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New Ilum area - Gree event


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First off, who says anything about the populace having to satisfying your own agenda? Last time I checked, the zone does not prevent you from attacking with more players, it lets you attack people in the middle of mob fighting, and solo orb carriers can be killed quite easily. So your so called "rules" are not even close to what the devs have put in place, and to be honest, I personally don't like your wording so I plan to do the exact opposite.


Welcome to the PvP zone, where no one else has to follow your own sense of honor. Personally, since I view this little post as an attempt to force other players to play the game YOU specifically want played, I would love to gank you 7v1, while you're carrying an orb, in the middle of a mob you pulled.


Try QQing to the devs about this, and see how much they care. Sheesh, people need to learn that you can't dictate how another player plays, and it's not always fair in the PvP zone :/


Aren't you dictating how other people must play as much as I am?


If you want to do your ridiculous idea of fun by completely outnumbering people, then you know what? I actually don't care. But do it to people that have agreed to your ideas. People like me, we just want to do dailies, increase our rep and make credits. Sometimes we want to PvP, sure. We even want to do it in an open world setting.


But your BS system of 'lulz lets just kill everyonez cus we canz' is beyond contemptible. All it does is annoy other players, keep them on Ilum for a longer time because they have to respawn, and generally make you look like a self serving moron who doesn't care about anyone else, who then expects those people he's ticking off to conform to his ideals of what PvP should be. And his ideals aren't even ideals, they're just excuses to hit people that can't fight back.


Oh, and as for the whole 'devs aren't stopping it' argument? I bet you're also one of the people who does regular PvP and doesn't like Bolster? Try complaining to the Devs about it. See how much they care.



Maybe all of you like this should learn a lesson - Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can quit your job, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can be a bully, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can jump off a bridge, doesn't mean you should.


Come on people. This isn't that hard. Don't be douchebags and screw people over that aren't powerful enough to fight back. Have some common courtesy. It's not that hard.

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Aren't you dictating how other people must play as much as I am?


If you want to do your ridiculous idea of fun by completely outnumbering people, then you know what? I actually don't care. But do it to people that have agreed to your ideas. People like me, we just want to do dailies, increase our rep and make credits. Sometimes we want to PvP, sure. We even want to do it in an open world setting.


But your BS system of 'lulz lets just kill everyonez cus we canz' is beyond contemptible. All it does is annoy other players, keep them on Ilum for a longer time because they have to respawn, and generally make you look like a self serving moron who doesn't care about anyone else, who then expects those people he's ticking off to conform to his ideals of what PvP should be. And his ideals aren't even ideals, they're just excuses to hit people that can't fight back.


Oh, and as for the whole 'devs aren't stopping it' argument? I bet you're also one of the people who does regular PvP and doesn't like Bolster? Try complaining to the Devs about it. See how much they care.



Maybe all of you like this should learn a lesson - Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can quit your job, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can be a bully, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can jump off a bridge, doesn't mean you should.


Come on people. This isn't that hard. Don't be douchebags and screw people over that aren't powerful enough to fight back. Have some common courtesy. It's not that hard.


I didnt read the other posts in this thread, but again, I'm sorry for pvping in the pvp area. Also, I cant wait to find you on Ilum.

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Im fine with the pvp area killing spree :p is actually fun what i dont like is wen pubs try to gank another pub :( i was getting an orb and a sage with a sentinel jumped on me without any warning i was just there singing ... long story short i manage to kill both of them and 8 imps jumped on me lol its fun yeah but wen you are alone couse you dont have friends :( it can get really frustrating
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Aren't you dictating how other people must play as much as I am?


My dictation is that you can't stop me from killing you in the PvP zone, so in a way, you are correct. The difference between me and you comes in the form of playstyle, where I am telling people to play the zone as they see fit and encourage the way it was designed to be played. You, on the other hand, are calling for people to leave others alone and basically ruin the whole concept of the FFA small group PvP zone.


If you consider that to be a problem, then perhaps you should find yourself in a zone that isn't designed for me to attack you freely. After all, it's not my fault you don't seem to want to avoid a place that forces your flag to turn on and makes you a hostile target to everyone outside of your group. But go ahead, keep trying to argue that people are not supposed to be attacking others when they outnumber them, or that you are supposed to be civil and respect same faction members. It won't stop people from sending you back to the medcenter, nor will any possible QQ report you will undoubtedly write up against another have any effect.


If you want to do your ridiculous idea of fun by completely outnumbering people, then you know what? I actually don't care. But do it to people that have agreed to your ideas. People like me, we just want to do dailies, increase our rep and make credits. Sometimes we want to PvP, sure. We even want to do it in an open world setting.


