if you have any sense of tactics its to hit the healers who should be if they have any sense the back line you can burn through your defensive cool downs before you have over come the knock backs, stuns, slows and got through their shields.


Now don't get me wrong against PvE or the practice dummy we do fine we must look like we have good DPS. But as it stands I don't think Carnage is a viable sustained damage class in PvP, its very hard to sustain DPS output when you are having to keep within 4 meters of someone with the numbers of knockbacks and stuns that are currently employed while still having to use basic attacks to build rage before being able to increase dps with specials all the while they are doing the best to get away from you and you have to manage defensive abilities as your a nice easy target for the enemy team as rather than staying at range you are right in the middle of all their healers and ranged dps trying to show minimal tactical awareness taking down their squishes.


So even at a high skill level, maintaining damage, range, defensive cool downs what should set a player apart as a skilled PvPer we are in effect only doing what we have to in order to maintain a role of sustained dps. I was fortunate enough to get to practice on a sage healer today my sustained dps, on Voidstar and they are trying to get through to another area and me and the healer find ourselves alone and decide to go for it. Now I am ravaging, berserking, disrupting, goring, everything is on cool downs pretty much and I am inhibiting their healing. And its a stand off for a good 60 seconds, everything I am hitting them for they are healing. As I get them low they force barrier themself. Horrah I can tie up a single healer by pounding on them with everything. They maybe a very good healer but if I can't take one down in 60 seconds what role does Carnage have in PvP. And yeah sure maybe I need to learn to play or hack cause with everything on cool down what rotation would have worked better.

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1 - Carnage Rage build must be fixed. Vicious Throw proc down to 12secs lockout. Massacre crit hit refund 1 rage and Massacre has 45% to proc Execute.

2 - (sugestion) Each stack of Annihilator gives you 3% crit chance on the next annihilate, at 4 stacks you have 12%. Heals back to pre-1.4. Each annihilate critical hit reduces 2sec of Ravage on cooldown.

3 - Vicious Throw crit chance talent must be in the first line of Rage Tree, must be 2 points 7.5/15% crit chance.

4 - Passive skill +15% speed movement in combat.

5 - While berserk/predation/bloodthirst is active you can build centering/fury.

6 - Berserk now has 7 stacks.


This is my sugestions.

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1 - Carnage Rage build must be fixed. Vicious Throw proc down to 12secs lockout. Massacre crit hit refund 1 rage and Massacre has 45% to proc Execute.

2 - (sugestion) Each stack of Annihilator gives you 3% crit chance on the next annihilate, at 4 stacks you have 12%. Heals back to pre-1.4. Each annihilate critical hit reduces 2sec of Ravage on cooldown.

3 - Vicious Throw crit chance talent must be in the first line of Rage Tree, must be 2 points 7.5/15% crit chance.

4 - Passive skill +15% speed movement in combat.

5 - While berserk/predation/bloodthirst is active you can build centering/fury.

6 - Berserk now has 7 stacks.


This is my sugestions.


Give annihilation decent self heals, the heals it has now are pathetic. Remove the team heal of berserk and make it heal just the marauder for a much higher amount.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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The last post you made in these forums was 9 days ago... Youre the class rep....


He obviously quit because carnage sucks in warzone. I blame the devs. Someone show me footage of someone playing carnage well, I have lost faith. People say carnage has good burst damage. Someone show me a comparison of sorc, merc, lethality, marksman, rage, and carnage burst damage please. I am doing very well with carnage in warzone, destroying person after person, leaping everyone in sight, berserking like crazy but still getting relatively low dps compared to ranged dps/rage.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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Gudarzz, I'd like to have a question raised with the devs that affects not only Marauders but the entire pvp community: why the hell would you want to remove a feature of the game that has been the foundation of many players subscribing throughout the community since the option was released in 1.3, and essentially replace it with a feature that doesn't really build as part of the community and maybe lead to the loss of subscribers? Why can't the two features coincide?


General Example: Around 500 players have signed this petition to request that you do not remove ranked 8v8 warzones from the game.


Personal Example: Since 2.0 my Republic guild, Coral, on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, has faced 34 different guilds. That's just ONE Guild alone on ONE server. According to this thread only 20 guilds across a multitude of servers have attempted end game pve progression since 2.0 (linky spreadsheet).


So why remove a feature of the game that is used much more often by the community when it seems to be the biggest return in terms of subscribers?


