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Huttball: Ball Holding at Goaline


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Ranked Warzones seem to share a common strategy in huttball to hold the ball near enemy teams goal line and wait to score. Now this can get ridiculous and many people feel there should be some sort of time limit implemented for how long you can hang out in the enemy teams goaline area before you explode and die for staying there to long, otherwise you can just chain pass the ball in a circle and this becomes unfun. This eliminates comps that don't have the ability to chain multiple enemy pulls and knock backs to get an enemy player behind the post at the goal lines.


Image Example (Read in numerical order 1-2-3): http://i.imgur.com/MFr7sTs.jpg


Edit: Random picture edited from google images

Edited by DkSharktooth
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There is a timer. It's 4 minutes I think, maybe less.


Pretty long time to be available to hold the ball in the enemy zone line. The point of the map becomes neglected when teams hold the ball for minutes at a time and don't try to score and grab the ball as much as possible.

Edited by DkSharktooth
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Ranked Warzones seem to share a common strategy in huttball to hold the ball near enemy teams goal line and wait to score. Now this can get ridiculous and many people feel there should be some sort of time limit implemented for how long you can hang out in the enemy teams goaline area before you explode and die for staying there to long, otherwise you can just chain pass the ball in a circle and this becomes unfun. This eliminates comps that don't have the ability to chain multiple enemy pulls and knock backs to get an enemy player behind the post at the goal lines.


Image Example (Read in numerical order 1-2-3): http://i.imgur.com/MFr7sTs.jpg


Edit: Random picture edited from google images


It's a ballgame. You can't tell me you haven't seen basketball teams derping around with the ball and not shooting if theyre up by 2 with 10 seconds left, or a football team running 0-1 yard 4 plays in a row so they can take 2 minutes off the clock. This happens in ballgames.


Also, there are very few places in the huttball arena where you can't be pulled and then pushed into a situation that is very bad for you, and the endzone isn't one of those places. Right in your picture shows how a sin could pull then overload the ball carrier into the fire. It only takes one sin to do that.

It's a risky play many teams choose to take because they know if they score right away the other team will immediately get the ball in mid. You can capitalize on that risky decision if your sins are quick enough, but the communication has to be on point about whether the other team is scoring or stalling.


One of the great things bioware has decided in its infinite wisdom is that you can suicide into fire and respawn ahead of the enemy ball carrier, or in this case, right in position to pull off the pull/overload/stun combo. It's stupid but that's how it is.


Also I'm pretty sure the ball timer isn't 4 minutes, I think its like 120 seconds or maybe even 90 seconds.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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Ranked Warzones seem to share a common strategy in huttball to hold the ball near enemy teams goal line and wait to score. Now this can get ridiculous and many people feel there should be some sort of time limit implemented for how long you can hang out in the enemy teams goaline area before you explode and die for staying there to long, otherwise you can just chain pass the ball in a circle and this becomes unfun. This eliminates comps that don't have the ability to chain multiple enemy pulls and knock backs to get an enemy player behind the post at the goal lines.


Image Example (Read in numerical order 1-2-3): http://i.imgur.com/MFr7sTs.jpg


Edit: Random picture edited from google images


WOW is there anything you dont complain about. Jesus christ

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Also I'm pretty sure the ball timer isn't 4 minutes, I think its like 120 seconds or maybe even 90 seconds.


There are 2 different timers. The individual ball timer which is reset when the ball is passed but there is also a team ball timer which cannot reset without the ball changing possession or being grounded. This is the ~4 minute timer, there is no buff anywhere that shows how long you have left for it so you just have to take a mental note.

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Huh? You don't have any classes on your ranked team that can pull, push, or knock the enemy into the goal line or fire? Or for that matter, just kill him - or at least put pressure on him to score?


Ranked Warzones seem to share a common strategy in huttball to hold the ball near enemy teams goal line and wait to score. Now this can get ridiculous and many people feel there should be some sort of time limit implemented for how long you can hang out in the enemy teams goaline area before you explode and die for staying there to long, otherwise you can just chain pass the ball in a circle and this becomes unfun. This eliminates comps that don't have the ability to chain multiple enemy pulls and knock backs to get an enemy player behind the post at the goal lines.


Image Example (Read in numerical order 1-2-3): http://i.imgur.com/MFr7sTs.jpg


Edit: Random picture edited from google images

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It's a ballgame. You can't tell me you haven't seen basketball teams derping around with the ball and not shooting if theyre up by 2 with 10 seconds left, or a football team running 0-1 yard 4 plays in a row so they can take 2 minutes off the clock. This happens in ballgames.


Also, there are very few places in the huttball arena where you can't be pulled and then pushed into a situation that is very bad for you, and the endzone isn't one of those places. Right in your picture shows how a sin could pull then overload the ball carrier into the fire. It only takes one sin to do that.

It's a risky play many teams choose to take because they know if they score right away the other team will immediately get the ball in mid. You can capitalize on that risky decision if your sins are quick enough, but the communication has to be on point about whether the other team is scoring or stalling.


One of the great things bioware has decided in its infinite wisdom is that you can suicide into fire and respawn ahead of the enemy ball carrier, or in this case, right in position to pull off the pull/overload/stun combo. It's stupid but that's how it is.


Also I'm pretty sure the ball timer isn't 4 minutes, I think its like 120 seconds or maybe even 90 seconds.




Huttball is a ballgame, not a kill game, and there is different strategy involved. A team wants to control mid before they score so as to reclaim the ball. But often controlling mid involves killing opponents, which would put them right in front of their ball carrier if they were at the goal line. Thi means wiping a tam has conequences for the team with possession. The rules of the game keep someone from just staying there because eventually opposition will spawn right in front of them.


Also, one person can only carry the ball for 2 minutes (may be 90 seconds, but I think its 120) before they die and the ball changes possession.


Huttball is the best designed warzone. It is unique and requires coordination and objective play more so than the others. There is nothing majorly wrong with it.

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