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Ranked (Guild v Guild & Kickball)


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I think if you look at it a lot of people only say GG when they win. Usually you are grumpy when you lose, so it isn't as common. It is good sportsmanship or whatever you want to call it to say it either way, but I am bad about doing it mostly when I win as well, but that is usually when it is a close fought hard win. It might be in bad tastes to do it when it is a rofl stomp 600-0, 6-0, etc kind of game, but if all you say is GG they can either say GG back or stay quiet. Not appropriate to ever light someone up for simply saying GG no matter how bad the game was.
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I think if you look at it a lot of people only say GG when they win. Usually you are grumpy when you lose, so it isn't as common. It is good sportsmanship or whatever you want to call it to say it either way, but I am bad about doing it mostly when I win as well, but that is usually when it is a close fought hard win. It might be in bad tastes to do it when it is a rofl stomp 600-0, 6-0, etc kind of game, but if all you say is GG they can either say GG back or stay quiet. Not appropriate to ever light someone up for simply saying GG no matter how bad the game was.


99% I will /say gg in a close, hard fought match. If my team gets trashed I'm usually too butthurt to care and my team dominates, I only gg if they gg because some people just take it the wrong way. I enjoy watching drama not being part of it :D

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nobody's willing to play carnage anymore. and that's not just because smash is so easy. did you notice that in 2.0, EVERY class is faster? I sure as heck have noticed it, and it saddens me. ops did not need a roll. maybe give that to concealment alone cuz they're melee. htl did not need to boost speed. the value of predation was seriously diminished.


I respec to Combat/Carnage for huttball, and if I get a CW after I'll stay in it. Otherwise it's Focus/Smash. But I agree, the Predation buff has been watered down. The spec really is about the roots and single target burst. And camo freeing you of roots/snares. It's fun to play I guess, but as a solo queuer Combat/Carnage can be frustrating as hell.

Edited by detora
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nobody's willing to play carnage anymore. and that's not just because smash is so easy. did you notice that in 2.0, EVERY class is faster? I sure as heck have noticed it, and it saddens me. ops did not need a roll. maybe give that to concealment alone cuz they're melee. htl did not need to boost speed. the value of predation was seriously diminished.


I prefer carnage if I'm solo queing, just suits my playstyle better. For our ranked set up, I will spec carnage or rage depending on the wz and our teams strategy. I think the roots, speed buff, and single target burst of carnage are still very valuable in organized play.


Don't think it happened last night, or if it did I missed the announcement in /pubpvp entirely. Sucks because I ended up running into a superqueue last night too. Was not a pleasant experience XD


Thanks. I'll remove Tuesday from the Kickball section on the first page until someone volunteers to organize it. It's disappointing to hear about superques (understanding that they happen accidentily from time to time).


If all things are still on, I believe Cinerous and/or Neldiahr are organizing kickball on imp side tonight (Wednesday). Have fun!

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However, we did get wrecked pretty hard that match, 3 capped, and then farmed at spawn point by Neb and a few others. No big deal, sh*t happens and you move on.


I don't care what anyone says. When you "farm" the spawn point to prevent the opposition from getting to the nodes, it is a very valid tactic. We weren't prolonging the game to make it painful for anyone, so I'm glad that you took it in stride. Just wish others would have that outlook.

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lol what?! which one did my team get butt raped on? was that the one where battlestation was trying to superqueue in a hypergate and the ones on one side (my side) all quit the match, leaving us with 5 ppl? cuz that one wasnt a gg at all lol. i try and say gg as much as possible (if its actually a gg and not some stupid ******** like guildies dropping a team cuz they failed a superqueue lol) thats the only match i remember getting beaten on was that hypergate.


Outside of random defeats from 30 sec wz's, the only game we lost was that hypergate. Yes we only had 5, but we def didn't get stomped. In fact, we had more kills, but we couldn't be as objective lacking those 3 players to spread out.


He might be talking about the other 1-2 groups queueing up.

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Don't think it happened last night, or if it did I missed the announcement in /pubpvp entirely. Sucks because I ended up running into a superqueue last night too. Was not a pleasant experience XD
Yeah, sorry, a bunch of the stuff I was hoping would come together didn't. Next week maybe definitely -- let's aim for 9pm ET.


The qs yesterday were bizarre -- as solo or duo earlier in the night, teammates were mostly hopeless and the other side seemed to be all double premades. Later when enough friends showed up for 4, we kept ending up as half of a dual group that was wrecking/trolling the opposition. Bizarre, and I can see how solo qing can be frustrating in situations like this.

