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How many of you listen/read the whole story dialogues in quest fp etc?


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Well then you probably misread the first post since it was about how bioware shouldnt spend time and effort on making story content since "most people" (OP's words, not mine) skip through it anyway.


Nope, I didn't misread anything.


The op was asking us if we listened and payed attention to the cutscenes, and I replied that i dont usually.

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Nope, I didn't misread anything.


The op was asking us if we listened and payed attention to the cutscenes, and I replied that i dont usually.


Well actually, he was asking if you listened and payed attention to the cutscenes the first time you watch them.


Since bioware seems to care too much about story and dialogues as you can see in their upcoming PVE update 2.4 i was wondering how many people do listen and pay attention to them,i personally skip them all and know many peope that do the same, so lets see how many care about them and maybe make bioware change their policy of story its the most important part of the game so they can stop it and invest resources and time in pvp and other abandoned areas of the game etc....of course i mean the first time you watch them.




Are you still saying you dont usually watch cutscenes the first time you see them? Not even the class ones?

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First time through, yes, I watch it all. Stories are cool.


Then sometimes after the first time through if I expect whatever my character will say will be interesting, I'll space-bar through everything I've already seen but listen to what my character has to say.

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I listening only class story dialogues. When I get to next planet , I untrack my `check your ship comlink (holo)` and going down to finish all planet missions with SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE , coz they are all the same for all clases , so after my mission log is empty , Im TRACK again my first class-story mission `check your ship holo ... ` and then going back to this planet surface to finish these missions but with no SPACE button ;p
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The first few times I listen to everything. When solo questing I'll try a few convo options and then press escape and repeat with some of the other options just to hear the different dialog paths. When it's group content I've done a thousand times before I usually skip but if someone says it's their first time I'm happy to wait.


So yes I have listened to everything. Removing the cut scenes and dialog would be of great detriment to the game.

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I listening only class story dialogues. When I get to next planet , I untrack my `check your ship comlink (holo)` and going down to finish all planet missions with SPACE SPACE SPACE SPACE , coz they are all the same for all clases , so after my mission log is empty , Im TRACK again my first class-story mission `check your ship holo ... ` and then going back to this planet surface to finish these missions but with no SPACE button ;p


Thats exactly what i do now when im recording the class stories :D

But only because ive already done all the planetary and side missions on Empire side (and up to lvl 35 or so on Republic)

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I only skip the normal quests, i mean those quests that you get around and doesn't have anything to do with your class quest.


The great thing about this game is that every quest connects with your class quest. That's because every class quest connects with the overall grand story. Some might have a minor connection, sure... --but it's all relevant to SWTOR's story. Which is why world events like the Correlia play into each class story at the appropriate time.




Anyway, as for the OP, I find it odd anyone who would skip their first time on any quest playing a Bioware game. I don't want to say "Don't play the game!" because that isn't a possitive or productive response, but in all honesty, if someone wanted me to recomend them a game but they hate sports, I wouldn't recomend them to play Madden, if they wanted to play a city sandbox game but didn't like violence I wouldn't recomend them GTA, and if someone wanted to play a 3rd person shooter but didn't really care for story, cutscenes, companions or plot... I wouldn't recomend them the Mass Effect Trilogy (even though it's my all time favorite game).


I feel like anyone who abandons any story in this game is... --well, playing the wrong game. This game's story (especially random quest cutscenes) are what set this MMO apart from the other MMOs, you can't get this anywhere else in the gaming industry, certainly not at this calibur.

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Anyway, as for the OP, I find it odd anyone who would skip their first time on any quest playing a Bioware game. I don't want to say "Don't play the game!" because that isn't a possitive or productive response, but in all honesty, if someone wanted me to recomend them a game but they hate sports, I would recomend them to play Madden, if they wanted to play a city sandbox game but didn't like violence I wouldn't recomend them GTA, and if someone wanted to play a 3rd person shooter but didn't really care for story, cutscenes, companions or plot... I wouldn't recomend them the Mass Effect Trilogy (even though it's my all time favorite game).