And before any of the Marauders here get on their high horse and say "Omg this is a Marauder Class Representative Question/Discussion Thread, g.t.f.o with that question we don't want it" then let me ask you this: If, and when because it's going to happen as of right now, BW remove 8v8 ranked warzones from the game, and us poor marauders are left with 4v4 arenas, as it stands right now we are ridiculously overpowered thanks to the burst and sustained damage that is Rage spec soon everyone will be rolling a Marauder or 3 and an Operative healer in arena: once this happens, and it will, Bw will be forced to nerf us, call it balance, and leave us with nothing to show for it. How would that make you feel?


I feel this question should be directed to the developers for the simple fact that there is really NOTHING wrong with Marauders in terms of pve/pvp - sure you can argue that blah blah Carnage burst > Annihilation sustained and Rage > all, but it's all semantics, you cannot deny that an entire community of subscribers are about to be alienated, willing or not, and will be forced to make a choice - should I stay as a subscriber, or should I go elsewhere, and leave BW in the dust?

Edited by Daystarr
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Gudarzz, I'd like to have a question raised with the devs that affects not only Marauders but the entire pvp community: why the hell would you want to remove a feature of the game that has been the foundation of many players subscribing throughout the community since the option was released in 1.3, and essentially replace it with a feature that doesn't really build as part of the community and maybe lead to the loss of subscribers? Why can't the two features coincide?


General Example: Around 500 players have signed this petition to request that you do not remove ranked 8v8 warzones from the game.


Personal Example: Since 2.0 my Republic guild, Coral, on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, has faced 34 different guilds. That's just ONE Guild alone on ONE server. According to this thread only 20 guilds across a multitude of servers have attempted end game pve progression since 2.0 (linky spreadsheet).


So why remove a feature of the game that is used much more often by the community when it seems to be the biggest return in terms of subscribers?


And before any of the Marauders here get on their high horse and say "Omg this is a Marauder Class Representative Question/Discussion Thread, g.t.f.o with that question we don't want it" then let me ask you this: If, and when because it's going to happen as of right now, BW remove 8v8 ranked warzones from the game, and us poor marauders are left with 4v4 arenas, as it stands right now we are ridiculously overpowered thanks to the burst and sustained damage that is Rage spec soon everyone will be rolling a Marauder or 3 and an Operative healer in arena: once this happens, and it will, Bw will be forced to nerf us, call it balance, and leave us with nothing to show for it. How would that make you feel?


I feel this question should be directed to the developers for the simple fact that there is really NOTHING wrong with Marauders in terms of pve/pvp - sure you can argue that blah blah Carnage burst > Annihilation sustained and Rage > all, but it's all semantics, you cannot deny that an entire community of subscribers are about to be alienated, willing or not, and will be forced to make a choice - should I stay as a subscriber, or should I go elsewhere, and leave BW in the dust?


I myself would also like to ask that question, being a PvP marauder myself playing ranked warzones regularly. RC has played many matches on almost a nightly basis since 2.0, so no question that there's activity in this community. Also as Daystarr already mentioned, 4v4's will even increase the use of marauders, since they are the most OP class at the moment and consequently nerf them.


Hopefully others feel the same and we can get this answered.

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Gudarzz, I'd like to have a question raised with the devs that affects not only Marauders but the entire pvp community: why the hell would you want to remove a feature of the game that has been the foundation of many players subscribing throughout the community since the option was released in 1.3, and essentially replace it with a feature that doesn't really build as part of the community and maybe lead to the loss of subscribers? Why can't the two features coincide?


General Example: Around 500 players have signed this petition to request that you do not remove ranked 8v8 warzones from the game.


Personal Example: Since 2.0 my Republic guild, Coral, on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, has faced 34 different guilds. That's just ONE Guild alone on ONE server. According to this thread only 20 guilds across a multitude of servers have attempted end game pve progression since 2.0 (linky spreadsheet).


So why remove a feature of the game that is used much more often by the community when it seems to be the biggest return in terms of subscribers?


And before any of the Marauders here get on their high horse and say "Omg this is a Marauder Class Representative Question/Discussion Thread, g.t.f.o with that question we don't want it" then let me ask you this: If, and when because it's going to happen as of right now, BW remove 8v8 ranked warzones from the game, and us poor marauders are left with 4v4 arenas, as it stands right now we are ridiculously overpowered thanks to the burst and sustained damage that is Rage spec soon everyone will be rolling a Marauder or 3 and an Operative healer in arena: once this happens, and it will, Bw will be forced to nerf us, call it balance, and leave us with nothing to show for it. How would that make you feel?


