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Game Continuity and coherency


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Besides the obvious trolls who can't except, up until after RotJ and Luke becomes head of the Jedi Order, yes, certain color crystals where used. Jedi didn't use red crystals. Sith used Red.


And generally certain looks where more common place.


Sadly, people need to get over the fact that both sides have their usual things.


That said, to the OP, you have to remember, a lot of players don't want to play the typical character, also you have to remember, TOR just SUCKS when it comes to open world RP, and most players suck when it comes to even trying to put on an appearance of trying to stick with lore.


One just has to go onto Fleet (either side) and see all those running around in a slave bikini to realize the idea of players having any senses went out the window.


TOR is set up for RP between 8 people, split into 2 groups of 4 people, each group on the opposite fraction. Seriously, for open world RP and lore, do you really think there would be over 1000 Darth's running around? Darth is not a title they just throw out there. Most sith have the title of Apprentice or Lord.


Even if you could get a guild together to take some lore into account, do you really think they could get their members to not do such things as...not use certain items?

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Have you ever see a Jedi wearing black robes or using red crystal on the lightsaber?

On the expanded universe.

No, and it's not because of some Jedi's fashion thing.


Apart from Jedi's philosopy which is totally OT here, we're talking about LORE.

So being a lightside Jedi wearing Eradicator and red crystal is ok, lore-wise?

This is absurd.


Doesn't Leia use a red lightsaber?

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Doesn't Leia use a red lightsaber?


I do not understand why people bring up Luke wearing his black robe or Leia using a red crystal or anything from the movies or EU past the movies, or prequels. This is millenia past the era of Tor, and the discussion is about the lore coherency about the Tor era - were the vast majority of sith wore what sith wear and jedi wore what jedi wore. To get an impression of the overall dress code look at the dark council, look at sith npcs, or look at the jedi order and jedi npcs, look what they wear what crystals they use. This is representing what the distinct factions at this time look like. And its up to the games designer to assure in a certain way that this faction coherence is upheld to a certain standard. Nobody says to forbid anything to anybody, its proven in design that negative reinforcement does not work. But it could be possible to receive certain boni to upholding a faction standard, like bonus attributes for using a red saber when you are dark side aligned. this can simulate the recognition you would get in a social system with peer pressure. A dark council member with a blue lightsaber would certainly be pressured into using a red one. you can not enforce that in a game but you can give out cookies for acknowledging it and doing your part to uphold a certain image.


Also under discussion here are "fancy" vehicles and anything else that is a thorn in the eyes of lore ( ghost aratech scythe, gree sphere, pod racers that move at 5 mph ?) not just plainly what sith and jedi are supposed to wear.


I repeat again, its about the ToR era so throw anything out of the window you see in the movies please, it has no concern whatsoever to this era.

Edited by IvamAkorahil
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All who argue in favour of these CC "atrocities", let's get to the real point here. The point is NOT in restricting Jedi from wearing black robes. The point is to restrict Jedi from wearing specifically a standard-issue Sith warrior armour (ie eradicator warsuit). A Jedi wearing such armour is beyond stupid, lore-wise. Eradicator Warsuit should be restricted to Sith.


As for crystals, my position here is that Jedi order has rules concerning crystal colours. They certainly would not tolerate one of their members using red colour. The argument that your character turned to the dark side and left Jedi Order / Republic is completely invalid and dumb. If that was true you wouldn't be doing Republic flashpoints or fighting in war zones alongside Jedi / Republic. You wouldn't even be on the republic fleet...


Let's not even begin with the whole black-something crystals.


And finally, putting Revan's, Malak's, Nihilus', Mira's, Calo's armour in game for everyone to use... well that is so ridiculous that any argument in favour of it would be delusional.

Edited by Path-x
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All who argue in favour of these CC "atrocities", let's get to the real point here. The point is NOT in restricting Jedi from wearing black robes. The point is to restrict Jedi from wearing specifically a standard-issue Sith warrior armour (ie eradicator warsuit). A Jedi wearing such armour is beyond stupid, lore-wise. Eradicator Warsuit should be restricted to Sith.


