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Does the BH story improve after Chapter 1, or no?


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So, let me explain this because I'm sure for a lot of people, Chapter 1 of the BH story was fine and dandy - maybe even great. For me... mostly it was pretty good, right up until the end; where I felt like my character went wayyyyy out of my control...



My main problem with the story was 90% of the last mission where you go to the Aurora, kill off most of the crew, kill a Jedi Master and blow the ship up. It just goes way, way against how I've played my BH up to that point - in every other situation if I've felt a target didn't deserve to die I had an option to keep them alive in some capacity.


Indeed, my character has repeatedly made a point throughout her storyline that she's not an Imperial by any stretch - she just works for them and will happily subvert a job if it turns out to be unethical.* I mean she's not flawless - she's done questionable things (and earned a few hundred DS points for it); but this felt different.


First up there's the target: An entire ship that, as near as I could tell wasn't actually doing anything against the people hiring me, it was just out there in space. Now I grant at least it was a military target, but still, it seemed like a pretty awful target to begin with.** I'd have less issue with it were actually engaged in some sort of anti-Imperial or anti-Mandalorian activity, but as the Jedi Master you're after specifically notes, the Mandos just want him dead for a battle that happened years ago... I mean I'm willing to do revenge if it's for a good reason, but "That guy beat us in a fair fight" is not something I consider a particularly good reason.


Second - A Jedi Master - don't get me wrong, a powerful dangerous target; but again, my character has very little loyalty to the Empire or Republic and has no particular reason to dislike Jedi; so what exactly is my motivation for taking this guy out? He hasn't done anything to me, what he did to my employers was as near as I can tell just beat them in a fair fight, something Mandos supposedly enjoy... just... what the heck?


I mean keep in mind that up until this point when given a light side option to deal with a bounty, it usually involved letting them off because that was the right thing to do... in this case the "light side" option is... attack him?


I mean I get it - yes, BH is technically an Imperial class and yeah they have a general association with the underworld and doing questionable-at-best things, I understand how the class is probably written primarily for a Dark Side character to begin with... but up until this particular point I honestly felt like they'd done a fair job of letting my character stick to some reasonable principles while still being a merc.


I mean, after killing the Eidolon on Nar Shadda Mako explicitly asks "So what's the difference between us and him?" - and you can give her a few different answers; but the one I chose made sense - I have options in how I handle a bounty target.


Now I will grant that Tarro Blood being on that ship may well have been cause enough to break in and fight my way to the detention area to kill him - it may not be moral or ethical, but I could see the motivation there given what Blood did and the fact that you can't talk the captain down. (While that's annoying, the confrontation with the captain at the start of the mission at least makes some sense)


But why go through the rest of it? For some of course winning the Great Hunt is worth going to any lengths - but not for everyone certainly. Especially since I'd already effectively proven I was the best by that point - murdering a Jedi Master and blowing up a ship full of people just seemed entirely unnecessary at that point; even if it would have cost me the official victory.


Anyway the above has made me kind of annoyed, and leaves me not wanting to play my BH, which is unfortunate giving how much I enjoyed her to this point. Rather than look up spoilers or abandon the character entirely, I figure I'd just ask: Does the story do this a lot going forward? (Ie: railroad me into doing really bad things without a good reason with no option to do otherwise?) Or is this a one off thing and the rest of the BH story is good if you're mostly a lightside hunter?


Sorry for the wall of text but it's really bugging me.


*I grant you can debate the ethics of being a mercenary in the first place - but starting from the premise of "you can be an honorable mercenary" - that's how I've played it.


**I wasn't thrilled with hunting Admiral Iverness at the start of the story either, as he (to my knowledge) hadn't really done anything to warrant it (and besides that why would someone who regularly contract with the Empire take out an Imperial war hero? That just seems ridiculous, Great Hunt or no.), but that situation was solved by Murghir so in the end I was able to just shrug and take credit.




Edited by mistformsquirrel
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If that annoyed you, the rest of the story may bother you as well. Putting it behind spoilers to be safe (the actual spoilers are fairly mild).



The rest of your story is basically dealing with the fallout from Chapter One (how much sympathy you have for the person/people after you may affect it, of course), and you're more or less either an Imperial or Imperial pawn until one certain point where you can go against them.


Even that isn't great, as Makeb is written for a BH that is loyal to the Empire.


