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Marauder class representative questions/discussion thread.


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The remainder of this thread can be used to criticize my short absence (due IRL commitments), submit petitions to replace me, or post any other general hate messages. :)


Ignore the hate. No question set is going to please everyone. At the end of the day, there comes a moment where you have to decide the questions that have the greatest import for your class. Make the decision and move forward. I will say that I don't think the 8v8 warzone question has any place in a class representative question list, and I suspect that Bioware would just punt on that question (remember, these questions are going to the combat team; you're not going to get a useful response and it effectively just wastes a question). I'm not going to pour hatred and malice into you either way though.

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In regards to the removal of ranked arenas and the "custom" question: How many people paid for transfers just so they could escape dead servers and participate in ranked pvp?


More than the number of Marauders posting in this and various similar threads about their class issues? Don't think so.

Using a poll to see if we should ask this question or not would also be a waste of time, since there's no way in hell no-one from outside this subforum will find it and spam in general with links. In fact, it has happened for this thread already.


I get that you, and other people, are upset, but this just isn't the place. It's got nothing to do with Marauders as a class, or even this entire class question thingy. Physically knocking down Bioware Austin's HQ doors might have more relevance than doing it like this. Besides; I highly doubt they aren't aware of the outcries of rage everywhere already...

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Why are people so mad about the removal of objective based ranked pvp? I think death match/smaller teams show your personal skill level more than the pvp we have now. arenas make the many specs that aren't optimal in 8v8 even less so in 4v4 but that is a balance issue not a problem with arenas. It wouldn't have been bad to keep ranked 8v8 but I feel your rank in 4v4 may have more meaning because of the game type and smaller teams. I am playing LoL atm, I am very bored with the current optimal specs.(besides immortal but I am not getting my jug 55 until next 2x exp) Edited by MarkXXIV
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Why are people so mad about the removal of objective based pvp? I think death match/smaller teams show your personal skill level more than the pvp we have now. arenas make the many specs that weren't very good in 8v8 even less good in 4v4 but that is a balance issue not a problem with arenas.


Because objective based is:


-More fun for some people

-More challenging for some people (should be for all, but that varies from server to server)

-Different than a TDM, which all games have access to in one way or another

-Make more specs viable

-Offer a different way of winning than who can kill who the fastest

-Takes into consideration more tactics than TDM does


If you don't understand or get the above, I encourage you to play some more of this game and other games with healthy PvP communities. TDM gets boring and simple faster than you'll realize.


The only bonus of the change they made was making it easier to fill out teams for ranked play.

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Because objective based is:


-More fun for some people

-More challenging for some people (should be for all, but that varies from server to server)

-Different than a TDM, which all games have access to in one way or another

-Make more specs viable

-Offer a different way of winning than who can kill who the fastest

-Takes into consideration more tactics than TDM does


If you don't understand or get the above, I encourage you to play some more of this game and other games with healthy PvP communities. TDM gets boring and simple faster than you'll realize.


The only bonus of the change they made was making it easier to fill out teams for ranked play.


Maybe if there were more exciting objectives like destroying bases but the wz we have now aren't that great objective wise. I and probably most players enjoy racking up kills/dmg much more than they enjoy playing the objectives.


More challenging? Can you explain this please, this doesn't make any sense to me. I think Most people agree that deathmatch is more challenging than objectives where you can get dominated and still win by stopping caps. Deathmatch is about your skill with the spec you play and teamwork. Objectives in this game are less about combat and more about holding nodes or hutball.


A lot of games have death match because you can't get anymore pvp than that.


That's a balance issue. In 8v8 you as the individual and your spec have less of an impact on the outcome of the match which is why people get away with playing underpowered specs. The devs should do their jobs and balance the game. Players should not want bigger teams and a game mode that's not combat focused as a substitute for better balance.


You are joking right?


yeah except the tactics don't focus on combat they focus on stuff more related to pve than pvp.


