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Ranked (Guild v Guild & Kickball)


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Foxmob great post!!! You sure showed me something... I was right grow up...

Foxmob " I can solo any of you"... Great point bro Lmao

We won some rwz we lost some but the rage in great keep it coming...



I don't know who you are either I also don't care who you are!!! Please someone change his pamper get him a bottle and put this baby to sleep...people like you are the reason I'm pro choice!

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At this point kickball is moot point so I kind of agree with him. Why whine about it. Whether they crashed it or not. Kickball seems like more drama than it is worth and I dont think I would ever participate in it. People generally play this game to play with their friends, not incompetent strangers. I don't think anyone joins kickball because they want ranked wins, so if you get pissed off for losing to half a pug you shouldn't do it in the first place. You joined it to get coms and gear and you get some either way.
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You know you've won a debate when all the opposition can pick at is your punctuation lol. Thx for that fox and Carter.



Our point is... we played nice, got **** back. anything that happens here onwards, blame your fellow kick ballers for having no respect, maturity or sportsmanship.


and could beat any of us solo? I severely doubt that. But thanks for the lols


Yes, you did ask me to merger with the KB bunch... im sorry why the HELL would I want to merge with a group of players with no gear requirements, who have been talking sh*t to me when winning or crying at losses for the last month. The general community has not exactly made me want to go join such a group.... id rather pick randoms up out of pvp chat (which is what we did do on all these so called "KB crashes".


ALL of our "KB crash" incidents have started with us running with whoever replied first in #4 chat as pugs (usually 25k hp pve pugs) so our teams we're less stacked than your kickballs to begin with, lost a few then replaced with better ones. And after winning a few vs us then losing a few.... you all come on here and cry.


That was us being fair.... picking up 25k pve'ers (pretty much empty slots)... which the kickball groups won.


and yet you still all come here and QQ... and after roxxys performance last Saturday.... even people who don't like us we're telling her to shut up.


Im just done with it honestly? we tried to play ball with these clowns... maybe not the best effort ever ill admit. But meh with this kind of attitude you guys wont be happy with anything.


Anyone wanna bring it up with me ingame feel free, Bored of reading the same crap on these forums.

Edited by Corsin
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I can solo most of you in AP. AP! loll:


Foxmob " I can solo any of you"... Great point bro Lmao




You know you've won a debate when all the opposition can pick at is your punctuation lol. Thx for that fox and Carter. .


yeah. it's about punctuation.

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LOL @Corsin


You pick three players from your guild and if any one of them can beat Vasyel in a duel, I will donate 1 million credits to your gbank.




Prime Defense


Lol and this is eventually what the trolls reduce it to. Awesome job guys...


(and people wonder why we've lost patience with the care bear approach, having to deal with childish prattle like this on a daily basis).


Also... pretty sure I directed that at Foxmob not Vasyel, (still wondering what "in AP"" means) But ive never seen Vasyel play or even heard of him, or know what class he plays,, so I cant rate him or speculate. And unlike you I wont pretend to have a clue what the outcome would be.


+ we don't need the creds ;)


Cya in the arenas :)

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Lol and this is eventually what the trolls reduce it to. Awesome job guys...


(and people wonder why we've lost patience with the care bear approach, having to deal with childish prattle like this on a daily basis).


Also... pretty sure I directed that at Foxmob not Vasyel, (still wondering what "in AP"" means) But ive never seen Vasyel play or even heard of him, or know what class he plays,, so I cant rate him or speculate. And unlike you I wont pretend to have a clue what the outcome would be.