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lol what?! which one did my team get butt raped on? was that the one where battlestation was trying to superqueue in a hypergate and the ones on one side (my side) all quit the match, leaving us with 5 ppl? cuz that one wasnt a gg at all lol. i try and say gg as much as possible (if its actually a gg and not some stupid ******** like guildies dropping a team cuz they failed a superqueue lol) thats the only match i remember getting beaten on was that hypergate.


I know there was a 4 man team running, a 2 man team and I was solo queing just trying to knock mine out quick. Wasn't in team speak, so I honestly don't know the reason they dropped group. I do remember Neb saying it was 2 ppl that dropped the match from our guild, which still sucks either way. As far as kills, you maybe right, I didnt look. Reason I said it was a faceroll match was because the opposition failed to cap a pylon until the last round. On a side note, my next match I ended up going against my guilds 4 man group. Took my butt-stomping in stride and moved on from there. I have never dropped a match and have no plans to do so in the future. Its a game after all, sometimes you just going to end up with the sh*t end of the stick.

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I don't care what anyone says. When you "farm" the spawn point to prevent the opposition from getting to the nodes, it is a very valid tactic. We weren't prolonging the game to make it painful for anyone, so I'm glad that you took it in stride. Just wish others would have that outlook.


Personally, I hang out at the objective point and wait for them. Gives me a few more metals and the other team doesn't feel so discouraged. It is valid tactic and I don't knock anyone who does it. Btw, you are crazy sick on that operative. One of the few ppl left on this server that I feel can single handily change the course of a war zone.

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I know there was a 4 man team running, a 2 man team and I was solo queing just trying to knock mine out quick. Wasn't in team speak, so I honestly don't know the reason they dropped group. I do remember Neb saying it was 2 ppl that dropped the match from our guild, which still sucks either way. As far as kills, you maybe right, I didnt look. Reason I said it was a faceroll match was because the opposition failed to cap a pylon until the last round. On a side note, my next match I ended up going against my guilds 4 man group. Took my butt-stomping in stride and moved on from there. I have never dropped a match and have no plans to do so in the future. Its a game after all, sometimes you just going to end up with the sh*t end of the stick.


honestly i dont think that should have been considered a faceroll. it was just unfair and stupid. how can you expect us to cap on a node when our entire team is at our node and we're still outnumbered cuz your guildies dropped a match? i distinctly remember being able to hold off 3 or 4 at your node with a healer indefinately, unfortunately i cant be at my node and yours so you guys got the other node. you act like we were outdone, when we were gimped from the start. we didnt get 8 ppl until the last round. :( i agree with you. when i solo queue and if im getting stomped i dont quit warzones either. i stick it out to the end to get my comms. really dont know why your guildies dropped. a unicorn premade + a bssw premade would stomp just one bssw premade + pugs. either way its in the past

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I don't care what anyone says. When you "farm" the spawn point to prevent the opposition from getting to the nodes, it is a very valid tactic. We weren't prolonging the game to make it painful for anyone, so I'm glad that you took it in stride. Just wish others would have that outlook.


An unnecessary tactic that really only works vs a team that's never a threat to take your nodes anyway....



I still jump down into the mess regardless because **** you guys lol(spawn campers)

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this is why i refuse to participate in anything ghost is in. we wrecked his team, held a 3 cap on novare for 90% of the match. i /say gg at the end of the match and this is what he comes back with. i tried being nice then he got all hostile. if you cant play the game for fun and you just rage dont play the game.

just a screen shot for those who dont think ghost says anything at all. those kickball teams between imp and pub were so overmatched it wasnt even fair yet he still acts like its a big deal


People on this server get seriously butthurt from losing. Anyone from Keller's Void knows I love me some trash talk, but this is kinda ridiculous.

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An unnecessary tactic that really only works vs a team that's never a threat to take your nodes anyway....



I still jump down into the mess regardless because **** you guys lol(spawn campers)


Impossible for 2 guys to go wreck the pug guarding east and cap it ----> Prolonging the game?

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I realize you haven't been on the receiving end of many spawn camp matches...


Generally at that point, 4 people have given up already and are posted up at the 1 node held collecting defense medals, 1 person is sitting there with them telling everyone how bad everyone else is, 1 person is in ops chat arguing with him, that leaves the last 2 who are the ones being farmed and were likely the last 2 who even tried for the off node already only to be wiped out after going 2 v 6 and just said "**** it ill kamikaze mid in the hopes that I land that 1 killing blow that will make these 11 deaths worth it."


