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Best class for PVP Duels?


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Ok just to clear up, I know it's highly subjective and there is no clear best. With that said, I am part of an RP guild that duels a lot as part of the storyline. I want to know, 'in your personal opinion' what class do you consider the best dueling class and why. I know it's rock paper scissors, but what class overall excels in non BG 1v1 PVP.


I'd like you to keep in mind the following criteria:

-DPS spec. I don't want to heal to a stalemate of tank someone for an hour. If it is a class with a tank spec I'd like it to do at least moderate damage.

-Please post what spec the class you chose would be.

-This theoretical question is assuming they are both geared the same and played by an equally skilled players.



Edited by Illistar
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Haven't played all the classes, but I imagine it must be a stealther.


If not a stealther I say engie sniper. The cooldown-burst style of it seems to suit 1v1s.


I disagree. annihilation marauder, carnage marauder, vengeance juggernaut, deception assassin are all great 1v1 and will wreck any sniper spec. Too bad they suck for actual 8v8 pvp.

Edited by MarkXXIV
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A suprising number of classes are very good at 1v1 in the right hands. There is a lot of bias players thrown around when saying "x class is best". Very few people will believe statements like "mando/merc gunnery/arsenal is strong 1 on 1" (which they are, and can kill many classes, much more then people would believe), but that's not suprising considering that some classes have an easier time handling a 1 on 1 encounter and as such a lot of them are more frequent then others.


Adding my own bias to what already is, I'd say scoundrel dps may be the best, but that's just a hunch really. Other then that, maybe rage mara/deception sin/veng jugg? I'd go so far as saying merc dps too, but that's not for the faint hearted.

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It really depends on what the duel rules are and where it is. From what I believe (never really dueled, just solo-defended nodes in PvP) you get out of a duel if you enter stealth and you can't start them from stealth, which would gimp any stealth classes. All in all I think a lot of classes have potentional and it varies a lot on how well your opponent can deal with your tricks.


Stealthers have the great 'emergency' stealth + in-stealth-stun + heal up with combat broken if your opponent is unprepared and used his stunbreaker. The strongest 1 v 1 stealth spec in my personal opinion would be Deception Assassin (and Shadow Mirror) due to their amazing cooldowns, big amount of stuns (don't get me wrong, Operatives are blessed with Flash Grenade, but in 1 v 1 it's slightly less impressive) and interrupts (stun + pushback on top of an interrupt.) I also think they're slightly less prone to being outkited, Operatives roll is amazing, but as DPS quite expensive aswell.


Maurauders make quite amazing duelers due to their (defensive) cooldowns. Camouflage and their 4 seconds of 99% damage reduced are absolutely brilliant. Carnage can burst down opponents very quickly. How-ever if someone knows how to handle them (not wasting energy whilst they're close to immune, preventing their ravage from doing it's job and such) they won't get an easy win.


Snipers can literally roll someone to death and even without that they can keep most melee at quite a big distance whilst dealing great burst. Their ability to keep melee at a big distance they'll keep, but the roll will likely get a change.


But I'm sure everyone experiences it differently depending on their own strenghts and weaknesses, but those were the ones I can struggle with, especially when caught of guard.

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I might end up like you and your signature if they do not balance the classes soon. Except I wouldn't level a class and its mirror lmao.


lol, I did rateds on both factions so I had to have the same toons on both sides.


legacy gear ftw

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If there is a wall available, engi sniper all the way. Wallbang, Wallbang, your dead, biggest burst in the game by a mile.


You can scamper/high tail jump. People are exploiting this using macros. Though in 2.2.2 it was very easy to do it manually. Since 2.2.3 it's harder to time.

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Marksman Sniper. Highest single-target burst in the game. People keep say Marauder but that Marauder can't do anything if he can't reach you. By the time he reaches you, use Ambush on 1.5 sec cast time and send him back. He walks back, use Cover Pulse.

People keep saying Decep sin/Infil shadow. Spotter FTW. I node guard like a MF'ing boss.


On the other hand, for fighting Snipers go VG/PT Tank.

Edited by stupidsyrup
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