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I Want To Like TOR, But It Just Feels Old


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And sadly, the game launched uh.. YESTERDAY.


I don't know what it takes for some of you people to understand one simple fact




Or will continue to be launched has to have time post launch t continue developing. this is true for any MMO I don't care which one it is. it is true for ToR it was true for Rift, it was true for WoW, EverQuest, DAOC and it will be true for Guild Wars 2, Secret World, Blade and Soul, the Warhammer 40k MMO, Blizzard's "Titan" and so on.


None of these games had nor will have everything you expect them to AT LAUNCH. They will/did add most features after launch. Your launch client is just your primary base game.



The sooner the rest of you realize this one true simple fact about the MMO genre the happier all of us will be.


Guess you have no idea what evolving is. Do you buy a car without powerstearing and ABS this days? No, you expect some development to the car. Same with an MMO. Even if it is at release. Somethings should be from the start. Rift manage to have a full userfriendly UI that you could do anythihng with alredy from the release, dual-spec and so on and so on. SWToR did not manage to do anything from release. Nothing.

It just put out a game that is Ok. With nothing except a Star Wars name to put it on the map. Had this been any other game, people would have whined even more.


People have expectations that new games will evolve towords the future away from the old games. SWToR has not done so. They have steped back in time and tryed to reinvente the wheel without knowing it already is invented.

Edited by Mamono
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- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation (for better or for worse) in the quests, which makes leveling feel less grindy



I laughed pretty hard when I read this. You should try not skipping every dialog you get - if you hate story and like skipping it, you should really go back to WoW.

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Well OP , i dont agree with all you said , but many are true , still no game is perfect , this one is still full of flaws we can only hope they fix with time , to me this is a good enough game , i just hope it gets better eventually , good thing i got a LOT of patience.
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And sadly, the game launched uh.. YESTERDAY.


I don't know what it takes for some of you people to understand one simple fact




Or will continue to be launched has to have time post launch t continue developing. this is true for any MMO I don't care which one it is. it is true for ToR it was true for Rift, it was true for WoW, EverQuest, DAOC and it will be true for Guild Wars 2, Secret World, Blade and Soul, the Warhammer 40k MMO, Blizzard's "Titan" and so on.


None of these games had nor will have everything you expect them to AT LAUNCH. They will/did add most features after launch. Your launch client is just your primary base game.



The sooner the rest of you realize this one true simple fact about the MMO genre the happier all of us will be.


Hush... take a breath...


There are an equal number of people like you saying this in every post. Here is the part you keep missing.


The older MMO's had certain features... some sucked some were cool. The next Gen MMO's of yesterday took the good from the old MMO's added to that and released a newer "better" MMO. they got rid of tedious crap, and automated things that sucked in some of the older games. WOW took a lot of features from previous titles. WoW has also added MANY MANY default features in the form of UI customization and standard upgraded features derived from community mods that had HUGE popularity. I repeat these are STANDARD default options in WoW and not third party mods.


All we are saying is that SWTOR being a Next Gen MMO - it should have done the same by taking from the old and adding it to thier MMO. Then putting in some new bells and whistles to set it apart from the competition. A lot of people are finding out this is NOT the case.

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I laughed pretty hard when I read this. You should try not skipping every dialog you get - if you hate story and like skipping it, you should really go back to WoW.


I actually didn't skip much dialogue at all, for the first 45 levels (It got boring by then though)


Anyway, I wasn't talking about the conversations; I was talking about the actual objectives of the quests

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Graphics in this game are far superior to wow give me a break, it can't touch this game. Pretty obvious what you're doing but it's utter fail. You can take your game breaking lfg tool that destroyed the community. Have fun with pandas and pokemon and graphics that are subpR compared to this game and will never get an upgrade
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I don't mind all your opinions... doesn't bother me...


This however bothers me...


"- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)"


Blizzard has not evolved lol... don't you think it's because there is less subscriber-ship? Less people playing the game so those hard caps are not being hit.


Ques does not evolve... it's like Supply and Demand that you learned in your Economics classes....


Let's take an example here... Any new Apple products that come out always has a que outside the Apple Store... Have they evolved? Are they going to Evolve? lol

Edited by Sireene
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The majority of features he listed almost no MMO has had at launch.


My entire experience with Rift is about 20 minutes of a free 14 trial.


In that time, I saw that the game had


- Awesome UI, complete with moveable parts


- Good graphics


- Good Character Creation


Well, yeah, that's only three things, and the game didn't interest me for more than 20 minutes; but still — post-WoW MMOs are launching with features that are currently present in WoW, TOR is behind the curve here

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I don't mind all your opinions... doesn't bother me...


This however bothers me...


"- Server queues (Had queues in WoW for Vanilla, BC, and Wrath but not Cata, Blizzard has evolved, BioWare has not)"


Blizzard has not evolved lol... don't you think it's because there is less subscriber-ship? Less people playing the game so those hard caps are not being hit.


Ques does not evolve... it's like Supply and Demand that you learned in your Economics classes....


