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What do PvPers want?


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Oh and as far as open world pvp, that's easy, add unique items and rewards, things tantalizing enough to chase after, things even PvE'ers want, like higher rated equipment and mods, and surround them in open pvp area. Force people to get their hands dirty for whatever carrot and stick you place in front of them. Once again, something that could've been handled by a few programmers over the course of a week, that would make PvPers extremely happy. Plus it would force players to learn to PvP if we placed raid -equivalent gear on an open-pvp map and forced them to kill other players to get it.
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they made a 4on4 deathmatch system because it takes the least development skills/time/ressources and pvp means crap to them.


take a 8v8 battleground. downsize it to 4on4. remove all objectives from the BG and put the player into an arena. add some scripts for win/loss conditions. shazam you just "Made" a 4on4 deathmatch system.


AND FOR THAT THEY TOOK OVER A YEAR. ofc pvpers are not happy with this.

Edited by Neglience
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No you moron, nobody came out and said they needed to scrap the game and start over. You are the ONLY person who's saying we want a brand new pvp system, what we're saying, what I'm saying at the very least, is that we've requested they improve or fix several issues with PvP as it is now; most of which are such simple changes they're could be NO blow back for PvE. instead of fixing these issues (Such as lack of skill based match-making or a complete and utter lack of open-world PvP) they've spent the time and money elsewhere, including a new 4V4 system that we didn't even ask for (a system we've seen is incredibly flawed in WoW)


I didn't say anything about a new system. I was simply asking the question what do you expect from gameplay, other than new skins on the same old thing. You refuse to stay on topic.


Let's just talk about the skill-based matchmaking.


No, lets not. Lets not talk about that or any other qol or reward issue because that isn't what the thread is about. If you want to QQ about that, make your own thread, or go to one of the many others already discussing those issues.


How can you not understand this? What's your *********** hang up with this "New" ********?


No hang-ups here. It's the PvP community that is underwhelmed by the addition of arenas. I just want to know what you expect, other than new skins on the same old stuff.


Now why don't you tell me, considering this is a pvp update being discussed, why did they spend hundreds of man-hours on pvE instead of addressing this one simple issue.


Yeah, dude, except it's not a PvP update. It's an update. It includes both. We were told to expect something big with PvP for this update, not that it would be PvP only, or even PvP heavy.


So, once again, back to the question at hand:


If an entirely new type of PvP mechanic with at least 2 new maps isn't big, what would be a big update? For gameplay, not qol or rewards or other crap, gameplay.

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If an entirely new type of PvP mechanic with at least 2 new maps isn't big, what would be a big update? For gameplay, not qol or rewards or other crap, gameplay.


deathmatch arena has per definiton the lowest mechanic from all pvp. in fact its nothing more than raw team-pvp. i posted a gameplay pvp update on the side before, together with the space pvp post from someone else.

Edited by Neglience
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they made a 4on4 deathmatch system because it takes the least development skills/time/ressources and pvp means crap to them.


take a 8v8 battleground. downsize it to 4on4. remove all objectives from the BG and put the player into an arena. add some scripts for win/loss conditions. shazam you just "Made" a 4on4 deathmatch system.


AND FOR THAT THEY TOOK OVER A YEAR. ofc pvpers are not happy with this.


OK, yeah, it's underwhelming. I get it.


So...what did you expect? What new addition to gameplay (not qol, rewards, or other crap), other than new skins, were you expecting from a simple patch? Even the good suggestions above, if they ever happen, would likely come from a real expansion (by real I mean a $40 box, not $10 dlc). But I don't think you are stupid enough to hold your breath for that.


What do you really think you will ever get out of swtor PvP besides new skins?

Edited by jmdatcs
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What PvPers want

A PvP ranked system that works.

Cross server ques to create larger activity that will allow a proper match making system

Proper leader boards

Arena system to be the same.


Better class balance


There is a reason why the top ranked teams are running 3 op healers and 2 smashers.

OP healer balancing

Remove the ability to crouch in the middle of nowhere that prevents being leaped/pulled

Put scamper on a small cooldown.

Put emergency medpack on a small cooldown, OR make them consume upper hands, none of this run and endless spam heals.


Warrior/Knight balancing.


Remove auto Crit after leap in focus/Smash spec.


Small teaks that don't break the class but balance the game.

Commando healer

Need a slight buff to healing.



Tank tree needs a slight buff. They lack Defensive cooldowns that Guardian/Jugs and Shadow/Sins have

Give them 1 extra CD.

