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To some people what you call "trolling" is not trolling, it's simply PvPing. They are PvPing in the PvP area. They are playing in that area as intended. You get flagged, you find another person that's flagged and you have the choice to attack them or not. There is nothing in the TOS that says 4v1 or whatever is wrong or not allowed.


YOU are saying it's wrong, but that does not make it wrong.


You have all the right in the world to say you think it's wrong, but personally I find your attitude annoying and I will join everyone else in the hunt for you.

Edited by Radzkie
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Don't give me that BS. You said it yourself -


Yeah, you should call it quits. Because you've already admitted that you're wrong.


See, this isn't about doing what you can. This is about doing what's right. And since you've already said that it's in my favor, there is nothing more to discuss.


Yet you continue. Why?


I said that's my own personal agreement. My point, if you had been paying attention, is that not everyone shares the same viewpoint as you.


Here, let me give you an example of how 7v1 can be justified:


PvP is designed to be more than just simple 1v1s, as the worst kind of combat in WZs is when you go one on one with someone. Teamplay is important, and a higher form of PvP combat can be achieved by having more than just little small battles between 3v3, 4v4. You see this from players that have played in ranked WZs, as depending on teammates to battle against another team is a better form of combat.


So, how do you incite people to form teams of more than four to combat each other in WZs? Well, given the situation, you could form a little group to go around and hit the stragglers, ganking individuals in the PvP zone to incite the players to group together to fight a common enemy. Thereby, creating a team vs team battle and the ensuring fun that comes with it.


Sure, you might piss people off, but in the eyes of someone with a viewpoint like that, how is that diminishing as a player? You are encouraging them to form teams to battle against your own, and you gank people because you are trying to incite others to rise up to the challenge of fighting your premade. That, is justified, and I don't see how that makes them any less of a player in the slightest.


Are you even reading this? Make sure to include "QQ" in your response if you made it this far. Half of your replies show clear ignorance of what I am telling you here in the forums, so try not to shut out a differing opinion too much, ok?


Yes yes yes. You're all going to gang up and kill me. You're all scary; I promise I won't tell the principle you're bullying me :rolleyes: Do you really think I care about your empty threats? So what. You don't even know who I am and even if you did, killing me wouldn't prove anything except that's the only way you could 'win' - and that victory would just be bludgeoning your enemy into submission, as opposed to convincing him to turn away from his ideals.


Let's try this:


Obviously this can't be directly as tomorrow, unless we get enough people to sign up. But I am Mirrored, Guildmaster of the Victors Eternal. If anyone does not have a guild, or has a guild but it doesn't run ops, and wants to join, reply to me in this thread and we can coordinate a run that suits everyone.


Try not to make a post here in the forums with your information next time if you want to be discreet ;)


As for proving a point, who cares? No one is looking to prove anything to you, only to kill you multiple times because you came onto this forums and started waving your high morality type demands and expectations to the community. Killing you, as we know, will piss you off and that's the overall goal: to show you that you can take your little demand for respect and shove it where the sun doesn't shine :D



Believe it or not, I'm not against a free for all. I love the idea. I love to participate in it myself. It's fun, exciting - but you know all that.


I just want people to play fairly. That's my one and only request. If a group member has to drop out and the rest are down to three people, they shouldn't be jumped while they're recruiting a new member. That's just annoying.


Well sucks. FFA is hardly ever fair, and you didn't make it a request: you demanded it. It's one thing to ask, and another to demand it. For the second time, get off your high horse and stop trying to argue from a position of power. Your stance is not the influential one, you are challenging people to do exactly the opposite of what you want by demanding courtesy.


So go play with your friends. Have fun - I want you to, that's what this game is about, is it not? But don't deny the fun to people who don't agree with you, like solo orb carriers, or people just trying to get their dailies through. PvP - but don't troll. That's all I'm asking.


Deny the fun? The objective is designed to stop people from taking orb to the pylon easily; players are not stopping others from having fun by playing the game mode the way it was supposed to be.


That's like whining about the fact that you have to actually dodge mechanics that the operation bosses throw out at you. Please, for the sake of your own sanity, stop trying to tell people that they are infringing on the others' right to play. The mission and zone were designed for people to fight over, as the fun comes from that.


