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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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I agree with whose ever post I just read. Shady is nothing but a troll. :/


Too much like WoW: trolls say "WoW clone"


Not enough like WoW: trolls say "Not keeping up with 'modern MMOs'.'"


Like i said to the OP and others, They expect to much they set up they're own downfall and in turn come onto boards such as this to tell us how they feel when in-fact the game is not wow or anything else, when in-fact we just want to play the game.


To The Poster about the UI, there is a dev interview about the UI changes coming, where you can move them around and they are bringing in color matching armor sets.

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Oh no, we dont have dumbed down systems like LFD or DF. so it feels old. We dont have a barber, it feels old. Oh no...


Why didnt you just write -


"This is not WoW so I'm not going to play anymore"


It would of been more fitting!


The pandas await you!


An other fanboy who cant see that he alredy playing a WoW clone just tweaked alittle. Yes yes yes. WoW is not the originlal to any of the stuff it has, more or less, but it still is the largest MMO that people know about.


Mr.Fanboy, take a closer look at how SWToR is working and see if you can find something new that no other game has.


The problem is that YOU fanboys think you got an original game here, but in reality this game just follows the standard MMO rules as every other MMO out there do, but it just do it relly bad lacking in every part there is.

You can't take any form for critisism of the game eithe.

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An other fanboy who cant see that he alredy playing a WoW clone just tweaked alittle. Yes yes yes. WoW is not the originlal to any of the stuff it has, more or less, but it still is the largest MMO that people know about.


Mr.Fanboy, take a closer look at how SWToR is working and see if you can find something new that no other game has.


The problem is that YOU fanboys think you got an original game here, but in reality this game just follows the standard MMO rules as every other MMO out there do, but it just do it relly bad lacking in every part there is.

You can't take any form for critisism of the game eithe.


We are all waiting for you to stop post nonsense like this, we know, you like wow, this isn't wow, ok,that's cool,we understand. And now what? Care to enlightens us or you're going to keep posting that this is a crappy wow clone? Because after the 5th time it gets a bit silly....




I don't know if you are English speaking or not (I am not) but the use of a good spell checker goes a long way to make you derailed rants more readable...

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It's facinating to read all those fanboy posts, defending BWs honor, for producing such a subpar game.

Let me be clear: I love the story driven design of the game. I have no problems with the linearity of the game, though personaly I would have prefered more of an openworld approach. I love the voiceacting and I can live with the recycling of certain catchphrases. But other than that...

There is just so much missing, that other games (not just WOW) have already established as MMOstandards.


And to all those who say "WoW didn't have this or that feature at launch either!" - So what? When the first car came out it didn't have powerstearing or ABS or Airbags or ESP or anything other than 4 wheels and a turning wheel... would you buy one of those cars today?

What's the problem with copying from a game like WoW that had 7 years to adept to the needs and wishes of the largest playerbase any MMO has ever seen? Why did BW have to reinvent the wheel?

Edited by iNoccent
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An other fanboy who cant see that he alredy playing a WoW clone just tweaked alittle. Yes yes yes. WoW is not the originlal to any of the stuff it has, more or less, but it still is the largest MMO that people know about.


Mr.Fanboy, take a closer look at how SWToR is working and see if you can find something new that no other game has.


The problem is that YOU fanboys think you got an original game here, but in reality this game just follows the standard MMO rules as every other MMO out there do, but it just do it relly bad lacking in every part there is.

You can't take any form for critisism of the game eithe.


And you are same fanboy of WoW as he is fanboy of SW.


Really, if you dont like game, you dont play it, you leave forums and you forget about it. If you like game you play it, you leave constructive feedbacks for developers and help them to make your game better.


So whats holding you here WoW fanboys? Why you still whining here? WHats the point?

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LOL you really should either speak wit ha doctor or have your parents speak with a doctor, I don't know. Defending BW honor? Are you for real? Who is defending what? You like the game, play. you don't like the game, don't play. You thing there are issues, point them out in a semi-constructive way. But repeating "BW FAILED THIS IS A ****** WOW CLONE" serves no purpose aside from relieving your inner rage. take you meds and if you don't have any well ASK for some! You are sick in the head, the sooner you accept that the sooner you can find a solution


Did you even read what I wrote? Try again...