I feel this question should be directed to the developers for the simple fact that there is really NOTHING wrong with Marauders in terms of pve/pvp - sure you can argue that blah blah Carnage burst > Annihilation sustained and Rage > all, but it's all semantics, you cannot deny that an entire community of subscribers are about to be alienated, willing or not, and will be forced to make a choice - should I stay as a subscriber, or should I go elsewhere, and leave BW in the dust?


+1 Definitely agree

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Akesa has a very valid point and the Marauder representative should definitely address this issue, like Akesa says;


The Marauder Representative doesn't just help the Marauders, but he'll help the entire PVP community. Bioware has set their propaganda towards only replying and "thanking" members of the community who agrees with their decision while those who want answers; they just point them towards the blog and shrugs. They WON'T be able to dodge this question if it's within the three-questions the Representative provides.


When transfers were announced, the PVP community united together to form one single PVP based server.


The Red Eclipse (EU) and other German and French servers transfered their mains to Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU) to face each other in Competitive Ranked Warzones. The people from the other servers, Republics to Imperials, solely transfered just for this reason, to play Ranked Warzones.


This was planned thoroughly by the community of multiple servers and I have no doubt Bioware seen this throughout the course of the transfers.


The players willingly payed money to move their characters to Tomb of Freedon Nadd and to help its community form the biggest PVP community in the European sector.


Transfers hit around 6-7 weeks ago. And now you're announcing that you're removing the key factor that made people spend money for transfers and making their current characters completely useless?


Why wouldn't they want to go back to their own server now?

Why wouldn't they be furious at this decision?

Why wouldn't they feel scammed by a company that surely knew the community was organizing for transfers and then being stripped away from its value 1½ month later?


This, in our coustomer's eyes who PVP, is a huge scam.


Either refund every people who payed Cartel Coins and transfered, or don't remove the only thing that made PVP competitive and fun.


And no, I'm not one of them who transfered and still I feel scammed as hell.

Edited by Sammennn
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Gudarzz, I'd like to have a question raised with the devs that affects not only Marauders but the entire pvp community: why the hell would you want to remove a feature of the game that has been the foundation of many players subscribing throughout the community since the option was released in 1.3, and essentially replace it with a feature that doesn't really build as part of the community and maybe lead to the loss of subscribers? Why can't the two features coincide?


General Example: Around 500 players have signed this petition to request that you do not remove ranked 8v8 warzones from the game.


Personal Example: Since 2.0 my Republic guild, Coral, on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, has faced 34 different guilds. That's just ONE Guild alone on ONE server. According to this thread only 20 guilds across a multitude of servers have attempted end game pve progression since 2.0 (linky spreadsheet).


So why remove a feature of the game that is used much more often by the community when it seems to be the biggest return in terms of subscribers?


And before any of the Marauders here get on their high horse and say "Omg this is a Marauder Class Representative Question/Discussion Thread, g.t.f.o with that question we don't want it" then let me ask you this: If, and when because it's going to happen as of right now, BW remove 8v8 ranked warzones from the game, and us poor marauders are left with 4v4 arenas, as it stands right now we are ridiculously overpowered thanks to the burst and sustained damage that is Rage spec soon everyone will be rolling a Marauder or 3 and an Operative healer in arena: once this happens, and it will, Bw will be forced to nerf us, call it balance, and leave us with nothing to show for it. How would that make you feel?


I feel this question should be directed to the developers for the simple fact that there is really NOTHING wrong with Marauders in terms of pve/pvp - sure you can argue that blah blah Carnage burst > Annihilation sustained and Rage > all, but it's all semantics, you cannot deny that an entire community of subscribers are about to be alienated, willing or not, and will be forced to make a choice - should I stay as a subscriber, or should I go elsewhere, and leave BW in the dust?




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Gudarzz, I'd like to have a question raised with the devs that affects not only Marauders but the entire pvp community: why the hell would you want to remove a feature of the game that has been the foundation of many players subscribing throughout the community since the option was released in 1.3, and essentially replace it with a feature that doesn't really build as part of the community and maybe lead to the loss of subscribers? Why can't the two features coincide?


General Example: Around 500 players have signed this petition to request that you do not remove ranked 8v8 warzones from the game.


