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1v1 Tournament


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Greetings fellow Bastioners!


It is with great pleasure that I announce a Bastion official dueling tournament! I have revived Scold’s old 1v1 duel so we can see who is the best after 2.0. (HUGE PROPS TO SCOLD FOR HOSTING THE ORIGINAL TOURNAMENT 7 MONTHS AGO). I am calling on all tryhards and duelnerds to help me resurrect some excitement. The most important thing to note is that the more people who sign up, the more fun will be had by all. It is also a great opportunity for any un-guilded players to demonstrate their value to the big A-Teams.





First Round ends at 11:59 PM, Aug 12, 2013

Second Round ends at 11:59 PM, Aug 19, 2013

Third Round ends at 11:59 PM, Sept 2, 2013

Fourth Round (Semi-finals) ends at 11:59 PM, Sept 9, 2013

Fifth Round (Final 4) ends at 11:59 PM, Sept 16, 2013

Sixth Round (Championship) ends at 11:59 PM, Sept 16, 2013


The Roster (57) see bracket for updated roster


1.) Man-iac (Commando): Forum Name – ManiacDavis

2.) Zeroday (Assasin): Forum Name - Kreapen

3.) Suckonmyyort (Guardian): Forum Name - Cort-the-yort

4.) Melyn (Operative): Forum Name - Mellimelon

5.) Faxme (Sage): Forum Name - *Unknown*

6.) Darkstazr (Sniper): Forum Name - BigCheeseX

7.) Incautious (Sorc): Forum Name - JediMoJoe

8.) Advance (Sage): Forum Name - CJnEw

9.) Krow (Assassin): Forum name - DemonJin

10.) Murkn (Sentinel): Forum name - Murkin

11.) Kikstyo (Assassin): Forum Name - *Unknown*

12.) Vemron (Sorc): Forum name - Darthsilarius

13.) Plastic-cup (Jugg): Forum name - Ant_venom

14.) Hananiah (Sage): Forum Name - Tasel

15.) Xalvius (Vanguard): Forum Name - CrygonFreeze

16.) xLucianx (Sorc): Forum Name - MrDeath

17.) Aashaera (Scoundrel): Forum Name - *Unknown*

18.) Foto (Sentinel): Forum Name - Fotomaster

19.) Hidengodie (Assassin): Forum Name - Devilk

20.) Rollie (Scoundrel): Forum Name - Thehairyjedi

21.) Drakkur (Jugg): Forum Name - Kinz

22.) Gudarzz (Marauder): Forum Name - Gudarzz

23.) Radishz (Scoundrel): Forum Name - JediMasterSLC

24.) Shifu (Shadow): Forum Name - Wuzan

25.) Broxx (Marauder): Forum Name - Cowens

26.) Krxnchy (Operative): Forum Name - KrunchyMedia

27.) Saijah (Assassin): Forum Name - Xertasion

28.) Randon (Shadow): Forum Name - Davoallstar

29.) Brick-squad (Marauder): Forum Name - JamesBalla

30.) R'Leë'Ermey (Powertech): Forum Name - Powertech

31.) Fuyri (Assassin): Forum Name - Insaneric

32.) Za'rrac (Sentinel): Forum Name - Spankky

33.) Trump (Mercenary): Forum Name - Logmire

34.) Fusebox (Scoundrel): Forum Name - Classicks

35.) Zevren (Sniper): Forum Name - *Unknown*

36.) Grezecka (Assassin): Forum Name - MrGrzecka

37.) Imhappyclapclap (Juggernaught): Forum Name - Trebit

38.) Nekron (Marauder): Forum Name - Daveggg

39.) Kylie (Scoundrel): Forum Name - Macka_m

40.) Legendaryquan (Marauder): Forum Name - LegendaryQuan

41.) Reasoned (Assassin): Forum Name - Entoxicated

42.) Scold (Operative): Forum Name - Morde_

43.) Powowclouds (Juggernaut): Forum Name - sithloardbob

44.) Sup-Doggie (Operative): Forum Name - vsDrew

45.) Kandarís (Assassin): Forum Name - Marshmallow

46.) Threid (Assassin): Forum Name - Threid

47.) Inspra (Marauder): Forum Name - xContex

48.) Wakalord (Assassin): Forum Name - Eatenbydistance

49.) Precursor (Assassin): Forum Name - DarthPrecursor

50.) Zeldâ (Scoundrel): Forum Name - falcon-xtreme

51.) Stealthkilla (Shadow): Forum Name - Sksk

52.) Bobcowz (Scoundrel): Forum Name - Bobcoww

53.) Mad'rock (Sentinel): Forum Name - WayneJarvis

54.) Kycoo (Marauder): Forum Name - Alomerica

55.) S'yrio (Sentinel): Forum Name - grrcrazyduck

56.) Galacticboss (Shadow): Forum Name - _confucius

57.) Feken (Sentinel): Forum Name - colmiak

58.) Plaje


The Enticement


The winner of the tournament (which is free to enter!) will receive a hearty 2.5 million credits (BIG THANKS TO ALPHA REPUBLIC FOR DONATING AN EXTRA 1 MILLION TO THE PRIZE POOL), and more importantly, the opportunity to compete with some of the server's best to prove which of us is the biggest nerd.

Because this game isn't based around 1v1, the non-stealth player who advances the furthest will receive a bonus prize of 500,000.


The Format