Edited by Lesaberisa
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Thanks for that Lesaberisa, kinda what I was afraid of.


The way I've been running my character to present has been basically "My loyalty is to myself*, and credits." I've repeatedly insisted to NPCs that I don't care one bit about the Empire, I just work for them because they're paying.... so yeah that's unpleasant news; but better to know it rather than start finding the plot unbearable. Maybe I'll come back to it later, but for now I suppose I'll be playing a different character for awhile.


*Including my own sense of morality.

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I think the story writers were pretty limited in what they could do with the BH because of how linear the advancement planet to planet is. There's just no reason for you to go to Voss, for example, unless you're working directly for the Republic or Empire. Overall I was happy enough with how much I could insult and berate them during the dialogue but in the end it was the same result - I was basically an Imperial.
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I'm playing thru with a bh myself, & I just started chapter 2. I'm light2 but I wasn't bothered at all by the end of chapter 1. I'm a BH....I've got a job to do..... plus

I did let the other Jedi get off the ship...



To me Chapter 2 tho seems to be dealing with the fact

now I'm hunting on the black list,but somebody's out to pay me back for killing that Jedi

but I'm a BH....it's part of the job.


"Mine is not to reason why, mine is just to do & get paid"

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I really had no problem at all with Chapter 1 playing as an honorable merc. Just like you I don't have much love for the Empire, but only for myself, my crew and credits, but also I added a part where I wanted to prove myself against the best. Being a big fan of the Mandalorian culture, my BH was thrilled to test himself against this Bane of Mandalorians, and just like them he sees honor in battle.


I do find the way they continued writing the stroy for the BH made it understandable why my character allies itself with the Empire once war breaks out. However, given the choice in the last conversation of chapter 3, I do take the opportunity to lay down the law with how war my alliegience with the Empire goes.


All in all, I do really like the story of the BH, playing the character as a light sided character. I personally feel that the darksided BH is simply a crazy murderer running wherever the nearest imperial officer points his hand.

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So, let me explain this because I'm sure for a lot of people, Chapter 1 of the BH story was fine and dandy - maybe even great. For me... mostly it was pretty good, right up until the end; where I felt like my character went wayyyyy out of my control...

You are going to hate the start of Chapter 3 :(


I mentioned this in another thread but BH story is not my favorite. What I liked the most about it is Mako's story. And Gault. I LOVE Gault.

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All in all, I do really like the story of the BH, playing the character as a light sided character. I personally feel that the darksided BH is simply a crazy murderer running wherever the nearest imperial officer points his hand.

Whereas the lightsided BH is...a hypocritical murderer running wherever the nearest Imperial officer points his hand? ;)

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Whereas the lightsided BH is...a hypocritical murderer running wherever the nearest Imperial officer points his hand? ;)

u can play a lightside BH as more of a man/woman of honor now sure you will kill but you wouldn't murder people if they were either unarmed or are to weak to fight.

As for op


At one point in the game u are invited to become a mando, with this i decided that since my Bh had honor already, she would embrace the mando tradition, it helps when u start following the empire more as they are allies.


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u can play a lightside BH as more of a man/woman of honor now sure you will kill but you wouldn't murder people if they were either unarmed or are to weak to fight.

You're still slaughtering people for money, frequently not even as a legitimate combatant in a theater of war. And you openly lie about Gault's contract, too, so you can't even play the "always do what you're hired to do" line, either.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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You're still slaughtering people for money, frequently not even as a legitimate combatant in a theater of war. And you openly lie about Gault's contract, too, so you can't even play the "always do what you're hired to do" line, either.


You're a BH....u get paid to hunt ppl....that's what u do. Think Boba Fett

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You're a BH....u get paid to hunt ppl....that's what u do. Think Boba Fett

Yeah, thanks, I was completely unaware of that. :rolleyes:


It doesn't matter whether you're getting paid to be a murderer and a criminal, or if you're doing it for free. You're still a murderer.

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I'm with you, mistformsquirrel. I played a LS BH just like you - honorable, in it for the money and fame, etc, but with a nasty streak; just don't piss her off. Once I got beyond chapter one, I was just going through the motions because as someone else said:


You basically become an imperial soldier.


in chapter 2:


it's an alliance of convenience; the enemy of my enemy is my friend. The Republic is after you and the Empire offers assistance.


in chapter 3 and Makeb:


you are a full on imperial


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