If the devs expected people to leave others alone, then why is there only one pylon in the entire PvP zone? Why would they stick only one, single place to turn in orbs if they didn't WANT you to fight over it?


Repeating yourself and demanding people to follow your rules isn't going to save you. And if you want to even try to defend your point, feel free to argue against my logical facts that are stomping on your "holier than thou" posts.

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First of all, I'm not sure if Zu made this a requirement now or what, but regardless "QQ". Anyway, so I am in the boat of let the people run their dailies if they don't want to fight. And I typically avoid events just because I've never really enjoyed them.


That aside though, the question I would ask is "why?" I know it's a PvP area. I know people want to engage in PvP, but is it really enjoyable to smash someone in a 4v1? Is it really that fun to smash someone into oblivion? If you see a name you've never seen before in PvP, running around solo with 20K hp, is killing them really going to be fun? It may be good for a laugh, I will give you that. But if they do have friends, like you seem to hope, will they show up? And if they do show up, do you really expect to get any kind of decent PvP out of it?


I guess I'm not sure what claim of a positive reason is really being made here. I challenge the claim that it is going to give an reasonable quality PvP, but from the forum posts we've seen, you are angering people. GO PVP!!!:rolleyes:

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I said that's my own personal agreement. My point, if you had been paying attention, is that not everyone shares the same viewpoint as you.


Here, let me give you an example of how 7v1 can be justified:


PvP is designed to be more than just simple 1v1s, as the worst kind of combat in WZs is when you go one on one with someone. Teamplay is important, and a higher form of PvP combat can be achieved by having more than just little small battles between 3v3, 4v4. You see this from players that have played in ranked WZs, as depending on teammates to battle against another team is a better form of combat.


So, how do you incite people to form teams of more than four to combat each other in WZs? Well, given the situation, you could form a little group to go around and hit the stragglers, ganking individuals in the PvP zone to incite the players to group together to fight a common enemy. Thereby, creating a team vs team battle and the ensuring fun that comes with it..


So you make them angry so that they can have fun? Is that what I'm reading?


If you want people to PvP with you, why don't you just ask?


"Hey, Thirst. You know what, I don't think you understand just how great PvP can be. Here, I'll be on at X PM EST, with a group. You should bring your own group as well. Just hang out PvPing in the zone for a while, and we'll run things from there."


No anger involved. No manipulation. No-one's forced to do anything. If the person wants to be cowardly and turn down the offer, they can do so, and they have to suffer the consequences.


Instead you demand that we have to suffer your methods because... why? There's no need to be rude. No need to be a douchebag about this. Just be polite - as you have been trying to tell me.



Sure, you might piss people off, but in the eyes of someone with a viewpoint like that, how is that diminishing as a player? You are encouraging them to form teams to battle against your own, and you gank people because you are trying to incite others to rise up to the challenge of fighting your premade. That, is justified, and I don't see how that makes them any less of a player in the slightest.


Are you even reading this? Make sure to include "QQ" in your response if you made it this far. Half of your replies show clear ignorance of what I am telling you here in the forums, so try not to shut out a differing opinion too much, ok?


Sure. What does QQ even stand for? I assume that it's an insult of some sort, but I could be wrong.




Let's try this:



Try not to make a post here in the forums with your information next time if you want to be discreet ;)


As for proving a point, who cares? No one is looking to prove anything to you, only to kill you multiple times because you came onto this forums and started waving your high morality type demands and expectations to the community. Killing you, as we know, will piss you off and that's the overall goal: to show you that you can take your little demand for respect and shove it where the sun doesn't shine :D


I underestimated you. I honestly didn't think you people would actually did research, what with you apparently enjoying trolling so much. 'shrugs' Time to start being careful.


To be honest, I'm probably not going to be all that upset. I can grab my dailies fairly quickly, unflag myself, and get on the PVE ones. I guess you can go for me if you're pubs, but then you run the risk of coming across any imps, who you apparently do not trust to be as honorable as I am.




