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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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tbh i agree whole heartedly with the OP. feels very old. had this game come out a decade ago it would have been superb.


even blizzard know this sorta MMO is old. they are already developing a First person MMO.


Well, we don't know for sure what Titan is going to be, exactly, and weather or not it will be First Person; but I am confident that they will innovate the industry somehow

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So honestly, I really do want to like this game. And I do think it has some positive features, including Star Wars; I've always like the Star Wars movies. Unfortunately, TOR just feels really old. Even compared to World of Warcraft, which actually is very old (over 7 years now), this feels elderly.


The following are some things that make TOR feel old:


- No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)


- Awful UI; I could make an entire thread about this (and people already have), but for the sake of brevity, I'll just restate that it's awful


- Pet AI is horrible, between the delay on commanding their auto attack, their hilarious pathing errors, and many others; it's safe to say giving every Class+Spec a pet was a bad idea, without first giving them AI that's passable in 2011


- 2007 graphics (The Skybox being a 2D Painting is particularly insulting)


- No Day/Night Cylce


- No accessable body of water deeper than 6 inches


- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)


- Lackluster Character Creation


- Absurd Leveling curve; the overall process of getting from 1-50 is pretty fast, but the curve for time per level increases at a rate that makes me feel like I'm playing Aion again


- Three Warzones, No Arenas (also consider Huttball cannot be taken seriously as Rated PvP). Again; TOR is competing with 2011 WoW (8 Battlegrounds, 4 of which can be done Rated + Arena Content)


- No Macros


- No mouseover casting


- No addon support


- No Dual Spec


- Taris memory leaks (should have been fixed in Beta, not "overnight" a week after Early Access started for the game's release build)


- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy


- Voice Actors voicing too many different people; I don't think I've seen this many Characters with the same Voice Actor, since the first Deus Ex game


- Player Character repeating Dialogue from other conversations (My Sith Inquisitor has said "I'll show you what a Sith can do!" like 5 times now, and other less memorably rhyming are equally if not more common)


- "Choices" are still just the Blue good guy option, or the Red bad guy option — this was kinda new in KOTOR, and still cool in both Mass Effects; but unimpressive today


- No Mount until level 25; it only takes a couple hours to get your first Mount in WoW these days. No idea why this was considered a good idea


- Awkward gold; having over 500,000 gold by the time you hit 40 is... silly, and will be a major hassle as the game ages and gold inflation occurs


- A vast array of technical errors that BioWare, and easily amused Players will chalk up to "Every launch has issues, go play WoW kid!"; but nonetheless detract from gameplay, and are hard to excuse in a 2011 title


- No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)


- No Barbershop for minor character recustomization (again, weird in a game where we watch so much of our character speaking)


- More — I will expand on this as more things pop into my mind, these are the ones currently at the forefront of my thought process


Anyway, do you guys feel the same way? Maybe you don't see the logic in some of my points (but you will once you get to level 40+), but you've probably noticed the game feels old. I'm worried that this feeling will plague the launch, and the early days of the game. This will both turn away new players, and create a jaded community; problems that get worse and worse as time goes on. Hopefully the game can be improved enough though, I do like it.


TL;DR, I think TOR feels old, what do you think?



Uhm, why don't you just back to playing WoW. Everything you're QQing about is dumb. These things take time. Also, if you cancelled the game already...why in the world are you on the game's forum? Go play WoW.

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Well, we don't know for sure what Titan is going to be, exactly, and weather or not it will be First Person; but I am confident that they will innovate the industry somehow


That would be a first for them!


If you are honest with yourself you'll know that's true. MMO's are copies, not even close to the first RTS, etc, etc, etc/

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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It's Shadysketchy, dude...


Look 4 posts above you and you'll see his alt / lil' brudder, Ganandorf.


Nah, I know. He's a complete moron. Just a trolltard looking for some lulz while he compares the most moronic aspects to WoW (most of which are incorrect, such as no gear customization and 2d skydrops.)

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I agree with most of your points, Shadysketchy; Star Wars: the Old Republic does, in fact, feel very... old


Oh, hey, look, Shady's alt brings this thread back from the dead!


...where it should of stayed.


I mean seriously, it's so obvious it's you again.

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People need banning are the fanboy's who are so afraid to admit their game sucks they need to call people "morons". That should be bannable. Not giving ones opinion on this game. You guys are so afraid of this failing, which it is, that you will attack anything anyone with nasty derogative remarks. Moron? If you need to call someone moron you may want to look in the mirror.
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Can people stop saying for him to go back to WoW? You can still like a game and have legitimate complaints, dear god. I feel almost exactly the same as the OP. I too like Bioware and I'm while I'm not exactly a rabid Star Wars fan, I enjoy the Mass Effect-style cinemetics and roleplay especially. The game is solid and entertaining enough, but lacks so many features people expect from an MMO in this day and age and I question its longetivity.


The graphics are painfully outdated in many ways and so are many of the game mechanics - I don't think that can be really denied. But I'm willing to give the benefit of the doubt, it's just launched after all and we should give BioWare some breathing room.