As for crystals, my position here is that Jedi order has rules concerning crystal colours. They certainly would not tolerate one of their members using red colour. The argument that your character turned to the dark side and left Jedi Order / Republic is completely invalid and dumb. If that was true you wouldn't be doing Republic flashpoints or fighting in war zones alongside Jedi / Republic. You wouldn't even be on the republic fleet...


Let's not even begin with the whole black-something crystals.


And finally, putting Revan's, Malak's, Nihilus', Mira's, Calo's armour in game for everyone to use... well that is so ridiculous that any argument in favour of it would be delusional.


Why would it be stupid? Is it so hard to assume that you can have a Jedi Knight, RP wise, going undercover deep within Sith ranks and thus, you can justify picking that appearance?


One of the storylines has exactly that, with the Jedi himself actually revealing to have fallen to the dark side ages ago supposedly. Won't even bother mentioning Luke in Return Of The Jedi, when entering Jabba's palace, since I'm sure someone else did already.

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Why would it be stupid? Is it so hard to assume that you can have a Jedi Knight, RP wise, going undercover deep within Sith ranks and thus, you can justify picking that appearance?


One of the storylines has exactly that, with the Jedi himself actually revealing to have fallen to the dark side ages ago supposedly. Won't even bother mentioning Luke in Return Of The Jedi, when entering Jabba's palace, since I'm sure someone else did already.


Okay since you are trying to find these very rare and bizarre occasions to justify the massive use of it... then I say it should be restricted to RP, meaning that you couldn't wear that armour when part of republic strike teams (war zones, operations etc.) or when being on the republic fleet. To be honest, I would rather see that armour being unavailable to the republic altogether and deprive a very few people who wish to RP such thing than making the whole republic side lore look ridiculous.


Since you brought this thing up. I personally think that Jedi going undercover among Sith is stupid in the first place, seeing how they can sense each other's presence and alignment. (and please don't try to convince me otherwise because that is just my personal opinion)


Won't even bother mentioning Luke in Return Of The Jedi, when entering Jabba's palace, since I'm sure someone else did already.


You better not... because I already said Jedi wearing black is not the problem here.

Edited by Path-x
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Have you ever see a Jedi wearing black robes or using red crystal on the lightsaber?

On the expanded universe.

No, and it's not because of some Jedi's fashion thing.


Apart from Jedi's philosopy which is totally OT here, we're talking about LORE.

So being a lightside Jedi wearing Eradicator and red crystal is ok, lore-wise?

This is absurd.


luke skywalker wear a black hooded robe in ROTJ ( the jabba palace) and Obi-one use ventress red lightsaber in the clone wars ( when he's fighting maul and savage )


luke http://static1.cinemovies.fr/articles/5/22/32/5/@/349142-star-wars-7-luke-skywalker-comme-un-620x0-2.jpg


Edited by Dharius
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I am of the opinion that players have the right ware whatever they wish there characters to ware. Do you want your Jedi in Trooper armor? fair enough. Your Sith in a slave outfit? Go ahead! (And in some ways it does fit in with the characters lore, especially if they are an Inquisitor) I dont think people should dictate to other players want to ware just for there immersion's sake. This is an MMO, some 'sacrifices' have to be made so that everyone can enjoy the game in the way that they want.


When playing the stories though, you never rarely see Sith with non-black gear or red crystals, so the in-game lore, the one you interact with, is still as you want it to be. The only thing that may suffer is the RP value, and one would assume that you RP with people who either follow your idea of lore or at least have interesting reasons why they may be decked out in different gear.


Personally speaking, I love how we can customize our characters in game, both via their appearance and their personalities. My main, an insane Darkside Sith Assassin, wares Slave outfit partly because as a link to her past, and the fact they are black and yellow in color (Which is a sign of danger and poison in nature). My Operative wore the Imperial Uniform form the CM for most of her time in Intelligence (Which she dyed after the events of her story, as she felt free for the first time an a need to discover her identity and distance herself from the Sith Empire) None of my Jedi are pure Lightside, they agree with idea of the Jedi but not entirely their code or there bigotry against love and emotion. My Sith Juggernaut (A black and white Cathar who wares black and white dyed Voss gear) practically worships the Sith code, but follows a coed of honor. She will never kill am unarmed enemies or resort to dirty tricks.


Personally speaking, I see such actions as bending and exploring the lore, rather then destroying it. :i_angel:

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