Well sucks. FFA is hardly ever fair, and you didn't make it a request: you demanded it. It's one thing to ask, and another to demand it. For the second time, get off your high horse and stop trying to argue from a position of power. Your stance is not the influential one, you are challenging people to do exactly the opposite of what you want by demanding courtesy.


Why? Is that not what you're doing as well? We're both hypocrites in this argument here. You demand that I let you play and annoy people more sensitive than myself. I demand that you leave them alone. But you don't have a position - what is your point anyways?


Am I wrong, or just my methods?


Deny the fun? The objective is designed to stop people from taking orb to the pylon easily; players are not stopping others from having fun by playing the game mode the way it was supposed to be.


That's like whining about the fact that you have to actually dodge mechanics that the operation bosses throw out at you. Please, for the sake of your own sanity, stop trying to tell people that they are infringing on the others' right to play. The mission and zone were designed for people to fight over, as the fun comes from that.


If the devs expected people to leave others alone, then why is there only one pylon in the entire PvP zone? Why would they stick only one, single place to turn in orbs if they didn't WANT you to fight over it?


Repeating yourself and demanding people to follow your rules isn't going to save you. And if you want to even try to defend your point, feel free to argue against my logical facts that are stomping on your "holier than thou" posts.


Stomping on them? Hardly. Come on, you're impressing no-one. Self-proclaimed victory is no victory at all.


Fun is different to different people. We all enjoy SWTOR, obviously, or we wouldn't be here, arguing in circles. Just because the devs designed something a certain way doesn't mean they didn't make a mistake, or that their methods cater to everyone. As I've already said, sometimes people screw up, it's ok.


One of the greatest moments in gaming that I've seen thus far is people working together around the orbs and the pylon. To me, that was fun, not only believing but seeing people act in an honorable and courteous way. This method was great for everyone involved - PvPers got to PvP, just not while the orbs were being turned in. PvE players got to turn in their orbs and try and sprint out of the area as fast as they could. Nobody was arguing. Nobody was on any high horse. Everyone was having fun, and that's ultimately what this game is about isn't it?


You say I repeat myself. I do. It's nice to remind myself that what I'm fighting for was not just a dream, it was real, proven and true.


The thing you're advocating for is going on right now, and all it is causing is misery for the masses. You even have to deal with my objections to it, so you're not happy either.


Tell me again who's fighting for the better thing.

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Don't always agree with Soupy but on this I agree, I find it pointless to gank people when there is no challenge. By all means kill me but when you are killing people with limited PVP experience there is no challenge.


Lately it has been 4 or maybe 5 players in mid pretty much dominating the middle as it is rare getting more than a dozen experienced PVP players on Ilum at any one time and most of the time we don't even attack each other. Except a certain steathie who thought it fun to stab me a couple of time :eek:


and Scyn the Juilus Caeser quote is "Veni, Vidi, Vici" which came from a speech he did when conquering my home nation of Britannia and is commonly translated as "I came, I saw, I conquered", the destroyed followup would be weird

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So you make them angry so that they can have fun? Is that what I'm reading?


Nope, you read the angry part but again missed the overall point. The point is that some people roll in groups to incite others to form a group to beat them, challenging players to king of the hill type team play by ganking.


If you can't rise to a challenge they present, it's not their fault if you get stomped again.


If you want people to PvP with you, why don't you just ask?


"Hey, Thirst. You know what, I don't think you understand just how great PvP can be. Here, I'll be on at X PM EST, with a group. You should bring your own group as well. Just hang out PvPing in the zone for a while, and we'll run things from there."


No anger involved. No manipulation. No-one's forced to do anything. If the person wants to be cowardly and turn down the offer, they can do so, and they have to suffer the consequences.


Instead you demand that we have to suffer your methods because... why? There's no need to be rude. No need to be a douchebag about this. Just be polite - as you have been trying to tell me.


First off, do you know how hard it is to plan something with people even within your own guild? Some people may not care about setting up dates and times to fight in large groups, they roll around and present themselves as the group to target. If you can't match up with thiers, it's not their fault nor are they any less of players for doing it.


