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Work with Pride. Work with Czerka.


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CZ-198 Application for Biochemical Engineer


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


My name is Londaxel, and I travel the galaxy easing the minds of those I meet. I help the people with the worries and stress to feel relaxed and calm, to make them see the wonders of the world. And it works, they go off happy. But to put it simply, I’m a spice dealer. Hey we all need to make a living. And now the reason why I want to work for you. Recently my shipments of ryll and on rare occasions glitterstim, have been intercepted by Republic Officials and confiscated it. My workers have either been thrown in jail or left the business, forcing me to make my own spice and through a little accident it worked. By adding certain plants and fungi to it, the spice was even more intoxicating than the originals. It sold great, but I knew i could do more if I had a lab and the funds I needed, that’s where you come in. You need workers and I need a job, you have a state of the art laboratory, and I have many new theories to test. I'm sure we could work something out, after all we're reasonable people.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


Starting my business with a bag of ryll. Creating a spice that completely dulls the senses until you can't even move. Persuading a Republic individual to smuggle the spice into Coruscant for only a hundred credits.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


Hard work, research, and having a way with words. And as to doing whatever it takes for success, as long as it doesn't affect me, my sis or her family, I'm alright with it.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


I wouldn't say a strong moral compass, but I have one with a hint of sympathy but I don't let that get in the way of work, bad business. And I would like to know the question before I answer it. You live longer that way.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Well I can handle that two ways. One is to use my special spice I carry around with me to paralyze the creature but that's if it's organic. If it's mechanical I simply try to avoid it and neutralize it. Now the second way to handle either one is to simple slaughter the "experiment" dump the remains in a Trash heap and return to my cocktail. But it all depends on who the colleague is.

Edited by Chancelorying
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I would like to apply for: Biochemical Engineer: Will work with existing proprietary biosamples to create more resilient and powerful variants and combinations. Comprehensive knowledge of cutting-edge biotechnology a necessity. Bioethics certification optional



1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?



My names M'immi, I'm a padawon learner but i feel like my masters are holding me back, they don't let me harness my emotions and in no way try to encourage my engineering ability. I want to start new, in a place where people will harness my abilities. I think Czerka will harness my abilities better.



2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)



I have achieved alot throughout my time at and before the jedi, My most Boastable accomplishments include, Being praised at the temple because of my high medoclorian levels, winning first in the Bio engeneering contest (out of millions of contestants) along with creating several of the republics best and most useful Biotechnology



3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?



Being a jedi and engineer, I'm trusted to work my very best and keep delivering. Without engineers and jedi, the republic would fall to pieces, so do I do whatever it takes? Yes



4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?



In the temple I constantly do what 'shouldn't be done' or 'is not the jedi way' however i find that to be a thrill, i fuels me with energy and allows me to do my job with extreme accuracy, so i wouldn't say no to anything questionable.



5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?



I would stun it with a powerfull force move and then use biotechnology to hold it off while I fix the confinments and finally, re-contain the experiment.

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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


The long-standing tradition of Czerka is one that I would feel proud to be a member of. Czerka has made important contributions to biochemical engineering, organic material knowledge, and galactic history for hundreds of years. As one of the largest, and certainly most influential, galactic companies, Czerka has touched nearly every world, leaving its legacy to be felt by many future generations. I want to be part of this and feel that I could deliver a steadfast devotion not found in other applicants.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


I have personally competed in over 200 war simulations with 68 confirmed kills, though my primary duties are medical. I was part of a strike team that re-claimed lost Rakatan artifacts for the Galactic Republic. My most proud accomplishment was breaking through the Jedi Trials and earning my lightsaber.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


Absolutely. If there's one thing I feel strongly about, its being thorough. Once during my training, I was asked by two Jedi masters to spy on their padawans (that's Jedi-speak for 'apprentices'). Not only did I spy on them as asked, but I tricked them into giving me a rare lightsaber crystal, further accomplishing my goals. And I still told their masters of their failings. In that instance, I realized the power of being thorough and doing whatever it took to increase my own power.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


I think the job is the important part. If people always had to rely on a moral compass, where would the galaxy be? I think sometimes you just have to go for it, see what happens. Science won't wait on human (or whatever) morality and neither will time. Best to put those aside and focus on the research that can make the galaxy a better place.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Let it. The best research on an experiment is see how it reacts in real world situations and workers are always replaceable. After the event, I would report my colleague's lack of control of their experiment to our superiors so they could properly deal with the offending staff member. As long as the research is safe and Czerka as a company gained something, that's the important part.