Something like when they stand in their own riot gas there melee/ranged defense is increased by 50% in addition to what it already does.


Re-balance guarding.

Gaurd only redirects 30% of dmg from target

Taunts are now buffed to reduce dmg by 50%


Better WZ experiences

Remove field re spec inside ranked Warzones.

New WZ

Give us 1 more 8v8 WZ and give us a 32v32 WZ . If the system can not handle 32 v 32 give us 28 v 28 or 24 v 24.

Edited by Stavroz
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Plus it would force players to learn to PvP if we placed raid -equivalent gear on an open-pvp map and forced them to kill other players to get it.


Woah hold on.

Why do you want to force players to learn to pvp?


Edit: Nevermind. I think I just read that wrong..I hope.

Edit 2: Nope, I was right, he would like to force non-PvP players to learn PvP. That is what I'm getting from that sentence. Am I wrong?

Edited by QuiDonJorn
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So, once again, back to the question at hand:


If an entirely new type of PvP mechanic with at least 2 new maps isn't big, what would be a big update? For gameplay, not qol or rewards or other crap, gameplay.


What PvP expectations are being let down?


The latter is the question you used to start this thread, it's the question I've now answered maybe half a dozen times, it is the question on hand.


My expectations have been let down, I expect BW to improve the system that is currently failing to keep it's player's satisfied.

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Woah hold on.

Why do you want to force players to learn to pvp?


It's not so much that I want to force them to learn, it's that I want to be present while they're learning, preferably in stealth within melee range and coming quickly from behind :cool::cool::cool::cool:

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The latter is the question you used to start this thread, it's the question I've now answered maybe half a dozen times, it is the question on hand.


My expectations have been let down, I expect BW to improve the system that is currently failing to keep it's player's satisfied.


Don't cherry pick my post.


I made it very clear I wasn't asking about qol, rewards, bugs, etc. I made it clear I was asking about new PvP content, why a new type of PvP with at least 2 maps wasn't "big" enough, and what would be enough.


All the answers have either been off topic, vague with no real suggestion for new gameplay, or way to unrealistic in scope for a patch.

Edited by jmdatcs
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A proper, skillbased, matchmaking system.


hey man, he didn't ask what you found unsatisfying (even though he did ask directly 'What are you disatisfied with?")


He asked for you to design a completely new PvP system unused in any other game to date, and then to articulate it, all over the course of the few minutes it takes to skim this thread!

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Don't cherry pick my post.


I made it very clear I wasn't asking about qol, rewards, bugs, etc. I made it clear I was asking about new PvP content, why a new type of PvP with at least 2 maps wasn't "big" enough, and what would be enough.


You did want to know what pvpers are QQing about, and what we found unsatisfying with the update, I answered you.

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hey man, he didn't ask what you found unsatisfying (even though he did ask directly 'What are you disatisfied with?")


He asked for you to design a completely new PvP system unused in any other game to date, and then to articulate it, all over the course of the few minutes it takes to skim this thread!


If you're going to whine about not getting it. You should be able to describe what you aren't getting.


You did want to know what pvpers are QQing about, and what we found unsatisfying with the update, I answered you.


No, no, no...I don't think I'll live long enough for all that, QQ seems to be the main focus of PvP. That is why I asked a specific question. About why The amount of new content is unsatisfying, and what you expect other than new skins.

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It's not so much that I want to force them to learn, it's that I want to be present while they're learning, preferably in stealth within melee range and coming quickly from behind :cool::cool::cool::cool:


Won't happen. You wont see me anywhere near that crap.

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Don't cherry pick my post.


I made it very clear I wasn't asking about qol, rewards, bugs, etc. I made it clear I was asking about new PvP content, why a new type of PvP with at least 2 maps wasn't "big" enough, and what would be enough.


i would suggest season 1 start, x-realms, 1-2 new huttball maps, 1 new pvp-map and some minor pvp changes like bolster fix, balancing would have been enough to not QQ about the patch.


and it doesnt matter that those things arent new or are qol things in your opinion. they are wanted and needed.


for example x-realm is needed because the teambase per server for rated bgs is WAY to low.

Edited by Neglience
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i'm curious about OP's quandary here. he's curious why PvPers are complaining about a lack of content in the new update, and then he's spent the entire rest of the thread trying convince us we've actually been complaining about something else entirely. Does that make your question irrelevant OP?
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