Everything gets boring without change, I disagree completely. Top ranked players might have a stake in 8v8 but I think arena is a much better game mode. I would love to have 8v8 deathmatch and objective ranked but I feel 4v4 deathmatch is more important to pvp than any 8v8 game mode.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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Maybe if there were more exciting objectives like destroying bases but the wz we have now aren't that great objective wise. I and probably most players enjoy racking up kills/dmg much more than they enjoy playing the objectives.


More challenging? Can you explain this please, this doesn't make any sense to me. I think Most people agree that deathmatch is more challenging than objectives where you can get dominated and still win by stopping caps. Deathmatch is about your skill with the spec you play and teamwork. Objectives in this game are less about combat and more about holding nodes or hutball.


A lot of games have death match because you can't get anymore pvp than that.


That's a balance issue. In 8v8 you as the individual and your spec have less of an impact on the outcome of the match which is why people get away with playing underpowered specs. The devs should do their jobs and balance the game. Players should not want bigger teams and a game mode that's not combat focused as a substitute for better balance.


You are joking right?


yeah except the tactics don't focus on combat they focus on stuff more related to pve than pvp.


Everything gets boring without change, I disagree completely. Top ranked players might have a stake in 8v8 but I think arena is a much better game mode. I would love to have 8v8 deathmatch and objective ranked but I feel 4v4 deathmatch is more important to pvp than any 8v8 game mode.


Wow. You really need to get out and play some more competitive PvP man. You're missing like, 90% of the world the rest of us who do, get nightly.

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The only question maras and juggs for that matter should be asking is: How come we haven't had a much deserved nerf?


It absolutely makes me laugh that you guys even think you have any legitimate complaints having ridden the top the the OP wave for so long.

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- Gore becomes a static buff until a damaging attack (or any other ability?) is performed and the 4.5s countdown begins. In other words, gore stays up until you start attacking again. This resolves operation boss knockback issues and gives better pvp viability for carnage. It also adds an additional level of skill when it comes to countering a carnage marauder, as any class with a knockback will have to selectively use cooldowns instead of spamming them upon engagement to deny a gore buff. (i.e. knocking back based on the assumption the mara has gore vs. knocking back when the mara actually has gore)


This is a very nice suggestion, I like it.


I am not sure how much I am eligible to comment on carnage mara, but I have been playing one for ages and these days I feel somewhat mediocre in terms of damage output. However, I suspect it is at least partly due to gear issues.

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This is a very nice suggestion, I like it.


I am not sure how much I am eligible to comment on carnage mara, but I have been playing one for ages and these days I feel somewhat mediocre in terms of damage output. However, I suspect it is at least partly due to gear issues.


Or make Gore like Carnage's Berserk and have like 3-4 stacks of 100% armor penetration that is reduced by 1 per gcd spent?

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Bringing some points together here for discussion...:



I absolutely wanted to reserve the "pvp" question for this spec, as it seems to be a very reliable, "cut and dry" PVE spec for marauders. There is no question that the spec underperforms in rated pvp. At times, I feel like the spec is confused with itself: Is it truly a dot class despite the limited output of bleeds and weakness to cleanse? Or is it a burst spec that constantly struggles to keep the expensive and demanding annihilator buff? In terms of available specs, marauders and snipers are the only classes with 3 dps specs. Every other class has the option to serve in either the tank or healer role. Snipers are provided with a high "utility" engineering spec. So what do we do with annihilation? Should it mirror the utility of the engineering sniper as the "3rd" spec? Some primers for discussion (NOTE: Oofalong mentioned some of these ideas here):

- Duration of annihilator buff is increased. This is the cookie cutter solution, but offers great potential no doubt.

- Annihilate can cause bonus damage based on stacks of annihilator or other factors.

- Dots cannot be cleansed. Another commonly proposed solution, but no doubt very effective.

- Agonizing Sabers is altered so that it also affects healing. (Try dueling a skilled operative healer and tell me when it ends ).

- Dual saber throw is granted a utility characteristic, such as knocking snipers/operatives out of cover, etc.


