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Building own computer.


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So im using this laptop thats total TRASH. Takes all day to patch and load this awesome game and im sick of the graphics and low fps dragging all around my screen. I go on youtube and look up swtor and you guys have unreal fast and awesome graphics, are you using 4000 dollar computers? Seriously no wonder it took me all summer to become lvl 45 jedi guardian.


Anyway im building my own computer, i can do that very easily. Its just i need the right parts. So what should i spend my money on the most is the question. Ive realised my graphics card is terrible and thats probably why. I was looking into the Sapphire Radeon.... Well this thing



And it has 6gigs of memory on the card. Is that good? Well that run the game epically graphics wise?

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I'm using a 1.1k Computer. However, my pc isnt optimized for MMORPGs, my pc is optimized for shooters.


My new 2k pc should arrive this week lol, this one is optimized for everything XD. I'll try to find the spec of this pc for you. My brother's friend built it for me.


Edit: My 1.1k PC is 2 years old so its pretty terrible

Edited by Philelectric
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Well this thing



And it has 6gigs of memory on the card. Is that good? Well that run the game epically graphics wise?


Should blow away any game. But at that price is 50% of a complete computer that would rock TOR. This game is more CPU intensive than GPU.


i5 Ivy bridge CPU

Asus Sabertooth Z77 mobo

GTX 660 ti


^ These or their other-brand equivalent are more than enough for this game. You can spend more if you want but isn't necessary.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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There is a great site which helped me every step of the way in building my rig... I recommend it to anyone looking to make their own. The forums are especially helpful, plus there are tons of videos on youtube




They have a recommended sweet spot system but if you go to the forums you can get other recommendations for various builds.


Good luck, it's a lot of fun and very satisfying to build your own.

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There is a great site which helped me every step of the way in building my rig... I recommend it to anyone looking to make their own. The forums are especially helpful, plus there are tons of videos on youtube




They have a recommended sweet spot system but if you go to the forums you can get other recommendations for various builds.


Good luck, it's a lot of fun and very satisfying to build your own.


I completely agree, and best part is they can be upgraded. I thought i could get a pre built system from dell Alienware, but i looked at the specs.... And i was not pleased. 1GB of memory on video card? Seriously?

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I recommend intel's gaming line of cpus such as the 2700k, 3770k and the new 4770k. However if you're looking to save money go with AMD but read this article before making a decision.



As for your GPU as much as i love AMD and ATI I just feel Nvidia has better support and overall performance.

For $20 more you can grab Nvidias new 770. here are the becnhmarks compared to the 7970.



I am running this game on my laptop which sports a native resolution of 2560 x 1440. It uses a mobile intel 3770 and a mobile Nividia 680m- i've never had any issues with most of the games i play. however i will be building a gaming desktop shortly.

Edited by DOCSMonkey
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According to what I see when running the FPS display in game (CTRL+Shift+F) the graphics are mostly CPU intensive on my system. This means the above recommendation for an Intel Gaming CPU is a good idea. Also, to help speed up the load times, I highly recommend a SSD for the primary hard drive. I can completely load the game (from clicking the icon on the desktop to play time) in about 1m40s and run at a pretty constant rate of FPS. The GeForce GTX 660 Ti is a good card for a moderate price. Buy as much RAM as possible. Memory is cheap and you can use the abundance for running something like SWTOR Unleashed.:D
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That is one beast of a graphics card, but a fairly hefty pricetag so it really depends on how much you want to spend. You can buy a pretty good card for around the $200 mark, and I'd recommend a Radeon over Nvidia as their drivers are a lot more stable. I've had nothing but trouble with my Nvidia and finally had to rip it out.


For CPU, I have an Intel Core i7 and have had it for a couple of years, it's nice.


For RAM, I would suggest 8GB unless you want more.


For hard drive, solid state is faster but a lot more expensive so only look into it if you have a big budget.


For Operating System, 64 bit Windows 7 is great. If you want to run Windows 8 but haven't used it before, definitely try it out / look it up first, as it's very different to Windows 7 and has received a lot of negative reviews so make sure it's the right operating system for you before jumping in with it.


Don't forget extras like if you want a nice dvd or blu-ray drive, and a headset or speakers + microphone, and a webcam if you found yourself using your laptop's inbuilt one.


If you don't want a gaming keyboard you can buy a cheap keyboard that will work just fine. For a mouse, if you don't have one from your laptop already you or want to upgrade it, check our the Razer range.

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