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Ranked (Guild v Guild & Kickball)


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I think the balancing as far as pub v imp goes is a little difficult to achieve mostly because there are more imps interested in it than pubs (from what I can tell anyway). From past experience the pubs were lucky if they could get one team together for kickball, wheras the imps I think have always managed to get 2 teams and could get replacements relatively easily when people had to leave. I think this is mostly due to there being more imp-side pvp guilds than pub side.
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Cinerous - We had two teams pub side from about 8:30 - 11:30 that played each other a few times before running into imp teams. I personally said "gg" in every game (and if I missed a "gg", it wasn't intentional, I was pretty tired by the end of the night so my apologies). The last three weeks that I've done kickball on Saturday, we've had at least two pub teams and last week we didn't even run into the imp teams, it was pub v pub for a solid three hours.


I promise that there is no team stacking going on. Ask anyone that participated pub side, I don't play the "Honorof" game. We had subs in and out all night and the other pub team had a 40 - 0 (or something like that) Civil War against one of the imp teams. I called it quits around 11:30 and the two pub teams consolidated to one since so many people dropped. I'm not sure how many more games they played but I know they got one pop before I logged so I can't speak for anything after that.


If people aren't having fun, I'll stop doing it. The last thing I want is animosity during a "fun" event for all.


yea i came in later. after the 2 pub teams consolidated into one team it was kinda OP. im still having fun, we won a few games against them but that was only on huttball cuz of our assassin. just pointing out that the 1 pub team that i ever saw (hikarighost, ootar, vasyel, wayhlee, chust (i thnk thats what the gunslinger was) was a pretty strong team. as i said i came in around 11-12 when i was finally rotated in. only got a few games in (including against a full nemesis team :( ) still fun stuff glad there was such a huge turnout that we could get mutlitple teams on each side going.

Edited by Cinerous
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I was only in 2 matches against imp teams last night before I logged and they were both extremely close. A 16-0 novare and a 30-0 civil war.


I don't know about the civil war but I was in the novare. Not ragging on you guys but the game did show us as having south well before the game ended (4-8%)...yet it was still attributing your team as having 2 nodes.

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I don't know about the civil war but I was in the novare. Not ragging on you guys but the game did show us as having south well before the game ended (4-8%)...yet it was still attributing your team as having 2 nodes.


my arse was stuck guarding west all game, but the map/meter showed a tiny sliver and the control south text didn't register. not sure if the node was clickable or what though.


Re splitting days:

that's fine with me. I don't have to choose between imp/pub. but I will most definitely q-dodge any same faction team that is not a part of our kickball comps. enjoy your empty WZ, bub. for example, KB teams have rules about healers and respecs: 2 heals. no respecing for 3 for situational benefit. other teams? not so much. then KB team has no chance whatsoever to burn down anybody. KB teams try to put the same roles/specs on each team. it's not just do you each have a tank, but do you each have a non-heals stealth? no? then neither team will or he'll jump between teams each game. how many smashers? juggs? maras? the list goes on. pugging half a team? not restricted by same rules. not sharing player pool. piss off.


re GG:

I could care less about GG's as long as there's no **** talk. and if it's KB, there's a good chance that you'll end up playing with the team you just beat the WZ before, so it's not as if you're engaged in dimplomacy. besides, I try to reserve GG for games that I felt were GG's, and that tends to piss ppl off more than anything else, so saying nothing works for me, especially cross faction.



Edited by foxmob
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on another note, i wanna bring up the suggestion of possibly seperating pub and imp kickball nights. from what ive seen a "kickball" pub team wins 9/10 of their matches against imp teams. my thought process is because it seems there is normally only one pub team queuing, and its a stacked team. compared to the 2-4 imp teams that are watered down to try and BALANCE the teams to make it fair.
Actually, I think it's because the only people interested on the Republic side are those already geared and (by this point) at least rudimentarily ranked-strat-aware. A more diverse group seem to be doing it on Impside.


That seems true even just looking at who's on /Pubpvp. Maybe we need to advertise that a little more broadly on our side.

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my arse was stuck guarding west all game, but the map/meter showed a tiny sliver and the control south text didn't register. not sure if the node was clickable or what though.


Re splitting days:

that's fine with me. I don't have to choose between imp/pub. but I will most definitely q-dodge any same faction team that is not a part of our kickball comps. enjoy your empty WZ, bub. for example, KB teams have rules about healers and respecs: 2 heals. no respecing for 3 for situational benefit. other teams? not so much. then KB team has no chance whatsoever to burn down anybody. KB teams try to put the same roles/specs on each team. it's not just do you each have a tank, but do you each have a non-heals stealth? no? then neither team will or he'll jump between teams each game. how many smashers? juggs? maras? the list goes on. pugging half a team? not restricted by same rules. not sharing player pool. piss off.


re GG:

I could care less about GG's as long as there's no **** talk. and if it's KB, there's a good chance that you'll end up playing with the team you just beat the WZ before, so it's not as if you're engaged in dimplomacy. besides, I try to reserve GG for games that I felt were GG's, and that tends to piss ppl off more than anything else, so saying nothing works for me, especially cross faction.