The only reason why you even see that as being rude is because your little ego is wounded from getting stomped. It shows in your typing, as you have made the most common mistake that people make in PvP: you took things personal. Stop complaining, it's not getting you anywhere.


Sure. What does QQ even stand for? I assume that it's an insult of some sort, but I could be wrong.


It's internet slang for crying in this case, as the QQ represents crying eyes in a smiley type form. Just checking to make sure you did your reading; looks to be more of a comprehension problem rather than lack of review over the material :)


I underestimated you. I honestly didn't think you people would actually did research, what with you apparently enjoying trolling so much. 'shrugs' Time to start being careful.


Actually, it wasn't really research. Your ops thread is like 4-5 threads down from this one, and I remember seeing it awhile back with the same information when I remember reading about another potential ops group forming up.


Funny coincidence means I easily countered your "You don't even know me" response.


To be honest, I'm probably not going to be all that upset. I can grab my dailies fairly quickly, unflag myself, and get on the PVE ones. I guess you can go for me if you're pubs, but then you run the risk of coming across any imps, who you apparently do not trust to be as honorable as I am.


Still, doesn't matter. You presented yourself with a holier than thou attitude here already, which means killing the person who thinks highly of themselves will always yield a pleasurable experience.


Why? Is that not what you're doing as well? We're both hypocrites in this argument here. You demand that I let you play and annoy people more sensitive than myself. I demand that you leave them alone. But you don't have a position - what is your point anyways?


Because my method is the method supported by the game developers. Please learn to read: it's getting very annoying to repeat myself.


I challenge people to beat me in the PvP zone by PvPing, to replicate the whole ideology of the area itself. It is based off of a game of king of the hill, where people fight over control in either mission objectives or just straight dominance. My holier than thou attitude is defined by me telling people, "Kill me, if you can" like responses.


Yours, on the other hand, are desperate attempts to try and go about changing the meaning of the zone entirely. You demand people stop attacking each other and be fair with combat, when the game is designed to reward people who form alliances while the solo runners are usually the ones that end up at the bottom. It's just like in the WZs: you want to run solo and avoid working with a team? That's fine, you will get stomped by a team everytime though and no one is to blame for that except for yourself.


It's not fair, and it's not supposed to be fair. The thrill of the challenge isn't when all the rules and odds are in your favor, but when they are against you. If you can't stand that type of play, if you can't enjoy the king of the hill style of PvP play, then you have no business in that PvP zone.


The fact that you are on here complaining about it is even more of a hypocrisy. The key is expectation, and yours is clearly in the wrong place.


Am I wrong, or just my methods?


A little bit of both actually. The zone is designed to support my extreme method of PvP, as I have constantly reminded you, but you will find that people will be more susceptible to polite questions to stop attacking.


Not all of them, but if you are looking for success in decency, then you need to ask people rather than demand. It's kind of like if you went up to a random person and told them, "I demand you to respect me"


Chances are, 90% of the time, you will get the exact opposite of what you want. You can see the proof here by the responses you received.


Stomping on them? Hardly. Come on, you're impressing no-one. Self-proclaimed victory is no victory at all.


Sure it is. No one is keeping score, and no one is going to argue about who wins this argument so might as well tell you flat out that I am stomping all over you based on how I perceive this debate going. But I am all for sparking another debate over who is doing a better job of illustrating their point: the person who's side is supported by game mechanics and developer intention, or the person who keeps posting holier than thou responses and hasn't refuted a single claim as to the way the PvP zone is designed.


I hope you're not stupid enough to enter that argument.


Fun is different to different people. We all enjoy SWTOR, obviously, or we wouldn't be here, arguing in circles. Just because the devs designed something a certain way doesn't mean they didn't make a mistake, or that their methods cater to everyone. As I've already said, sometimes people screw up, it's ok.


Lmao, are you trying to tell me that the devs made a mistake in that zone? Jesus, you really are lost in your own ego xD


And you're absolutely right. PvP designed zones don't cater to those who aren't interested in what world PvP truly entails. Welcome to war, where it's not always fair and even on each side, nor is the match up always similar.