Personal Example: Since 2.0 my Republic guild, Coral, on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, has faced 34 different guilds. That's just ONE Guild alone on ONE server. According to this thread only 20 guilds across a multitude of servers have attempted end game pve progression since 2.0 (linky spreadsheet).


So why remove a feature of the game that is used much more often by the community when it seems to be the biggest return in terms of subscribers?


And before any of the Marauders here get on their high horse and say "Omg this is a Marauder Class Representative Question/Discussion Thread, g.t.f.o with that question we don't want it" then let me ask you this: If, and when because it's going to happen as of right now, BW remove 8v8 ranked warzones from the game, and us poor marauders are left with 4v4 arenas, as it stands right now we are ridiculously overpowered thanks to the burst and sustained damage that is Rage spec soon everyone will be rolling a Marauder or 3 and an Operative healer in arena: once this happens, and it will, Bw will be forced to nerf us, call it balance, and leave us with nothing to show for it. How would that make you feel?


I feel this question should be directed to the developers for the simple fact that there is really NOTHING wrong with Marauders in terms of pve/pvp - sure you can argue that blah blah Carnage burst > Annihilation sustained and Rage > all, but it's all semantics, you cannot deny that an entire community of subscribers are about to be alienated, willing or not, and will be forced to make a choice - should I stay as a subscriber, or should I go elsewhere, and leave BW in the dust?


What this jakey said.

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Gudarzz, I'd like to have a question raised with the devs that affects not only Marauders but the entire pvp community: why the hell would you want to remove a feature of the game that has been the foundation of many players subscribing throughout the community since the option was released in 1.3, and essentially replace it with a feature that doesn't really build as part of the community and maybe lead to the loss of subscribers? Why can't the two features coincide?


General Example: Around 500 players have signed this petition to request that you do not remove ranked 8v8 warzones from the game.


Personal Example: Since 2.0 my Republic guild, Coral, on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, has faced 34 different guilds. That's just ONE Guild alone on ONE server. According to this thread only 20 guilds across a multitude of servers have attempted end game pve progression since 2.0 (linky spreadsheet).


So why remove a feature of the game that is used much more often by the community when it seems to be the biggest return in terms of subscribers?


And before any of the Marauders here get on their high horse and say "Omg this is a Marauder Class Representative Question/Discussion Thread, g.t.f.o with that question we don't want it" then let me ask you this: If, and when because it's going to happen as of right now, BW remove 8v8 ranked warzones from the game, and us poor marauders are left with 4v4 arenas, as it stands right now we are ridiculously overpowered thanks to the burst and sustained damage that is Rage spec soon everyone will be rolling a Marauder or 3 and an Operative healer in arena: once this happens, and it will, Bw will be forced to nerf us, call it balance, and leave us with nothing to show for it. How would that make you feel?


I feel this question should be directed to the developers for the simple fact that there is really NOTHING wrong with Marauders in terms of pve/pvp - sure you can argue that blah blah Carnage burst > Annihilation sustained and Rage > all, but it's all semantics, you cannot deny that an entire community of subscribers are about to be alienated, willing or not, and will be forced to make a choice - should I stay as a subscriber, or should I go elsewhere, and leave BW in the dust?


i love you

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And before any of the Marauders here get on their high horse and say "Omg this is a Marauder Class Representative Question/Discussion Thread, g.t.f.o with that question we don't want it" then let me ask you this: If, and when because it's going to happen as of right now, BW remove 8v8 ranked warzones from the game, and us poor marauders are left with 4v4 arenas, as it stands right now we are ridiculously overpowered thanks to the burst and sustained damage that is Rage spec soon everyone will be rolling a Marauder or 3 and an Operative healer in arena: once this happens, and it will, Bw will be forced to nerf us, call it balance, and leave us with nothing to show for it. How would that make you feel?


No! If we are ridiculously overpowered in 4x4 then yes a nerf is an order, and I wouldn't be bothered the bit least if it happened. Go the suggestion forum and propose that, this is about the mechanics of our AC.


ps, your rage marauders wouldn't last a minute against a similar opposing team with engineering specced snipers.


Edit: This will not end well for us if we go in that road. They (devs) really don't like when people do that sort of things.

Edited by znihilist
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I support your post Daystarr!



ps, your rage marauders wouldn't last a minute against a similar opposing team with engineering specced snipers.


In a 1v1, sniper has always been known to be a marauders worst enemy, however in a 4v4 arenas you don't have the luxury to target enemies without em LOS:ing you constantly.