The general format will be as follows: You will be matched against your opponent in the official tournament brackets. You and your opponent can fight your match whenever you want, provided that it finishes within a specified deadline. Thus, this isn't a "one-day" tournament. It will span over a couple weeks and it will allow you to play on your own time.


This format has proven to be successful in providing a tournament that advances at a steady pace, but allows the freedom for players who juggle real-life with the game. It also provides an excellent "spectator sport" for those who like to stream, or have their friends watch matches. With this many players it's unreasonable to expect to do the tournament in a single day.


The rules are as follows:

• I STRONGLY SUGGEST DISCUSSING WITH YOUR OPPONENT ANY EXTRA RULES YOU WANT TO DECIDE ON. The main rule is that both parties have to decide on stuff. There is a lot of flexibility to the tournament (i.e. do we allow sap-healing? adrenals? where should we fight? line of sighting? should we swap openers?). Please be open with your partner. The rule flexibility is for your own benefit.

• I will be using http://challonge.com to organize the brackets. You don't need to make an account it's just a free web browser app that helps track generic tournaments. As the games progress I will keep it updated and continually post the results.

• If you're fighting cross-faction and in the open world, companions are NOT allowed.

• The brackets will be RANDOMLY generated. The tournament is simply single-elimination.

• Matches will be BEST OF 3. You lose twice, you're out.

• Medpacs, consumables, grenades are all ALLOWED

• NO CHARACTER SWAPPING. You sign up for the tournament with ONE character and that will be your character for the duration of the tournament.

• Respecs are allowed at any time throughout the tournament.

• Duels that get interrupted in ANY way (i.e. if you're fighting in Outlaw's Den or cross-faction or wherever) are nullified immediately. I recommend screenshotting any "funny business". It will help you argue your case in the event of a disagreement.

• This is the most important rule: I do NOT expect the tournament to be completed in a single night. As the tournament progresses through the brackets, there will be a deadline enforced for the rounds (i.e. quarter-finals must be completed by, say, Sunday Aug. 23 or something) These will be based on the "flow" of the tournament and around real life events. IF MATCHES ARE NOT COMPLETED BY THE DEADLINE, I WILL ADVANCE THE PLAYER WHO PUT FORTH THE MOST EFFORT TO TRY AND FIND AND PLAY AGAINST THEIR OPPONENT. IF NEITHER PLAYER IS SHOWING EFFORT TO GET THE DUELS DONE, I WILL DISQUALIFY BOTH PLAYERS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. This is to ensure that the tournament advances at a steady pace. You can prove that you are trying to find your opponent by "/1 LF PLAYER X FOR FIGHTS", or by pointing out "hey I've been online for a few hours tonight and PLAYER X is on my friends list and he's online but won't fight me" OR (the best option in my opinion) reaching out on this thread to try and contact your player to organize a time. Stuff like that will reward you with the 'bye' if the fights aren't completed by the deadline. It will have to be a judgement call for the most case. Communication is your friend here, both with the tournament organizers and with your opponent. DISQUALIFICATIONS WILL CAUSE DRAMA, TRUST ME.

If there's any more rules that you think would be necessary to ensure fairness please let me know and we can discuss.


Signing Up and Submitting Match Results


I can be contacted any time on my rep character Man-iac (add me on your friends list IMO). Contacting me via in-game mail while I'm offline is totally fine too. As well, you can post your sign ups/match results in this thread (I'll keep it bumped). If you want to get your duel streamed, let me know ahead of time and I’ll come out to stream it. http://www.twitch.tv/rrmaniac


When signing up, please make sure you mention the name of your character (and class) that you wish to play on for the duration of the tournament. I know lots of you, but I don't know all your alts and stuff =/.

The biggest tip I can give to you when you're performing your fights is to SCREENSHOT AT THE END OF EVERY DUEL.