Then expect to die. I sometimes roll alone in the zone, sometimes I group with people. Either way, if I see you in that PvP zone, you will not complete your objective as long as I still have hit points whether or not I have friends. And even if you somehow manage to get it done with me beating your group to a pulp, I will still be there trying to force you back to the medcenter simply because it is fun.


That is PvP, and as long as you are in that zone and I see you, I will force you to PvP. Doesn't matter if there are NPCs there, the mission is designed for them to be merely to be a target you kill before other players can stop you.


But your BS system of 'lulz lets just kill everyonez cus we canz' is beyond contemptible. All it does is annoy other players, keep them on Ilum for a longer time because they have to respawn, and generally make you look like a self serving moron who doesn't care about anyone else, who then expects those people he's ticking off to conform to his ideals of what PvP should be. And his ideals aren't even ideals, they're just excuses to hit people that can't fight back.


You know, this is sounding a lot like your pride is wounded from someone ganking you. As a matter of fact, my ideals are more justified then yours because of the game's design:


1) You claim people should not attack groups they outnumber. Yet there is not a single game mechanic or instance that punishes or prevents players from attacking another 8v1 other than taking secondary damage (AOEs, splash damage, etc.) from outside groups. If there is no single mechanic in there, along with the fact that the devs have not punished a single person for rolling in a group and ganking another, then tell me why that is not justified?


2) There is no common courtesy or honorable mechanic installed into the PvP zone. It is not like dueling, where the game starts a ten second timer before you can attack another along with a required confirmation to fight from the second party. The zone toggles your flag, and you are capable of engaging any player without having to ask if they are ready, or if they are in the perfect position to fight against you. Give me some facts as to where the devs intended for people to be honorable and courteous, and maybe I might begin to take your point seriously. Because honestly, I can go all day with the whole courtesy thing being a complete joke. I mean, if the devs gave a damn about honor in PvP, then tell me where the Concealment Operative's place in that system belongs?


And please, spare me from the "it's not right!" or the "You're just a big bully!" type of responses. PvP is about player versus player, combat between each other that is not defined by a specific or even matching number. That means anything goes, 1v1, 2v2, or even unbalanced matches of 8v2 and the like. Just because it's not fair or you didn't put the time into getting PvP gear, doesn't mean it isn't justified. Welcome to the PvP zone, where people will stomp your face in if you aren't prepared to defend yourself.


The devs even gave you PvErs a bolster so you could fight back. Cut the QQ and stay out of the zone if it bothers you that much kiddo :)


Oh, and as for the whole 'devs aren't stopping it' argument? I bet you're also one of the people who does regular PvP and doesn't like Bolster? Try complaining to the Devs about it. See how much they care.


I actually support the use of Bolster, as I do believe it balances out the difference between PvP and PvE quite nicely. For example, pre 2.0, people often used the Elite War Hero weapons as substitutes for any PvE weapon that wasn't Dread Guard because the hilt gave the same base damage as 63 grade gear, the highest tier in end game 50 content. Even then, some tanks I knew used all PvP gear for raiding because there was literally a two point difference in mosts stats pluse Expertise between gear like War Hero, and Campaign (EWH and Dread Guard were similar as well) and mainstat/endurance differences were not necessarily that much of a problem.


So imo, if they made it to where PvP gear is somewhat viable in PvE, then I wouldn't mind that PvE gear was somewhat viable in PvP* thanks to Bolster. In the end, PvP gear is better, but I also believe that the skill level of a player defines who should rule a WZ more so than gear. So it doesn't matter what gear they are wearing, provided that they have put the effort into actually getting something: the better skill will always win in a match up if both sides took the time to prepare for the battles (by getting PvP gear or just good gear in general).


Nice try though. Way to take a stereotypical ideal about PvPers and then try to apply it to an argument as a desperate attempt to avoid being completely shut out. It didn't really work, and the fact that you just went out on a limb to make an assumption proves how wounded you are about getting stomped not only in the PvP zone, but here in the forums :)


Maybe all of you like this should learn a lesson - Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can quit your job, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can be a bully, doesn't mean you should. Just because you can jump off a bridge, doesn't mean you should.


Then maybe, instead of trying to dictate rules about common courtesy, you should try a different tactic? Like, Idk, asking nicely instead of telling the PvPer that they aren't allowed to do what they want?