And guess what happens in a warzone where you're running around all by yourself? usually, nine times out of ten, you won't make it to your objective without at least one or two people attacking you.


If you don't like the way world PvP is designed, then don't do it. It's more logical for you to stay away from that game mechanic than argue with something that isn't broken.


One of the greatest moments in gaming that I've seen thus far is people working together around the orbs and the pylon. To me, that was fun, not only believing but seeing people act in an honorable and courteous way. This method was great for everyone involved - PvPers got to PvP, just not while the orbs were being turned in. PvE players got to turn in their orbs and try and sprint out of the area as fast as they could. Nobody was arguing. Nobody was on any high horse. Everyone was having fun, and that's ultimately what this game is about isn't it?


Nope, because that is only a small portion of people. I personally find that to be a travesty, because the zone is designed for king of the hill style play. A majority of people here on this server derive pleasure from duking it out with everyone at the middle, no matter faction.


Congratulations, you were in one of the rare moments when people weren't attacking each other. The fact that you mistake PvP combat as a sign of insult, mean intention, and disrespect shows you truly have no idea what it means to be in a zone designed for combat.


You don't see people PvPing in operations, so I don't want to see people PvEing in my PvP zone.


You say I repeat myself. I do. It's nice to remind myself that what I'm fighting for was not just a dream, it was real, proven and true.


The thing you're advocating for is going on right now, and all it is causing is misery for the masses. You even have to deal with my objections to it, so you're not happy either.


Tell me again who's fighting for the better thing.


See above. Combat in the PvP zone is not negative, you only perceive it as such because you honestly don't know how to not let it effect your ego. I suggest that you perhaps take a minute to understand that people that fight aren't always fighting because they want to kill each other. They fight for the pleasure of combat, and if the other party is getting butthurt because they don't want to fight, they're not going to say anything about it.


They're just gonna kill that player, simply because the argument, "I don't like fighting" is the most contradictory response you can make when you die in that PvP zone. If you don't like fighting, and you don't like being attacked, then don't go into the fighting zone. Keep your flag off and don't whine about it.


It's common logic. So this holier than thou attitude you have about it, in itself, is a contradiction simply because you are arguing to change the method of play style because your own does not fit it.


Would you go up to your group of friends in the middle of a king of the hill game and say, "Hey guys, let's all just play nice and share the top spot"? Defeats the whole purpose of the game, kind of like using cheat codes to beat a very challenging game. The only difference between that type of scenario and this one is that you expected to go into that zone without having to play the king of the hill style PvP, hence your clearly butthurt responses.


So, I guess, if you are going to walk into that zone, prepare to play King of the Hill. And if you don't like that sort of game, then don't go in there. No one is going to change the zone to fit yours or anyone else's playstyle, as it is designed to be that way and people actually have more fun playing it that way rather than forming nice and neat little lines.


At least, I won't. The reason why I am right and you are wrong is quite simple, to sum it up:


I can easily force you to PvP in that zone, but you can't force me to not PvP. So if you're done arguing a point that has no place here, feel free to stop replying.

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and Scyn the Juilus Caeser quote is "Veni, Vidi, Vici" which came from a speech he did when conquering my home nation of Britannia and is commonly translated as "I came, I saw, I conquered", the destroyed followup would be weird


But I didn't leave things in 1 piece but many! I need to express that part!


Dude, TMI.


A mans got to do what a mans got to do.


@Zu. Have you ever contemplated writing a novel. You sure do write a lot.

Edited by xContex
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Again with the wall of text! Try and keep it down, ok?


If you read what I wrote, this boils down to three things.


1) We want people to have fun.

2) How we ask people to respect each others' wishes is less than amazing.

3) People are interfering with each other having fun.


So, I want people to work together to have fun. A community spirit is never harmful. So, please, if you will - try to attack people who are in the area for PvP, and allow the PvE players at peace. The best of both worlds.

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@Zu. Have you ever contemplated writing a novel. You sure do write a lot.


Maybe one day!


Again with the wall of text! Try and keep it down, ok?


If you read what I wrote, this boils down to three things.


1) We want people to have fun.

2) How we ask people to respect each others' wishes is less than amazing.