Thank you for considering me for a position with Czerka. Please know that I am very eager to hear back from you regarding this position.

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Major Viike Galon, Commanding Officer of Havoc Squad

Job Description: Security Officer


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


I currently serve as the C.O. of Havoc Squad, the Republic Military's premiere combat team. As a soldier, Czerka Corporation can offer a wide variety of weapons ordinance that could greatly benefit whoever holds them in their hands. Any employee of Czerka Corp. can really live up to their full potential, which is why other arms companies such as BlasTech and Mer-Sonn can never reach the level of glory that Czerka Corp. has achieved.]


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of.


Three of my greatest accomplishments... It's hard to choose the top three from everything I've done. First, I defeated the great Imperial General Rakton. Second, I highhandedly destroyed an Imperial super-weapon, one that would have brought the Republic to it's knees, had I not destroyed it. Lastly, I hunted down and eliminated every single defector of Havoc Squad, including the former C.O., Harron Tavus.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


In order to achieve something such as my accomplishments above, one needs to be amazingly strong, both mentally and physically. Being able to rely on your comrades is also key to achieving success. If "whatever it takes" is necessary, then I will absolutely do whatever it takes.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


As a soldier, my team and I are trained to obey orders without question or objection. That being said, morality is necessary to tell right from wrong. My moral compass is quite strong and steadfast, if asked to do something by higher command, I will obey orders without question, or objection; my moral compass is second to command's orders.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


If the new experiment is more than just a simple chemical reaction spilling harmless goo all over the floor, cocktails and measly snacks can wait until this potential threat to fellow employees is put down. I would try to save the experiment, but if everything else fails, I would not hesitate to put a hot bolt of plasma through it's brain.

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I apply to the position as a Security Officer!


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


All you need to know is I am male, I am Chiss, I have extended combat medic training, I am an excelent assasin!


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


Everything I have done is clasified, but I can mention in general saving planets from destruction, crushing crime syndicates, infiltrate enemy stronghold, assasinate important persons ... etc.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


Do or die, there is no try!


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Everything I do to accomplish my goal is questionable, from certain points of view!


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I take over the Experiment, parties ain't my style, then release my colleague from his position, there is no room for failure!


Let me know when to start!!

Edited by KharonKleoni
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Position: Security Officer


1.Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be part of the Czerka family?


As a Major in the Republic Special Forces, I have had many different activities across the galaxy, and I believe these and my loyalty to whatever side I fight for could really help Czerka. I even saw Czerka on Tatooine, and have developed a certain respect for Czerka. Big Brains and Big Guns really do work together.


2.At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of yours you are most proud of.



1. Killed General Rakton, then earned the Chancellors Service Medal

2.Destroyed the Imperial Superweapon, known as "The Gauntlet"

3.Defeated Grand Moff Rycus Kilran



3.How did you go about doing the above. Would you say you would do anything it takes for success?


I will do anything for the side I believe in.


4.Do you have a strong moral compass, and would it get in the way if you had to do something... Questionable?


I will not lie, I have a strong moral compass, but my "Mission Compass"(lol) is stronger. I will complete any and every mission Czerka has in store.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice your esteemed colleuges newest experiment is likely to breakout of their confines while you are gone. What do you do?


For the good of Czerkas interests, i would lock it up in the far more effective Mandolorian Iron (keep it intact so Czerka can experiment with it.) I would then tell the esteemed colleague how much of a fool he or she is. win/win

Edited by Trooperclay
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JOB - Organism Handler


CZ-198 Application - from URROD


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


I is URROD! I is vonderful and smartestest being in all Galaxy. I want CZerka as mine family name becoz I no have family. I is URROD. URROD sound Scary. URROD CZerka sound Bloodcurdling!!!