Yes, at the end of the game it showed a sliver of your team's color, but the game never registered on the board that you capped it back. So most of my team thought we still had it till they saw our score going down.


Not taking anything away from you guys, your team played better. Was trying to limit my raging in mumble when ppl clustered in front of the node for easy cc capping (multiple times), and not aoeing/attacking the capping targets.


I rarely ever say GG due to the interpretation of it being trash talk, and I don't feel every game win or lose is a good game. I reserve it for the very few times where both teams play well with very few mistakes regardless of the outcome.

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That seems true even just looking at who's on /Pubpvp. Maybe we need to advertise that a little more broadly on our side.


wednesday is a bad night for pub guilds to pvp. I guess many of them raid. other than that, I dunno why there's crap turnout.

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Just wanted to say thx again to Krogan and The Einherjar for setting up another fun night of kickball. As far as balancing the teams go i think he does as good a job as can be expected and is always looking to make adjustments whenever necessary. I was only in 2 matches against imp teams last night before I logged and they were both extremely close. A 16-0 novare and a 30-0 civil war. Hope to see everyone again next Saturday. GG's all


I was in that 30-0 civil war and it was good game, I dcd right at the end so didn't get see stats but it seemed "pretty" even across the board in game. anyone else from that game can provide their input too, I was heals.


P.S. I was in two very close civil wars last night(other was 10-0) so could be mixing the games.

Edited by iimagiicii
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Hey guys, I just wanted to post (I should have posted yesterday to make things better)


I'm sorry we didn't make Ranked tonight, we were down both our tanks, a healer, and two of our DPS couldn't make it tonight. I mentioned it to someone yesterday that we wouldn't make it as well. We will try for this Sunday, I was looking forward to this Sunday but I cant control everyones schedules :(.


The Kickball matches were fun last night, I'm looking forward to next weeks!


GG's to everyone!

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I was in that 30-0 civil war and it was good game, I dcd right at the end so didn't get see stats but it seemed "pretty" even across the board in game. anyone else from that game can provide their input too, I was heals.


P.S. I was in two very close civil wars last night(other was 10-0) so could be mixing the games.


Heya iimagiicii, here's a screen shot of the aftermath of the game Civil War Results. You and Roxxay did a stellar job with your heals. I thank you both!

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yea i came in later. after the 2 pub teams consolidated into one team it was kinda OP. im still having fun, we won a few games against them but that was only on huttball cuz of our assassin. just pointing out that the 1 pub team that i ever saw (hikarighost, ootar, vasyel, wayhlee, chust (i thnk thats what the gunslinger was) was a pretty strong team. as i said i came in around 11-12 when i was finally rotated in. only got a few games in (including against a full nemesis team :( ) still fun stuff glad there was such a huge turnout that we could get mutlitple teams on each side going.


pubs had 2 teams going for most of the night. it was 11:30ish or so when everybody started dropping and the teams consolidated.

i was fortunate enough to swap in on Liraa for the last 2 games when pubs still had 2 teams going and both games were super close and fun.


one was novare - final score was 16%-0% incredibly close and could have gone either way. pubs just barely won.

other was cival war - the 30-0 game. That was even closer and we won by the closest of margins.


P.S. i think i have a screen shot of the full scoreboard if you want to see it cry'sta? it was a personal best for me, but i was still about 40some thousand shy of your heals. good game indeed.


P.S.S our natural node cappers both went to block hehe... so we were slow in capping grass from the start

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so its ez ranked comms to dilute the pvp community?


all ranked comms are ez ranked comms. there isn't anything remotely difficult about gearing in swtor pvp. kick ball is balanced matches between casual players in a laid back/non-competitive pvp environment.

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all ranked comms are ez ranked comms. there isn't anything remotely difficult about gearing in swtor pvp. kick ball is balanced matches between casual players in a laid back/non-competitive pvp environment.


don't even bother responding to the troll...

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iunno how you stomach pot5, man. it's toxic. like the fatman influx to CO x10.


Eh the ranked teams are strong which is fun, but yes there's a lot of trolls. As for me personally with rome total war 2 coming out and me going back to college idk if I'll still be playing much. Even competitive ranked can get boring and I don't care about arenas. If I want arenas I'll go play a fps.

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GG's last night everyone. Great games against <Chaotic Pixels>, <Unicorn Stampede>, <Dark Eclipse>, and <Do You Even Force Lift Bro>!! Looking forward to more guilds joining in soon hopefully.


guilds only? are we gonna get some /1 pugs going again?

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