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Best PVP-Arena / Warzone / Battleground


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Hello Community.


As a player who loves to PVP, I've tried out many MMo's that offered PVP in some sort.

I'm very interested in your opionion about your favourite Maps/Gamemodes (Battleground/Scenario/Warzone/Arena) from any MMO.


My personal favourites are the following:

- Huttball SWTOR: A very refreshing gamemode with a unconventional goal. A Ball to pick up and to pass and to bring behind the enemy lines by avoiding traps is something i havent seen in any other mmo.


- Mourkaine Temple Warhammer Online: A small map with a relic to capture and hold. A hot-potato mode where the holder of the relic gains points for the team, but takes damage over time.


- Battle for Praag Warhammer Online: Quite a big map in a City in flames.

Conquest/Domination style gamemode (like Alderaan Civil War) however with 5 points to hold, with a twist:

Each team holds 2 points from the beginning, that are near their spawns. only the middle one can be captured.

As soon as its captured by one of the teams, this team can now also capture one of the enemies initial points. This way the battlefront will get closer to one teams spawn, making it easier for the enemy to defend it and push back.

Edited by Dragores
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I liked Wintergrasp. The reward was cool (made a raid available only to winners), the fights included a mix of different vehicles and non-vehicles. the number of players involved without bogging down the engine was epic. it was a place you could go for OWPVP without having to play on a PVP server with a bunch of griefers, but if you wanted to farm the best mats, you could go there and always had to have your head on a swivel; there was a sense of risk/danger. the only downside was that, in its heyday, you could overwhelm the other faction with superior numbers. it wasn't until the zone was pretty much outdated that they instituted faction balancing for the battles.
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Nagrand - for its simplicity

Tiger's Peak - for its useable but non-gamebreaking X-axis



Hypergate - eventhough there's node stalemates and mid can be cluttered, I think the map has a really good blend of LOS and open areas and there aren't any spots where you lose nameplates and can't target because of camera bugs



Twin Peaks - because its warsong gulch with better line of sight in the middle and better map design

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-Warsong Gulch - Love a simple, wide-open CTF game. SWTOR needs one.

-Alterac Valley - Though I wasn't a fan at times, I think SWTOR having a version of this would be awesome. Wouldn't work unless it's cross-server que'ing though.



I was going to list Voidstar but it could be better. I'd like to see Voidstar have a PvP Space Combat portion in which you are trying to board or the Voidstar and defend Voidstar from being boarded. Once on board, it's the ground assault that we all know and love or hate.

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I think SWTOR has done a good job making objective maps HB and Voidstar at release were fresh new map styles.


That said I loved AB, AV and WSG in WoW. So much fun running with a priest friend and levitating from LM to the middle. Later Rocket boots + parachute cloak into BS. Huge AV battles or premade WSG prior to the timer in WarSong those were great times. I would think I would be tired of it after grinding Justicar in TBC all good times.


One thing it reminds me of is using the Eng skill and the old rocket launcher with a friend blowing people up.

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1. Arathi Basin - WoW. The objectives were nothing special, but the way the map was designed (kinda downhill) with multiple tiers made it fun. Nothing like a surprise attack from a team slow falling down on top of your node.


2. Nagrand Arena - WoW. Arenas have been the most competitive pvp I have ever played in any game, and Nagrand was the simplest, most balanced map there was. I am pumped to hear about arenas coming to swtor!


3.Huttball - SWTOR. I really enjoyed huttball when the game first came out. It was an awesome idea and I think they could build on it.

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