I vant to be Organism Handler bacoz I handle all organizm eazy peazy! I handle Nexu wiz my big Cannon - "Olga" :wea_09:, I smash Sand Deamon with big Boom Grenade :wea_11: , I tear puny Ortolan elephant man nose with my hand and use as hat - keep ears warm.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


- I eat 54 Vercupti of sgazza boleruue in 30 minutes !!!

- Once I kiss beautifull Chevin girl. Here photo: Emily

- I rip 237 Ortolan nose in 1 day. Make stew! Eat goood! :tran_tongue:


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I take Kazoo. With Kazoo make Ortolan mating noise. Ortolan elephant man come. I rip nose!


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


I no need compass. I haz Galactic Pozition Systema!


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I eat cocktail and I eat snack. If the excrement try and eat my cocktail, I smash with my forck stick :wea_13: Make Shish Kebab later. Eat gooood!


I wait for family CZerca name very soon or I come to handle all you Organisms with my Big Canon Olga :wea_09:!





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Join the Czerka team! Please fill out the following application and respond in this thread to be considered for the open positions listed here.


CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Position: Security Officer


1. Because Czerka know how to survive and stay ahead in the galaxy, and i want to be a part of that legacy, be it for good or bad. Also, i like to kill stuff while studying them...or studying stuff and then killing them.....the order doesn't really matter.


2. A) I stopped Makeb from exploding. B) I found Revan, rescued him, and then subsequently killed him (Or did i? Stupid Jedi/Sith hybrids and their magical poofing tricks). C) I've killed A LOT of people.


3. I stabbed a lot of stuff in the face. Alive, dead, dying, whatever. If it wasn't stabbed by me before, it soon found itself being stabbed. My Mantra: If it moves, stab it. If it doesn't move, stab it anyway, it might move later. When in doubt, stab stab stab stabbity mcstabberton the hell out of it. When stabbing, use two blades. If possible during stabbing, bring your friends who like to stab things. In fact, bring ALL your friends who enjoy stabbing things.


4. I had a moral compass at one point, but my HK-51 unit questioned why i had one, so i threw the compass out of the airlock. While in space. At hyperspeed.


5. Observe the inevitable carnage the experiment may or may not create. When it is done, subdue it, study it, kill it, study it some more, clone it a bunch, study those, then send them to a primitive planet, watch THAT carnage, study everything, then obliterate the planet from orbit. Just to be safe. When all is said and done, determine if studies should be included in plan for galactic conquest.

Edited by Doom_Random
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Research Contributor: Be a key player in Czerka's development of new products by simply providing attendance and feedback. A wide variety of species and genetic traits needed. No experience required!


Join the Czerka team! Please fill out the following application and respond in this thread to be considered for the open positions listed here.


CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


1. I am a cunning and resourceful ex-member of the disbanded imperial intelligence. My goals with the Czerka Corporation to bring about the evolution of technology.


2. I have singlehandedly ended the Hutt Crisis on Makeb, I brought the fall of imperial key republic figures throughout the star systems, and double-crossed the republic SIS as an imperial agent.


3.the achievement of all of the above was reached by ruthlessly fighting my way to the top and around scheming fools in charge. Success has been a top priority and must be achieved for the sake of the greatest good, knowledge and power.


4. if employed, the direction of the "moral compass" will be seen as second in importance to the task at hand, regardless of said task.


5. In said situation, I would set the blame of the disaster on my colleague, immediately following the realization that the esteemed colleague is a failure, I would then save the day and achieve both the glory and an improved position within the corporation.

Edited by XGabriel
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1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


I pride myself on perfection. Innovation should be the one goal of the galaxy. Call of this silly war so we can get down to business. Droid business. Anyone who tries to deny that droids are more a central part of our society than organics is kidding themselves. Droids are the future of this galaxy, and I, as one of the most practiced droid technicians in the galaxy, would like nothing more than to aid Czerka Co. in the advancement of your droid creation. The future is upon us, and I wish to aid in grabbing it by the reigns.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