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No! If we are ridiculously overpowered in 4x4 then yes a nerf is an order, and I wouldn't be bothered the bit least if it happened. Go the suggestion forum and propose that, this is about the mechanics of our AC.


ps, your rage marauders wouldn't last a minute against a similar opposing team with engineering specced snipers.


Edit: This will not end well for us if we go in that road. They (devs) really don't like when people do that sort of things.


Perhaps YOU wouldn't be bothered, but what about the rest of the Marauder community? Do they not have a say in this matter?


Clarification was asked for by the class reps to the devs about what exactly their role involved - did the questions asked HAVE to be specific to the class they represented or could it be about other issues in game? The response given was it could be about anything - the people nominated could ask anything the community wanted them to, but I recommend any one who feels the same as the quoted text then I direct you to

. The show was hosted by a charismatic Operative called Snave and he had a multitude of players from the game in his show including Gudarzz, who is our class representative, and they were discussing the death of ranked and is a very interesting show.


Edit: I eat Snipers for breakfast, fyi.

Edited by Daystarr
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I support your post Daystarr!




In a 1v1, sniper has always been known to be a marauders worst enemy, however in a 4v4 arenas you don't have the luxury to target enemies without em LOS:ing you constantly.


Those rage marauders will have to attack at one moment or another! Beside this is not about what spec beats which one!

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Perhaps YOU wouldn't be bothered, but what about the rest of the Marauder community? Do they not have a say in this matter?



So now you want to make decisions based on emotions and popular demand ? I am for one not a huge fan of Argumentum ad populum.

Are you telling me that if a spec is overpowered we need to keep it that way it is because some people might feel bothered ?


Clarification was asked for by the class reps to the devs about what exactly their role involved - did the questions asked HAVE to be specific to the class they represented or could it be about other issues in game? The response given was it could be about anything - the people nominated could ask anything the community wanted them to, but I recommend any one who feels the same as the quoted text then I direct you to

. The show was hosted by a charismatic Operative called Snave and he had a multitude of players from the game in his show including Gudarzz, who is our class representative.


The questions has to be about the AC, making this a gateway for your cause (whether it is justified or not) will in a way be the end of class representative initiative. There is a place and time for everything but highjacking the class representative questions for this is not what you are looking for. Do you really believe that the people responsible on class balance are going to give you a straight answer on why the managers (their bosses) took that decision ?


I am not against what you are trying to do, I am simply telling you this is not a good idea and it will have repercussions if implemented this way.



Edit: Beside if the questions are not about the class, why there are one representative for each class?

Edited by znihilist
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Gudarzz, I'd like to have a question raised with the devs that affects not only Marauders but the entire pvp community: why the hell would you want to remove a feature of the game that has been the foundation of many players subscribing throughout the community since the option was released in 1.3, and essentially replace it with a feature that doesn't really build as part of the community and maybe lead to the loss of subscribers? Why can't the two features coincide?


General Example: Around 500 players have signed this petition to request that you do not remove ranked 8v8 warzones from the game.


Personal Example: Since 2.0 my Republic guild, Coral, on Tomb of Freedon Nadd, has faced 34 different guilds. That's just ONE Guild alone on ONE server. According to this thread only 20 guilds across a multitude of servers have attempted end game pve progression since 2.0 (linky spreadsheet).


So why remove a feature of the game that is used much more often by the community when it seems to be the biggest return in terms of subscribers?


And before any of the Marauders here get on their high horse and say "Omg this is a Marauder Class Representative Question/Discussion Thread, g.t.f.o with that question we don't want it" then let me ask you this: If, and when because it's going to happen as of right now, BW remove 8v8 ranked warzones from the game, and us poor marauders are left with 4v4 arenas, as it stands right now we are ridiculously overpowered thanks to the burst and sustained damage that is Rage spec soon everyone will be rolling a Marauder or 3 and an Operative healer in arena: once this happens, and it will, Bw will be forced to nerf us, call it balance, and leave us with nothing to show for it. How would that make you feel?


I feel this question should be directed to the developers for the simple fact that there is really NOTHING wrong with Marauders in terms of pve/pvp - sure you can argue that blah blah Carnage burst > Annihilation sustained and Rage > all, but it's all semantics, you cannot deny that an entire community of subscribers are about to be alienated, willing or not, and will be forced to make a choice - should I stay as a subscriber, or should I go elsewhere, and leave BW in the dust?



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