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And you are same fanboy of WoW as he is fanboy of SW.


Really, if you dont like game, you dont play it, you leave forums and you forget about it. If you like game you play it, you leave constructive feedbacks for developers and help them to make your game better.


So whats holding you here WoW fanboys? Why you still whining here? WHats the point?


What's holding them? WoW forum admins will ban them the exact second they start trolling wow boards... (that and the fact that 95% of wow forum goers have them in their ignore list)

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It's facinating to read all those fanboy posts, defending BWs honor, for producing such a subpar game.

Let me be clear: I love the story driven design of the game. I have no problems with the linearity of the game, though personaly I would have prefered more of an openworld approach. I love the voiceacting and I can live with the recycling of certain catchphrases. But other than that...

There is just so much missing, that other games (not just WOW) have already established as MMOstandards.


And to all those who say "WoW didn't have this or that feature at launch either!" - So what? When the first car came out it didn't have powerstearing or ABS or Airbags or ESP or anything other than 4 wheels and a turning wheel... would you buy one of those cars today?

What's the problem with copying from a game like WoW that had 7 years to adept to the needs and wishes of the largest playerbase any MMO has ever seen? Why did BW have to reinvent the wheel?


So you dont like game in overall... Than go back to your largest playerbase comunity of WoW. Whats holding you?

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And to all those who say "WoW didn't have this or that feature at launch either!" - So what? When the first car came out it didn't have powerstearing or ABS or Airbags or ESP or anything other than 4 wheels and a turning wheel... would you buy one of those cars today?


the thing is mmo's dont launch complete, they launch with what they need, this one did. If you think that this isn't enough i'd like to make a suggestion.


go play someone else for a little while, maybe a month or 2, and then if you werent too offended by BW/EA, u can check back in, i bet youll be pleasantly surprised. if u dont mind that certain things are missing u can continue to enjoy the game now for whats there


i dont think that posting hate threads on the forums are helping anyone though

(not that im accusing you of being hateful or anything like that though)

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- We don't want LFD or LFR, back in the day you could name half of your server due to grouping up with them. With LFR you just alienate from community which is not a purpose of an MMO.


- I do not find UI awful, I find it splendid and new, it's a matter of opinion. And if you have 10 more friends backing you up that doesn't make my opinion less worthy. Read some relativity.


- I've literally had zero problems with my pets. Sure there's some delay just like in combat but they're trying to fix that as far as I'm aware.


- Because an MMO which is about the next big thing next to WoW can risk putting 2011 graphics and make people spend hundreds of dollars/euros on a PC next to a game they love too. That would be awkward! And to add I'm playing with everything on ultra with my PC and the graphics are more than satisfying.


- Again a matter of opinion, I couldn't give rats *** about day/night cycle.


- Again a matter of opinion, I got nothing to do in the water so I don't give a damn. If you wanna swim/dive, too bad for you.


- I pretty much averaged 1 or 2 hours per level from 15 onwards, just depends where you spend the time and make sure you don't outlevel your zones


- Because releasing 20 PvP content 10 days after the game was released wouldn't make the game buggy or crowded at all! They're introdoucing the new stuff gradually, you can't get a full PvP + PvE deal at the release. Only TBC in WoW at release had many raids which didn't prove that good. History taught us that gradually introdouced content works better and that's exactly what they're planing.


- Why'd need macro, for some automated action you can't be assed to preform?


<Don't care about casting>


- Why would you need addons, have faith in people you play with. Do not oversimplify the game.


- Why not a triple spec?! Sarcasm off, Dual spec and LFD are what made the WoW lose the feeling of choices actually mattering.


- Every MMO is grindy, at least you have voice overs to entertain you instead of dull reading of quest logs (although repetitive answers get boring quickly). What new stuff do you want? Ride a dragon? Drive in a car-race? That would get old quickly too.


- Mute the sound read the subtitles if you're annoyed.