I have utmost pride in my work. I have functioned as president of the droid division of the schism collective, but their defection and subsequent annihilation has left me free to pursue new career options. I have studied the foundry extensively, and improved the extermination droids to be 98.3% efficient. I have served the empire with my learning missiles, airborne bombs with hive mind technology. should a bomb be shot down, miss its target, or fail in some other manner, the bombs learn not to make that mistake again. The bombs are capable of thought processes equal to that of a standard protocol droid, and are by far my greatest achievement to date.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I was patient, I allowed my rivals to try and fail, and I always presented my ideas at the perfect moment for optimum reaction from investors and employers. I would be lying if i said intellect was not a factor, but I pride myself on being an excellent investor. I never turned down a business opportunity, and instead of attempting to steal fame from someone else, I built my own, slowly, but surely.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


An interesting question. While I value the principles of respect, discipline, and doing what ever I have set out to do to the best of my abilities, I believe in following your superiors to the letter, even if you do not agree. Defiance serves no one.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I will save the snacks for later, food is a luxury. If this creature gets out, I would lay down my life to secure it. After all, what am I? So long as someone continues my work, I would die to save others. However, this beast is an experiment, it is precious. my first and only priority would be to re-secure it.

Edited by Jduensing
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Position Applied for: Security Officier


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


Name Zo'rae, currently employed in Imperial Intelligence.


I would like to join the Czerka family because the life expectancy of an Imperial Agent is quite short, especially when dealing with Sith on a daily basis. I've already survived past my expected demise and believe it's time to find a more rewarding position in a Sith free environment. Regular payroll is also a huge plus.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


1) Asset Retrieval - Secured the release of the Dread Masters from Belsavis while terminating competition's security chief, Marshal Ruger, in the process.


2) Counter Espionage - Terminated competitor's espionage operations including their leader , Ardun Kothe, thus successfully sealing a security breach.


3) Have never left any loose ends (physical evidence, living witnesses, etc.) behind to implicate me or my employer.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


That information is classified under Imperial Law, as to the second question I would say so, yes.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


I would say I have a strong will to get the job done, regardless of the casualty count.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I call my colleague back to Lab and then step out, locking the door behind me. Serves him / her right for being careless.

Edited by Qeff
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I would be honored to be a Security officer in this establishment.


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

I'm Worf son of Mogh, and part of the house of Martok! I am a pure blood Klingon!


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

2,1: I killed Chancellor Gowron in a Glorious duel!

2,2 I created a great one liner whiles killing the biggest threat of this universe "Assimilate this!"

2,3 Escaped from Internment Camp 371


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

3,1 Drank lots of blood wine!

3,2 Drank lots of blood wine!

3,3 Drank lots of blood wine!


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

I have no moral compass! I am Klingon! aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrggrhrgr *bish* bash* *bonk*


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

I would grab my bat'leth and strike him with a honorable blow! and than go back drinking more of this fine Bloodwine!

Edited by sammygm
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CZ-198 Application


Wanharr the Wookie


Security Officer


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

Hurrrr hurr auughhhhh. Huurrrr Wanharr urrr hurururuuuur auggghhhhhhaughh urahur. Auuughhhh urur Hurrr hururur auuughhh hur hur hurrehuuuuuurrrrrruh. Huuuurrrrrr auuugggghhhhhh hurrururrrrrrr hurrr hur. Huuurrr auuughhhhh hurrr hurrrrur urrrur urah hurrrhur hurr urah urrrr. Hurrr hurr hur. Hurr. Urrrrrr auuughhh hurrur urrrrr auuughh uhrrrrr hurr aughhhhhh. Hurr.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

1. Huuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrurrr urrur huurrr auuughhhhhhhur.

2. Auuuughhhh hur hurrrr hurrrr urur augh hurrur hur.

3. Urur ruuhhhh hurrrr auughhh. Hurr auughhh urur hur uruuuuuurrrrrr hur.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

Hurr urrrr aaauuughhhh hurr auuughhh auughhhh aughhhhhhhurrrrrr ururrrr urhurrr hurr. Hurrr ururrr ururururhurrrr auuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhurrrru. Huuuur. Hururur uru. Huur. Hur.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

Auuuughhhhhhhurururur. Hurrr ururr rur. Hurrr auuuughhhhhhhh hurrurrrrr. Hurrr hurrr urruu hurr. Urrrrr auuuuuuughhhhhhhhhhhhhhururrr auughhhhh. Hurr auughh. Ururrrrr hur.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Rurrrrrrr hurrrrurr auuughhhhhhh. Auughhh aughhhhhhhh hurrr urur aauugghhhhhhhhurr. Urrrhurrr. Huuururuur urrr aughhhhhhhhhhurur hurrr urrurr hurrr.