+ we don't need the creds ;)


Cya in the arenas :)


AP is Advanced Prototype, a PT tree. Hobi was going off the fun fact that you entirely omitted a direct object, so anyone van take that challenge and ride with it. Also, I've found that people in my guild like to loan me out for duels, must be something about watching a Scrapper work :cool: I personally like to go heals and draw it out :p

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AP is Advanced Prototype, a PT tree. Hobi was going off the fun fact that you entirely omitted a direct object, so anyone van take that challenge and ride with it. Also, I've found that people in my guild like to loan me out for duels, must be something about watching a Scrapper work :cool: I personally like to go heals and draw it out :p


Winning a 1v1 duel as a healing Operative/Smuggler isn't much of an achievement lol, since most classes and specs lack the dps to burst past it, or the mobility to keep up with the rolls and kiting. Just sayin.

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Winning a 1v1 duel as a healing Operative/Smuggler isn't much of an achievement lol, since most classes and specs lack the dps to burst past it, or the mobility to keep up with the rolls and kiting. Just sayin.


I just do that for infiltration, since the best counter to the strongest 1v1 dps spec is the strongest 1v1 healer spec :cool: I'll wreck anyone else (and more or less any infiltration) as scrapper and just keep on moving. Just sayin :p

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as I said... don't really rate self healing classes in duels... if you need 600% of your hp to win... you're not really winning lol. Don't misunderstand me, I don't mind people using some self healing in duels, Its just full heal specs (or specs that rely strongly on them) don't really have a place there. Since very few classes can burst past it, and that's if they get lucky with crits.


I know Dps ops who can blow people up without needing a single heal, such as Hallow and Valinov. Only 2 decent DPS Ops/Scoundrels ive ever seen imo.

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as I said... don't really rate self healing classes in duels... if you need 600% of your hp to win... you're not really winning lol. Don't misunderstand me, I don't mind people using some self healing in duels, Its just full heal specs (or specs that rely strongly on them) don't really have a place there. Since very few classes can burst past it, and that's if they get lucky with crits.


I know Dps ops who can blow people up without needing a single heal, such as Hallow and Valinov. Only 2 decent DPS Ops/Scoundrels ive ever seen imo.


Aside from Scrappers having the weakest self-healing of all healer AC's, the only time I've actually used heals during a duel is when I want to win with full hp :p Also I wouldn't go around knocking Scrappers for having a 2.5 (specced into) self-heal that costs 1/4 of your max energy when every other class has significantly better general defensive cooldowns, especially since those cooldowns will mitigate a lot more damage than 1 heal :rolleyes:

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Our point is... we played nice, got **** back. anything that happens here onwards, blame your fellow kick ballers for having no respect, maturity or sportsmanship.


Ah, so "some or someone" disrespected you and now it is ALL those who participate in kickball fault. Therefore, based on that you wreck it for everyone because of a slight? Hm, that's akin to "taking your ball home" because you didn't get your way.


Anyway, thank you for wrecking kickball for those of us who are were working to learn the ins and outs of ranked pvp without spending months being facerolled by guilds like yours. I do hope your pleased with your self. I reckon you can take a player out of LD 50, but you cannot take LD 50 out of the player.

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Ah, so "some or someone" disrespected you and now it is ALL those who participate in kickball fault. Therefore, based on that you wreck it for everyone because of a slight? Hm, that's akin to "taking your ball home" because you didn't get your way.


Anyway, thank you for wrecking kickball for those of us who are were working to learn the ins and outs of ranked pvp without spending months being facerolled by guilds like yours. I do hope your pleased with your self. I reckon you can take a player out of LD 50, but you cannot take LD 50 out of the player.


Ok first Vasyl the smug is a beast I have played him a few times and dude is a stright pain in the *** to kill.

2. You say you want to learn the ins and outs or rwz then why q with random people with no gear requirements, that will "balance" the team? Unfortunately to learn the ins and outs of rwz your gonna get rolled...

Every good guild in rateds didn't start out that way.


I personally don't think we ruined kickball "pre-school" games rwz are gone did anyone really care about preseason 1 rating? Rwzs were a bust kickball is a bust anyway you look at it. If you would like to be better at PvP rather then join water down competition find the people you feel and good grp with them, ask for chat info listen to coordination that's how I was able to learn and would help anyone who asked.

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