- Agreed but whats the difference if they changed couple of words, whole lotta work to them and you get the same **** in different package.


- Instead of whining suggest something to change that, I for one do not see another plausible choice of change


- Yeah, oversimplify the game, with faster mounts, LFD and dual specs! No, seriously, you at least have a sprint here with a warrior, back then I had to walk till level 40 and still was afraid if I could afford a mount as a warrior!


- You'll get used to it. I've met people with 6 million gold on their WoW accounts, they control several profession markets in WOW, try ************ about that. You'll get used to numbers in SW:TOR pretty quickly, give it time.


- They could not possibly foresee the problems before the launch simply because at launch servers are stressed, with more people come more problems and bigger audience to detect them. There's no time spent in beta which could guarantee you a bug-free game


- I for one never used Transmogrification as my current gear says a lot about the state of my character and where has it been. Instead of Cata babies farming AQ40 and boasting with tier 2.5 when they weren't even born when the efforts of opening AQ server gates were in place.


- Choose your horns or haircuts thoroughly then I suppose.


You're just another baby spoiled by features implented in WoW to simplify the game. WoW lost it's MMO and it surely lost it's RPG long time ago. Sick lore and cinematics are the only thing keeping it alive since nothing can beat the Cataclysm or WotLK trailer in terms of fantasy games.


Fix the bugs, but do not change the game! I want to play a game where I can make a reputation of being a good player without being in a good guild, since with LFD you barely team up with server mates and the prejudice to your skill is usually the guild you're playing under.


I want a game which rewards effort, make it good for casuals but think of us, raiders too. People do not deserve to be put in the same bucket. Same as in IRL, 2 people doing the same job, one doing it 10 hours a day the other doing it 4 should not have the same paycheck.


I want a game where epics are epic (that was ruined with concept of heroics but I can live through that). Back in Vanilla being full epic meant something, whereas in Cataclysm I got full epic merely couple of hours after I dinged 85. How "epic" is that?

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And you are same fanboy of WoW as he is fanboy of SW.


Really, if you dont like game, you dont play it, you leave forums and you forget about it. If you like game you play it, you leave constructive feedbacks for developers and help them to make your game better.


So whats holding you here WoW fanboys? Why you still whining here? WHats the point?


WoW fanboy? Oh no. Im not a fanboy, quite the opposite. I hate WoW, with a passion. But it has nothing to do with what WoW has done or what basic MMO is today.

Why I hate WoW is more the way Bilzzard turned around on their word in Cataclysm. WOTLK was the ara of the n00b where anyone could do end game raiding just by doing 5 man heroics. It is the ara of stupidity and deterioration.

I am more a fan of TBC, after that things just tuned bad, really bad.

I do not like cross server PvP or PvE and Im not the biggest fan of automatically instance/group teleport. Blizzard did go the right way in Cataclysm Beta, they made things a challenge and fun again, but alredy in Beta I said loud and clearly that that would change, that Cataclysme WOULD be like WOTLK. Easy mode, even if Blizzard kept saying something ells. They kept saing that people now had to work to see the progress and work to get the gear. We all now what happend.

2 month after Cataclysm and Blizzard had nerfed everything in the game again back to WOTLK level, just as I foretold.

No, Im no fan of WoW, I just use WoW because most people playing MMO knows about WoW and has a relation to it. I wounder how many people would understand anything at all if I where to use examples from Earth & Beyond? I guess 99.9999999999% of the people have never heard about the game.


There is a difference between me whining and you doing nothing. You will not, can not and do not care about constructive feedback. In your eyes SWToR could have released in an Alpha state and it would be a perfect game.

And as for constructive feedback, the developers CAN NOT DO constructive feedback because the user of the game is the only one who can give that.

But as you wrote it down you have no idea about what constructive feedback is.

We as user are the ones doing the feedback. Developers are the ones to receive the feedback. One cant do feedback on ones own product.

If the EA/BW will not take feedback and ideas from the player base, then this game WILL NOT survive. Only fanboyz like you will be playing and believe me, there are not many enough fanboyz like you to keep this game alive.


As for me and my kind, we like this game, that is why we are writing this.