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Join the Czerka team! Please fill out the following appli

I would love to apply for being the creature handler.

1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

I really like to work on machines and high tech weapons and gear.

2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

The things I am proud of are being able to fight for the republic as a member of Havoc Squad. I also am proud of being the one to help the people of Makeb and killing a senator that was a paid Imperial agent.

3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success? I thought of all the alternatives and then proceeded with the best plan.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable? Morality shouldn't get In The way of my job considering the fact that I killed that senator without mercy and against orders.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I would have them use a powerful stun on it to keep it out until I return.

Edited by fdbgjfdhjgkjdhsg
forgot to put what I wanted to apply for
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I (along with my companions) would stop the experiment and decide what to do with the colleague for failing to keep it stable/asleep whether to kill him (dark side), send him to jail (neutral no points), or forgive him(light side)


most likely i would kill him

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Application for position: Executive (i have a feeling there's going to be a vacancy soon) in any case i guess i can debase my self and start at Security officer plenty of experience on that side


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

-Hello dear Czerka HR department, Name's Din'fó i'm glad to say that i had a lot of adventures in the path of bringing the glorious vision of the empire all thought the galaxy, which had granted me a distinct sense of propriety and self esteem not found anywhere else. I worked as former wrath of the emperor(we all know how bad a career choice that was), but now that my time in the empire and my youthful sense of adventure had been quenched i'm looking for a more stable and gratifying job and not to mention why wouldn't anybody in a healthy state of mind and body want to join the GREAT Czrerka family?



2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

-List is full of them of course; but i think the biggest one my heart yearns for is to marry Czerka and be it's faithful lover till the end of my days.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

-I certainly do, i will hold no allegiance nor love for anything but Czerka and it's further advancement as a tyrannical superpower i mean great company


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

-Moral? what's that? i think there a typo in there. Please mail me the question once you have corrected it.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

-I would say it's as good time as any to make a test run. And make sure to rename the word incident as Test#15 in the dossier

Edited by FedeEvil
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CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

Because loyalty towards the winning side in any conflict will always pay, and since when has Czerka not been winning in any given conflict? Knowing it is them who give the Republic, the Empire, the Cartel or whoever the tech to defeat their enemies (and are being paid handsomely for that humble service), I'd consider Czerka the all-time winner! Moreover, I've been sorta the winning type in my life so far, and I haven't encountered anything that was too much of a challenge for me. So, I think it's a mutual interest of Czerka and my person to join forces. Considering my previous experiences, a Security Officer position would suit me best to start with, but I will also excel as a Droid Technician.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

- As a freelance clandestine SIS agent during the war, I eliminated a complete Imperial Assault Battalion, simply by disabling the hangar Forcefield of the Dreadnought I was infiltrating, thus having several hundreds of imperial soldiers and droids being sucked into the vacuum of space. That was the winner for Republic defenses on the planet being attacked - Which one, I could only tell you once you employ me.

- As a Hutt Cartel freelance Bounty Hunter shortly after the war, I tracked down and eliminated the imperial puppet governor of a small planet near Hutta, where the Cartel saw an imperial threat to their extended fabrication of chemicals that could be refined into powerful psychedelic drugs (not spice, though - spice is only the old boring stuff compared to what the Cartel could throw on the market in the coming years). Since the governor didn't plan on surrendering, I had to show him the hard way and... well, to cut it short: They were all killed by blaster fire or a large explosion annihilating three quarters of the imperial garrison. Never play with forces you cannot control, I'd say.

