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What do PvPers want?


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One thing you obviously don't care about: a working skill based matchmaking system and improved class balance


YES! Finally, we agree. So now you'll go QQ where someone does care?


By the way, nice Vonnegut quote, I had read his entire collection before I turned 18, I guess it doesn't take a genius to appreciate good art.


QFT and an amazing inability to combine proofreading and the ability to recognize unintended meanings in what you type.


by the way virgin detected


Kurt would have been proud of the way you never failed, from the first response, to include an ad hominem attack. Guess you didn't get much out of the read.

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I wanted to compliment you on running a tight on-topic style here, especially considering the topic, and in spite of the personal attacks and snark being hurled at you. :)



he runs quite off-topic all the time. or could you enlight me where in the topic or the first post he asks for NEW MECHANICS pvpers want ? i dont see it, but maybe i am not enough fanboy for it to see.



i see:


What do PvPers want? What PvP expectations are being let down? I see a lot of QQ threads from PvPers about update 2.4 but I don't understand what they wanted. What did you expect? That is the extent of PvP. If you are bored with doing that with lightsabers. Why not move on?


Those where all questions he asked for and he got plenty of answers to them.

Edited by Neglience
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YES! Finally, we agree. So now you'll go QQ where someone does care?




QFT and an amazing inability to combine proofreading and the ability to recognize unintended meanings in what you type.




Kurt would have been proud of the way you never failed, from the first response, to include an ad hominem attack. Guess you didn't get much out of the read.

It's actually my experience with confrontational little ****licks that's taught me how hyper-sensitive they are and thus vulnerable to personal attacks (even in situations where only a sniveling per-pubescent girl could possibly be offended)


by the way you have the insult threshold of a sniveling per-pubescent girl.



a working skill based matchmaking system and improved class balance

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As I am a firm believer in being, at least partially, judged by the company you keep. And Andryah has come to my defense and, at least partially (I admit I couldn't get through the entire post due to sorrow), agreed with me. I must now admit I am wrong.


I don't know why I'm wrong. I don't know what part I am wrong about. I only know I am wrong.


I leave you now so I can go sit quietly and contemplate the choices I've made that led me to this dark place and try to discover a way back.


Thank you for any moral support you can give, I'll need it.


Right after this :)


It's actually my experience with confrontational little ****licks that's taught me how hyper-sensitive they are and thus vulnerable to personal attacks (even in situations where only a sniveling per-pubescent girl could possibly be offended)


by the way you have the insult threshold of a sniveling per-pubescent girl.



a working skill based matchmaking system and improved class balance


That is interesting, because ad hominem attacks are usually considered a good indication of a weak mind with no valid arguments to make.

Edited by jmdatcs
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dont worry andaryah defends anything that goes against bw.


Care to rephrase that? You just accused me of defending you.


I think perhaps in your haste to take a shot at me, you misfired and shot yourself in the face. :p

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I would personally like a PvPotamus. Just think it would be really cool. You know, like the Party Jawa, except it plays the belligerent drunk at the party role and starts fights with your companions.


Btw...I'm a total PvPer and I approve of this post.

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As I am a firm believer in being, at least partially, judged by the company you keep. And Andryah has come to my defense and, at least partially (I admit I couldn't get through the entire post due to sorrow), agreed with me. I must now admit I am wrong.


I don't know why I'm wrong. I don't know what part I am wrong about. I only know I am wrong.


I leave you now so I can go sit quietly and contemplate the choices I've made that led me to this dark place and try to discover a way back.


Thank you for any moral support you can give, I'll need it.



LOL.. well played sir.


But just because I gave you a compliment.. does not mean we are allies, friends, or willing to swap spit or anything. :p

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I would personally like a PvPotamus. Just think it would be really cool. You know, like the Party Jawa, except it plays the belligerent drunk at the party role and starts fights with your companions.


Btw...I'm a total PvPer and I approve of this post.

as a total pvper I also approve of this post.

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Do you mean something like DAoC style?


Well I've never played DAoC so you'd have to elaborate, but I've heard good things in that regard so I'm sure it could be used as a good example. I'm not sure if you ever played WAR but even something like the keep sieges they had in the RVR lakes would be fine.


I'll come up with a more specific example for something that I'd personally enjoy;

BW introduces a new zone similar to a daily area in size, maybe a new contested planet (or a moon might be better suited for this purpose). Ideally the zone would have a couple bases available for capture and objectives to support said bases. So if you had one base maybe there'd be some kind of shield generator you could also capture to gain additional defenses. Or maybe even a droid factory which produced some pats for the base; additional stuff like that. I think if there were enough meaningful objectives/ resources they could avoid the massive zerg and the problems it caused on some computers. Although that might be easier said than done.

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That is interesting, because ad hominem attacks are usually considered a good indication of a weak mind with no valid arguments to make.

This is interesting because augmenting your criteria and disregarding the opposition's responses to the prompt are usually considered a good indication of a weak mind with no valid arguments to make also.

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This will be popcorn worthy.


/grabs popcorn and a soda.


Everytime I see you make a comment on the forums, I do the same thing. You responses are well thought out, properly grammar-fied (not a word, right?), and sometimes hilarious, and I enjoy the rage you seem to invoke in other people! Keep it coming!

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Well I've never played DAoC so you'd have to elaborate, but I've heard good things in that regard so I'm sure it could be used as a good example. I'm not sure if you ever played WAR but even something like the keep sieges they had in the RVR lakes would be fine.


I'll come up with a more specific example for something that I'd personally enjoy;

BW introduces a new zone similar to a daily area in size, maybe a new contested planet (or a moon might be better suited for this purpose). Ideally the zone would have a couple bases available for capture and objectives to support said bases. So if you had one base maybe there'd be some kind of shield generator you could also capture to gain additional defenses. Or maybe even a droid factory which produced some pats for the base; additional stuff like that. I think if there were enough meaningful objectives/ resources they could avoid the massive zerg and the problems it caused on some computers. Although that might be easier said than done.


Yeah, sounds like you are craving for realm war style PvP then. DAoC and WAR had some similarities (not surprising since they were from the same developers). What you describe above actually mimics DAoC battlergrounds IMO. They were instanced battlegrounds with a center objective (A fort) and there was no cap on players in the instance and no balance checks... and of course three sides fighting which always makes things more interesting. Each faction had a home fort, and the instance was big enough to move around and actually Maneuver for advantage. Plenty of siege play too.


They might get around to some of this some day. But until they figure out how to make the engine friendly to large quantities of players occupying a small space... I would not hold my breath.

Edited by Andryah
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They might get around to some of this some day. But until they figure out how to make the engine friendly to large quantities of players occupying a small space... I would not hold my breath.


Oh I'm not, I've seen BW's comments on Open World PVP. It's a shame we might not see such content but it isn't a deal breaker for me. It might even be better if they just made a 16 vs.16 wz and made things spread out enough so it wouldn't be practical to zerg to win.

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