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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Backfill - remove it or give us the option to do so


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Was just thrown into the same fail game twice. Now I have to sit here and wait until it ends or reaches the "no backfill" requirement. Not only is that in itself an incerdibly broken system but it's also discouraging to play the following games because you're now aware that the players in rotation are totally clueless. So what happens? I stop playing. I don't see how that's beneficial to anyone. Well maybe to the opposting team since the system is weeding out the good players who can't stand this BS. Edited by MidichIorian
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The truth is this was not the case when the game was fresh. People are burned out of the game and stagnant pvp and easily quit when they don't feel like playing. While good players might stick it out during a losing game, they too get tired of un-fun games and the same old unchanging pvp with no matchmaking with huge skill gaps is very annoying nowadays.


Refresh the pvp experience with new content and add matchmaking and this problem will be gone.

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oye! we're so far apart on this, I can't think of an adequate analogy....


No. As already said, it will kill pvp that lost a player. Due to crash, dc, or spawn bug (didn't see it since 2.1 tho) - where you spawn from death and can't move.

yeah, because that doesn't happen INFINITELY less frequently than ppl rage quitting.


No one was ever backfilled into winning match that some one dc'd? Is it just me lucky btard?

you trolling, bro? what would you guess is the percentage of winning teams that you back fill into versus losing (usually losing badly)? it's not even close in my experience. I've lucked into the occasional winning back fill when the WZ was midway or more, but the VAST majority of such back fills are the inverse. not even remotely close.


not to mention, when you backfill a almsot lost game you get 65 comms, cash and +1 on daily about 2-3 minutes instead of 12.

if you have 'bad row' of backfills, leave a game for 20 minutes and port back in. odds are, you won't get backfilled again ;)

hold on. it's only 2-3 mins. no. wait. it's 20 mins. which is it? wait 20 mins? that's two games sitting around with your thumb up your arse.

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I don't leave losing matches (figure there's always something I can learn or practice) and I rarely backfill when solo queuing. Oftentimes the FIRST match I enter is a backfill, but rarely after that. Could vary by server, of course, but I'm not seeing the massive problem you guys are ... might be worth trying some different tactics, guys. :)
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Was just thrown into the same fail game twice. Now I have to sit here and wait until it ends or reaches the "no backfill" requirement. Not only is that in itself an incerdibly broken system but it's also discouraging to play the following games because you're now aware that the players in rotation are totally clueless. So what happens? I stop playing. I don't see how that's beneficial to anyone. Well maybe to the opposting team since the system is weeding out the good players who can't stand this BS.


I laugh at players like you quit a wz just to get put straight back in Way to waste your time .


People are so stupid the rewards from just playing and getting to medal cap isn't much less then winning a match

So many people in this thread are the cause of the current backfill problem and they don't even know it.

It would probably be good if backfill was removed all the fail quitters would eventually be lumped into the same wz cycle of perpetually joining and leaving.

Edited by Ren_simp
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I laugh at players like you quit a wz just to get put straight back in Way to waste your time .


People are so stupid the rewards from just playing and getting to medal cap isn't much less then winning a match

So many people in this thread are the cause of the current backfill problem and they don't even know it.

It would probably be good if backfill was removed all the fail quitters would eventually be lumped into the same wz cycle of perpetually joining and leaving.

You come off as someone who has gone full retard but I still have to ask; You do realize that I wasnt in the game from start, right? So how do I deserve to have my time wasted when I'm not the cause of the problem? I' take my losses but I'm not going to take other peoples.


Second paragraph manifests and suggests that you need to haul *** back to PvE. You're obviously just playing because of the rewards. No real PvP'ers plays because of the rewards. Sure, they're a fun complement (more fun prior to the implementation of bolster, because of losers like yourself) but if I have to choose between being able to have an impact on the match from start and 65 comms for joining a game that was lost before I arrived I'm going to pick the former every time.

Edited by MidichIorian
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might be worth trying some different tactics, guys. :)


like what? queue/don't queue?


the best way...really the only way...to avoid becoming back fill fodder is to queue with a grp. even a 2m is MUCH less likely to back fill than a solo, in my experience.

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You come off as someone who has gone full retard but I still have to ask; You do realize that I wasnt in the game from start, right? So how do I deserve to have my time wasted when I'm not the cause of the problem? I' take my losses but I'm not going to take other peoples.


Second paragraph manifests and suggests that you need to haul *** back to PvE. You're obviously just playing because of the rewards. No real PvP'ers plays because of the rewards. Sure, they're a fun complement (more fun prior to the implementation of bolster, because of losers like yourself) but if I have to choose between being able to have an impact on the match from start and 65 comms for joining a game that was lost before I arrived I'm going to pick the former every time.


Wow I think I hit a nerve


LOL If real pvpers just play for the pvp why do you quit so much

I pvp for the pvp not rewards I just think its a waste of time quitting when the rewards are virtually the same for winning or losing, But you can spend all day pissing and moaning over backfill I just enjoy the game win or lose.

Edited by Ren_simp
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like what? queue/don't queue?


the best way...really the only way...to avoid becoming back fill fodder is to queue with a grp. even a 2m is MUCH less likely to back fill than a solo, in my experience.


By sticking out that first backfill. Like I said usually my first game is a backfill, but I typically run into few after that. Ones I do run into are usually those weird games that tried to start with 5 or something -- which if they fill up quickly, isn't ideal but isn't always a dealbreaker. Me missing 10 seconds isn't gonna make or break the match for my team.


EDIT: But yes, queuing with a buddy also lowers backfill chances. You're correct there.

Edited by Sarielle
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By sticking out that first backfill. Like I said usually my first game is a backfill, but I typically run into few after that. Ones I do run into are usually those weird games that tried to start with 5 or something -- which if they fill up quickly, isn't ideal but isn't always a dealbreaker. Me missing 10 seconds isn't gonna make or break the match for my team.


EDIT: But yes, queuing with a buddy also lowers backfill chances. You're correct there.


I suspect you have a low pvp population and, thus, fewer games going. It's the only explanation for your ability to get into a "rotation" and not back fill as a solo queuer...but I have no idea what jung ma is and yes, I'm that lazy about looking it up. :p that only ever happens for me in the wee hours of the night/morning when only a couple of games are going at any given time.

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Hey, I said it might vary by server :) My point is just that, if one thing is consistently giving you results you don't like, try something else!


I'm also all for incentivizing people to stay in matches, as I said. The fact that I don't personally leave doesn't mean leavers can't have a big impact on my gaming.

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Backfill is one of the main reasons people complain about premades.


When you premade you will rarely be backfilled. This alone makes winning much more likely. When you pug there is a decent chance you will be a backfiller. Sure there are the occasional irl quitters (disconnect/etc.) who allow a backfiller to be put into a winning match and there are also the too early to tell quitters which allow a backfiller to have a chance but many quitters quit because they are losing badly. So when a pugger q's up he often gets on this losing team.


Therefore regardless of whether premades have any gameplay advantages or not they have a major Q advantage which gives them a much higher chance at being put into a match they should win.


The best solution is matchmaking. This would make for more even matches and solve a lot of backfill issues. Also, with a good matchmaking system a quitter debuff becomes a good idea.

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I wouldn't have agreed with this idea awhile back, but in the last couple of months backfill is out of control. The changes a few patches ago did nothing to help the problem. When I queue solo I get more backfilled matches than I do fresh games. For every 1 of these matches we manage to turn around and win, there are 100 that are a mad scramble to get a few medals before it ends. I'm sick of it. Either punish people who leave warzones, or give me the option to never be backfilled. I'll wait a little longer for a queue pop if I KNOW it will be a new game.
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