Watchman/Annihilation currently suffers from a very long ramp-up time and is severely punished for any downtime due to the Merciless/Annihilate stacking buff. This ramp-up makes the spec nearly unconscionable in competitive PvP, and the downtime penalties cause severe issues in both PvP and certain PvE encounters (such as Titan 6 or Dread Guard). Would it be possible to improve the ramp-up and downtime penalties in this area? Perhaps by talenting Valorous Call/Frenzy to build Merciless/Annihilate stacks. Another idea would be to decrement Merciless/Annihilate stacks upon expiry rather than removing them entirely.


The stacking Annihilator/Merciless buff and the stacking buff from Juyo Form are both too short at their current 15 second durations. We will increase the duration of these buffs to give Marauders/Sentinels more time to get back into action before needing to start back up on their long entry ramp. As for a faster way to ramp up, we plan to give you something to help in this regard, but it will not be coming anytime soon. We may also experiment with decrementing the stacks on expiration, rather than removing all of them at once, but we cannot make any promises at this time that you will ever see it decrement stacks in the Live game.


Annihilation/Watchman is intended to be the top sustained damage spec for Marauders/Sentinels, while Carnage/Combat is meant to be better sustained damage than Rage/Focus (but worse than Annihilation/Watchman) and better burst damage than Annihilation/Watchman (but worse than Rage/Focus). As a result, the top damage over an extended period should go to Annihilation/Watchman. The top damage in a short fight should go to Rage/Focus. Carnage/Combat should hold its own in both situations, while not being the best at either – think of its strength as versatility.



Alright, having quoted all that...


You say you're reserving your PVP question for Annihilation. I find this someone urking, because I feel Tam already did that. It's disappointing to think that both the Sentinel and the Marauder rep are both going to only discuss Watchman/Annihilation in a PVP sense, and not address it's PVE issues.


You call it a standard PVE class, but there's a problem - it's underperforming. Currently, the top Marauder/Sentinel DPS are all Combat/Carnage spec. These are from parses taken over sustained fights - exactly where the devs, in answering Tam, said Annihilation/Watchman should be superior.


I feel like your concerns for Watchman were largely addressed in Tam's question, and thus I feel your annihilation question is redundant and largely unnecessary. You bring up some sense of utility, but I believe the devs made it rather clear what they expect this spec to be - I think it simply isn't performing in that intended manner, as it's parsing lower than a burst class that is intended to do less damage over time.

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The only question maras and juggs for that matter should be asking is: How come we haven't had a much deserved nerf?


It absolutely makes me laugh that you guys even think you have any legitimate complaints having ridden the top the the OP wave for so long.


You know, there are two other specs than smash, that are decidedly not riding the "riding the top [of] the OP wave".

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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Or make Gore like Carnage's Berserk and have like 3-4 stacks of 100% armor penetration that is reduced by 1 per gcd spent?

I had the same thought, and the idea is growing on me.


Gore would grant 3 stacks, each of which would provide the next ability with 100% armor penetration. Ravage would consume 2 stacks, Retaliation would consume no stacks, everything else would consume 1.

The stacks would expire if not consumed within about 10 seconds (so you couldn't bank them and get a triple Gore window).

Total Gore stacks would be increased to 4 if used while under the effect of Berserk.


The biggest potential problem I see with this option is Ataru Form, since the procs would lose the benefit of Gore. I believe this would be an acceptable trade-off in PvP however, and Carnage probably does a little too much damage in PvE right now anyway, considering the devs themselves stated that Annihilation is the intended top sustained DPS spec.

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I had the same thought, and the idea is growing on me.


Gore would grant 3 stacks, each of which would provide the next ability with 100% armor penetration. Ravage would consume 2 stacks, Retaliation would consume no stacks, everything else would consume 1.

The stacks would expire if not consumed within about 10 seconds (so you couldn't bank them and get a triple Gore window).

Total Gore stacks would be increased to 4 if used while under the effect of Berserk.


The biggest potential problem I see with this option is Ataru Form, since the procs would lose the benefit of Gore. I believe this would be an acceptable trade-off in PvP however, and Carnage probably does a little too much damage in PvE right now anyway, considering the devs themselves stated that Annihilation is the intended top sustained DPS spec.