The problem you put into play, good sir, was that you came into this thread and started dictating rules about common courtesy in a zone where you have the ability to be a "bully" all you want. It's one thing to ask people to be nice and respectful, and it's another to expect it. And because you EXPECT it, you see the response that people like me give in return, where we are happy to remind you that "ours are bigger" simply because we know it's going to make you mad. Don't like it? Then get off your high horse and ask politely for someone to leave you alone.


And then, if they decide to gank you in spite of that nice method, feel free to complain all you want to them. But it won't solve anything since they are justified, unless you decide to play the zone the way it's designed and beat the person who is "bullying" you for a little ego boost.


The fun in competition is just that: the competition. I know it might be hard for you to understand, but in sports as well as something as competitive as PvP, the fun comes from the art of escalation: where you either find a way to rise up to the challenge ahead or go do something else until a solution presents itself. Then when the challenge is conquered, such as an 8 man/10 man ganking group of people who don't really know much about PvP, then you wait until something else comes along to match that force you created to defeat the huge super group.


Some people derive fun out of throwing themselves at a brick wall, hoping to make a dent. Some people enjoy the whole concept of trying to do the impossible (4v1, 5v1, 6v1, etc.) and some people like to create these super groups hoping to incite the PvPers to create a group to combat against theirs.


The minute you stop taking things so damn personal, is the minute you will actually learn to have fun in that zone. I'm sorry you have to drive for about five more minutes because someone killed you, or someone stopped you from getting the pylon with orbs because they were playing the objective the way it was meant to be played *sob sob sob*


Get over it.


Come on people. This isn't that hard. Don't be douchebags and screw people over that aren't powerful enough to fight back. Have some common courtesy. It's not that hard.


And considering how you are still typing, as I told you in the paragraph above, that you are arguing from a position of power, I'm going to decline your request. Simply because I don't like your wording, as I can kill and do whatever the hell I want in that zone.


So I'll make a proposition to you, good sir instead:


Stay out of my PvP zone. Because I will look for you.


I will find you.


And I will kill you.



Edited by ZooMzy
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Woah! Holy wall of text batman!


Ok, I skim read that. You know what, before I say anything else, thank you, for the effort you put out. You're actually advocating the same thing I am - being polite.


I would also like to clear up that I think I've only being hit personally once. Like I said, I travel in a group. I protect my people, and yes, I expect them to have the courtesy to do the same for me.


The heart of this issue seems to be that you deem it impolite to deny someone their fun, and I deem it impolite to deny people their fun. The thing is, each side has a version of fun that's mutually exclusive to each other.


Thus, the only reason I advocate for this side is because yours isn't fair at all. And I'm sorry, but I'm in love with being the moral guardian. Yes, I am on a high horse. Because I'm right. Outnumbering somebody - not even 2 to 1 - is never fair. Not giving people a chance at success at wrong. Maybe that's just capitalist America in me, but having the ability to fight on equal ground is almost sacred in mind. The thing is, no-one disagrees with that. Fair is fair. We all want to have a fair chance. No-one likes being ground into dust without a single hope. Not even your people.


Instead, they like inflicting it on other people, which is nothing less than sadistic.


That's the one and only reason I take this stance.

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Woah! Holy wall of text batman!


Ok, I skim read that. You know what, before I say anything else, thank you, for the effort you put out. You're actually advocating the same thing I am - being polite.


I would also like to clear up that I think I've only being hit personally once. Like I said, I travel in a group. I protect my people, and yes, I expect them to have the courtesy to do the same for me.


The heart of this issue seems to be that you deem it impolite to deny someone their fun, and I deem it impolite to deny people their fun. The thing is, each side has a version of fun that's mutually exclusive to each other.


Thus, the only reason I advocate for this side is because yours isn't fair at all. And I'm sorry, but I'm in love with being the moral guardian. Yes, I am on a high horse. Because I'm right. Outnumbering somebody - not even 2 to 1 - is never fair. Not giving people a chance at success at wrong. Maybe that's just capitalist America in me, but having the ability to fight on equal ground is almost sacred in mind. The thing is, no-one disagrees with that. Fair is fair. We all want to have a fair chance. No-one likes being ground into dust without a single hope. Not even your people.


Instead, they like inflicting it on other people, which is nothing less than sadistic.


That's the one and only reason I take this stance.


Yes, but you seem to misunderstand what you are correct about:


I won't argue with you about what is morally right because the concept of fairness and honorable combat is in your favor. My point, if you would like to go and read the paragraphs I posted in response to each of yours, is that the moral high ground is not something you should expect from a zone designed for people to do whatever they wish to people outside of their group.


