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Best sin/shadow spec for pvp: tank in dps gear or infiltration/ deception ?


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We end up guarding nodes either way I'm afraid. In hypergates, they see me, nobody goes to the pylon. In alderaan, they expect me to go west. So no matter the spec, Shadows are relegated to guarding. As infiltration is getting closer to ataru, I hope bioware gives armour penetration and something like 'Shadow's Prowess' where Spinning strike triggers on a 20s timer and can be used an every target.


Same server. Same experience. It greatly ruins my experience at playing SWTOR. If I wanted to roll a static mushroom to plant at nodes, I'd play a Facebook MyGarden app.

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dont go tanking tanking tree unless you like a good challenge. wearing dps gear is not viable as it negates shielding skills. if you wear tanking gear, you will melt before all those auto crit attacks. you will be only good at huttball and node guarding.


go infil. may not be good at rwz. but should be excellent in regular.

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dont go tanking tanking tree unless you like a good challenge. wearing dps gear is not viable as it negates shielding skills. if you wear tanking gear, you will melt before all those auto crit attacks. you will be only good at huttball and node guarding.


go infil. may not be good at rwz. but should be excellent in regular.


Not sure I'd agree. My KC shadow in dps gear is very hard to kill and hits like a truck. I usually win 1V2s (1v3s against mediocre players). Wearing a shield+kinetic bulwark does make a noticeable difference in survivability.

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Not sure I'd agree. My KC shadow in dps gear is very hard to kill and hits like a truck. I usually win 1V2s (1v3s against mediocre players). Wearing a shield+kinetic bulwark does make a noticeable difference in survivability.


1vs3 against terrible players you ment ;)

I love tank stance dps geared sins/shadows, all my tanks eat them for breakfast, don't even have to call incs.


unless you mean lowbie pvp, not 55.

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1vs3 against terrible players you ment ;)

I love tank stance dps geared sins/shadows, all my tanks eat them for breakfast, don't even have to call incs.


unless you mean lowbie pvp, not 55.


Definitely terrible players cause it doesn't happen often :D


As for tank stanced, dps geared shadows/sins, they're by no means invincible so I have no doubt you beat them often. However, they are a great mix of survivability, damage and utility. Obviously they don't hit as hard as pure dps, that's why I'm happy to switch to deception.

Edited by Pathlight-
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but I'm thinking of dropping my assassin for some other DPS, either sniper(mm) ...

one side I'm tired of being predesigned node guarder...


Just FYI - I very often end up node guard on my sniper (sub 55). Since we have that stealth detect (that's useless against any good player, since they know not to approach from front), I guess people think we make good guards. I guess we do if we see the stealther coming, with entrench and a 35m range on attacks (and I just got covered escape, which also helps).

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Just wait till 2.4 arenas. A lot of classes/specs that arent "viable" in ranked will rule in arenas. Ie: no one will be caught dead with a watchman sent in ranked, but in arenas only a sage can cleanse their dots, so if every team has a healer you have a 1:3 chance of getting the healer that can cleanse your dots. Meaning 66% of the time the other healer is screwed trying to heal through those dots of watchman and the damage output will make watchman more than viable.

Same thing for middle tree shadows. Combine that the quick burst with Combat sent, commando, etc, and a healer wont be able to bring them up from that. GG.

Patience every spec will have its day.

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Just FYI - I very often end up node guard on my sniper (sub 55). Since we have that stealth detect (that's useless against any good player, since they know not to approach from front), I guess people think we make good guards. I guess we do if we see the stealther coming, with entrench and a 35m range on attacks (and I just got covered escape, which also helps).


Snipers guard better than most classes because there is literally no way to ninja cap a good sniper. You can only burn him down before help arrives.

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Just FYI - I very often end up node guard on my sniper (sub 55). Since we have that stealth detect (that's useless against any good player, since they know not to approach from front), I guess people think we make good guards. I guess we do if we see the stealther coming, with entrench and a 35m range on attacks (and I just got covered escape, which also helps).


Node guarding is the archetype of the "left holding the candle" situation. It's the most despised task so everybody search of any faint hint of someone else's class to be vaguely good at node guarding to get the excuse to yell at them to go there and grow cobwebs. Snipers have some perks to make them better at node guarding than others so they are slapped in there.

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Snipers guard better than most classes because there is literally no way to ninja cap a good sniper. You can only burn him down before help arrives.


on that note, PT tanks are far better. +1 you don't have to be good PT not to get ninja-d


Node guarding is the archetype of the "left holding the candle" situation. It's the most despised task so everybody search of any faint hint of someone else's class to be vaguely good at node guarding to get the excuse to yell at them to go there and grow cobwebs. Snipers have some perks to make them better at node guarding than others so they are slapped in there.


actually, I don't mind node guarding. I'm good guard (can count to 3 of times I lost a node due to my *DOH* moment, and never happend again same way), fast typer, I know when to kill a guy before help arrives, or when to sap and hide/kite. It gets old when I have to guard for 80% of pugs, specially when I see my team is losing cap on mid while staying BEHIND bunker..

or when tanksin with tank gear asks my jugg to guard on AH, ofc we lose, and he has 0 protection...

or when a person comes to 'replace me' guarding, telling me to go 'do something useful', just to find that when I reach other node to help(who has time to argue with stupid), he left to attack offnode and we got 3 capped (like our situation wasn't bad enough)... It happened alot last night, and seriusly pissed me off - had to log off.