The only problem with changing gore in this way is that in PvP it would be extremely hard to counter. In PvE it would be a great change I think, but for PvP the only way to really counter gore is with a cc and making others be unable to counter us would be a little over powered. This is part of the reason that smash is so powerful, because there are few ways to counter a smash other than spreading out. Even so, they are still guaranteed a big hit. If we guarantee carnage 3 (give or take) buffed up hits, I feel that this would make the spec over powered.

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I wouldn't say it'd make it impossible to counter. CCing would still delay the burst, and potentially split it up into two smaller windows (e.g. Massacre > Vicious Throw > STUNNED > Massacre > Force Scream). CCing Rage spec only serves to delay the burst damage; CCing Carnage spec even after a potential Gore rework would be, at the least, as effective as CCing Rage is now.
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The only question maras and juggs for that matter should be asking is: How come we haven't had a much deserved nerf?


It absolutely makes me laugh that you guys even think you have any legitimate complaints having ridden the top the the OP wave for so long.


The only warrior spec that does not need to be buffed for pvp is rage.(besides immortal) Sucks for you if your class has 3 garbage specs but don't try to ruin it for us, it's not like rage is fun to play anyway.

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The only warrior spec that does not need to be buffed for pvp is rage.(besides immortal) Sucks for you if your class has 3 garbage specs but don't try to ruin it for us, it's not like rage is fun to play anyway.


Pretty much. I refuse to play smash in regs almost ever at this point.

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The only warrior spec that does not need to be buffed for pvp is rage.(besides immortal) Sucks for you if your class has 3 garbage specs but don't try to ruin it for us, it's not like rage is fun to play anyway.


Don't try to ruin what? Yeah, why is it not surprising you guys don't want to face the much needed reality check. You know what makes pvp fun - balance. Not stacking OP classes that have a counter for everything another AC does.


Going back since forever marauders have been stupidly strong. Whether it was anni, carnage or rage, all 3 specs have their plus points, and all in the hands of a skilled player have been and are still viable.


Just because it's rage now, doesn't mean anni or carnage haven't been "the pvp" spec. And I'd argue carnage still has alot going for it over rage for pvp, but then it takes a good player to make it happen, so the fact you only thought I was talking about rage, kinda tells me you need your brain-dead "lolsmashtard" spec to be effective.


The fact of the matter is, warriors enjoy a very strong combination of defensive cds, ability rotations that can't be interrupted or shut down without filling resolve. You have a good toolkit of gap closers, snares and roots, which means it takes another stupidly OP AC (namely the sniper) for you to even have the semblance a counter class.

Edit: I wouldn't even mind the defensives so much if the dps was nerfed to balance your insane survivability, but it so happens marauders enjoy exceedingly good dps and utility to boot.


And since people have posted videos of 2 level 50 sentinels tanking SM Denova with a single scoundrel healer (pre 2.0!), given no other dps class would have a chance of pulling that off, it really does mean your class is way too strong and your nerfs are way overdue. Heck I even remeber threads in the Flashpoints section of why marauders can't queue as tanks.


Sorry, I'm not trying to ruin anything, I'm hoping (in vain) it seems for the devs to bring some semblance of pve and pvp balance between classes. And it really doesn't surprise you maras want to keep it the way things are. Heavens forbid you have to use some skill to beat people rather than roflstomping them. :rolleyes:

Edited by Chemic_al
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Don't try to ruin what? Yeah, why is it not surprising you guys don't want to face the much needed reality check. You know what makes pvp fun - balance. Not stacking OP classes that have a counter for everything another AC does.


Going back since forever marauders have been stupidly strong. Whether it was anni, carnage or rage, all 3 specs have their plus points, and all in the hands of a skilled player have been and are still viable.


Just because it's rage now, doesn't mean anni or carnage haven't been "the pvp" spec. And I'd argue carnage still has alot going for it over rage for pvp, but then it takes a good player to make it happen, so the fact you only thought I was talking about rage, kinda tells me you need your brain-dead "lolsmashtard" spec to be effective.