Argue you all you want, QQ all you want, but in the end, PvP is hardly ever fair and that zone is designed to highlight the fun in PvP: uncertainty and the roller coaster that is balance. To expect it to be fair, and whine about it when it isn't, won't get you any satisfaction unless you use it as a release, which clearly wasn't the case with your rules regarding the zone. They may be yours, but the minute you try to demand people to be honorable, you will see everyone jumping down your throat and doing the exact opposite because of the way you posted it.


No one likes the "I'm right" attitude; not in the slightest. Just remember than when you demand people to do something your way when you can't reply with a "Do something about it" type of response. Especially in the PvP community, considering how everyone is susceptible to a challenge like someone demanding others to follow their way of doing things.

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Yes, but you seem to misunderstand what you are correct about:


I won't argue with you about what is morally right because the concept of fairness and honorable combat is in your favor. My point, if you would like to go and read the paragraphs I posted in response to each of yours, is that the moral high ground is not something you should expect from a zone designed for people to do whatever they wish to people outside of their group.


I know. I know that expecting people to be great, to be the highest thing they can be, is unrealistic. I know that people will screw up. That they will be despicable. That I will be a disgrace.


We all fail. That's part of what we do as humans. Denying that is very unhealthy, and that's all I'm trying to do here - get people to admit that what they're doing is wrong.


They will be forgiven. Like I said, all of us mess up at times. But if you continue to claim that what you're doing is somehow alright, then the problem will never be fixed.


Argue you all you want, QQ all you want, but in the end, PvP is hardly ever fair and that zone is designed to highlight the fun in PvP: uncertainty and the roller coaster that is balance. To expect it to be fair, and whine about it when it isn't, won't get you any satisfaction unless you use it as a release, which clearly wasn't the case with your rules regarding the zone. They may be yours, but the minute you try to demand people to be honorable, you will see everyone jumping down your throat and doing the exact opposite because of the way you posted it.


See above.


No one likes the "I'm right" attitude; not in the slightest. Just remember than when you demand people to do something your way when you can't reply with a "Do something about it" type of response. Especially in the PvP community, considering how everyone is susceptible to a challenge like someone demanding others to follow their way of doing things.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say here besides the first part. And yeah. You know everything I said about not being a douchebag? Sometime you have to beat people at their own game before you get their attention. Once you have that, then you can act as you believe best.

Edited by ApostleThirst
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I know. I know that expecting people to be great, to be the highest thing they can be, is unrealistic. I know that people will screw up. That they will be despicable. That I will be a disgrace.


They will be forgiven. Like I said, all of us mess up at times. But if you continue to claim that what you're doing is somehow alright, then the problem will never be fixed.


How is this "be the best you can be" type speech even related to the topic? Why does attacking someone 7v1 suddenly diminish them not only as a player, but as a person?


I think I might have to call it quits here after this post, because judging by your response, I'm beginning to believe I might manage to pull a religious rant from you here in a bit haha. So yeah, let's keep the "superior being" type beliefs to ourselves please? This is a video game, and your definition of "being the best they can be" is your own. Even though I personally don't consider 7v1 to be a way of justifying your own ability as a player, I do know that a) it does not reflect anything about your character as a person because it's a video game lol, and b) I could actually give a valid viewpoint in terms of how someone can view themselves as being superior for running groups that 7v1 people.


I'm not sure what you're trying to say here besides the first part. And yeah. You know everything I said about not being a douchebag? Sometime you have to beat people at their own game before you get their attention. Once you have that, then you can act as you believe best.


Look at it this way:


You come into this thread and start dictating how people should behave in the PvP area, even more so with this post about being a superior character and demand people stop being dishonorable. Look at the responses you got:


I am sorry for pvping in the pvp area

There are like 2 PvP dailies and kazillion PvE dailies, but you want PvPers to stop PvPing so you can do those as well?


Greedy and Selfish.


I will kill you all. That is all.



I can't wait to meet you in the PvP area. That is all.


Where exactly is your "success"? You've actually encouraged people to attack you more so, because you came into the situation on your high horse and are attempting to tell people how to play in that zone.


Which means, you are challenging them by having this superior mindset and making demands. And PvPers are competitive, meaning if you challenge them by telling them they are wrong, they will be out to put you down in the spirit of said competition. You're saying we're bad people for playing our way with friends in this zone? Here, let me give you another reason to whine.