If BioWare approaches content updates like Rift does and adds features the majority of players expect from an MMO as well as gameplay and features that will help distinguish and elevate the game above its competition, I think the game has really great potential. Eg. Please consider making spaceship battles a multiplayer feature - that's such an iconic part of Star Wars! Individualize this game apart from the sea of WoW clones we already have avaliable. Also consider very carefully about end-game and how to make it different and more fun.

Edited by spacepuppy
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For the life of me, I can't understand people crying about no LFD tool. Everybody seems to agree that WoW's LFD tool ruined the game by destroying any sense of community in the game. I'm glad SWTOR doesn't have one.


UI is fine. It's similar to just about every other major MMORPG. That isn't a bad thing.


"Bad graphics" is a ridiculous complaint. If MMORPGs required a Radeon 6950 and a i5, there would only be a handful of people (hardcore PC gamers) who could afford them. MMORPGs are successful when they're accessible - I can play SWTOR, but so can my console gaming friends and my non-gamer girlfriend.


Server queues are an inevitability, sorry. Servers can't hold an infinite number of players. This complaint would only be valid if every server had queues, which isn't the case.


Number of warzones is another silly complaint. You're comparing a game that just came out with a game that has had 7 years to add content. There will be more.


No macros/mods is another ridiculous complaint. You know what we call "mods" in any kind of competitive gaming scene? Hacks and cheating tools.


Quests are great. The only time I actually cared about the story and characters in a WoW quest was the vanilla Onyxia quest (which, for some reason, they removed from the game... the one good quest in the entire series).


It's also ridiculous that so many people compare SWTOR to WoW. They're nothing alike. You'd have a much better case comparing SWTOR to Star Trek Online (which, in my opinion, is another good game).


Bioware, you did a fantastic job with this game. Don't let the haters and WoW fanboys get to you.

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Because modern customization options and GUI/Guild/Party/Raid/Every *********** Thing Else featuresets are strange, alien things, and nobody could have known they'd be relevant or desirable!


Right? Who wants UI panes that you can just...move around or something? Rhetorical question; NOBODY! Stop being lazy, just turn your monitor carefully and look BEHIND those annoying, static UI windows!


Guild bank? Just between you, me and the rest of the internet, I think we're better off without anything like that. See, this way, we've got no guild bank looters. Your guild is nothing but a list and a chat channel and dad gum it, you should be thankful! You don't have any frivolities to worry about,and we've had slot wasting bank alts a lot longer than guild banks in games with which we're familiar. Banks are scary; they get robbed!


You wouldn't want your guild to get robbed, would you? You wouldn't want to endanger your neighbors and their children by inviting dangerous thieves into your proximity, would you? No guild banks.



Customization features for appearance then? You big sillies, nobody cares about that sort of thing. To even pretend that anybody except maybe a few tens of millions of people (which is an INSIGNIFICANT MINORITY of the human species, let me tell you!) go rabidly kookoo for feature-rich customization systems that let them sculpt and style their character appearances.


They never spend money happily and repeatedly on packs of new appearances for things and whatnot either, so there's nothing but dead market space for Bioware/EA to even try to capitalize on. Personalized and robust appearance options in an MMO...HAH!


HAH, I say!

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I don't get this thread. Your calling the game old by comparing it to WoW and saying WoW's old, yet you recommend that they just add things that are in WoW instead of something different?


I dunno.


This stupid thread wouldn't be up again if Shadysketchy's alt didn't dig it up.

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I don't get this thread. Your calling the game old by comparing it to WoW and saying WoW's old, yet you recommend that they just add things that are in WoW instead of something different?


I think the OP is saying that SWTOR needs to catch up to WoW, then start adding new things, in order to feel new; as opposed to just adding new things

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I am enjoying this game. I'm only level 18 and am having fun leveling nice and slow, and taking a look around at things.


I did the wow grind.. many many times. I raided, maxed out all professions, all secondary skills, archeology, blah blah blah. It became so much work that I just couldnt do it anymore and I nearly decided not to try star wars.


I personally breathed a sigh of relief that it didnt feel JUST LIKE WOW and it made things feel new to me.


I will however agree that I had a look of disgust on my face at how the graphics look compared to wow, especially when I built a brand new top of the line gaming machine including GTX580s and wonder what the heck is going on when my cards utilized at 90% each, are blaring their fans and running at load to produce such horrible visuals.


It feels like this graphics were deverloped in 2002.

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I dunno.


This stupid thread wouldn't be up again if Shadysketchy's alt didn't dig it up.


This is the first result that comes up, if you type "tor feels old", into Google


It's entirely likely that someone felt annoyed, by the game's dated functionality, and stumbled upon that, when using a popular search engine to see if anyone else felt the same way

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This is the first result that comes up, if you type "tor feels old", into Google


It's entirely likely that someone felt annoyed, by the game's dated functionality, and stumbled upon that, when using a popular search engine to see if anyone else felt the same way


Same avatar, same pretentious / sanctimonious signature, regurgitating the same argument, known for having alts to bolster his argument.


Oh, also the fact that whenever there is a thread that criticizes TOR in the slightest, you're there in a flash.


I really doubt people just go to Google and type in "tor feels old"...


Also a coincidence that you happen to be the first one to dig up this topic.

Edited by Jhonen
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