3) People are interfering with each other having fun.


So, I want people to work together to have fun. A community spirit is never harmful. So, please, if you will - try to attack people who are in the area for PvP, and allow the PvE players at peace. The best of both worlds.


And if you read what I wrote, this boils down to three things:


1) Stop with your nonsense. You are whining about a system that isn't tailored to your playstyle, and it won't change to be for you.

2)Your demands for respect are in fact a contradiction, inciting people to gank you more so by your strong willed whining.

3) The game mode is designed to be king of the hill style PvP. By trying to get everyone to gather together to share and take turns would be similar to try and advocate peace in a game mode designed for war. The fun comes from combat, not sharing and letting people get their dailies done.


And because I did not see a single question mark in that statement, I will make sure to gank PvErs and PvPers indiscriminately when I feel the desire to do so. There is a reason why the content is separated into PvP and PvE.


If you don't like it, stay out of my zone.

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And if you read what I wrote, this boils down to three things:


1) Stop with your nonsense. You are whining about a system that isn't tailored to your playstyle, and it won't change to be for you.

2)Your demands for respect are in fact a contradiction, inciting people to gank you more so by your strong willed whining.

3) The game mode is designed to be king of the hill style PvP. By trying to get everyone to gather together to share and take turns would be similar to try and advocate peace in a game mode designed for war. The fun comes from combat, not sharing and letting people get their dailies done.


And because I did not see a single question mark in that statement, I will make sure to gank PvErs and PvPers indiscriminately when I feel the desire to do so. There is a reason why the content is separated into PvP and PvE.


If you don't like it, stay out of my zone.


It's not fun, is it?


To have everything you've put so much effort into just... ignored. Treated like it doesn't matter. All that stuff you wrote... dust in the wind. No-one will ever read it to it's fullest.


So. Now that you understand how everyone else feels when you shut them down in the PvP section. Maybe you'll reconsider this -

And because I did not see a single question mark in that statement, I will make sure to gank PvErs and PvPers indiscriminately when I feel the desire to do so. There is a reason why the content is separated into PvP and PvE.


If you don't like it, stay out of my zone.

- piece of poorly justified selfishness?

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It's not fun, is it?


To have everything you've put so much effort into just... ignored. Treated like it doesn't matter. All that stuff you wrote... dust in the wind. No-one will ever read it to it's fullest.


So. Now that you understand how everyone else feels when you shut them down in the PvP section. Maybe you'll reconsider this -


Lol, I don't really mind that much if you read it or not. The fact that you are resorting to ignoring me is kind of hilarious, as I have replied to every single post you made with a refute.


Just because you can't argue against me, doesn't mean you should start trying to play the "I can't hear you!" game against me. The denial is clear, as I have once again proven, you have not argued against a single claim about the PvP mechanics in the zone and what they are designed for. You can not come up with a valid response as to how King of the Hill style FFA is "dishonorable", nor have you even once argued about the concept of world PvP.


Nice try though at attempting to play the immoral pointing game at me though. When you are able to enter this debate with a single logical claim to as how your playstyle is the correct method of playing the PvP zone or the game as a whole, I will be here :)


- piece of poorly justified selfishness?


Of course not. You are literally contradicting yourself, making demands and then telling everyone they are questions. I don't like your attitude, nor do I like the way you think you speak for the good of the community. Because last time I checked, the only people that get offended and whine about dying in the PvP zone are the ones who don't actually even PvP, and are looking to run those PvP dailies like PvE missions. PvPers or players that understand the zone get frustrated at dying, but they won't complain about the zone. They'll complain about the ganking groups, rather than making the "the game isn't fair! QQ QQ"


So no, that was not poorly justified. You said you were only asking people blah blah blah, and not a single question mark was in that paragraph. Because you are a contradiction that is annoying, I intend to follow the exact opposite of what you are preaching, simply because I will gain entertainment and enjoyment out of kicking you off your high horse :)


Don't like it, stay out of my zone.

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All that stuff you wrote... dust in the wind. No-one will ever read it to it's fullest.



It's a bit off topic but I read every word of ZooMzy's posts. But then again I never skim over posts.

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