We would love to see this game improve to the level of what it should be. We would hate to see this game go down.

Edited by Mamono
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I didnt played WoW, but only by looks i can say its a crap! I saw some streams, lets say Athenes stream,,,all he do is jumping arround one city while w8ing for que for pvp, and than there are those macross, addons filling your screen, doing everything for you..Why even try hard to play?Thats what WoW is now. Blizzard makes the most unfinished games! Tons of patches years after years and still not perfect!


You forgot how to be social, how to talk to ppl, how to find new friends. Thats whats MMO is about.

SW has great universe, with lots of oportunities in future. Be social and you wount need your LFG tool. If you know this universe, only by littlebit of RP you can find lots of things to do even now.


So if you dont like SWTOR, **** of here, its easy as it is.

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As for me and my kind, we like this game, that is why we are writing this.

We would love to see this game improve to the level of what it should be. We would hate to see this game go down.


Everyone wants this game improved and the bugs fixed. We might disagree on what means "improved" (many people think LFD is a good idea and many other disagree) but no one thinks this game is perfect.


But posting that basically this is a lame clone of WoW without its 'best' features and this is going to die" hardly qualifies as criticism.. That's plain flaming and trolling. Now, I am not saying you do this as I really have no idea what you go posting, but I have seen people doing it and THEY are generally the ones that get flamed. When people post about their issues without any slander or intent to make a point "WoW rulez, TOR teh suxxor", no one flames them.


Now you can either understand that or not, you can either try to improve TOR through criticism or keep on flaming the game and who ever disagree with you.


it's up to you.

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Somewhat decent suggestion, however, most of them are technical features that makes your gameplay more convenient. You can live without them. Adding features that originated from WOW will make TOR like a WOW clone. WOW is a good MMO, it sure did raise the bar for all MMOs.


Hence, Bioware should adress the issues that concerns the key features of what makes SWTOR a Bioware game and that would foremost be story content and customization aspects of the game. The issues you mention about choices, voice acting and customization I can sign, but it should be in the game as it was done by Bioware and I'm sure Bioware will adress these issues in future content.

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I didnt played WoW, but only by looks i can say its a crap! I saw some streams, lets say Athenes stream,,,all he do is jumping arround one city while w8ing for que for pvp, and than there are those macross, addons filling your screen, doing everything for you..Why even try hard to play?Thats what WoW is now. Blizzard makes the most unfinished games! Tons of patches years after years and still not perfect!


You forgot how to be social, how to talk to ppl, how to find new friends. Thats whats MMO is about.

SW has great universe, with lots of oportunities in future. Be social and you wount need your LFG tool. If you know this universe, only by littlebit of RP you can find lots of things to do even now.


So if you dont like SWTOR, **** of here, its easy as it is.


Why do you think that people who don't like SWTOR should "<Expletive> of here" (whatever that means), instead of trying to help BioWare improve the game?

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- No LFG Tool (been in WoW for over 2 years... absolutely baffled as to how this hasn't been developed for TOR yet)

Shouldn't be implemented imo, makes for a more anti-social enviroment. Almost like a one-night-stand but with only the sour taste afterwards.

- Awful UI; I could make an entire thread about this (and people already have), but for the sake of brevity, I'll just restate that it's awful

Add a scaling feature and I'd be satisfied with this. Looks clean enough to keep.

- Pet AI is horrible, between the delay on commanding their auto attack, their hilarious pathing errors, and many others; it's safe to say giving every Class+Spec a pet was a bad idea, without first giving them AI that's passable in 2011

They're not pets, they're companions and you shouldn't be able to control them fully. Anyone living with someone knows that your companion doesn't always do what you want :)

- 2007 graphics (The Skybox being a 2D Painting is particularly insulting)

Haven't really noticed, graphics is fine at highest settings

- No Day/Night Cylce

A bit strange, but day/night would be different for each of the planets and this might be a bit harder to have a server local time, a planet local time on each etc. I dunno.

- No accessable body of water deeper than 6 inches

Nothing that I feel needs to change, even if I could swim I probably wouldn't want to on an alien planet.

- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)

Disagree, SWTOR is about a month old, WoW is 7 years, it'll take time to trim this.

- Lackluster Character Creation

Moot, shouldn't be too hard to offer some more options but I really don't see the point.

- Absurd Leveling curve; the overall process of getting from 1-50 is pretty fast, but the curve for time per level increases at a rate that makes me feel like I'm playing Aion again

Disagree, leveling is too fast imo.

- Three Warzones, No Arenas (also consider Huttball cannot be taken seriously as Rated PvP). Again; TOR is competing with 2011 WoW (8 Battlegrounds, 4 of which can be done Rated + Arena Content)

Non-issue for me, plenty for a MMO 1 month into it's life.

- No Macros

Disagree, I like that it comes down to actual playing skill instead of who can invent/copy the most advance macros.

- No mouseover casting

No real issue for me as I wouldn't use it if it was implemented.

- No addon support

WAI, having a bunch of addons will make the entire game too easy, look at wow.

- No Dual Spec

WAI, you shouldn't be able to switch between roles without considerable effort, think it's too easy in this game now.

- Taris memory leaks (should have been fixed in Beta, not "overnight" a week after Early Access started for the game's release build)

No comment

- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy

Loads more variety than other MMOs I've played, the kill X amount of Y usually tags along as a bonus when you're in that area which I find is an awesome way to solve this.

- Voice Actors voicing too many different people; I don't think I've seen this many Characters with the same Voice Actor, since the first Deus Ex game

Ofc they gonna use the same people for loads of characters, or do you want them to hire <9000 actors just to have different voices?

- Player Character repeating Dialogue from other conversations (My Sith Inquisitor has said "I'll show you what a Sith can do!" like 5 times now, and other less memorably rhyming are equally if not more common)

5 times, still less than you mention wow in this post. Not an issue to me.

- "Choices" are still just the Blue good guy option, or the Red bad guy option — this was kinda new in KOTOR, and still cool in both Mass Effects; but unimpressive today

I love this feature and hope they'll expand on it. You don't have to choose red as sith and vice versa, the CHOICE is yours.

- No Mount until level 25; it only takes a couple hours to get your first Mount in WoW these days. No idea why this was considered a good idea

This isn't wow, 25 is way to early imo, I use a mount because it's there, but you wouldn't really miss it in this game since there are taxis at every 10 feet.

- Awkward gold; having over 500,000 gold by the time you hit 40 is... silly, and will be a major hassle as the game ages and gold inflation occurs

Credits, not gold. Ofc it's gonna be awkward since people aren't used to it.

- A vast array of technical errors that BioWare, and easily amused Players will chalk up to "Every launch has issues, go play WoW kid!"; but nonetheless detract from gameplay, and are hard to excuse in a 2011 title

Welcome to an MMO launch. I'm not happy with some things, but others are alot better than expected.

- No Appearance/Gear Customization such as WoW's Transmogrification, or a standard MMO Appearance Tab (weird in a game where we watch ourselves talk so much)

I'll give you that one, but it's not gonna be a problem until most people are at end-game for me atleast.

- No Barbershop for minor character recustomization (again, weird in a game where we watch so much of our character speaking)

And maybe this one, tho I could do without really.

- More — I will expand on this as more things pop into my mind, these are the ones currently at the forefront of my thought process

Anyway, do you guys feel the same way? Maybe you don't see the logic in some of my points (but you will once you get to level 40+), but you've probably noticed the game feels old. I'm worried that this feeling will plague the launch, and the early days of the game. This will both turn away new players, and create a jaded community; problems that get worse and worse as time goes on. Hopefully the game can be improved enough though, I do like it.


TL;DR, I think TOR feels old, what do you think?

Feels new, is new, will get better I'm sure.

Edited by Stepsson
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How can you say it feels new, when it's missing so many features that are an industry standard which most new MMOs launch with?


I understand if you like the game, and that's fine; but saying it feels new is a logical fallacy

It's a new game, I've never played it before so when I run around in the different areas it feels like I haven't been there before(which I haven't). I don't know how to be more clear.
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