- As a freelance imperial intelligence messenger some years after the war, I accidentally got into a republic assassination attempt against some Sith Lord by the name of... Darth... whatever, I'm not too good with names anyway, but I always remember faces! However, the Republic lackeys, including two Jedi, apparently had no interest of leaving anyone alive, so I put my skills to the test. Disarming a Jedi and killing him with his own lightsaber is an interesting experience. I think I might seek some extra lightsaber training in the future, because blasters are cool, but a lightsaber is stylish! And I love winning in style!


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

I've been working for Republic SIS, Imperial Intelligence and the Cartel. I'd say, that's quite the answer, isn't it? I don't like restraining myself in any way, so I do - literally - whatever it takes to achieve my goals.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

Sorry, I do not understand this question. What, precisely, is the meaning of "moral compass"?

Honestly speaking, if something gives me an advantage over an opponent or grants my employer the victory in a given situation, I'll do it. Not a single one of the sentient beings I have gotten rid of over the years has given me bad dreams yet. I sleep well, but lightly, and with a blaster always at hand!


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

Measure 1: Contain the upcoming crisis at any cost, to prevent myself and Czerka from further damage. Other assets like minor laboratory technicians or droids are secondary, thus subject to sacrifice for the greater good of Czerka.

Measure 2: Collect/Save/Protect evidence for the esteemed colleague's failure, in the given case there is evidence. If he screwed it up, he shall be penalized just as Mr. Blys or any other superior sees fit. But I don't frame fellow researchers if they a. don't get in my way and b. do the best they can for our mutual employer.

Measure 3: Scrutinize the experiment data to provide my colleague (or his successor on the job) with suggestions how to prevent further accidents or improve the results. A successful experiment eventually is a working part of tech is profit for Czerka is more money and influence for me!


I think you can see that I perfectly match the prerequisites you have, and I'm looking forward to receiving a holonet message with an employment agreement attached. If true winners join forces, what else could they do but go on winning?



Rjandric C., freelance Security Assistant Manager and Operative Coordinator

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CZ-198 Application for the position of security officer


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


I am Lord Xigerle and I am an excellent candidate for the job of security officer. Subsequent to the successful confrontation of one of the most influential sith lords in the galaxy, I gained a seat on the dark council. With the position, along came influence over a variety of sith assets and connections. Furthermore, I singlehandedly infiltrated the planet Makeb and asserted exclusive imperial control over its natural resources whilst subduing both republic and Hutt forces in the process.


As my experience suggest I am an expert in penetrating various security systems. By becoming a security officer of Czerka Corp, I believe I can build on my past experience and develop a security protocol that may not be infiltrated even by the most cunning of the galaxy.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


1. I have taken down Lord Thanaton, one of the most feared sith lords of the galaxy.

2. In a team of four, I have bypassed Cademimu security at level 55 that provided for a successful Empire invasion.

3. Alongside my peers I have successfully infiltrated the ancient security protocol of Eternity Vault.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above? Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


I believe that the end justifies the means.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Nothing is questionable.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


I would restrain the fruit of the experiment without unnecessarily damaging Czerka assets.

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CZ-198 Application, Droid Technician


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

Well I'm part of a long line of brilliant Sith and I think it would be fun to show the power of the Sith on a more corporate level. I could mix my knowledge of technology with my knowledge of the force to create new innovations. Not to mention, a chance to do "legal" experiments and research, sounds like a fun time and a good way to learn more about technology and the force.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

Well that's a hard one, there are so many to choose from. I would have to say these three.

1. Becoming Wrath of the Emperor.

2. Having a seat on the Dark Council.

3. Building my own droid out of spare parts on Korriban.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success? Well I killed or brutally maimed anyone that got in my way. I most definitely would do whatever it takes for success I don't know why anyone wouldn't .


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable? My moral compass is different from most compasses, instead of north, south, east, and west, mine has Credits, power, fame, knowledge. My compass would not get in the way of my job because I would do whatever it takes to stay at Czerka and get said Credits, power, fame, and knowledge. Doing things questionable is fine for me, questionable is my specialty.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation? Well I would stay and make sure the experiment would not break out, and if it did I would try to recover as much research as possible and put down the so called experiment, and if needed to I would tie any loose ends.

Edited by Cortue
forgot a few things
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CZ-198 Application- Droid Technician


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?