That's been my experience at least...

Edited by ace_boogie
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a unicorn premade + a bssw premade would stomp just one bssw premade + pugs. either way its in the past


One bssw premade + 3 pugs and dont forget, most importantly, + me!!! I kid I kid... it is in the past, but I am curious as too why some from our guild dropped before the match. :rak_02:

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I realize you haven't been on the receiving end of many spawn camp matches...


Generally at that point, 4 people have given up already and are posted up at the 1 node held collecting defense medals, 1 person is sitting there with them telling everyone how bad everyone else is, 1 person is in ops chat arguing with him, that leaves the last 2 who are the ones being farmed and were likely the last 2 who even tried for the off node already only to be wiped out after going 2 v 6 and just said "**** it ill kamikaze mid in the hopes that I land that 1 killing blow that will make these 11 deaths worth it."


That's been my experience at least...


LOL omg you took the words right outta my mouth girl haha:D

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I realize you haven't been on the receiving end of many spawn camp matches...


Generally at that point, 4 people have given up already and are posted up at the 1 node held collecting defense medals, 1 person is sitting there with them telling everyone how bad everyone else is, 1 person is in ops chat arguing with him, that leaves the last 2 who are the ones being farmed and were likely the last 2 who even tried for the off node already only to be wiped out after going 2 v 6 and just said "**** it ill kamikaze mid in the hopes that I land that 1 killing blow that will make these 11 deaths worth it."


That's been my experience at least...


Wouldn't be spawn camping if you had a node....we'd be fighting you at that node. It was a 3 cap. I'm sure someone will get mad that we didn't let them sit there and get defense medals.

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The qs yesterday were bizarre -- as solo or duo earlier in the night, teammates were mostly hopeless and the other side seemed to be all double premades. Later when enough friends showed up for 4, we kept ending up as half of a dual group that was wrecking/trolling the opposition. Bizarre, and I can see how solo qing can be frustrating in situations like this.

I finally thew my hands up in disgust and stopped Qing. kept running into the same basic team (even if I left match to get into a different rotation). it was 3 heals, 1 tank, and 4 dps against the same 12 imps who couldn't puch a hole in a donut. then you get this guarded and peeled for sage or scoundrel taunting you because you can't burn him while playing a novelty spec. eesh. haven't been that frustrated since origin server.

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Wouldn't be spawn camping if you had a node....we'd be fighting you at that node. It was a 3 cap. I'm sure someone will get mad that we didn't let them sit there and get defense medals.


You just making my point for me now lol... Whether or not you think it's "valid" at that point it is ridiculously unnecessary because the team you are against is clearly hapless/overmatched. It's not like you spawn camped to preserve a hard fought win. You just face rolled.


Im not saying I'm against spawn campers or even get particularly butthurt about it when it happens to me. Like I've said I'm still gonna jump right in. Whatever you do for fun to you when with a group of friends, you like it, I love it. But let's not pretend it's anything other than what it really is... Stat padding and ego tripping.

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Personally, I hang out at the objective point and wait for them. Gives me a few more metals and the other team doesn't feel so discouraged. It is valid tactic and I don't knock anyone who does it. Btw, you are crazy sick on that operative. One of the few ppl left on this server that I feel can single handily change the course of a war zone.

lol. I was tunneling him and risha in a vstar, and neb ran behind this wing forming a niche in the wall near the back. at first, I'm like ***? but my desire to finish him off got the best of me. he flashed me and had 8s to ditch me there. was pretty funny, actually. how on earth there was no dot on me to break the full 8s mezz while battling a dirty fighting scoundrel, I'll never know. but it was so bad on my part it was funny. still not as good as smuggling troyy though. best -- troll -- evarrr.

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honestly i dont think that should have been considered a faceroll. it was just unfair and stupid. how can you expect us to cap on a node when our entire team is at our node and we're still outnumbered cuz your guildies dropped a match? i distinctly remember being able to hold off 3 or 4 at your node with a healer indefinately, unfortunately i cant be at my node and yours so you guys got the other node. you act like we were outdone, when we were gimped from the start. we didnt get 8 ppl until the last round. :( i agree with you. when i solo queue and if im getting stomped i dont quit warzones either. i stick it out to the end to get my comms. really dont know why your guildies dropped. a unicorn premade + a bssw premade would stomp just one bssw premade + pugs. either way its in the past


I'm certain WZs shutdown with a 3 or 4m disparity. what pisses me off is that back fill will bring in like ONE person, which is enough to cancel the shutdown...for like 30s before the guy phases in. realizes what's just happens, and leaves. rinse. repeat. back fill = broken. fix it or get rid of it. this half-assed version is ridiculously bad.