I feel like anyone who abandons any story in this game is... --well, playing the wrong game. This game's story (especially random quest cutscenes) are what set this MMO apart from the other MMOs, you can't get this anywhere else in the gaming industry, certainly not at this calibur.


Yeah, I've had the same reaction when I read his post - it sounds like he would be much happier in a more... "classic" MMO, that doesn't bother with storylines and such, or one of the originally Korean MMO's out there, like Aion, Lineage and TERA.

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The great thing about this game is that every quest connects with your class quest. That's because every class quest connects with the overall grand story. Some might have a minor connection, sure... --but it's all relevant to SWTOR's story. Which is why world events like the Correlia play into each class story at the appropriate time.




Anyway, as for the OP, I find it odd anyone who would skip their first time on any quest playing a Bioware game. I don't want to say "Don't play the game!" because that isn't a possitive or productive response, but in all honesty, if someone wanted me to recomend them a game but they hate sports, I would recomend them to play Madden, if they wanted to play a city sandbox game but didn't like violence I wouldn't recomend them GTA, and if someone wanted to play a 3rd person shooter but didn't really care for story, cutscenes, companions or plot... I wouldn't recomend them the Mass Effect Trilogy (even though it's my all time favorite game).


I feel like anyone who abandons any story in this game is... --well, playing the wrong game. This game's story (especially random quest cutscenes) are what set this MMO apart from the other MMOs, you can't get this anywhere else in the gaming industry, certainly not at this calibur.


I think the main problem with this is that this is a Star Wars MMO.

That means that two types are attracted to this game, which shouldn't really be playing it in the first place.

MMO crowds that really dont want story (they are so used to skipping to the end-game that it doesnt even register with them that there might be something to enjoy along the way) and Star Wars lovers who just want instant action to play with their lightsabers or blasters, the kind that loved to play Star Wars: Jedi Knight, but skipped all the cutscenes and story. (Most strictly PvP players fall into this category)


Both of these types really shouldnt be playing this game because they will be constantly frustrated with it.


Because it wasnt designed for them or their playstyle.


EDIT: that reminds me, i need to buy the Jedi Knight collection on steam now that its on sale :) (yes, you dont have to like only one type of game, but if i hated FPS games, i wouldnt play JK because i understand that i wouldnt like it. I wouldnt play it and then complain to the designers about how they wasted all that time on making an FPS when they should really be making an RTS)

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The story and dialogue are the two main reasons why I decided to try this game...and decided to subscribe a day after trying it.


It sets it apart from all the other MMO's I have played.


As for the question of why players who like the story don't just go and play a single player game...


I can't speak for everyone...but I'm playing this game for the story. I can't get this story anywhere else.

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I think the main problem with this is that this is a Star Wars MMO.

That means that two types are attracted to this game, which shouldn't really be playing it in the first place.

MMO crowds that really dont want story (they are so used to skipping to the end-game that it doesnt even register with them that there might be something to enjoy along the way) and Star Wars lovers who just want instant action to play with their lightsabers or blasters, the kind that loved to play Star Wars: Jedi Knight, but skipped all the cutscenes and story. (Most strictly PvP players fall into this category)


Both of these types really shouldnt be playing this game because they will be constantly frustrated with it.


Because it wasnt designed for them or their playstyle.


EDIT: that reminds me, i need to buy the Jedi Knight collection on steam now that its on sale :) (yes, you dont have to like only one type of game, but if i hated FPS games, i wouldnt play JK because i understand that i wouldnt like it. I wouldnt play it and then complain to the designers about how they wasted all that time on making an FPS when they should really be making an RTS)


You're probably right about a lot of the population. Personally I fall into neither category. Not a big SW fan nor an end game zerger. I like story and, coming recently from DDO, this game is a tornado of fresh air. I was hardcore DDO, dabbled in plenty of other MMOs over the years and this is superior imo.

Story, visuals, customization, side games...the list goes on. Kudos to BW on another fantastic game in their catalog!

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Well actually, he was asking if you listened and payed attention to the cutscenes the first time you watch them.






Are you still saying you dont usually watch cutscenes the first time you see them? Not even the class ones?


like i said, i only watched the class one on my main, but for my alts i didnt watch them.

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like i said, i only watched the class one on my main, but for my alts i didnt watch them.