I am a dedicated scientist who will put the safety of the experiment first. I feel the Czerka family could open grand new doors to the galaxy. As for those they don't, my droid army shall blast them down.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)

Well there was this time on Corellia where I had a full scale droid uprising! And by full scale I mean it was me leading a few gonk droids defiantly throwing trash down the street. C-sec said we had to leave or they'd fine us.

3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?

Convincing the droid was easy, I am an expert handler! I also may have slipped them some credits, but disregard that! And yes...Whatever it takes... *Manical laughter*


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?

No. None at all. I shall do what science requires of me!


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?

Contain it using containment droids! Either that or throw my esteemed colleague in with it, he can deal with it. Or let it run on a psychotic rampage through the streets...so many possibilities!

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CZ-198 Application


Name: Ne'Lorr Mitth

Occupation: Bounty Hunter

Species: Chiss


Desired Position: Security Officer

Qualifications: Expert Blaster Duelist, Flame Weaponry Qualified, Heavy Armor Qualified, Advanced Combat Training, Mandalorian Combat Training, Advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat Training, Tracking Techniques, Advanced Space Combat Training, Chiss Military Training, etc.


Combat Record:

- Graduated Training Academy on Csilla at relatively young age.

- Immediately joined the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force

- Through combat and victory, quickly rose the ranks and became an Officer

- Reported M.I.A. in defense of Chiss territory.

- Returned after 7 months, apparently having been in the care of a group of Mandalorian Mercs.

(CO Notes: "Ne'Lorr has begun to show signs of over aggressiveness. It appears as though he is almost seeking out combat, something which goes against the core belief of all Chiss. My theory is something happened to him during his duration among the Mandalorians. Disciplinary action required.")

- After further incidents, expelled from the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force

(CO Notes: I lose a great Officer this day. I am further sadden by the knowledge that I know he will not be long for Csilla. As a member of the honorable Mitth Family, and knowing him as I do, he will exile himself to unsure the honor of his family. Not only have I lost one of the best officers I have ever known, but a dear friend as well.)

- Voluntarily exiled self from Csilla.




1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


As a Mandalorian, I constantly seek challenge in all forms. No situation is hopeless, no challenge too great. Czerka understands this, understands that there is no limit to growth. Understands that such growth can come at a heavy price, and is more than willing to pay it. As part of Czerka, I can bring much strength and unity to the organization, under my particular division. Also, the large salary promised to me by one of your recruiters did not hurt in making my decision.



2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


1 - Being accepted into the fold as a true Mandalorian after years and years of dedication to their ways.

2 - Winning the Great Hunt and bringing honor and wealth to myself and my clan.

3 - Hunting and killing every known hostile species on the core worlds of the Galaxy.



3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


There are no rules in War. One does not earn bonus points for being kind to their enemy, for showing mercy, weakness. The strong have the right to rule over the weak, and realize that there is nothing to stand between them and their goals. "Whatever it takes" is an excellent description of all Mandalorians, myself included. Honor is important above all else, but that does not mean one has to be weak. Strength and Honor often go hand and hand.



4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


Honor is very important to me, both my own and the Honor of my clan. But Mandalorian Honor is different than that of most others. Our Honor does not come from treating your enemy well, or from showing mercy to those who may deserve it. Mandalorian Honor comes from combat, from fighting, from war. It is better to fight and die then the flee and survive. As such, I am more then willing to do whatever my position may require of me, regardless of the morale value others may apply to it.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


No challenge is too great for me, no foe too strong. It is my way to seek out the strong, to test myself against them. I would quickly down the cocktail graciously provided to me by my employers, call together my Security Division, and handle the problem head on without fear or regret.

Edited by AKANovum
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Security officer


1. My name is Pre'dator Wolfbringer, latest Grand Champion of the Great Hunt, and workhas been slow lately. I'm looking for a position where i can use my skills to earn myself some cash.


2. Grand Champion of the Great Hunt. Killer of multiple Jedi Masters. Mandalore the Vindicated's Champion.


3. I came, I killed, I achieved. Of course I would do whatever it takes.


4. I'd kill a guy for touching my D5. There is nothing that would prevent me from delivering perfection in all my contracts.