That is my point. The high horse mentality never ends well in the PvP section, and the only reason why it works for my side is because I am challenging people to play king of the hill with me. Which, in reality, is what creates the fun in the FFA zone

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Since we are all here, I think we should set up a little pvp game! Have you guys ever played assassins? Basically everyone has a target to kill and when someone gets killed they give their targets to their killer and the game basically goes on until there is one person standing! If there are enough people who want to participate I think it can be really fun.
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Since we are all here, I think we should set up a little pvp game! Have you guys ever played assassins? Basically everyone has a target to kill and when someone gets killed they give their targets to their killer and the game basically goes on until there is one person standing! If there are enough people who want to participate I think it can be really fun.


This.. i love the idea !! sing me up (better pvp than huttball) :p

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Go for it. That's why I travel in a group. Also, I'll give you a hint - my rep cap for the week is already full, so I am actually there everyday. Nice try making assumptions though.

Good. You rolling deep means I can get my achievements done faster.

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How is this "be the best you can be" type speech even related to the topic? Why does attacking someone 7v1 suddenly diminish them not only as a player, but as a person?


I think I might have to call it quits here after this post, because judging by your response, I'm beginning to believe I might manage to pull a religious rant from you here in a bit haha. So yeah, let's keep the "superior being" type beliefs to ourselves please? This is a video game, and your definition of "being the best they can be" is your own. Even though I personally don't consider 7v1 to be a way of justifying your own ability as a player, I do know that a) it does not reflect anything about your character as a person because it's a video game lol, and b) I could actually give a valid viewpoint in terms of how someone can view themselves as being superior for running groups that 7v1 people.


Don't give me that BS. You said it yourself -


I won't argue with you about what is morally right because the concept of fairness and honorable combat is in your favor.


Yeah, you should call it quits. Because you've already admitted that you're wrong.


See, this isn't about doing what you can. This is about doing what's right. And since you've already said that it's in my favor, there is nothing more to discuss.


Yet you continue. Why?



Look at it this way:


You come into this thread and start dictating how people should behave in the PvP area, even more so with this post about being a superior character and demand people stop being dishonorable. Look at the responses you got:


Yes yes yes. You're all going to gang up and kill me. You're all scary; I promise I won't tell the principle you're bullying me :rolleyes: Do you really think I care about your empty threats? So what. You don't even know who I am and even if you did, killing me wouldn't prove anything except that's the only way you could 'win' - and that victory would just be bludgeoning your enemy into submission, as opposed to convincing him to turn away from his ideals.



Where exactly is your "success"? You've actually encouraged people to attack you more so, because you came into the situation on your high horse and are attempting to tell people how to play in that zone.


Which means, you are challenging them by having this superior mindset and making demands. And PvPers are competitive, meaning if you challenge them by telling them they are wrong, they will be out to put you down in the spirit of said competition. You're saying we're bad people for playing our way with friends in this zone? Here, let me give you another reason to whine.


That is my point. The high horse mentality never ends well in the PvP section, and the only reason why it works for my side is because I am challenging people to play king of the hill with me. Which, in reality, is what creates the fun in the FFA zone


Believe it or not, I'm not against a free for all. I love the idea. I love to participate in it myself. It's fun, exciting - but you know all that.


I just want people to play fairly. That's my one and only request. If a group member has to drop out and the rest are down to three people, they shouldn't be jumped while they're recruiting a new member. That's just annoying.


So go play with your friends. Have fun - I want you to, that's what this game is about, is it not? But don't deny the fun to people who don't agree with you, like solo orb carriers, or people just trying to get their dailies through. PvP - but don't troll. That's all I'm asking.

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Can you all stop killing me in the PVP area? I'm honestly just trying to score the huttball but you ******s are killing me. Do it one more time and I will report you for griefing and harassment.


The arguments I hear from people who don't want to PVP are so invalid.


The missions are in the PVP area, and give a PVP reward. If you want the PVP reward, you have to.. PVE.


As far as the pets go, people ***** because they want the pet that drops. There are TWO pets. One which is a PVE mission and one which is a PVP mission. If you want a PVP reward, you best deserve it.


That's like allowing top pvpers to breeze through NiM SV and get the mount. Then the PVEers will *****.

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I'm seeing two extremes here. 1 side is advocating for turning the PVP area into PVE mission area. 2 side is saying to quit whining, go big or go home, and it's all about the slaughter.


I think the main thing to consider is : am i being a phallus or am I being an understanding player, considerate of people i share good times with outside of the pvp area? It is a pvp area, granted. There are achievements, cool. Share some kills, practice good sportsmanship (knowing when to give kudos and when to lay off a bit)


I assume we are all here to have FUN, not mess with others' experience with the event. (well, except the raging psychos that use the game/characters as an escape or way to express themselves in a manner they normally wouldn't outside the game...we hope they take their meds) ;)

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