Edited by Atramar
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actually, I don't mind node guarding. I'm good guard (can count to 3 of times I lost a node due to my *DOH* moment, and never happend again same way), fast typer, I know when to kill a guy before help arrives, or when to sap and hide/kite. It gets old when I have to guard for 80% of pugs, specially when I see my team is losing cap on mid while staying BEHIND bunker..

or when tanksin with tank gear asks my jugg to guard on AH, ofc we lose, and he has 0 protection...

or when a person comes to 'replace me' guarding, telling me to go 'do something useful', just to find that when I reach other node to help(who has time to argue with stupid), he left to attack offnode and we got 3 capped (like our situation wasn't bad enough)... It happened alot last night, and seriusly pissed me off - had to log off.


Yeah I don't mind guarding nodes, after doing it 500 times or so you get numb to it. Though I mainly do it because I simply don't trust anyone else to make the call, know when to kill or stall and all that jazz. And now since you can be up to 60m off the node it makes it very hard for a stealth class to find me. I think I am in the same boat as you I have only lost a few nodes but most due to the fact that no one responds to my call outs.

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on that note, PT tanks are far better. +1 you don't have to be good PT not to get ninja-d

Nah, I can still cap on bad pt's. Their rocket has a 10m range so if you can sap them at 10.0001m they can't touch you. I've ninja'd countless bad pt's this way in hypergate because they're standing a few meters off the node (and its quite a large node). In civil war you can LOS around the turret and/or knockback them before sapping and LOS. In novare you can still pull them off the back of the mountain on the offnodes.


One thing I really love about the stealth play in this game is that there is no one "best" way to guard against a ninja, you're always making some kind of tradeoff. Do you want to guarantee 16s of no caps? Or do you want to risk being ninja'd by 2+ stealthies but guarantee over 2 minutes of no caps against a single stealthy? There's a lot of ways to go about doing it and despite people's insistence on doing it a certain way there are always risks involved in any particular defensive strat.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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I think I am in the same boat as you I have only lost a few nodes but most due to the fact that no one responds to my call outs.


I think, if no one responds to calls, that doesn't really count as *YOU* having lost the node. I mean, you can't really be expected to protect the node all by yourself when the entire other team is there. (Well, unless you are an operative healer :D ).

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I think, if no one responds to calls, that doesn't really count as *YOU* having lost the node. I mean, you can't really be expected to protect the node all by yourself when the entire other team is there. (Well, unless you are an operative healer :D ).


Well I have made mistakes in dealing with 2-3 attackers but then again I run lightning charge 90% of the time I am in warzones which...difficult to say the least.

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Just wait till 2.4 arenas. A lot of classes/specs that arent "viable" in ranked will rule in arenas. Ie: no one will be caught dead with a watchman sent in ranked, but in arenas only a sage can cleanse their dots, so if every team has a healer you have a 1:3 chance of getting the healer that can cleanse your dots. Meaning 66% of the time the other healer is screwed trying to heal through those dots of watchman and the damage output will make watchman more than viable.


Watchmen dots are "physical" effects and can be cleansed by the other healers.

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WTFFFFFF how does this even make sense, why on earth would you do this lol. Not insulting ya would love a real answer of how you can even fit that stuff into a deception rotation, let alone giving up the armor pen in tank tree. I cna see why thrash is ok over voltaic due to madness tree but still whats the point of deathfield, you not ment to do aoe, unless full madness of course. If you gunna go to low slash arent you commited to deception which means your a stealth burst for killing healers. (other sutff or course to in terms of your job haha)


Just curious i dont see even remotely how that would turn out better or at very least how its benificial. Of course im an animal with deception so may be biased as hell.

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WTFFFFFF how does this even make sense, why on earth would you do this lol. Not insulting ya would love a real answer of how you can even fit that stuff into a deception rotation, let alone giving up the armor pen in tank tree. I cna see why thrash is ok over voltaic due to madness tree but still whats the point of deathfield, you not ment to do aoe, unless full madness of course. If you gunna go to low slash arent you commited to deception which means your a stealth burst for killing healers. (other sutff or course to in terms of your job haha)


Just curious i dont see even remotely how that would turn out better or at very least how its benificial. Of course im an animal with deception so may be biased as hell.




I doubt you're an animal with anything.

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I doubt you're an animal with anything.


being a ***** make you feel better ? Some people like yourself are just so pathetic.


O look i play on pvp server i think im so much better then everyone dur dee dur dur dur - Polymerize


Please just ignore this douche and answer my question above really am curious, thanks good portion of the community !

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WTFFFFFF how does this even make sense, why on earth would you do this lol. Not insulting ya would love a real answer of how you can even fit that stuff into a deception rotation, let alone giving up the armor pen in tank tree. I cna see why thrash is ok over voltaic due to madness tree but still whats the point of deathfield, you not ment to do aoe, unless full madness of course. If you gunna go to low slash arent you commited to deception which means your a stealth burst for killing healers. (other sutff or course to in terms of your job haha)


Just curious i dont see even remotely how that would turn out better or at very least how its benificial. Of course im an animal with deception so may be biased as hell.


Im no expert but i think you'd take deathfield to help stop caps from 30m, which is something deception is very bad at. Basically give up some damage to get more utility.

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watchman sent...only a sage can cleanse their dots


Have you ever played watchman lol, all scoundrels and mandos can cleanse watchman dots. Sages have to spec heals to do it.


Same thing for middle tree shadows


Do you mean right tree (balance)? If you're not sure about something, it's a good idea to confirm it before posting on the forums :)

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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Im no expert but i think you'd take deathfield to help stop caps from 30m, which is something deception is very bad at. Basically give up some damage to get more utility.


I can see that esspecially when running in rather then a stealth defence situation.

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