The fact of the matter is, warriors enjoy a very strong combination of defensive cds, ability rotations that can't be interrupted or shut down without filling resolve. You have a good toolkit of gap closers, snares and roots, which means it takes another stupidly OP AC (namely the sniper) for you to even have the semblance a counter class.

Edit: I wouldn't even mind the defensives so much if the dps was nerfed to balance your insane survivability, but it so happens marauders enjoy exceedingly good dps and utility to boot.


And since people have posted videos of 2 level 50 sentinels tanking SM Denova with a single scoundrel healer (pre 2.0!), given no other dps class would have a chance of pulling that off, it really does mean your class is way too strong and your nerfs are way overdue. Heck I even remeber threads in the Flashpoints section of why marauders can't queue as tanks.


Sorry, I'm not trying to ruin anything, I'm hoping (in vain) it seems for the devs to bring some semblance of pve and pvp balance between classes. And it really doesn't surprise you maras want to keep it the way things are. Heavens forbid you have to use some skill to beat people rather than roflstomping them. :rolleyes:


You just like seeing your own posts don't you? Are you stupid enough to not see the AC Questions as an opportunity to bring that balance up to par? Based on your posting history, I'd wager that you play a Sorcerer, which in all reality are in a pretty decent place in both PvE and PvP. Yes, PvP Madness needs some help for regen given that it is rare to ever be able to fully channel a FL but Lightning is an amazing turret burst cannon and Corruption, when played correctly, is amazing. In PvE there are FOUR viable specs for Sorcerers (Corruption, Lightning, Madness, Madness Hybrid) that can and do all parse pretty damn decently, with Corruption being arguably the strongest PvE healing spec at the moment. Aside from the PvP Madness regen issue, what is wrong with Sorcerers? Are you, like many others, going to argue that having and instant cast, free-self heal; an instant cast 6k+ shield; an instant cast, 10 second duration absolute immunity with no negatives on use (compared to Undying Rage which requires 50% of current health); an instant cast, free wide conal knock back that can be talented to heal on the bottom talent tier; and an instant cast, free speed boost that can be talented to break roots/snares is not enough defensive CDs? Marauders have, compared to that list Undying Rage (can be talented to reduce health sacrifice on the 7th tier of Rage tree), Force Camouflage (can be talented to break roots on the 5th tier of Carnage tree, can be talented to increase duration of stealth and increase movement speed on 5th tier of Annihilation tree), Saber Ward (can be talented to restore 2% max health on successful incoming damage once per 1.5 seconds on the 7th tier of the Annihilation tree), and Cloak of Pain (can be talented to generate 1 Rage when damage reflected once per 3 seconds on first tier of Carnage tree). Yes, it is a strong CD suite but it needs to be due to the fact that we are Medium Armor wearing Melee meaning we have to be in the thick of a fight in order to contribute.


As for Carnage having something worthwhile over Rage, the truth is that it does not. There is no on-demand burst, it is easily shut down, it has significant resource issues, and can only truly apply pressure to a single target in melee range whereas a Rage Marauder can apply significantly more pressure to more targets, has a lesser Predation but primarily uses Fury for Berserk, has an overabundance of resources, has a much more effective Undying Rage, and has a gap closer that breaks root/snares. All that said, while Rage is very powerful in PvP it is not Over-Powered. In fact, the Devs specifically stated that it was where they wanted it. Marauders are by no means invincible and Rage Marauders die frequently, but the difference is that they can accomplish their goal before that death. I can do the same thing on my Assassin; I can hold a node by myself against 3 players and even though I will die, I will have given my team enough time to reinforce the node. It is completely true that some classes need help right now yet coming into a forum and saying "/RAGE YOU ARE OP AND SHOULD BE NERFED but I'm not trying to ruin anything BUT YOU SHOULD TOTALLY BE NERFED /SMUGFACEFORPWNINGALLTHESILLYMARAUDERS" is not the way to accomplish that. Instead, work with your AC to craft effective questions.


