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The datacron system is awful and needs to be redesigned from the ground up.


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Mate, datacrons are supposed to be hard to get, it's a free permanent stat bonus or a relic as you said. I agree about the lack of introduction, tbh i just found one on korriban when i started on accident. But they are in more or less obvious locales if you think about it.


Hidden path ways.

Elevated platforms.



Not always there, but present. I think it would be somewhat cool if they were like a random mini-world event "A datacron has been spotted by our spies, go to locale XX to find it" With locale XX being one hellishly impossible region to get to.

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I don't think the datacron system is the problem it's that they give stats.


If they give other tangible rewards that didn't effect combat (pets, mounts, titles, etc, etc, etc) it would be fine.


As it is now any player who takes raiding and/or PVP seriously will get to 50, read a guide online, and go find them all with their level 50 speeder. It's just another useless time sink as it is.

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Heaven forbid a game developer reward players for exploring in the world they created. Personally, if I see a glowing cube in the world I can click on, i'd probably click on it. I don't need a quest to tell me to.


Since they have the "Quest" triangle floating above them when you find them...

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I like how people keep complaining about things being to difficult...I like the way you have to explore and it through's some problem solving into the game I think it is fun and creative...


The only part of this post I agree with is an introduction to datacrons saying the two types and how many are in each zone (3).

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They give permanet boost as such they are MANDATORY for any serious player.


This is my problem with them. It's cool that they encourage and award exploration, but with the system as it is, I will simply google the locations of them all and consider it a hassle. If they gave something like large XP, gold, or item reward it would be much better. Permanent stats are just too required.

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The only thing I agree with is having a quest which introduces it. Appart from that, I love the system as it is, as the boost isn't that "must have" for hardcore players, it's just like a minigame which I'm enjoying a lot with my guildmates! :) Also it makes us explore the planets and see rare zones. It's a nice feature, I'm pleased to have it ^^
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To sum up the OP's post: Spoonfeed me the datacrons and make them easy to obtain.


No thanks. We already have rewards for killing enemies. Don't need more. These are rewards for exploration.


If the datacrons were all popping up on our maps and easy to get, then everyone would have them and there would be no point to them.


The bonuses are very small and not game-changers....it's completely optional. There are other ways to get relics too.


The datacrons are all visible with their lights shining up towards the sky....although not so visible that they can easily be spotted.


Frankly, don't think the datacrons are a big secret. I constantly see people talking about the datacrons in general chat. Most games have these sorts of things that people learn about from others playing the game.

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I personally love the datacron system. I've only found a few, but they are small and non-essential yet do have tangible benefits to getting. They encourage exploration, and encourage you to navigate terrain in ways that haven't had to do in other MMOs.


But mostly, they are fun. I like being always on the lookout for them (because they could be anywhere). They are a small extra bonus added into the game, and they are working just fine.

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I just had the most fun today jumping for HOURS after datacrorns on Nar Shadaa with a few of my buddies. No sarcasm here.

We even had to duel a few times so some of us could be "force pushed" and then "charged" to hard-reachable platforms.

Edited by Mechavomit
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  • 2 weeks later...

The datacron system is truly terrible.


I don't have hours and hours to jump around pretending that this is some b'stard love child of Pokemon & SuperMario but it vex's me. It just isn't fun at all.


'Don't do it then!' i hear you say, but if don't then i get a lamed character at end game. By all means put something in there for people that want to pokemon the lot of them, some speical item, but don't gimp those that pay money to pretty much HAVE to do something that drive them mad.

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  • 1 month later...
Word. The problem is the physical mechanics, not the lack of desire to explore. Some of the jumping is trivial, but some (Republic Cunning on Tatooine) is just an exercise in frustration. The fun is sussing out how to get to the odd spot in the game environment, not the mechanics of not falling off the roof for the umpteenth time. If I'd wanted to play run/jump/kick/spin games, I'd have stuck with the n-th implementation of Halo.
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Most of the datacrons are able to be obtained with a little effort and plenty of people have already done it so it is not impossible.


If they made them easier to get then we would have threads saying Oh the Datacrons are to easy!


People have trouble with something in game and they just feel obligated to come on and complain about it.

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Seems to me a lot of people posting, including OP, don't have much invested into the lore aspect and background.


Datacrons, regardless of age, have been found or recovered/discovered.... numerous different places, through tons and tons of methods.


You know, I guess some people like that aspect and the surprises it brings while others (In my opinion) need their hand held so they can have everything anyone else was lucky enough to find.

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first of all, never use yellow text. or any color but the defualt. it makes you seem like an ***.


TOR is not an built for exploration and discovery, so the datacrons prompt and justify a bit of exploration. they give a bit of purpose to otherwise random jumping and justify the OCD corner checkers

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Heaven forbid a game developer reward players for exploring in the world they created. Personally, if I see a glowing cube in the world I can click on, i'd probably click on it. I don't need a quest to tell me to.


Communist MMO concepts for ALL...


The problem, as I see it, is that most of the datacrons don't actually reward exploration, they reward obsessive compulsiveness. The wide majority of datacrons aren't hidden somewhere that's fun to explore, or as part of an easter egg, or even surrounded by beautiful hidden pockets of scenery. They're often shoved up into a corner of an area that has no redeeming value except for being cramped and out of the way.

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I like them how they are.


I don't want everything fed to me. I want to feel like I accomplished something. This game is already easy mode please don't ask them to take away the one challenging thing it has.

Edited by Nedreep
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