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You just making my point for me now lol... Whether or not you think it's "valid" at that point it is ridiculously unnecessary because the team you are against is clearly hapless/overmatched. It's not like you spawn camped to preserve a hard fought win. You just face rolled.


Im not saying I'm against spawn campers or even get particularly butthurt about it when it happens to me. Like I've said I'm still gonna jump right in. Whatever you do for fun to you when with a group of friends, you like it, I love it. But let's not pretend it's anything other than what it really is... Stat padding and ego tripping.


You think I'm making your point, but the point is that ppl complain when they get farmed and elongate the bad game. Are we enjoying the stat pad fest? Sure, who wouldn't, but it isn't THE reason we do it. If a person isn't at the objective, they can't interact with it. The same reason I encourage fighting between nodes when you are winning as long as you are ready to react quickly and get to the node needing help. PUGs are usually incapable of doing it, which is why it ends up failing. Good teams can and should head would be assaulters off.


Let's just agree to disagree.


lol. I was tunneling him and risha in a vstar, and neb ran behind this wing forming a niche in the wall near the back. at first, I'm like ***? but my desire to finish him off got the best of me. he flashed me and had 8s to ditch me there. was pretty funny, actually. how on earth there was no dot on me to break the full 8s mezz while battling a dirty fighting scoundrel, I'll never know. but it was so bad on my part it was funny. still not as good as smuggling troyy though. best -- troll -- evarrr.




I'm certain WZs shutdown with a 3 or 4m disparity. what pisses me off is that back fill will bring in like ONE person, which is enough to cancel the shutdown...for like 30s before the guy phases in. realizes what's just happens, and leaves. rinse. repeat. back fill = broken. fix it or get rid of it. this half-assed version is ridiculously bad.


It is a broken system for sure. IMO they should have a "bolster" system where your effectiveness increases proportional to the lack of ppl on your team. More health, dmg, healing, mitigation, less CC duration etc...

Edited by Ravashakk
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lol. I was tunneling him and risha in a vstar, and neb ran behind this wing forming a niche in the wall near the back. at first, I'm like ***? but my desire to finish him off got the best of me. he flashed me and had 8s to ditch me there. was pretty funny, actually. how on earth there was no dot on me to break the full 8s mezz while battling a dirty fighting scoundrel, I'll never know. but it was so bad on my part it was funny. still not as good as smuggling troyy though. best -- troll -- evarrr.


I know for lethality snipers there's a talent that keeps dots from breaking CCs... Maybe the same for ops/scoundrels I haven't checked since I've only played as a healer.



Edit: Looks like Neb beat me to it already.

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It is a broken system for sure. IMO they should have a "bolster" system where your effectiveness increases proportional to the lack of ppl on your team. More health, dmg, healing, mitigation, less CC duration etc...


they did that in WoW for Wintergrasp. it didn't work. so they just started limiting the number of the dominant faction to be close to or capped based on the number of the other faction. I understand it, but I didn't like it there, and I hate it here. WG was OWPVP. so imbalance should be permitted. for organized pvp like a WZ, I want back fill GONE. once the gates drop, it's GONE. vote to kick doesn't work anyway. if someone DCs, best case scenario is the new guy phases in and gets into the action 30-40s later...usually LONGER. and it absolutely abuses solo queuers because the system fills one spot at a time (apparently).

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they did that in WoW for Wintergrasp. it didn't work. so they just started limiting the number of the dominant faction to be close to or capped based on the number of the other faction. I understand it, but I didn't like it there, and I hate it here. WG was OWPVP. so imbalance should be permitted. for organized pvp like a WZ, I want back fill GONE. once the gates drop, it's GONE. vote to kick doesn't work anyway. if someone DCs, best case scenario is the new guy phases in and gets into the action 30-40s later...usually LONGER. and it absolutely abuses solo queuers because the system fills one spot at a time (apparently).


WG tried to make things balanced with it. This would just be to make it somewhat fun and not a blowout for the gimped team while waiting for backfill.

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