Finally, it is utterly hilarious that you would ever even try to say that you "aren't trying to ruin anything" when the fact is that you are. The absolute worst thing is that what you really want is not balance. People like you don't care about balance. What you want is for your class of choice to be over-powered. I'd bet anything that if the tables were turned you would sit on your high horse claiming that "Well, you see blah blah blah blah blah and really blah blah blah imatool blah blah blah" trying to defend yourself and your class. The fact of the matter is that while Marauders are in a great spot at the moment, there are several areas that we could really use a QoL buff. You're just too thick-headed and stupid to see it :/

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Finally, it is utterly hilarious that you would ever even try to say that you "aren't trying to ruin anything" when the fact is that you are. The absolute worst thing is that what you really want is not balance. People like you don't care about balance. What you want is for your class of choice to be over-powered. I'd bet anything that if the tables were turned you would sit on your high horse claiming that "Well, you see blah blah blah blah blah and really blah blah blah imatool blah blah blah" trying to defend yourself and your class. The fact of the matter is that while Marauders are in a great spot at the moment, there are several areas that we could really use a QoL buff. You're just too thick-headed and stupid to see it :/


Haha. Thick headed huh? Imbedded insult about being a tool? You know, I find that once a person resorts to such insults it's usually a desperate attempt to throw the argument away from the core issue because they really can't defend their side of the argument.


As such, I'll not bother replying to your desperate attempts at keeping marauders overpowered.


But one last thought for you, is any mara worth their salt going to think twice about going after a sorc? If you are able to keep your delusions and or hidden agenda from interfering with your self-honesty, the answer to that will tell you all you need to know about balance.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Haha. Thick headed huh? Imbedded insult about being a tool? You know, I find that once a person resorts to such insults it's usually a desperate attempt to throw the argument away from the core issue because they really can't defend their side of the argument.


You know, I find that when a person refuses to read the rest of an argument and instead simply quotes a small portion to support their viewpoint that they are incapable of coming up with real replies.


As such, I'll not bother replying to your desperate attempts at keeping marauders overpowered.


...Except, you did. This is exactly like people using the phrase "No offense" before saying something extremely offensive. Telling someone that you're not going to respond is a response. Thank you for re-enforcing my point that you are indeed stupid.


But one last thought for you, is any mara worth their salt going to think twice about going after a sorc? If you are able to keep your delusions and or hidden agenda from interfering with your self-honesty, the answer to that will tell you all you need to know about balance.


Why would a Marauder not go after a Sorcerer? If that Sorcerer is left alone, he/she will destroy you. Yes, that Sorcerer is squishy, but guess what? They wear Light Armor, id est Cloth. I'm not stupid enough to want absolute reality in my games but if I saw a game in which Cloth deflected a melee weapon of any sort, I would not play that game. You wear light armor, you are squishy, ipso facto. As for my delusions? Where are the Ranked teams running Annihilation or Carnage Marauders? I've seen plenty of great ranked teams with Corruption and Lightning Sorcerers, but none that run Annihilation or Carnage Marauders. As for my "hidden agenda" look at my signature. I play a Sorcerer, Corruption, in fact. And that is the toon that I PvP on most often because of how much I hate PvP on my Marauder, on my Mercenary, and on my Juggernaut.


If you want to talk about PvE comparisons, lets do that. I've looked and cannot find a single fight where the top Sorcerer/Sage DPS on boss is more than 5% (in either direction, there are several with Sorcerer/Sages on top) off of Marauder/Sentinel or Sniper/Gunslinger. As for healing, how many guilds successfully run dual-Sorcerers? Quite a damn lot. I know of none that run dual-Mercenaries or dual-Operatives because of the absolute lack of synergy those two have with themselves compared to with a Sorcerer. That, in and of itself, is imbalanced in favor of Sorcerers.


Now, all of that said, I have yet to see anyone intelligent (myself included) argue that Marauder/Sentinel DPS needs serious buffs. Its simply not true. As a class, Marauders and Sentinels are in a great place and simply need some QoL buffs to bring it into line with what the Devs envision it as. Sorcerers like you, on the other hand, are the people that whined, moaned, and demanded the Devs fix your class and subsequently got told to l2p (something I had said multiple times in those threads because the true existence of the issues was far over-stated).


