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The datacron system is awful and needs to be redesigned from the ground up.


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Very well thought out and organized OP. However, I think they are fine as is. It encourages me to explore a little bit and figure things out. Sure sometimes invisible walls are annoying, but in those cases perhaps the datacron should be moved to a less annoying location.
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Do we need to dumb everything down? I like the mystery behind datacrons and look forward to finding some of them when the time is right.


People complain when everything is "on the rails", and they complain when things are "off the map". I see so much complaining on this board about all aspects of the game, its almost laughable.

It's strange how so many people are reacting to the "hard to find" part of his post and totally ignoring the "crappy platformer" aspect.

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Definitely agree with your point that the items should be introduced as a quest to make new players aware of what they are and generally what's expected for people to find them.


That said, I like them as implemented. It's a fun diversion from the normal quest line and feels pretty good once you track all the datacrons on a planet down.

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The only thing worthwhile in your post is that they do need to be introduced to the player in some way.


They're meant to be exactly what they are. See one in the world somewhere and it's always a bit of a head scratcher as to how to get to it. None of them are overly-frustrating once you figure it out. It's a puzzle. Use your brain for once.

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I disagree I like the way it is, the whole point is to reward players for EXPLORING OFF THE BEATEN PATH.


Explore the swtor world.....putting them in easy to find places means loads of easter egg's, cool looking world's would just be rushed through and ignored.


I have found loads of things I would never have found if I had not bothered to explore. Just ask my guild, they used to think I was nuts until some of the things I found and they were like holy crap, from now on im exploring everything...


and now they do it all too :).


I agree with they need more explanation in game but other than that I wish there were more of them in even harder to find places!


Nom nom nom! :D FEED ME DATACRONS MASTER!!!!!!!!!

Edited by TRONEON
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You mean jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, hitting an invisible wall, falling into a group of enemies with low health, dying, rezzing, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, jumping, falling , jumping, jumping, jumping off the beaten path?


Fail more.

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I'm fine with datacrons as the currently are. They are a mystery of sorts. Its something that you may stumble upon, and then you have the freedom to either shrug them off, or to become engaged in a bit of mystery and exploration. I like that. They take you off the beaten path and reward curiosity.
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Why is it when anyone makes a suggestion everyone here jumps down their throats as they are evil incarnate and we have to accept the game as is. If not, we are worse the the Sith on these forums..



With that being said I would love to see more character skills being used to get the data/holocrons, i.e. the force or character skills or somesuch. Like some of the ones you find doing your Sith Inquisitor quests.

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"The idea that datacrons should be given a little 'hey, look for these' moment for newbies is a good one. I'll give that a thumbs up, but otherwise, while my character has joked about doing horrible things to the creatures that placed these immovable beacons of evil, they are a fine game mechanic."


"I've accepted that this game recognizes it's a game, and to facilitate the best possible game, some weird world things have to be introduced. RPers just have to be creative in making in world things work."

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"The idea that datacrons should be given a little 'hey, look for these' moment for newbies is a good one. I'll give that a thumbs up, but otherwise, while my character has joked about doing horrible things to the creatures that placed these immovable beacons of evil, they are a fine game mechanic."


"I've accepted that this game recognizes it's a game, and to facilitate the best possible game, some weird world things have to be introduced. RPers just have to be creative in making in world things work."


i think they're Fine and rather fun but its going to be needed endgame but if you can't see if people have em then u won't know. Its +70 to every stat >.>

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Why is it when anyone makes a suggestion everyone here jumps down their throats as they are evil incarnate and we have to accept the game as is. If not, we are worse the the Sith on these forums..


Because they're rarely submitted with mitigating language that presents them as opinions. They are typically presented as, "This is WRONG! My idea is RIGHT!" The natural reaction to somebody saying something is wrong when it is not necessarily wrong is to correct them ... At least when it's presented in an open forum of discussion.


Of course, this response to you is only a slightly mitigated way of saying that the OP posted wrong.

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Also I like hard, I <3 Dark Souls and Demon Souls, but those are well designed hard.. I don't like hard because the game glitches or because the mechanics suck.. If they kept the current system in place but improved the mechanics that'd would be better then what they have now.


I.E on the support thread area they are saying there is one datacron you can get because body type three cant fit in the area... Do I need to go L2P to figure out a way to shrink the body? Or should I just be happy that it's impossible and keep trying?


Edit: Or can someone "come hold my hand" even though I never played WoW and infact started back in UO and EQ.... Guess those games ruined my view as well.


/ sorry about rant.

Edited by Allurial
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It makes more sense for "rare" items to be in places where people "rarely" go. I wouldn't mind adding additional ones as quest rewards or something in similar style to what you suggest, but keep the existing ones as is. It's a nice quirk.
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I don't think some people are getting the point, for me I thought they would be off the beaten path, ect. I don't mind exploration, I love it in fact. It is the precise jumping for some of them that is really quite bad for people like me who are not good at them. Even with practice I won't be able to get some of them due to the fact that I have latency and also I have problems with my fingers. I know this is not Bioware's problem, but when they were first being talked about, if I had known about the jumping aspect of it like the ones on Coruscant, I would have known to just skip them. I am a completionist and this is going to be hard for me I like the lore behind each datacron, but my fingers can't get the jumping correct.


I don't mind having to work hard for them, minus the jumping LOL but I am very happy for those that can do it! =)



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Why is it when anyone makes a suggestion everyone here jumps down their throats as they are evil incarnate and we have to accept the game as is. If not, we are worse the the Sith on these forums..


'Cuz, yeah, thinking datacrons are just fine the way they are is far worse than, say, destroying entire solar systems full of sentient life.


And, honestly, some people are going to jumpy at the first sign of "dumb this game down," which is a semi-logical interpretation of some of the OP's suggestions. Personally, I think it's a good thing overall that they want to fight that kind of mentality.

Edited by imtrick
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'Cuz, yeah, thinking datacrons are just fine the way they are is far worse than, say, destroying entire solar systems full of sentient life.


It's not thinking one way or another, it's how the community is treating anyone that dissagrees with them.. Most people are able to adequately hold a decent converstation on this forums. The rest either say we want "hand holding" or you here "wow this, wow that" on both sides of the debate.. Or more often then not L2P....


Both sides have pro's and con's as to the datacron system and both have valid points as to why it should either change or stay the same.

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well, if you're an explorer, like me, without having the encouragement of achievements, these are fun to find. i didn't know they existed until i saw one from exploring a platform on korriban, then had some fun trying to get to it, then wondering how many more i could find.


they are, for the most part, just somewhere that you'll see as you fly by, or wander doing quests. sure, they are a pita to get to sometime, but once you've done it, you just take your following toons to the same spot as they level.


and yeah, the stat bonues will amount to about a dozen points each by the time you're done, and i haven't found the vendor yet for the shards, since i keep forgetting.

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Explain it on the starter planets via a quest, make that quest fun but difficult and a challenge. Thats it.


I like the way it is, If I can't figure out how to find get them without searching the internet then so be it, watching youtube of someone else play the game for you or seeking help to find them is for the weak. I like the challenge. leave it as is, put a starter quest in, done.

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