Let's take an example here... Any new Apple products that come out always has a que outside the Apple Store... Have they evolved? Are they going to Evolve? lol


WoW lost subscribers during Cata, and a few at the very end of Wrath (which came back for Cata anyway)


Cataclysm launched with more subscribers than Wrath of the Lich King launched with; please, for the sake of everyone involved, educate yourself

Edited by Sireene
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- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation


^^ First off what??? Since when has WOW ever been more than kill this for that or go get me this?


You gave blizz 7 years of your life to get it right and they still havent. Why not give BW a chance? and dont flame on them the 2nd day of their game?

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And your dumb enough to think WOW fixed server Ques because Cata has more subscriber-ship? How much more did come back? Certainly nothing like a new game. You should educate yourself little man.


BTW I'm a WOW / Blizzard Fan Boy, but im realistic unlike you. And I still play WOW.


WoW lost subscribers during Cata, and a few at the very end of Wrath (which came back for Cata anyway)


Cataclysm launched with more subscribers than Wrath of the Lich King launched with; please, for the sake of everyone involved, educate yourself

Edited by spicycookie
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you are forgettin this is the launch, this is the foundation for the game so they can build off it in the future. please stop saying it missing this or missing that when its released yesterday! and wow has been out for 7years!!!!


I have to agree with you the game came out yesterday. How can you compare this to wow, all wow has is endless grinds and pandas. I love this game by far the best star wars out there. Those who don't like it because it isn't wow then go and dont let the door hit you in the *** on the way out.

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Graphics in this game are far superior to wow give me a break, it can't touch this game. Pretty obvious what you're doing but it's utter fail. You can take your game breaking lfg tool that destroyed the community. Have fun with pandas and pokemon and graphics that are subpR compared to this game and will never get an upgrade


And it should. If SWToR where not able to beat a 7 year old game that just has some polished old graphic, then something is wrong.

But it still is not good.

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- Lack of variety in quests; everything is kill X amount of Y, unlike WoW where they've added a lot of variation


^^ First off what??? Since when has WOW ever been more than kill this for that or go get me this?


You gave blizz 7 years of your life to get it right and they still havent. Why not give BW a chance? and dont flame on them the 2nd day of their game?


Disclaimer — I do not personally enjoy some, or all of these types of quests


WoW has added the following, and more to quest variety


- Vehicle Quests


- Quests that use phasing to change heavy amounts of the world


- Quests involving important Lore Characters


- Quests that utilize flying mounts


- Dailies designed specifically to be easier on Main-Spec Healers that involve healing wounded friendly NPCs, rather than killing enemies


- More

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WoW lost subscribers during Cata, and a few at the very end of Wrath (which came back for Cata anyway)


Cataclysm launched with more subscribers than Wrath of the Lich King launched with; please, for the sake of everyone involved, educate yourself


Wow lost over 2m subs this year, the game is on the decline. Analysts do a bit more research than you. Btw cata was an abysmal failure.

Edited by Yowfatto
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Wow lost over 2m subs this year, the game is on the decline. Analysts do a bit more research than you. Btw cata was an abysmal failure.


You quoted that out of context, and as a result; made us both look stupid


I know that WoW went from about 12, to about 10 million subs in 2011, alone; and I agree that Cataclysm was an abysmal failure


I also agree that WoW is (at least currently) on the decline


Please try to assess the context of what someone says, before fallaciously calling them out on it

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I kind of agree, everything just feels tired already. The combat too is way too "clunky" and harsh and there's no liquidity or grace at all to it. The light saber combat reminds me of that youtube video of that fat nerd with a broom stick spinning around his room doing light saber noises in front of his webcam.


I really want to like this game too, but my partner and I had a hard time going back to it last night, we're jus bored already and we're not even level 15. I'm tired of being an errand boy, I'm tired of the damn dialogue, I'm tired of the clunky combat.

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Most of the features your saying wow has over this werent even around when wow first launched. Period. this game needs some time to get lfg tools, addons, more battlegrounds (which wow didnt even have at first).


I addressed this multiple times in the OP


TOR is competing with 2011 WoW, not 2004 WoW

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Most of the features your saying wow has over this werent even around when wow first launched. Period. this game needs some time to get lfg tools, addons, more battlegrounds (which wow didnt even have at first).


This is 2011 and the game had at least 5x the budget. It's a bit embarrassing that it lacks common features of much smaller budget games. The "WoW didn't have it" is a terrible defense to anything because the market and expectations were much different.

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There are some points that have a slight resemblance of coherency.


It is however blinded by obvious bias. I understand making references to another popular game to clarify points. However basing your entire post by saying "WoW Did it better" doesn't mean a thing.


Several of your points have absolutely no ground to stand on though, for example -- Wow quests have more variety than TOR quests -- this was laughable. Seriously? WoW is as bluntly basic as it gets (go collect 10, 20, 30 of blah, or go kill 10, 20 , 30 of blah, throw in a bombing mission here and there, and you're set.) Who are you trying to kid?


Unless you leveled a character to 5 on TOR you can't possibly think it's just kill kill kill, I suppose if you were skipping all the dialogue that would be the case.


You can preach all day long about your points but reality is, why are you here?


You don't like the game, you don't want to play wow.


Is Trolling the forums better than ALL other options out there?


Last, remind yourself that most of your post is OPINION, not fact, you don't have to be negative to those who don't agree with you.



P.S. Why are you here again?

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