Even on the other faction? Meaning, let's say your main is the Jedi Knight, you skip all cutscenes on all the other Republic and Imperial classes? Even their class quests?


Lol, why do you play this game?

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like i said, i only watched the class one on my main, but for my alts i didnt watch them.


That seems to clash with your earlier quote about how you wouldnt mind watching another class story and that you actually enjoy the class stories, but hate the other story content (because you have done them once already on another character).


You're probably right about a lot of the population. Personally I fall into neither category. Not a big SW fan nor an end game zerger. I like story and, coming recently from DDO, this game is a tornado of fresh air. I was hardcore DDO, dabbled in plenty of other MMOs over the years and this is superior imo.

Story, visuals, customization, side games...the list goes on. Kudos to BW on another fantastic game in their catalog!


Oh yes, by no means did i mean that the only ones that play this is people who like star wars or MMO's.

I just meant that the game, through its game type and IP, attracted alot of those two types of players who really shouldnt be playing this game in the first place.

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Even on the other faction? Meaning, let's say your main is the Jedi Knight, you skip all cutscenes on all the other Republic and Imperial classes? Even their class quests?


Lol, why do you play this game?


Apparantly this:


I basically made those alts just to get to end game because my raid team needed some class and role switching


Ayelinna only did one class story and then all the othre classes she skipped because... well i dont know why, apparantly she doesnt like story.

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That seems to clash with your earlier quote about how you wouldnt mind watching another class story and that you actually enjoy the class stories, but hate the other story content (because you have done them once already on another character).



I said if we were given the option to replay our class stories after level 55 I would gladly watch them, because every alt ive made just felt like a grind to get to level 55.

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Since bioware seems to care too much about story and dialogues as you can see in their upcoming PVE update 2.4


Oh no, story driven Role-Playing Games!!!! What is this absurdity. (Call of Duty's mindless online pvp experience is that way)


Yes, I do listen to the story while doing flashpoints. I dislike spacebaring unless I am grinding hard modes. I do the same while leveling my characters (on class, planet, and side missions). The story is one of the best characteristics of SWTOR.

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Ayelinna only did one class story and then all the othre classes she skipped because... well i dont know why, apparantly she doesnt like story.


I never said I didn't like it, I just said I skipped them.


Why are you assuming everything? It makes you look foolish. You clearly aren't reading anything people have said.

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Even on the other faction? Meaning, let's say your main is the Jedi Knight, you skip all cutscenes on all the other Republic and Imperial classes? Even their class quests?


Lol, why do you play this game?


So you're telling me that this game isn't for me if I skip cutscenes?


I said I only did one class mission and that was for my main, my alts, I don't care about the story, I just wanted to get to level 55 quickly and play the game, but if I was given the option to re play my class stories, I would do it on my level 55s because it would be quicker and also I wont have to worry about levelling up and stuff

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if I was given the option to re play my class stories, I would do it on my level 55s because it would be quicker and also I wont have to worry about levelling up and stuff


I haven't tried it but can you do class missions up through the ship and still access planet story and side missions through Makeb? My recommendation would be to grind 55 only through these missions (since hey are nearly identical for every character with minor differences). Once 55 go back and save the galaxy (or doom it) through class missions.

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Lol, why do you play this game?


So you're telling me that this game isn't for me if I skip cutscenes?


I said I only did one class mission and that was for my main, my alts, I don't care about the story, I just wanted to get to level 55 quickly and play the game, but if I was given the option to re play my class stories, I would do it on my level 55s because it would be quicker and also I wont have to worry about levelling up and stuff


I'm going to guess you want to go raiding with your new alts as soon as possible, and that you view the endgame content as where the real fun is.

Quite a few raiders out there that do that I think.

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I haven't tried it but can you do class missions up through the ship and still access planet story and side missions through Makeb? My recommendation would be to grind 55 only through these missions (since hey are nearly identical for every character with minor differences). Once 55 go back and save the galaxy (or doom it) through class missions.


I've seen the Makeb mission pop up on my holo-terminal the moment I hit 47, and someone I know once accidentally accepted it and wound up on Makeb, so I think it is possible.

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