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Warzone class balance? HAHAH No


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PLEASE bioware....

Try and find a way to fix this....


Last night i was added to a warzone with the WORST imbalance i have ever seen.

Both sides where imperial. We loaded into a voidstar simulation match.


My Team:

6 Marauders

2 Juggs ( i was jugg)


Enemy team.

7 Sorcs

1 Operative


There entire team was healers (with range abilites). Our entire team was melee DPS.


Think about that bioware. SAME FACTION. why the hell couldn't we have had some healers on OUR team?

Oh...and i should mention that it wasn't premades. I checked. I didn't see ANY of the same guild tags. There is obviously a chance they are friends who aren't in the same guild etc. But the whole team? unlikely....



needless to say we got rolled. And i dont even care that we lost. I just think its really REALLY stupid that it can't be a bit more balanced.

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LOL 6 maras and 2 juggs got rolled by sorcs! WHAHAHAA!!! if 3 outta 8 were smash u wudda rolled them down the hill for a good old molesting! how did you managed to loose xD??


In a purely pug situation, the team with more healing will usually win. With all that cross-healing, it would be hard for a pug group to focus fire fast enough to get the bomb planted. Hell, it would be hard even for an organized group. Lets not pretend that most rated voidstars clear the first door. I'd be willing to bet on the attack run some of the sorcs switched to DPS. With the all-warrior team having no way to properly heal themselves, it's not crazy to think they would lose.


It's also possible the TC is exaggerating a bit (was it really 8 healers? hmm). But I have seen situations where same-faction warzones end up with one side having 3-4 healers and the other side having none. It would be nice if match-making was a tiny bit smarter (ie if there are multiple healers in the queue, make sure each side gets at least 1)

Edited by Akuryu
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I am NOT exaggeration sadly. I wish i got a screenshot of the final stats.


But every single one of the enemies had at least 100k-150k healing in that round. With the main healer around 450k



So much cross healing that we couldn't touch them!

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I am NOT exaggeration sadly. I wish i got a screenshot of the final stats.


But every single one of the enemies had at least 100k-150k healing in that round. With the main healer around 450k



So much cross healing that we couldn't touch them!


100k healing does not mean it's a healer. Balance/Madness can get that from their DoTs healing them. I get that on my DPS merc just from healing myself or using Kolto Missile on CD.


Try again.

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100k healing does not mean it's a healer. Balance/Madness can get that from their DoTs healing them. I get that on my DPS merc just from healing myself or using Kolto Missile on CD.


Try again.


Heck, I've seen a jugg break 300k heals :D

Edited by Jherad
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