Yes, I called you thick-headed, stupid, self-absorbed, and a tool. And frankly, you have proven yourself time and time again to be those and much more. The only thing I have failed to see you prove is your intelligence.

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  • 2 weeks later...
wanna make rage not op for pvp but not nerf it in pve? simple God mode increase cd to 2mins change talent that reduces its cd by 30s to 15s take slow off one of the leaps and change obliterate while rooted so that if you use that while rooted your cd on obliterate is extended by like 5s or something. Changes along those lines would help as the problem with rage is the mindless slow obliterate out of roots and 45s god mode none of these changes affect pve what so ever.
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You just like seeing your own posts don't you? Are you stupid enough to not see the AC Questions as an opportunity to bring that balance up to par? Based on your posting history, I'd wager that you play a Sorcerer, which in all reality are in a pretty decent place in both PvE and PvP. Yes, PvP Madness needs some help for regen given that it is rare to ever be able to fully channel a FL but Lightning is an amazing turret burst cannon and Corruption, when played correctly, is amazing. In PvE there are FOUR viable specs for Sorcerers (Corruption, Lightning, Madness, Madness Hybrid) that can and do all parse pretty damn decently, with Corruption being arguably the strongest PvE healing spec at the moment. Aside from the PvP Madness regen issue, what is wrong with Sorcerers? Are you, like many others, going to argue that having and instant cast, free-self heal; an instant cast 6k+ shield; an instant cast, 10 second duration absolute immunity with no negatives on use (compared to Undying Rage which requires 50% of current health); an instant cast, free wide conal knock back that can be talented to heal on the bottom talent tier; and an instant cast, free speed boost that can be talented to break roots/snares is not enough defensive CDs? Marauders have, compared to that list Undying Rage (can be talented to reduce health sacrifice on the 7th tier of Rage tree), Force Camouflage (can be talented to break roots on the 5th tier of Carnage tree, can be talented to increase duration of stealth and increase movement speed on 5th tier of Annihilation tree), Saber Ward (can be talented to restore 2% max health on successful incoming damage once per 1.5 seconds on the 7th tier of the Annihilation tree), and Cloak of Pain (can be talented to generate 1 Rage when damage reflected once per 3 seconds on first tier of Carnage tree). Yes, it is a strong CD suite but it needs to be due to the fact that we are Medium Armor wearing Melee meaning we have to be in the thick of a fight in order to contribute.


As for Carnage having something worthwhile over Rage, the truth is that it does not. There is no on-demand burst, it is easily shut down, it has significant resource issues, and can only truly apply pressure to a single target in melee range whereas a Rage Marauder can apply significantly more pressure to more targets, has a lesser Predation but primarily uses Fury for Berserk, has an overabundance of resources, has a much more effective Undying Rage, and has a gap closer that breaks root/snares. All that said, while Rage is very powerful in PvP it is not Over-Powered. :/

Can you attack people in force barrier? no. Is barrier on a 45s cd? no. Granted you can use it while stunned but its on 3 min cd if your are not high lightning in which case it is 2m30s If you think rage needs 45s god mode with all their other defenses and the highest dmg reduction of all the mara specs combined with their huge burst/aoe burst and their retard obliterate out of root with auto slow on both leaps and god mode only take 25% health when you spec fully into it. Let me give you and example a double mara jugg tank team with a scoundrel is retarded strong becuase you can't just cc train heals and spam interrupt and focus mara cause he just uses his defensive's and when he gets low he can get guard ok switch to other mara make him pop cds ok now he has guard stun tank switch back oh his cloak of pain god and vanish is back up and now he has guard swtich to other mara oh he has all his **** back up now k kill tank wait wait wait he is a jugg tank nvm kill healer! wait wait wait he is a scoundrel healer with guard and he can insta cast almost all day while we get trained by smash ...... so ya smash needs a nerf Obvs can't be dmg would ruin pve so lets tone down their retarded defenses or maybe take way auto slow and make it reduced global slow like jugg maybe? although I know jugg is aoe but auto slow on leap is just too mindless besides your real slow is 12s 1 rage so I don't see the issue in having to use a slow if you need it. Edited by BurningCourage
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