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Welcome to the Republic: every chest armor has a hood, every head item is a circlet


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Bet that saved a lot of time when designing game assets, huh?


Another thing I just found out yesterday, was that a single item can look completely different depending on which side it's worn by. Send a cool mask from your imp character to your rep one, and voila, it's a ****** circlet now. LOLWUT? Why is this? One reason might be that you don't want reps looking like sith or viceversa but then we have the option to be light or dark sided, Would dark sided reps really still want to look like bright, shining heroes?

Edited by sofakingzoe
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Bet that saved a lot of time when designing game assets, huh?


Another thing I just found out yesterday, was that a single item can look completely different depending on which side it's worn by. Send a cool mask from your imp character to your rep one, and voila, it's a ****** circlet now. LOLWUT? Why is this? One reason might be that you don't want reps looking like sith or viceversa but then we have the option to be light or dark sided, Would dark sided reps really still want to look like bright, shining heroes?


You must be new.


The reason for the two looks is because at release you couldnt send items across factions.

And you couldnt really buy them from people on the other faction either (only the GTN on Nar Shaddaa were cross faction, and hardly anyone used them) since the GTN on fleet and capitol worlds were faction locked.

So making items have two different looks depending on faction saved them alot of time and effectively halved the number of items in the game.

This is just a residue from that time. And they cant really change it now since some like the republic look of the items and some like the imperial look. Setting them to either one would annoy alot of people.


The reason they have so many hood up and circlets for jedi is because that was the look they were going for. That is apparantly how the design team thought a jedi should look.

The playerbase has since let them know they were wrong in that design decision, but since items and outfits are planned many months ahead of time it takes a while before robes with hood down start creeping into the game. We have had a few, but most complain about some minor detail on them usually so to most "purists" there are no "real" jedi robes in the game with hoods down.


So welcome to the Old Republic. The game where nobody is ever satisfied with anything and constantly feels the need to tell everyoe else (and especially bioware) about it.

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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wow i had n0 idea, ur a msatermind k


What you're saying though is that it was a lazy design decision rather than a creative direction. They never ever anticipated cross-faction trading so they made this really weird system where one item looks like this here, and like that there....to avoid saving time when assigning item IDs or what?

Edited by sofakingzoe
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What you're saying though is that it was a lazy design decision rather than a creative direction. They never ever anticipated cross-faction trading so they made this really weird system where one item looks like this here, and like that there....to avoid saving time when assigning item IDs or what?


More like... THE GAME HAS EVOLVED in the last 18 months.


The state of the art for gear in game now days is the modable adaptive non-faction_dependent_appearance gear. The stuff you are complaining about is very old gear. No MMO goes back and reworks old gear. They evolve and add more appealing gear as they patch in new content over time.


There is absolutely no reason to wear hooded robes on the Republic side of the game, UNLESS you want to. There are lots of choices to be had off of the player economy, and inexpensively (GTN).

Edited by Andryah
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Bet that saved a lot of time when designing game assets, huh?


Another thing I just found out yesterday, was that a single item can look completely different depending on which side it's worn by. Send a cool mask from your imp character to your rep one, and voila, it's a ****** circlet now. LOLWUT? Why is this? One reason might be that you don't want reps looking like sith or viceversa but then we have the option to be light or dark sided, Would dark sided reps really still want to look like bright, shining heroes?


I think they would like to look that way more than anybody. Republic darksiders are dark not because they want to do evil things. They are dark because they want to do good things even if it's against the light side principles.

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The armor appearances are atrocious, I agree with you.


They are definitely getting better in the "less-is-more" department, but they still can't quite get the Star Wars feel outside of their Lore armors, which a different team of artists designed.


The last armor tier has cat-man helmets, ant-man helmets, mummy-wrap helmets, Dicrect-TV dish helmets, and Gremlin Helmets (don't get them wet).


The armors were getting slightly better with the stuck-on spikes/tubes/antennae/satellite dishes etc, but the last tier of gear they released has this new "scrolling UV" effect essentially takes all the stuck on pieces that the players have been complaining about, and makes them even more visible and garish. It's one of those one-step-forward, two-steps-back type of situations.


They can't help themselves with the stuck on crap, it's like they'd go into a seizure or something if they don't put at least one random piece of garish flare on there.


The line of Lore gear is the best they've got because the team the designed KoTOR, not SWTOR designed those looks. And like spoiled children who know they're wrong and are going to ruin every else's good time too, they refuse to stick a dye slot on the Lore stuff out of spite. (they've refused to comment on the Lore-item dye stuff since day 1, so it's definitely reasonable to assume they have no plans to do it, and don't want to.)


All in all, when the game came out, I'd rank the appearance option at a 1/10. Today, I'd give it a 4/10. Not because the appearances are better, but because there's more variety to the terrible looks, and they are much cheaper to change now (but still too prohibitive to change your outfit often).

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i have all 16 chars, 5 of them max lvl. i have customized all my chars the way i WANT them to look and havent had any problems like this. sounds like ur just mad cuz u cant find a look you like for under 1,000 creds rofl
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Thanks for the input everyone. I guess I'm just taking crazy pills (i.e. sounding whiny/hyperbolic)I don't know, I just looked on GTN earlier and excluding cartel market stuff, for Jedi, 95% of all but the top most expensive stuff (and even then...) were hoods and circlets (or shades, forgot to mention the shades). Rest was so-so but with the same lack of variety. It kinda felt like Imperials get more variety out of the box and the whole "now you see a mask, now you see a circlet" thing was pretty dismaying.


Yeah, there's the cartel stuff? PvP and other comm gear. There's variety there, but that's a different discourse, as they vary in availability.


i have all 16 chars, 5 of them max lvl. i have customized all my chars the way i WANT them to look and havent had any problems like this. sounds like ur just mad cuz u cant find a look you like for under 1,000 creds rofl



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The multiple appearance setup was to allow a joint faction GTN while keeping appearance locked for classes and faction. It was part of the old "you will look the way we want you to look" mantra that was part of the downfall of the game IMO.


Unfortunately it is unlikely to change soon...luckily CC armor does not suffer from this problem.

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