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55 PVE Sorc. healer first time pvp... is it too late?


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So, it's pretty straight forward question. I want to try but it sounds intimidating to start at 55 where everyone else is already 55, and knows what they are doing. My gear is pve so is it more sensible to just roll a new character or just stick with this one?


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its not too late. actually coming to the forums and asking some questions is a great place to start in fact.


bolster will make it so your PvE gear wont be at such a huge disadvantage.


check out this guide, which is stickied at the top of the PvP forum: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=451701


its a bit outdated, but the Warzone guides in section 7 should still be relevant.


i would also suggest reading a bit in your class forum, you might be able to find some good info about PvP tactics. dont be afraid to ask questions; most players are more than willing to offer helpful tips if they are asked.

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So, it's pretty straight forward question. I want to try but it sounds intimidating to start at 55 where everyone else is already 55, and knows what they are doing. My gear is pve so is it more sensible to just roll a new character or just stick with this one?



Saved by Bolster.

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So, it's pretty straight forward question. I want to try but it sounds intimidating to start at 55 where everyone else is already 55, and knows what they are doing. My gear is pve so is it more sensible to just roll a new character or just stick with this one?



If you haven't done PvP at all in this game, my advice is to roll a new toon and exclusively level him up through PvP. There is quite a bit to learn in terms of wzs, strategies, classes, etc. and you don't want to do it at 55 where people will rage at you even for small mistakes.


Just roll a new toon and enjoy the PvP experience from level 10.

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In fact, you will find the PvP from 1-54 the best PVP in the game as most people are on a equal footing due to bolster and no PvP gear gap.


do not listen to him. PVP in 10-54 is no where near best pvp in game. This is what bads say because they cant cut it in endgame PVP.


The Bastion

Rellik - Jenna'syyde - Crackroxx

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In fact, you will find the PvP from 1-54 the best PVP in the game as most people are on a equal footing due to bolster and no PvP gear gap.


They fixed it with bolster where have you been or was it your lack of knowledge and skill at 55?

Edited by Asturias
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In fact, you will find the PvP from 1-54 the best PVP in the game as most people are on a equal footing due to bolster and no PvP gear gap.


oh lord. no.


but yeah, 10-54 is better learning curve for you then going straight to big boys 55. do a sorcerer or mercenary (or mirrors - sage or commando) dps, get to lvl 22 and start some pvp on lowbie bracked for next 7 levels. then get to L 39 and do some more pvp to learn maps, tactics, ask questions on forums. that's good way to start.


there are some guides what to do on each WZ, search thro forums or use search button.


Good luck and have fun (and call incs)

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They fixed it with bolster where have you been or was it your lack of knowledge and skill at 55?


They really haven't. Your post alone shows your ineptness at PvP.


The 1-54 bracket is littered with imbalances stemming from the lack of skills. A marauder without undying Rage is useless compared to one who has it. A Juggernaught without intercede is severely handicapped. People who have reached their 34-point skills in their primary tree are much more effective than those who haven't. An Operative/Scoundrel with scamper is much more potent than one who doesn't.


People like to pretend the 10-54 is balanced because the bar for quality is much lower. In reality the 10-54 is more broken than 55 PvP.

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sorc/sage healing is pretty simple...


tab bubble hot, tab bubble hot, tab bubble hot.. AOE.. tab bubble hot tab bubble hot


sneak in consumptions, i personally like the bubble health rejuv option.. sit back in the cut and drop them bubbles.. easy one-milly heals

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It's definitely more fun if you solo queue though.


depends waht you understand by fun.

if fun is clueless deathmatch matches, ignoring objectives, lolling around, going afk while solo guarding a node, then yeah, 10-54 brackets are super fun.

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