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Need dev answer about arena comps


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in terms of pure burst, I might actually be more afraid of 4 concealments. I find it easier to survive initial burst from decepticons. but that might be because more ppl moved to deception in 2.0, so there's more mediocre sins. whereas if you're concealment, you're either a masochist or know what you're doing?
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You guys don't seem to give enough credit to CC


If you roll four of one class you're gonna get stomped by a well thought out comp played correctly.


4x burst/stealth/etc will beat bad players and lose handily to good players. You will face more good players as you get higher.


Hate to use a WoW example, but Priest Mage Rogue has been (arguably) the best 3v3 comp in wow arena since like the start or arena. Why? Control. A one dimensional game plan like 4x burst is easy to counter.


Limiting comps would be dumb. And if it DID make things over powered, we should all be outraged by the idea. That would essentially be the development team saying "We don't want to work on balance, so we are going to limit players options".

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Because I want to be very careful about any possible spread of misinformation, this is not how we are testing Warzone Arenas nor are they the rules present in them. I want to highlight your first rule as it has created some friction in the thread, that is something that is definitely not a rule in Warzone Arenas.


I love the idea of you hosting your own tournament but in the future please do not make claims about our testing methods. Since there is mention of gaining information from testers I would remind everyone that in the event we have private testing groups they are under a very strict NDA. If someone claims to have been a part of the test and provides you information one of two things are occurring 1) you are being deceived or 2) they are breaching their NDA. Neither of those are good options.







Edited by Pistols
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