I'll repeat that again, but bigger. SCREENSHOT ALL OF YOUR DUELS. Screenshot submissions are not required when declaring yourself the winner or loser, but they will definitely help in the case of a disagreement. I won't be around to watch every single fight (though if you invite me to watch, I'll happily drop what I'm doing and come to watch), but the more witnesses and the more screenshots you have of the results, the easier it will be to advance the correct player.

In the past, I've seen that in 99.9% of cases, the loser will gracefully accept defeat. But there will always be that butthurt kid who throws a hissy fit and has 1000 excuses when they lose. This is where screenshots/witnesses are your best friend. Don't ever underestimate how immature some people can be in a video game.


Final Note

Questions? Comments? Please post them here.


I am aware that class imbalances will have an effect on the outcome of the tournament. This is a trial run and in the future I hope to have more balanced tournament formats (2v2, 3v3, 5v5, etc).


Therefore, the player who advances the furthest in the tournament who is NOT a stealth class (assassin/shadow or scoundrel/operative) will receive a special bonus prize of 500k credits. This is to help prevent the tournament from being 100% assassins which is lame.


Thanks for taking the time to read! We can't rely 100% on Bioware to provide all the entertainment in the game. At some point, the community has to come together and make something awesome for ourselves. There will be drama, there will be butthurt players, there will be tears of joy, there will be hurt egos, and if we're lucky, Rayray might even provide nudes to the winner. If there's one thing I've learned from these tournaments in the past, is that they *RARELY* run smoothly. I ask for your patience and as much maturity as you can muster. As I've stated several times, it's up to the community to make this work. There's nothing to lose and only fun to gain by trying these tournaments out.


Let's prove that we can be the most fun server.


Sign-up deadline is at the end of Friday August 2, 2013.

Edited by ManiacDavis
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It took about 3 paragraphs of reading for me to realize that you just copy pasted my original thread.


You didn't even keep all the nice formatting :(


I dont know what you mean scold? If it aint broke don't fix it :p

Edited by ManiacDavis
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Instead of this 1-1 event with crappy long rules, its better if you create a "duel challenge" thread where anybody can challenge anyone in a duel where you or anybody can become a jury and announce the result here.



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plastic-cup will win


Nah I'll LOS him around a box while my dots tick on him ftw like I always do. Beating belligerent in duels is literally the only thing madness is good for.

On the other hand, if I faced you in a duel I guess it will just go on for eternity.


Which brings up a point... what's the rule on draws (IE, neither character can kill the other?). I am sure there will be a lot of healer classes trying to outlast their opponents and in some cases it's impossible for the healer to kill the other guy as well, which leads to a duel like me and chuckles had where it just went on forever even when belligerent started spamming slows one everyone, lol.


Also I don't have any pub characters on this server currently so it's going to be difficult for imps like me to contact you.

Edited by JP_Legatus
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The Roster (1)


*Man-iac (Commando): Forum Name – ManiacDavis



I don't see anybody else who's signed up yet, but feel free to add:


*Zeroday (Assassin): Forum name – Kreapen




Class buffs due to multiple characters might cause a slight imbalance. Might recommend that anybody that participates uses full class buffs to ensure even footing. Also, I know I missed the last tournament due to not visiting the forums very often. If you need more participation, might want to message some of the known pvp guilds on the server before the sign-up deadline.

Edited by Kreapen
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Darkstazr - Sniper; count me in.


This game does not facilitate dueling, such as a common area outside a main city where people gather, so it is hard to find duels. I however do enjoy duels, if anyone wants to duel hit me up, we can have a good time.

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Darkstazr - Sniper; count me in.


This game does not facilitate dueling, such as a common area outside a main city where people gather, so it is hard to find duels. I however do enjoy duels, if anyone wants to duel hit me up, we can have a good time.


It'd be such a simple fix if they made /duel work in the upcoming Cartel Bazaar on fleet...just sayin'...

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Probably the master of the stakes himself, Gudarzz. :rak_03:


As the premier dueling handicapper on the Bastion, I would give anywhere between 2.5 and 3 to 1 for Wakalord to win the whole thing.


I would keep an eye out for a Juggernaut (switching between tank and dps depending on the opponent) to win the whole thing as well. Full tank juggs can counter the burst classes. Also, I would choose a Sorcerer as the wild card class to win.

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Scold ran a great 1v1 and 2v2 tournament. Maniac is trying to encourage another similar tournament. Stop being *******es and support a positive server initiative.


You should support a positive server initiative and not run 3 opeartives in ranked.

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