5. I understand that good credits may be at risk, but it's my job to ensure the safety all my colleagues. I would freeze it in carbonite and if all else fails, there's nothing a good blaster can't solve.

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Join the Czerka team! Please fill out the following application and respond in this thread to be considered for the open positions listed here.


CZ-198 Application


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


Position - Biochemical Engineer: Will work with existing proprietary biosamples to create more resilient and powerful variants and combinations. Comprehensive knowledge of cutting-edge biotechnology a necessity. Bioethics certification optional.


1. As part of the Jedi Council I seek to find resources that will help with bringing peace to the galaxy and end this war. I believe that Czerka corporation is that need that will help me achieve this feat.


2. a) I have rooted out the children of the Emperor and the First son, stopping them from destroying the Republic from the inside using a jedi's skill of mediation and diplomacy to form an army of Balmorran war droids, adaptive Eshka warriors and Elite Voss commandos and mystics.


b) I stop the mind controlling plague of Darth Morrhage which affected many of the jedi order's most experienced masters, bye learning an ancient ritual created bye a Jedi healer to stop the plague I shielded the minds of the ill masters then confronted the sith Lord Vivicar who was once was Parkanas Tark a young jedi who had been taken controlled by the sith apparition of Darth Morrhage. As our confrontation came to an end Parkanas was wounded and knowing that as a jedi I could not let a sentient being, even a sith , die. I in an attempt to save Parkanas I used the shielding technique and freed Parkanas from the control of Darh Morrhage ended the Plague and freeing all the Master under its control.


c) In the more recent time I broke the grip of Toborro the hutt's grip on the planet Makeb bye destroying his mining efforts in acquiring the unique isotope 5. I also was able to convince the remaining leaders of the Hutt Cartel to make an alliance with the Republic to help with the war effort and stop Toborro's madness. in the long run though the damage done by Toborro and the Cartels mining the planet Makeb was doomed to destruction, so with quit wits and supreme tactics I acquired a ship large enough to transport the remaining population of Makeb of world to safety.


3. As a jedi, you acquire skills that are are useful in almost any situation and along with these skill such as patience, supreme tactical planning, survivability , medical training/crafting, advance combat training and the wisdom to know to do what is right I accomplished these feats and I am certain that I can accomplish much more to come.


4. As a Jedi morale is a large part of our order and are sworn to protect the lives of all to save these lives I will do what I can to do what is right but if all else fails do not think that I wont do what is necessary to finish what I have started.


5. I notify security and all personnel of the threat and if the experiment is dangerous I will take all measures to subdue him but the situation gets our of control I will silence the experiment to save the lives of those there.

Edited by JediMasterKujo
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Application for Organism Handler.


1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family?


**I believe i'd make a fantastic candidate for the position of Organism Handler, as well as a member of the Czerka family. I'm a powerful Sith Lord, but that doesn't keep me from other commitments or my hobbies. I try to take the time to enjoy the important things in life, such as: Hunting, space voyages, electrocuting republic scum, bring down the jedi order, and afternoons training with my beloved pet Rancor.


2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.)


*- I played an important role in the cleansing of the eternity vault, and the defeat of the ancient Sith prisoner Soa.

*- I captured and trained my very own wild Rancor, as well as a verity of other hostile beasts of the galaxy.

*- I rose through the ranks of the Sith Empire from simple acolyte to Lord of the Sith in the shortest time in recent records. Defeating all those who apposed me.


3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success?


**My passion is what drives me! The force Gives me strength and power. No victory is beyond my grasp. Ive broken the chains of servitude and gained victory. I am the Force. I do whatever it takes to win.


4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable?


**I am not constrained by these morals you refer to. The force allows me to ignore such petty simple minded concepts. There are no limitations to my will. No task i can not complete.


5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation?


**I would first attempt to contain the beast in question, as the assets of Czerka would be a priority. The force gives me great power in the manipulation of such simple minds as animals. However if that were to prove inadequate, I could always electrocute it until its nothing but ash. Force lightning never fails.



I appreciate your consideration for my application of the position "Organism Handler". I can assure you if i am selected you would not regret the decision. There is no one more powerful or destructive in this galaxy than myself.

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